[Gtk-sharp-list] Row background color

Christian Rudh lists-christian@rudh.se
Sat, 26 Feb 2005 19:52:27 +0100


I have an application where it makes some text in a treeview bold, but
it should be possible to use for setting the background too:

This is the column I set up in the beginning:

TreeViewColumn displayCol = new TreeViewColumn ();
CellRendererText displayRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
displayRenderer.Xpad = 10;
displayCol.Title = "Filedisplay";
displayCol.PackStart (displayRenderer, true);
displayCol.SetCellDataFunc (displayRenderer, new TreeCellDataFunc
playList.AppendColumn (displayCol);

If you look at the SetCellDataFunc, it calls MarkUpSongName when there
is a redraw.

This is the method:

private void MarkUpSongName (TreeViewColumn treeColumn, CellRenderer
cellRenderer, TreeModel treeModel, TreeIter treeIter)
	GLib.Value valx = new GLib.Value ();
	store.GetValue (treeIter, 1, ref valx);
	string completeName = (string) valx.Val;
	GLib.Value valy = new GLib.Value ();
	store.GetValue (treeIter, 0, ref valy);
	string hiddenName = (string) valy.Val;
	CellRendererText textCellRenderer = (CellRendererText) cellRenderer;

	if (hiddenName == null)
		store.SetValue (treeIter, 0, "x");
		textCellRenderer.Markup = "";
	else if (treeIter.Equals (nextToPlay))
		textCellRenderer.Markup = "<b>" + completeName + "</b>";
		textCellRenderer.Markup = completeName;

You should be able to change this function to set
textCellRenderer.Background instead of textCellRenderer.Markup if the
columns contain the correct text (red). Then you don't have to have a
function going through the rows, you simply wait for a redraw or call it
yourself with the QueueDraw method in the treeview.

I tried the background setting in my code and it worked fine.


On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 18:15 +0100, Vincent Arnoux wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a TreeStore called jobsStore in a treeview and I would like to be 
> able, when a button is clicked, to browse rows and change one row's 
> background color.
> I found some answers in the mailing list, but none I can understand 
> easily...
> I would like to do something like:
>     void on_downloadJobsButton_clicked( object o, EventArgs args )
>     {
>         TreeIter iter;
>         TreeModel model;
>         if (jobsStore.GetIterFirst(out iter)) {
>            do {
>                 if (jobsStore.GetValue(iter, 0).Equals("red") && 
> jobsStore.GetValue(iter, 1).Equals("red"));
>                    // Change this cell's background color
>            }
>            while (jobsStore.IterNext(ref iter));
>         }
>     }
> Thanks,
> Vincent
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Christian Rudh <lists-christian@rudh.se>