[Gtk-sharp-list] Password popup

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Mon Mar 8 06:57:34 EST 2010

On Mon, 2010-03-08 at 00:00 -0800, toogooda wrote:
> Bump!
> Looked on net for days, almost every real gnome app must be able to get
> authorization, someone out there must know.

Most 'real' GNOME applications [one that aren't merely Gtk applications]
are going to use the keyring to handle issues like this.

Possibly Gnome-KeyRing-Sharp ?  It appears to work for Banshee [a GNOME
app] but I've never found a tattered shred of documentation.  "Gnome
Keyring access" is listed on <http://www.mono-project.com/Monkeyguide>

Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org> LPIC-1, Novell CLA
OpenGroupware, Cyrus IMAPd, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Samba

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