[Gtk-sharp-list] TreeStore selection problem

Томислав Марковски tome@users.ossm.org.mk
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 08:23:48 +0200


I have a TreeView/TreeStore structure, with one column. I'm trying to 
get the value selected, but here's how. The store model has rows with 
path X wich expands to X:Y path. I want to get the parent iter text when 
I select a row which is inside it. Ex:

parent 1
  +---child 1
  +---child 2
parent 2
  +---child 1
  +---child 2

I need to get the name "parent 2" or "parent 1" wheneever a child is 
How do I do this? I tried many ways, I could get the TreePath, but I was 
unable to get the value of the parent. Any ideas?
