[Group-leaders] Welcome and Intros

Joseph Hill joseph at xamarin.com
Tue Aug 27 23:08:31 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone

Welcome to the Xamarin Group Leaders mailing list.  We have created this
list to facilitate communication between organizers of Xamarin-related user
groups across the world.

To kick things off, I’d like to invite everyone on the list to introduce
themselves.  It would be great if you could share your name, the
name/locations of any user groups you are associated with, and any other
details about your group which you think might be relevant (most
recent/upcoming topics, group size, etc).

Also, if there is anything in particular you hope to learn or gain by
participating, now would be a good time to share that, too.

Thank you

Joseph Hill

Director of Developer Relations, Xamarin

joseph at xamarin.com

214.500.3649 (mobile)

617.299.8419 (office)
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