2004-October Archives by Author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 17:30:15 2004
Ending: Wed Oct 27 17:34:17 2004
Messages: 141
- [Glade-users] Function needed in new glade-3.x
Dave Andruczyk
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Calum Benson
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Calum Benson
- [Glade-users] Using derived classes with libglademm
Rob Benton
- [Glade-users] glade-3 status
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] custom widgets: please help
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] "Window" widget: question: size properties
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] Function needed in new glade-3.x
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] Loading data from glade file
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] Where to put initialization routines that wont get clobbered?
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] libglade: coding style: just curious about glade_xml_get_widget implementation
Tristan Van Berkom
- [Glade-users] Strange differences with gtk and libglade
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] lists unbroken
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] custom widgets
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] Glade, List or Tree View, and deprecated
Columned List
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] no tooltip support?
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] ANNOUNCE: Glade 2.6.2
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] ANNOUNCE: Glade 2.0.2
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] I18N and Glade XML, really, (much better than Qt
translator), and almost perfect, but...
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] feature lacking: translatable and non
translatable strings: glade should show this
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] No button for getting the list of signals for a
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] libglade: please help: file gobject.c: line 1222
(g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] ANNOUNCE: Glade 2.6.3
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] glade 2.6.3: menu items: translation data missing
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] ANNOUNCE: Glade 2.6.4
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] no gnome widgets in the Palette window
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] ANNOUNCE: Glade 2.6.5
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] no gnome widgets in the Palette window
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] intltool and new XML comments attribute
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] how i click and open a file into textview?
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] glade: how to create a
"gtk_combo_box_new_text()" instance?
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] Re: glade "Handle Box": dockable toolbar:
resizing problems
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] Converting glade1 files
Damon Chaplin
- [Glade-users] "Window" widget: question: size properties
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] a really useful feature programmers would beg for: user defined property editor macros
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] libglade: please help: file gobject.c: line 1222 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Christopher Cramer
- [Glade-users] no gnome widgets in the Palette window
Marc Cuypers
- [Glade-users] Using 3rd Party / Custom Widgets in Glade
Chetan Dandekar
- [Glade-users] "Columned list"
Stefan Elwesthal
- [Glade-users] simple-question..
Stefan Elwesthal
- [Glade-users] simple-question..
Stefan Elwesthal
- [Glade-users] gladelib won't tackle GtkMainWin
Rikke D. Giles
- [Glade-users] right hand corner resize widget... where is that
David Hoover
- [Glade-users] libglade: coding style: just curious about
glade_xml_get_widget implementation
David Hoover
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Daniel Kasak
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Daniel Kasak
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Dmitry Kostenko
- [Glade-users] no gnome widgets in the Palette window
- [Glade-users] no gnome widgets in the Palette window
- [Glade-users] No button for getting the list of signals for a widget
Sandino Flores Moreno
- [Glade-users] libglade bug: clist: libglade not using parsed
x-align property
Sandino Flores Moreno
- [Glade-users] How to add a new widget to the widgets palette?
Sandino Flores Moreno
- [Glade-users] feature to reduce clutter and how to deal with
some future MDI support problems mentioned earlier
Gabriel de Perthuis
- [Glade-users] glade_xml_signal_autoconnect problem
Gabriel de Perthuis
- [Glade-users] Where to put initialization routines that wont get clobbered?
Steven J Scott
- [Glade-users] Where to put initialization routines that wont get
Steven J Scott
- [Glade-users] Converting glade1 files
Lucas Smithen
- [Glade-users] Converting glade1 files
Lucas Smithen
- [Glade-users] lists unbroken
Dan Winship
- [Glade-users] how do i select file from file selection dialog and display in textview in glade?
Aaron Yang
- [Glade-users] how i click and open a file into textview?
Aaron Yang
- [Glade-users] upgrading to glade 2.6
Aaron Yang
- [Glade-users] custom widgets
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] custom widgets: please help
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] interface improvement: suggestion (palette buttons should retain state)
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Re: interface improvement: suggestion (palette buttons should retain state)
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Glade, List or Tree View, and deprecated Columned List
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Columned List: homogeneous header spacing
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] "Window" widget: question: size properties
Neil Zanella
- Fwd: [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] "Window" widget: question: size properties
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] delete: not working as expected
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] suggestion: sticky properties in property editor
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] no tooltip support?
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] feature to reduce clutter and how to deal with some future MDI support problems mentioned earlier
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] a really useful feature programmers would beg for: user defined property editor macros
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] a really useful feature programmers would beg for: user defined property editor macros
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] feature to reduce clutter and how to deal with some future MDI support problems mentioned earlier
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] suggestion: sticky properties in property editor
Neil Zanella
- Fwd: [Glade-users] custom widgets: please help
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] suggestion: sticky properties in property editor
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] right hand corner resize widget... where is that widget???
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] menu entries: icons
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] column labels: why no tooltip
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] right hand corner resize widget... where is that widget???
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] why using libglade is better...
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Function needed in new glade-3.x
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] some glade/GTK+ usability and look and feel questions
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] columned list stupidity
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade: please help: file gobject.c: line 1222 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] I18N and Glade XML, really, (much better than Qt translator), and almost perfect, but...
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] feature lacking: translatable and non translatable strings: glade should show this
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade: please help: file gobject.c: line 1222 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade: please help: file gobject.c: line 1222 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Glade and Gnome-DB
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] glade 2.6.3: menu items: translation data missing
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] menu editor changed all my names :_(
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] naming widgets in XML trees semi-automatically with names that will make sense to the programmer
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Re: naming widgets in XML trees semi-automatically with names that will make sense to the programmer
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] gcc out of memory compiling interface.c :-D
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] ovious suggestion: multiple files to one progect
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade bug: clist: libglade not using parsed x-align property
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade bug: clist: libglade not using parsed x-align property
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] gladelib won't tackle GtkMainWin
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Exporing windows to another glade file
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] gladelib won't tackle GtkMainWin
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] libglade: coding style: just curious about glade_xml_get_widget implementation
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] gtk+ and glade on windows -> native .exe files, link time errors
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] glade "Handle Box": dockable toolbar: resizing problems
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] intltool and new XML comments attribute
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] glade: how to create a "gtk_combo_box_new_text()" instance?
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Re: Display only X lines in GtkComboBox
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] figuring out transient windows
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] "Top Level" vs. "Popup"
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Re: "Top Level" vs. "Popup"
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Re: glade "Handle Box": dockable toolbar: resizing problems
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] glade under cygwin: please pretty please help me
Neil Zanella
- [Glade-users] Strange differences with gtk and libglade
- [Glade-users] glade-3 status
- [Glade-users] two easy-to-implement glade interface suggestions
- [Glade-users] Loading data from glade file
- [Glade-users] how i click and open a file into textview?
Last message date:
Wed Oct 27 17:34:17 2004
Archived on: Wed Oct 27 12:34:02 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).