[Gtk-sharp-list] Row background color
Vincent Arnoux
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:34:29 +0100
Christian Rudh a =E9crit :
>I have an application where it makes some text in a treeview bold, but
>it should be possible to use for setting the background too:
>This is the column I set up in the beginning:
>TreeViewColumn displayCol =3D new TreeViewColumn ();
>CellRendererText displayRenderer =3D new CellRendererText ();
>displayRenderer.Xpad =3D 10;
>displayCol.Title =3D "Filedisplay";
>displayCol.PackStart (displayRenderer, true);
>displayCol.SetCellDataFunc (displayRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc
>playList.AppendColumn (displayCol);
>If you look at the SetCellDataFunc, it calls MarkUpSongName when there
>is a redraw.
>This is the method:
>private void MarkUpSongName (TreeViewColumn treeColumn, CellRenderer
>cellRenderer, TreeModel treeModel, TreeIter treeIter)
> GLib.Value valx =3D new GLib.Value ();
> store.GetValue (treeIter, 1, ref valx);
> string completeName =3D (string) valx.Val;
> =09
> GLib.Value valy =3D new GLib.Value ();
> store.GetValue (treeIter, 0, ref valy);
> string hiddenName =3D (string) valy.Val;
> =09
> CellRendererText textCellRenderer =3D (CellRendererText) cellRenderer;
> if (hiddenName =3D=3D null)
> {
> store.SetValue (treeIter, 0, "x");
> textCellRenderer.Markup =3D "";
> }
> else if (treeIter.Equals (nextToPlay))
> {
> textCellRenderer.Markup =3D "<b>" + completeName + "</b>";
> }
> else
> {
> textCellRenderer.Markup =3D completeName;
> }
>You should be able to change this function to set
>textCellRenderer.Background instead of textCellRenderer.Markup if the
>columns contain the correct text (red). Then you don't have to have a
>function going through the rows, you simply wait for a redraw or call it
>yourself with the QueueDraw method in the treeview.
>I tried the background setting in my code and it worked fine.
Thanks for your answer. I received an e-mail advising me to have a look=20
at the source of http://veldstra.co.uk/sharplist/. Thanks to this code,=20
I wrote the following :
// Build the List
jobsStore =3D new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string),=20
typeof (string), typeof (int), typeof (int), typeof(string),=20
tv =3D new TreeView ();
tv.Model =3D jobsStore;
tv.HeadersVisible =3D true;
tv.RulesHint =3D true;
tv.Reorderable =3D true;
// Category column
CellRendererText crt1 =3D new CellRendererText();
TreeViewColumn col1 =3D new TreeViewColumn ("Categorie", crt1,=20
"text", 0); =20
col1.AddAttribute (crt1, "weight", 3);
col1.AddAttribute (crt1, "style", 4);
col1.AddAttribute (crt1, "foreground", 5);
col1.AddAttribute (crt1, "background", 6);
// Job column
CellRendererText crt2 =3D new CellRendererText();
TreeViewColumn col2 =3D new TreeViewColumn ("Job", crt2, "text", =
col2.AddAttribute (crt2, "weight", 3);
col2.AddAttribute (crt2, "style", 4);
col2.AddAttribute (crt2, "foreground", 5);
col2.AddAttribute (crt2, "background", 6);
// State column
CellRendererText crt3 =3D new CellRendererText();
TreeViewColumn col3 =3D new TreeViewColumn ("Etat", crt3, "text",=
col3.AddAttribute (crt3, "weight", 3);
col3.AddAttribute (crt3, "style", 4);
col3.AddAttribute (crt3, "foreground", 5);
col3.AddAttribute (crt3, "background", 6);
tv.Selection.Changed +=3D new EventHandler (OnSelectionChanged);
And then to browse and change one of the lines parameter :
TreeIter iter;
TreeModel model;
ArrayList jobsToDownloadAgain =3D new ArrayList();
if (jobsStore.GetIterFirst(out iter))
// Job has not been copied, its state is NOK and bgd =
jobsStore.SetValue (iter, 2, "Done");
jobsStore.SetValue (iter, 6, "red");
while (jobsStore.IterNext(ref iter));
But in my case, I needed to browse the rows, where in your code you don't=
Thanks a lot,