[Gtk-sharp-list] The state of GTK# (Christian Hoff)

Vladimir Giszpenc vladimir.giszpenc at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 08:32:46 EST 2010

> Sense Hofstede wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It is a shame that so many features are available, needed, but not
>> shipped. F-Spot started to included GIO# in their source because it
> Any comments or suggestions?

I am not a very active contributor to mono/GTK#, but being told that
my contributions would not make it into the next version of GTK# made
me stop the little contributions I was making.  I would have loved for
a fork of Gtk# to remove deprecated calls and require .Net 2.0.  I
might have contributed some implementations with generics (if there
was a hope of them making it into a future version).

A frustrated wannabe contributor,


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