[Gtk-sharp-list] Improving Gtk#

Rafael Teixeira Rafael Teixeira <monoman@gmail.com>
Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:18:58 -0300

Hi Miguel and people,

Just some thoughts:

What I miss more in GTK# is that it doesn't have the
pluggable/self-describing nature of  .NET controls (Web and Win) for
it's controls. That comes down to this big question:

How do I plug a whole new component in glade/stetic at design-time?
How easy it is?

I envision utilizing the System.ComponentModel as the basis for a new
version of GTK# to make it easy to write and plug components in it.
Notice how big the visual/functional component business is with VB6
and WinForms/WebForms, that is only possible because they can be
written independently and just plug in the infrastructure, and run.

A .NET component implements/consumes lots of interfaces to dialog with
the chain of containers containing it at design and at run-time, and
expose many attributes telling, for instance, the default event and
default property.

Project Simios.Forms aims to encapsulate GTK#, in a
System.ComponentModel wrapper making it easier to have the rich
design-time experience we enjoy with .NET Controls, but I think that
it would be better to have it built-in directly in GTK#.

Hope it helps us make GTK# better,

On 4/26/05, Miguel de Icaza <miguel@ximian.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>    As people develop applications with Gtk#, I would love to hear
> people's opinion on what we can do to make Gtk# better.
>    I am posting a few ideas that we could discuss:
>         * TreeView and NodeStore: Useful?  Complex?  What would
>           people like to see there?
>         * Rendering: Gdk stinks for rendering, do you find convenient
>           the code to use System.Drawing in Gtk-dotnet.dll?  What about
>           Cairo?
>           Are people using either one?
>         * What third party widgets you are using?
>         * What third party widgets from the Gtk+ world you feel are
>           missing for Mono developers?
>         * What things do you find obnoxious, annoying about Gtk#?
>         * Do you use/need OpenGL?  If you do, how do you do it?
>         * What kind of samples are missing?
>         * What kind of tutorials you would like to see?
> Miguel.
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
I'm trying to become a "Rosh Gadol" before my own eyes.=20
See http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2004/12/06.html for enlightment.
It hurts!