[Gtk-sharp-list] Help!!!

Richard Torkar richard.torkar@htu.se
Sat, 18 Oct 2003 00:31:14 +0200

On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 01:46, Diego Carrera wrote:
> Hi i have a little problem over here well various of them, first of
> all ive been trying to make some matrix operation program you know,
> adding substracting etc. my first problem is that i cant make arrays
> to store the entrys where all the variables will be stored, im trying
> to do this because i want it to be a variable size matrix, ive been
> thinking that i can make some knid of struct that contains the entrys,
> so i can make an array from that struct it would be something like
> this.

This might help you (w.r.t. matrices):
