[Gtk-sharp-list] Help on getting Webkit Widget in Monodevelop?

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Sat Sep 14 16:42:17 UTC 2013

As announced, I now have a method of circumventing the webkit-1.0
library reference problem in Webkit-sharp. This is the solution:

§1. Download the libwebkitgtk-devel-1.10.2-3.2.1.x86_64 source tarball
and unzip it.
§2. Install webkit-sharp-devel from the software.opensuse.org website.
§3. Patch webkit-sharp.dll.config as follows:

  <!--<dllmap dll="webkit-1.0" target="webkit-1.0.so.2"/>-->
  <!--<dllmap dll="webkit-1.0" target="libwebkit-1.0.so.0"/>-->
  <dllmap dll="webkit-1.0" target="libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0.17.5"/>

§4. Patch webkit-sharp-sources.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <api filename="webkit-sharp-api.raw">
    <library name="webkit-1.0">
      <namespace name="WebKit">

§5. Install webkit-sharp by using ./configure --prefix=/usr, make, and
make install.
§6. Go into /usr/lib/mono/webkit-sharp and create symlinks to
webkit-sharp.dll and webkit-sharp.dll.config, which shall both reside in
the GAC.

Now at last my app recognises webkit-sharp, but still there remains this
obscure error message:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown
by the target of an invocation. ---> System.MissingMethodException:
Method not found: 'System.Type.op_Inequality'.
  at iwawi.ApplicationBaseWindow..ctor (System.String database,
iwawi.DBConnectionHandler conn) [0x0017c]
in /home/jacek/Documents/Projects/iwawi/iwawi/ApplicationBaseWindow.cs:82 

Line #82 reads as follows:

overviewBrowser = new WebView();

This turned out to be an issue with the Mono installation itself: I
still have 3.0.4 (the last version available for OpenSuSE 12.3), but the
recent Webkit-sharp requires .NET 4.0. So I have to wait for Mono 3.2.1
to appear as a RPM archive for OpenSuSE.

Kind regards & happy coding! \m/
Jacek Rużyczka

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