[Gtk-sharp-list] alternative GTKSharp .15 installer for VS .NET
Thu, 5 Feb 2004 16:22:37 -0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
Sorry about that. End of the day for me. You can download the installer
at https://pop.xpi.net:10001/gtksharp/gtksharp15.exe .
--Will Collins
> I have created an alternative Windows Installer tailored to those of us
> using VS .NET or Borland C# Builder.
> This installer installs all of the file you need to write GTKSharp
> programs for Visual Studio .NET. The GTKSharp specific libraries are
> installed in a user selected folder (default: C:\gnu\lib\gtksharp). All
> other necessary files are stored in the %WINDIR%\System32 folders so that
> Visual Studio knows how to find them when building.
> You will need to add references in Visual Studio .NET to the GTKSharp
> libraries. If you don't know how to do this, then you probably aren't
> programming.
> Currently some of the info for the installer is stored in the Registry.
> These entries will be updated in future editions of the installer.
> Have fun and please don't write any viruses using these files. We don't
> want to give GTK a bad image. If you must write a virus, email me your
> name and address so that I can turn you in to Microsoft for the reward
> money.
> --Will Collins
> will@xpi.net
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