[Gtk-sharp-list] ParamethrizedThreadNotify class

Abramov Daniel ex at vingrad.ru
Fri Oct 26 19:27:05 EDT 2007

Something bad happened to me.. :)
Not parametherized, but parameterized :)) . Possibly that's because of 'th'
in 'thread'...
So it should look like:

using Gtk;

namespace Gtk
    public delegate void ParameterizedReadyEvent<T> (T param);

    public class ParameterizedThreadNotify<T>
        private ThreadNotify te;
        private ParameterizedReadyEvent<T> pre;
        private T param;

        public ParameterizedThreadNotify (ParameterizedReadyEvent<T> pre)
            this.pre = pre;
            this.te = new ThreadNotify (this.ReadyEvent);

        private void ReadyEvent ()
            this.pre (this.param);

        public void WakeupMain (T param)
            this.param = param;
            this.te.WakeupMain ();

Sorry again.
Best regards,
Daniel Abramov aka Exception
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