[Gtk-sharp-list] Fonts in TreeView

Anyware Electronics any at anyelec.com
Tue Apr 16 12:23:13 UTC 2013

Thank you for your good will.

I already tried this, for instance:

		CellRenderer Col0r=new CellRendererText();
		// Select fonts here ???
		Col0r.CellBackground="Green"; // it works
		Col0r.Font="Arial"; // error:

This gives an error, as you may see in the enclosed image.

Have you any suggestion?

Thank you


------- Messaggio originale -------
Da: Bertrand Lorentz <bertrand.lorentz at gmail.com>
A: any at anyelec.com
Oggetto: Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Fonts in TreeView
Data: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 16:53:03 +0200


Unless I'm missing something, you should be able to change fonts, set
to bold, etc. through various properties on the CellRendererText
Font, Weight, FontDesc, etc.
See this page for the list of the properties:

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Anyware Electronics <any at anyelec.com> wrote:
> I started to work with the MonoDevelop environment a few days ago, so I am
> quite new even if I worked for al lot of years in other languages.
> I have MonoDevelop in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
> I was able to make a TreeView that shows a list of files and dates, and I
> can also order the columns by clicking on their header.
> My problem is that I cannot find how Fonts can be changed: I would like to
> have different fonts for the two columns and maybe also to hve the haeders
> in bold.
> I was only able to change the background color and the line spacing.
> Here is the part of my code that constructs the TreeView:
> public partial class MainWindow: Gtk.Window
> {
> static ListStore Store1=new ListStore(typeof(string),typeof(DateTime));
> static TreeIter Iter1=new TreeIter();
> TreeViewColumn Col0=new TreeViewColumn();
> TreeViewColumn Col1=new TreeViewColumn();
> static int sl;
> public MainWindow (): base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
> {
> Build ();
> // Make the ListView
> LeftTree.HeadersClickable=true;
> // Col0 = filename
> CellRenderer Col0r=new CellRendererText();
> Col0.Title="File";
> Col0.PackStart (Col0r,true);
> Col0.AddAttribute(Col0r,"text",0);
>                 Col0.Resizable=true;
>                 Col0.Clickable=true;
> Col0.Clicked+=new EventHandler(C0Click);
> LeftTree.AppendColumn(Col0);
> // Col1 = date/time
> CellRenderer Col1r=new CellRendererText();
> Col1.Title="Date/Time";
> Col1.PackStart (Col1r,true);
>                 Col1.Resizable=true;
>                 Col1.Clickable=true;
> Col1.Clicked+=new EventHandler(C1Click);
> LeftTree.AppendColumn(Col1);
> Col1.SetCellDataFunc(Col1r, new Gtk.TreeCellDataFunc(RenderDateTime)); //
> formatting function for dates
> // Make the liststore
> LeftTree.Model=Store1;
> Store1.SetSortFunc(0,C0Comp);
> Store1.SetSortFunc(1,C1Comp);
> // Select fonts here ???
> Col0r.CellBackground="Green"; // it works
> Col0r.Height=30; // it works
> }
> Thank you for your help!
> Paolo
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