[Group-leaders] Detroit Mobile .Net Users' Group Meeting For September 23, 2013

Onorio Catenacci Catenacci at Ieee.Org
Tue Sep 24 12:52:03 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Kudos to Rob Gibbens for a great presentation and Jon Dick for riffing to
fill in while Rob got his presentation ready.

I didn't do an exact headcount last night (I'd estimate around 20 or so
attended) but it's a good sign that our third meetup was the best attended

I think our user group here in Detroit is gradually moving in the right
direction and I just wanted to share some kudos for Rob and Jon.

Onorio Catenacci

let name = ["O";"n";"o";"r";"i";"o"] |> List.reduce (+)
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