[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk.AboutDialog

Bjoern Schiessle bes at schiessle.org
Fri Jan 25 09:16:09 EST 2008


i wrote a small Gtk# program which works fine under Debian, Ubuntu and
Windows. Now i have tried it with Fedora where the close-button of
Gtk.AboutDialog doesn't work.

Since the close-button works with Tomboy at Fedora i have looked into
the source code of Tomboy and found the difference.

Tomboy has a aboutDialog.Destroy() statement after the
aboutDialog.Run() statement. If i add this statement to my code the
close-button works on Fedora too.

But i wonder what is the correct behaviour? The example here[1] doesn't
uses the destroy() statement at the end. Intuitional i would say that
the example is correct and that i don't need this statement. The
behaviour of the close button should be implemented already in the
close-button-handler of the Gtk.AboutDialog.

So is it a bug in the Fedora package that i need this statement or is it
a bug in the Debian, Ubuntu, Windows packages that it also works without
this statement?

[1] http://www.go-mono.com/docs/monodoc.ashx?tlink=5@ecma%3a669%23AboutDialog%2f

best wishes,

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