[Gtk-sharp-list] GC-Safe P/Invoke
Jonathan Pryor
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 21:25:43 -0400
I came across this article a couple weeks ago, and was wondering if:
1. it was a concern for Gtk#
2. if Gtk# should do something about it?
Under .NET, with it's wonderfully accurate Garbage Collector, it's
possible for an instance to be collected *while a method on that
instance is still being executed*. The article above gives an example
of when this could occur.
The short of it is that the GC will collect an instance when it
*believes* that no instance members are being used. For example:
class C {
// handle into unmanaged memory, for an unmanaged object
IntPtr _handle;
// performs some operation on h
[DllImport ("...")]
static extern void OperateOnHandle (IntPtr h);
// frees resources of h
[DllImport ("...")]
static extern void DeleteHandle (IntPtr h);
~C() {
public void m() {
// no further references to _handle
class Other {
void work() {
C c = new C();
Consider this: Other.work invokes C.m, which invokes the unmanaged code
C.OperateOnHandle. Note that Other.work doesn't use "c" anymore, so "c"
is eligible to be collected, and is placed on the GC finalization queue.
This would normally be reasonable, except for the interplay with
unmanaged code. The unmanaged code C.OperateOnHandle is still using a
member held by the instance "c", but the GC doesn't -- and can't -- know
This introduces the possibility that, although unlikely, C.DeleteHandle
could be invoked (from the GC finalization thread) while
C.OperateOnHandle is still operating.
It's fair to assume that the unmanaged code won't appreciate this. It's
fair to assume that this could cause major problems for the process,
including a segmentation fault.
In fact, a bug very similar to this exists in .NET v1.0, in one of the
Registry wrapper classes.
How do you avoid this problem? Don't use raw IntPtrs. With the IntPtr
being used, the GC has no way of knowing that the class still needs to
hang around.
Instead of using IntPtr, you can use
System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef. This is a structure which
holds both a reference to the containing class, as well as the pointer
Next, instead of having the P/Invoke code accept IntPtr parameters, the
P/Invoke code accepts HandleRefs. HandleRefs are special to the runtime
and GC system, and during a marshal operation they "collapse" into an
This allows us to write the safe code:
class C {
// handle into unmanaged memory, for an unmanaged object
HandleRef _handle;
// performs some operation on h
[DllImport ("...")]
static extern void OperateOnHandle (HandleRef h);
// frees resources of h
[DllImport ("...")]
static extern void DeleteHandle (HandleRef h);
// Creates Resource
[DllImport ("...")]
static extern IntPtr CreateHandle ();
public C() {
IntPtr h = CreateHandle();
_handle = new HandleRef(this, h);
~C() {
public void m() {
// no further references to _handle
class Other {
void work() {
// Note: no change to client
C c = new C();
In the case of Gtk#, this would require (at least!) modifying the
generator code to emit HandleRef types instead of IntPtr (as well as
cause cascading changes throughout the rest of Gtk#; fortunately lots of
it is machine generated).
So, to return to the original questions:
1. Do you think this is a possible problem with Gtk#? Gtk# is
sufficiently complicated that this may not be an issue, but if it *is*,
it'll require a hell of a debugging session to figure out why someone's
poor app is dying unexpectedly.
2. Should Gtk# do something about this potential problem? In
particular, use HandleRefs instead of IntPtrs internally?
The obvious answer is "if you provide a patch, we'll consider it." I'm
willing to look into creating a patch, but before I start working on
such at thing, should I bother? This requires answering question 1.
- Jon