[Gtk-sharp-list] GTK / ThreadNotify sample wiki
Alain Perry
Wed, 04 May 2005 00:57:51 +0200
Le mercredi 04 mai 2005 à 01:21 +0000, underdog10@netcourrier.com a
écrit :
> The example using 2 class implement creating a event (eg. EventUpdated) in the background process class (eg. BigJob), who wakeup the Main thread, alias GUI (eg. Ecrire2) in the GTK# class (eg. window), who refresh the GUI, progress and textview, getting data from the Bigjob class, the counter (eg. cnt2).
> The example is also working without using Thread.Sleep. It pause only the GUI for a second. In this case it is more like slowing the program to let see what append on the stdout.
Well, that's precisely what I don't understand: it looks like it pauses
both threads, and I'd like to be able to pause only the GUI, with BigJob
still working.
> I am for sure open to suggestion, it is probably not the best way to it.
> And I still have problem when you cancel the bigjob or if a error append.
Well, can't help with this since I have no real knowledge of how to do
it properly...
That's the reason I put the list back in the mail recipients, hope you
don't mind. I'm sure there are many newbies like me that would like to
sort threads out.
Alain Perry