[Gtk-sharp-list] Points/Lines and Glade

Sebastian Vorköper sv@fogman.de
Thu, 01 Apr 2004 20:58:26 +0200

Am Do, den 01.04.2004 schrieb Miguel de Icaza um 20:53:
> Hello,
> > The problem with scribble and glade was (to put it in my own word=
> > knowing how to describe it clearly) that the events didn't get co=
> > the right way?
> > I mean, for example, that there is an event in scribble called
> > "ConfigureEvent" that should create the pixmap and paint it with =
a white
> > background.
> > So it doesn't get called or the parameters aren't the right? I gu=
> > thats why it kills with a NullPointerException.
> > I did both ways, configuring the events in glade and/or connectin=
g them
> > in scribble. Neither worked.
> > 
> > I've found a solution for the thing i wanted to do. (just loading=
> > glade file with a drawingarea and paint to them.)
> Pixmaps do not have the flags set to allow for any interesting even=
ts to
> be received.  See my sample code in mphoto, mlist or monodoc's list=
> to see how to set the events to be delivered.

I know, but i'm not talking about events for pixmap's.
I'm talking about the events that get set up for the drawingarea in
But anyway i will take a look at tthe suggested sources.

> > Then you do create the pixmap outsite of the events in scribble i=
t won't
> > fail to run, but it doesn't draw anything.
> > You could draw to them by hand, but not with the created events.
> A drawing area has those events setup.

See above.

> > Btw.: Is there a chance to see the libgnomeprint/ui stuff for c# =
> > someday? I mean i would like to port the gnome-photo-printer stuf=
f i
> > worked on before to c#/gtk#.
> There are plenty of gnome_print calls in Gtk# today, did you see th=

Haven't take a look at to much source yet.
So, sorry if the question was a bit to off-topic.

Thanks for the help anyway.

Sebastian Vorköper