[Gtk-sharp-list] Native Error by a copy of a pixbuf..

Felix Marthaler felix at marfix.net
Sat May 26 18:50:12 EDT 2007

Hi every body

I implementing a "new media art" Project with the target to calculate music into the color's of photographies.
Now i tried the hole day to fix the error attached as "stacktrace.txt". If i remove all Thread's the error stay.
I'm now absolutely plan - less and hope some one could point me to the mistake I did.

You can find the source on: https://svn.mafix.cc/repos/smc/ as Module SmC
it's a monodevelop solution..

if you must compile and run it - you have to check out the Module pulse-dbus-reader

I work with ubuntu feisty and the glib's sharp bindings 2.10

If you need more information please ask. I don't see any solution at the moment so it's my last hope that same can help me?

thanks a lot
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