[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk libraries

Doug Blank doug.blank at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 16:08:25 UTC 2012

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Elmar Haneke <elmar at haneke.de> wrote:
>> I see that there are new binaries at:
>> http://www.gtk.org/download/index.php
>> But can't figure out how to build with those and use them.
> The GTK-Binaries are not part of any build-process in MonoDevelop.
> Therefore, there is no Switch in MD to use them instead of the standard
> ones.

Thanks, but there is an option in MonoDevelop under menu -> Project ->
Options -> GTK# Settings:

"Target Gtk# version:"

There is only the option "2.1.2". Thus, It appears that there is
exactly a switch in MD, but I have no idea how to enable a choice.

> The files are native dependendies required at runtime.
> Copying the new binaries to the mono directory (where at least on
> Windows the old files reside) should be sufficient.

That does not appear to be true; I have copied the binaries into a
place where mono can find them at runtime, and I get issues, such as
hanging on exiting.

How do people use the greatest Gtk binaries with Gtk#? This seems to
be a such a basic issue.


> Elmar
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