[Gtk-sharp-list] KeyPressEvent with F-keys and Hotkeys

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Sat Apr 17 14:44:49 EDT 2010

Salve Francesco,

Am Samstag 17 April 2010 09:45:53 schrieb Francesco PIRANEO G.:
> Sorry about that: I don't have any information about. Have you tried to
> investigate on gtk reference manual?
> Francesco
I've tried and found nothing. :-(

What really interests me is whether the key codes ("F1", "L1", 
"Control_R",...) are platform-neutral, or may be different on Win7, MacOS X, 
Linux, and so on.

The advantage of the Java virtual key solution is that the keycodes are the 
same no matter which HW / OS platform.


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