[Monodevelop-patches-list] r2391 - in trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory: . src/Parser/generated
John Luke <jluke@cfl.rr.com>
jluke at mono-cvs.ximian.com
Fri Mar 25 22:12:10 EST 2005
Author: jluke
Date: 2005-03-25 22:12:10 -0500 (Fri, 25 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 2391
Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/TODO
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/TODO 2005-03-25 18:23:18 UTC (rev 2390)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/TODO 2005-03-26 03:12:10 UTC (rev 2391)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- fix double.TryParse bug
- add C# 2.0 features
option 1 - wait to see if SD writes 2.0 stuff
option 2 - write it ourselves based on current one
Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/src/Parser/generated/cs.ATG
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/src/Parser/generated/cs.ATG 2005-03-25 18:23:18 UTC (rev 2390)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/src/Parser/generated/cs.ATG 2005-03-26 03:12:10 UTC (rev 2391)
@@ -1,1976 +1,1976 @@
-using System.Drawing;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Specialized;
-using System.Text;
-using ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser;
-using ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST;
-COMPILER CS /* AW 2002-12-30 renamed from CompilationUnit to CS */
-string assemblyName = null;
-public CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
-public string ContainingAssembly {
- set {
- assemblyName = value;
- }
-Token t {
- get {
- return lexer.Token;
- }
-Token la {
- get {
- return lexer.LookAhead;
- }
-Hashtable typeStrings = null;
-ArrayList usingNamespaces = null;
-public void Error(string s)
- if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
- errors.Error(la.line, la.col, s);
- }
- errDist = 0;
-public Expression ParseExpression(Lexer lexer)
- this.errors = lexer.Errors;
- this.lexer = lexer;
- errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
- lexer.NextToken();
- Expression expr;
- Expr(out expr);
- return expr;
-bool IsTypeCast()
- if (IsSimpleTypeCast()) {
- return true;
- }
- if (assemblyName != null) {
- return CheckTypeCast();
- }
- return GuessTypeCast();
-bool IsSimpleTypeCast()
- // check: "(" pointer or array of keyword type ")"
- if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) {
- return false;
- }
- StartPeek();
- Token pt1 = Peek();
- Token pt = Peek();
- return ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(pt1) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
- pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis;
-bool CheckTypeCast()
- // check: leading "(" pointer or array of some type ")"
- if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) {
- return false;
- }
- string qualident;
- StartPeek();
- Token pt = Peek();
- return IsQualident(ref pt, out qualident) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
- pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis && IsType(qualident);
-bool IsType(string qualident)
- if (typeStrings == null) {
- CreateTypeStrings();
- }
- if (typeStrings.ContainsValue(qualident)) {
- return true;
- }
- foreach (string ns in usingNamespaces) {
- if (typeStrings.ContainsValue(ns + "." + qualident)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-bool GuessTypeCast()
- // check: "(" pointer or array of some type ")" possible type cast successor
- if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) return false;
- string qualident;
- StartPeek();
- Token pt = Peek();
- if (IsQualident(ref pt, out qualident) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
- pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis) {
- // check successor
- pt = Peek();
- return pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier || pt.kind == Tokens.Literal ||
- pt.kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis || ParserUtil.IsUnaryOperator(pt) ||
- pt.kind == Tokens.New || pt.kind == Tokens.This ||
- pt.kind == Tokens.Base || pt.kind == Tokens.Null ||
- pt.kind == Tokens.Checked || pt.kind == Tokens.Unchecked ||
- pt.kind == Tokens.Typeof || pt.kind == Tokens.Sizeof ||
- (ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(pt) && Peek().kind == Tokens.Dot);
- } else return false;
-void CreateTypeStrings()
- Assembly a;
- Type[] types;
- AssemblyName [] aNames;
- if (assemblyName != null && assemblyName.Length > 0) { /* AW 2002-12-30 add check for length > 0 */
- typeStrings = new Hashtable();
- a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
- types = a.GetTypes();
- foreach (Type t in types)
- typeStrings.Add(t.FullName.GetHashCode(), t.FullName);
- aNames = a.GetReferencedAssemblies();
- for (int i = 0; i < aNames.Length; i++) {
- a = Assembly.LoadFrom(aNames[i].Name);
- types = a.GetExportedTypes();
- foreach(Type t in types)
- if (usingNamespaces.Contains(t.FullName.Substring(0, t.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'))))
- typeStrings.Add(t.FullName.GetHashCode(), t.FullName);
- }
- }
-/* Checks whether the next sequences of tokens is a qualident *
- * and returns the qualident string */
-/* !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */
-bool IsQualident (ref Token pt, out string qualident)
- qualident = "";
- if (pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier) {
- qualident = pt.val;
- pt = Peek();
- while (pt.kind == Tokens.Dot) {
- pt = Peek();
- if (pt.kind != Tokens.Identifier) return false;
- qualident += "." + pt.val;
- pt = Peek();
- }
- return true;
- } else return false;
-/* skip: { "*" | "[" { "," } "]" } */
-/* !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */
-bool IsPointerOrDims (ref Token pt)
- for (;;) {
- if (pt.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket) {
- do pt = Peek();
- while (pt.kind == Tokens.Comma);
- if (pt.kind != Tokens.CloseSquareBracket) return false;
- } else if (pt.kind != Tokens.Times) break;
- pt = Peek();
- }
- return true;
-/* Return the n-th token after the current lookahead token */
-void StartPeek()
- lexer.StartPeek();
-Token Peek()
- return lexer.Peek();
-Token Peek (int n)
- lexer.StartPeek();
- Token x = la;
- while (n > 0) {
- x = lexer.Peek();
- n--;
- }
- return x;
- * Resolver routines to resolve LL(1) conflicts: * *
- * These resolution routine return a boolean value that indicates *
- * whether the alternative at hand shall be choosen or not. *
- * They are used in IF ( ... ) expressions. *
- *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* True, if ident is followed by "=" */
-bool IdentAndAsgn ()
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Assign;
-bool IsAssignment () { return IdentAndAsgn(); }
-/* True, if ident is followed by ",", "=", or ";" */
-bool IdentAndCommaOrAsgnOrSColon () {
- int peek = Peek(1).kind;
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier &&
- (peek == Tokens.Comma || peek == Tokens.Assign || peek == Tokens.Semicolon);
-bool IsVarDecl () { return IdentAndCommaOrAsgnOrSColon(); }
-/* True, if the comma is not a trailing one, *
- * like the last one in: a, b, c, */
-bool NotFinalComma () {
- int peek = Peek(1).kind;
- return la.kind == Tokens.Comma &&
- peek != Tokens.CloseCurlyBrace && peek != Tokens.CloseSquareBracket;
-/* True, if "void" is followed by "*" */
-bool NotVoidPointer () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Void && Peek(1).kind != Tokens.Times;
-/* True, if "checked" or "unchecked" are followed by "{" */
-bool UnCheckedAndLBrace () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Checked || la.kind == Tokens.Unchecked &&
- Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenCurlyBrace;
-/* True, if "." is followed by an ident */
-bool DotAndIdent () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Dot && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Identifier;
-/* True, if ident is followed by ":" */
-bool IdentAndColon () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Colon;
-bool IsLabel () { return IdentAndColon(); }
-/* True, if ident is followed by "(" */
-bool IdentAndLPar () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis;
-/* True, if "catch" is followed by "(" */
-bool CatchAndLPar () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Catch && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis;
-bool IsTypedCatch () { return CatchAndLPar(); }
-/* True, if "[" is followed by the ident "assembly" */
-bool IsGlobalAttrTarget () {
- Token pt = Peek(1);
- return la.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket &&
- pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier && pt.val == "assembly";
-/* True, if "[" is followed by "," or "]" */
-bool LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack () {
- int peek = Peek(1).kind;
- return la.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket &&
- (peek == Tokens.Comma || peek == Tokens.CloseSquareBracket);
-bool IsDims () { return LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack(); }
-/* True, if "[" is followed by "," or "]" *
- * or if the current token is "*" */
-bool TimesOrLBrackAndCommaOrRBrack () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Times || LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack();
-bool IsPointerOrDims () { return TimesOrLBrackAndCommaOrRBrack(); }
-bool IsPointer () { return la.kind == Tokens.Times; }
-/* True, if lookahead is a primitive type keyword, or *
- * if it is a type declaration followed by an ident */
-bool IsLocalVarDecl () {
- if ((ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(la) && Peek(1).kind != Tokens.Dot) || la.kind == Tokens.Void) return true;
- StartPeek();
- Token pt = la ; // peek token
- string ignore;
- return IsQualident(ref pt, out ignore) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
- pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier;
-/* True, if lookahead ident is "get" */
-bool IdentIsGet () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "get";
-/* True, if lookahead ident is "set" */
-bool IdentIsSet () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "set";
-/* True, if lookahead ident is "add" */
-bool IdentIsAdd () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "add";
-/* True, if lookahead ident is "remove" */
-bool IdentIsRemove () {
- return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "remove";
-/* True, if lookahead is a local attribute target specifier, *
- * i.e. one of "event", "return", "field", "method", *
- * "module", "param", "property", or "type" */
-bool IsLocalAttrTarget () {
- int cur = la.kind;
- string val = la.val;
- return (cur == Tokens.Event || cur == Tokens.Return ||
- (cur == Tokens.Identifier &&
- (val == "field" || val == "method" || val == "module" ||
- val == "param" || val == "property" || val == "type"))) &&
- Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Colon;
- *----- LEXER TOKEN LIST ------------------------------------------------*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----- terminal classes -----*/
- /* EOF is 0 */
- ident
- literal
- /*----- special character -----*/
- "=" /* 3 */
- "+"
- "-"
- "*"
- "/"
- "%"
- ":"
- ";"
- "?"
- ","
- "."
- "{"
- "}"
- "["
- "]"
- "("
- ")"
- ">"
- "<"
- "!"
- "&&"
- "||"
- "~"
- "&"
- "|"
- "^"
- /*----- special character sequences -----*/
- "++" /* 29 */
- "--"
- "=="
- "!="
- ">="
- "<="
- "<<"
- ">>"
- "+="
- "-="
- "*="
- "/="
- "%="
- "&="
- "|="
- "^="
- "<<="
- ">>="
- "->"
- /*----- C# keywords -----*/
- "abstract" /* 48 */
- "as"
- "base"
- "bool"
- "break"
- "byte"
- "case"
- "catch"
- "char"
- "checked"
- "class"
- "const"
- "continue"
- "decimal"
- "default"
- "delegate"
- "do"
- "double"
- "else"
- "enum"
- "event"
- "explicit"
- "extern"
- "false"
- "finally"
- "fixed"
- "float"
- "for"
- "foreach"
- "goto"
- "if"
- "implicit"
- "in"
- "int"
- "interface"
- "internal"
- "is"
- "lock"
- "long"
- "namespace"
- "new"
- "null"
- "object"
- "operator"
- "out"
- "override"
- "params"
- "private"
- "protected"
- "public"
- "readonly"
- "ref"
- "return"
- "sbyte"
- "sealed"
- "short"
- "sizeof"
- "stackalloc"
- "static"
- "string"
- "struct"
- "switch"
- "this"
- "throw"
- "true"
- "try"
- "typeof"
- "uint"
- "ulong"
- "unchecked"
- "unsafe"
- "ushort"
- "using"
- "virtual"
- "void"
- "volatile"
- "while"
- *----- PARSER -----------------------------------------------------------*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*--- compilation unit: */
-(. compilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(); .)
- { UsingDirective }
- { IF (IsGlobalAttrTarget()) GlobalAttributeSection }
- { NamespaceMemberDecl }
- usingNamespaces = new ArrayList();
- string qualident = null, aliasident = null;
- "using" (. Point startPos = t.Location;
- INode node = null;
- .)
- [ IF (IsAssignment()) ident (. aliasident = t.val; .) "=" ] /*--- using alias directive */
- Qualident<out qualident> (. if (qualident != null && qualident.Length > 0) {
- if (aliasident != null) {
- node = new UsingAliasDeclaration(aliasident, qualident);
- } else {
- usingNamespaces.Add(qualident);
- node = new UsingDeclaration(qualident);
- }
- }
- .)
- ";" (. node.StartLocation = startPos;
- node.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(node);
- .)
- "[" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .) ident (. if (t.val != "assembly") Error("global attribute target specifier (\"assembly\") expected");
- string attributeTarget = t.val;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute;
- .)
- ":" Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)
- { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)}
- [ "," ]
- "]" (. AttributeSection section = new AttributeSection(attributeTarget, attributes);
- section.StartLocation = startPos;
- section.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(section);
- .)
-Attribute<out ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute>
-(. string qualident; .)
- Qualident<out qualident> (. ArrayList positional = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList named = new ArrayList();
- string name = qualident;
- .)
- [ AttributeArguments<ref positional, ref named> ] (. attribute = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute(name, positional, named);.)
-AttributeArguments<ref ArrayList positional, ref ArrayList named>
- bool nameFound = false;
- string name = "";
- Expression expr;
- "("
- [
- [
- IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .)
- ident (. name = t.val; .)
- "="
- ] Expr<out expr> (. if(name == "") positional.Add(expr);
- else { named.Add(new NamedArgument(name, expr)); name = ""; }
- .)
- {
- ","
- (
- IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .)
- ident (. name = t.val; .)
- "="
- | /*Empty*/ (. if (nameFound) Error("no positional argument after named argument"); .)
- ) Expr<out expr> (. if(name == "") positional.Add(expr);
- else { named.Add(new NamedArgument(name, expr)); name = ""; }
- .)
- }
- ]
- ")"
-AttributeSection<out AttributeSection section>
- string attributeTarget = "";
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute;
- "[" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .) /*--- attribute target specifier: */
- [ IF (IsLocalAttrTarget())
- ( "event" (. attributeTarget = "event";.)
- | "return" (. attributeTarget = "return";.)
- | ident (. if (t.val != "field" || t.val != "method" ||
- t.val != "module" || t.val != "param" ||
- t.val != "property" || t.val != "type")
- Error("attribute target specifier (event, return, field," +
- "method, module, param, property, or type) expected");
- attributeTarget = t.val;
- .)
- ) ":"
- ]
- /*--- attribute list: */
- Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)
- { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)}
- [ "," ]
- "]" (. section = new AttributeSection(attributeTarget, attributes);
- section.StartLocation = startPos;
- section.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- .)
- AttributeSection section;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
- string qualident;
-= /*--- namespace declaration: */
- "namespace" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
- Qualident<out qualident> (. INode node = new NamespaceDeclaration(qualident);
- node.StartLocation = startPos;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(node);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(node);
- .)
- "{"
- { UsingDirective }
- { NamespaceMemberDecl }
- "}"
- [ ";" ] (. node.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
- /*--- type declaration: */
- | { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- { TypeModifier<m> }
- TypeDecl<m, attributes>
-TypeDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
- TypeReference type;
- StringCollection names;
- ArrayList p; string name;
-= /*--- class declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Classes); .)
- "class" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
- compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
- newType.Type = Types.Class;
- newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;
- newType.Attributes = attributes;
- .)
- ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
- [ ClassBase<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- ClassBody
- [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
- | /*--- struct declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.StructsInterfacesEnumsDelegates); .)
- ( "struct" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
- compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
- newType.Type = Types.Struct;
- newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;
- newType.Attributes = attributes;
- .)
- ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
- [ StructInterfaces<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- StructBody
- [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
- | /*--- interface declaration: */
- "interface" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
- compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
- newType.Type = Types.Interface;
- newType.Attributes = attributes;
- newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;.)
- ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
- [ InterfaceBase<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- InterfaceBody
- [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
- | /*--- enumeration declaration: */
- "enum" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
- compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
- newType.Type = Types.Enum;
- newType.Attributes = attributes;
- newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;.)
- ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
- [ ":" IntegralType<out name> (. newType.BaseTypes = new StringCollection();
- newType.BaseTypes.Add(name);
- .)
- ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- EnumBody
- [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
- | /*--- delegate declaration: */
- "delegate" (. DelegateDeclaration delegateDeclr = new DelegateDeclaration();
- delegateDeclr.StartLocation = t.Location;
- delegateDeclr.Modifier = m.Modifier;
- delegateDeclr.Attributes = attributes;
- .)
- ( IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. delegateDeclr.ReturnType = new TypeReference("void", 0, null); .)
- | Type<out type> (. delegateDeclr.ReturnType = type; .)
- )
- ident (. delegateDeclr.Name = t.val; .)
- "(" [ FormalParameterList<out p> (. delegateDeclr.Parameters = p; .)
- ] ")"
- ";" (. delegateDeclr.EndLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(delegateDeclr);
- .)
- )
-Qualident<out string qualident>
- ident (. StringBuilder qualidentBuilder = new StringBuilder(t.val); .)
- { IF (DotAndIdent()) "." ident (. qualidentBuilder.Append('.');
- qualidentBuilder.Append(t.val);
- .)
- } (. qualident = qualidentBuilder.ToString(); .)
-ClassBase<out StringCollection names>
- string qualident;
- names = new StringCollection();
- ":" ClassType<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
- { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
-(. AttributeSection section; .)
- "{"
- { (.ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
- .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- { MemberModifier<m> }
- ClassMemberDecl<m, attributes>
- }
- "}"
-StructInterfaces<out StringCollection names>
- string qualident;
- names = new StringCollection();
- ":" Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
- { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
-(. AttributeSection section; .)
- "{"
- { (.ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
- .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- { MemberModifier<m> }
- StructMemberDecl<m, attributes>
- }
- "}"
-InterfaceBase<out StringCollection names>
- string qualident;
- names = new StringCollection();
- ":" Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
- { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
-= "{" { InterfaceMemberDecl } "}" .
-EnumBody (. FieldDeclaration f; .)
- "{" [ EnumMemberDecl<out f> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(f); .)
- { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," EnumMemberDecl<out f> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(f); .)
- }
- [","] ] "}"
-Type<out TypeReference type>
- string name = "";
- int pointer = 0;
- ( ClassType<out name>
- | SimpleType<out name>
- | "void" "*" (. pointer = 1; name = "void"; .)
- ) (. ArrayList r = new ArrayList(); .)
- { IF (IsPointerOrDims()) (. int i = 1; .)
- ( "*" (. ++pointer; .)
- | "[" { "," (. ++i; .) } "]" (. r.Add(i); .)
- )
- } (. int[] rank = new int[r.Count]; r.CopyTo(rank);
- type = new TypeReference(name, pointer, rank);
- .)
-NonArrayType<out TypeReference type>
- string name = "";
- int pointer = 0;
- ( ClassType<out name>
- | SimpleType<out name>
- | "void" "*" (. pointer = 1; name = "void"; .)
- )
- { IF (IsPointer())
- ( "*" (. ++pointer; .)
- )
- } (.
- type = new TypeReference(name, pointer, null);
- .)
-SimpleType<out string name>
-(. name = String.Empty; .)
- IntegralType<out name>
- | "float" (. name = t.val; .)
- | "double" (. name = t.val; .)
- | "decimal" (. name = t.val; .)
- | "bool" (. name = t.val; .)
-FormalParameterList<out ArrayList parameter>
- parameter = new ArrayList();
- ParameterDeclarationExpression p;
- AttributeSection section;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- { AttributeSection<out section> (.attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- FixedParameter<out p> (. bool paramsFound = false;
- p.Attributes = attributes;
- parameter.Add(p);
- .)
- {
- "," (. attributes = new ArrayList(); if (paramsFound) Error("params array must be at end of parameter list"); .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (.attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- FixedParameter<out p> (. p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
- | ParameterArray<out p> (. paramsFound = true; p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
- )
- }
- | ParameterArray<out p> (. p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
- )
-FixedParameter<out ParameterDeclarationExpression p>
- TypeReference type;
- ParamModifiers mod = ParamModifiers.In;
- [
- "ref" (. mod = ParamModifiers.Ref; .)
- | "out" (. mod = ParamModifiers.Out; .)
- ]
- Type<out type> ident (. p = new ParameterDeclarationExpression(type, t.val, mod); .)
-ParameterArray<out ParameterDeclarationExpression p>
-(. TypeReference type; .)
- "params" Type<out type> ident (. p = new ParameterDeclarationExpression(type, t.val, ParamModifiers.Params); .)
-TypeModifier<Modifiers m>
- "new" (. m.Add(Modifier.New); .)
- | "public" (. m.Add(Modifier.Public); .)
- | "protected" (. m.Add(Modifier.Protected); .)
- | "internal" (. m.Add(Modifier.Internal); .)
- | "private" (. m.Add(Modifier.Private); .)
- | "unsafe" (. m.Add(Modifier.Unsafe); .)
- | "abstract" (. m.Add(Modifier.Abstract); .)
- | "sealed" (. m.Add(Modifier.Sealed); .)
- | "static" (. m.Add(Modifier.Static); .)
-ClassType<out string name> (. string qualident; name = "";.)
- Qualident<out qualident> (. name = qualident; .)
- | "object" (. name = "object"; .)
- | "string" (. name = "string"; .)
-IntegralType<out string name> (. name = ""; .)
- "sbyte" (. name = "sbyte"; .)
- | "byte" (. name = "byte"; .)
- | "short" (. name = "short"; .)
- | "ushort" (. name = "ushort"; .)
- | "int" (. name = "int"; .)
- | "uint" (. name = "uint"; .)
- | "long" (. name = "long"; .)
- | "ulong" (. name = "ulong"; .)
- | "char" (. name = "char"; .)
-MemberModifier<Modifiers m>
- "abstract" (. m.Add(Modifier.Abstract); .)
- | "extern" (. m.Add(Modifier.Extern); .)
- | "internal" (. m.Add(Modifier.Internal); .)
- | "new" (. m.Add(Modifier.New); .)
- | "override" (. m.Add(Modifier.Override); .)
- | "private" (. m.Add(Modifier.Private); .)
- | "protected" (. m.Add(Modifier.Protected); .)
- | "public" (. m.Add(Modifier.Public); .)
- | "readonly" (. m.Add(Modifier.Readonly); .)
- | "sealed" (. m.Add(Modifier.Sealed); .)
- | "static" (. m.Add(Modifier.Static); .)
- | "unsafe" (. m.Add(Modifier.Unsafe); .)
- | "virtual" (. m.Add(Modifier.Virtual); .)
- | "volatile" (. m.Add(Modifier.Volatile); .)
-StructMemberDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
- string qualident = null;
- TypeReference type;
- Expression expr;
- ArrayList p = new ArrayList();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ArrayList variableDeclarators = new ArrayList();
- /*--- constant declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constants); .)
- "const"
- Type<out type> ident (. FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier | Modifier.Const);
- VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
- fd.Fields.Add(f);
- .)
- "=" Expr<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .)
- { "," ident (. f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
- fd.Fields.Add(f);
- .)
- "=" Expr<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .)
- } ";" (. fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); .)
- /*--- void method (procedure) declaration: */
- | IF (NotVoidPointer()) (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
- "void" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
- Qualident<out qualident> "("
- [ FormalParameterList<out p> ] ")" (. MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration(qualident,
- m.Modifier,
- new TypeReference("void"),
- p,
- attributes);
- methodDeclaration.StartLocation = startPos;
- methodDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(methodDeclaration);
- .)
- ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt;
- .)
- | /*--- event declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
- "event" (. EventDeclaration eventDecl = new EventDeclaration(m.Modifier, attributes);
- eventDecl.StartLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(eventDecl);
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(eventDecl);
- EventAddRegion addBlock = null;
- EventRemoveRegion removeBlock = null;
- .)
- Type<out type> (. eventDecl.TypeReference = type; .)
- (
- IF (IsVarDecl()) VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators>
- { "," VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators> } ";" (. eventDecl.VariableDeclarators = variableDeclarators; eventDecl.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- | Qualident<out qualident> (. eventDecl.Name = qualident; eventDecl.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- "{" (. eventDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; .)
- EventAccessorDecls<out addBlock, out removeBlock>
- "}" (. eventDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; .)
- ) (. compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- eventDecl.AddRegion = addBlock;
- eventDecl.RemoveRegion = removeBlock;
- .)
- /*--- constructor or static contructor declaration: */
- | IF (IdentAndLPar()) (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors | Modifier.StaticConstructors); .)
- ident (. string name = t.val; Point startPos = t.Location; .) "(" [ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors); .)
- FormalParameterList<out p>
- ]
- ")" (.ConstructorInitializer init = null; .)
- [ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors); .)
- ConstructorInitializer<out init>
- ] (.
- ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, p, init, attributes);
- cd.StartLocation = startPos;
- cd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- .)
- ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. cd.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; compilationUnit.AddChild(cd); .)
- /*--- conversion operator declaration: */
- | (. m.Check(Modifier.Operators);
- if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set");
- bool isImplicit = true;
- .)
- ( "implicit" | "explicit" (. isImplicit = false; .) )
- "operator" Type<out type> (. TypeReference operatorType = type; .)
- "(" Type<out type> ident (. string varName = t.val; .) ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" (. stmt = null; .) )
- (.
- OperatorDeclarator operatorDeclarator = new OperatorDeclarator(isImplicit ? OperatorType.Implicit : OperatorType.Explicit,
- operatorType,
- type,
- varName);
- OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration(operatorDeclarator, m.Modifier, attributes);
- operatorDeclaration.Body = stmt;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration);
- .)
- /*--- inner type declaration: */
- | TypeDecl<m, attributes>
- | Type<out type> (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
- (
- /*--- operator declaration: */ (. Token op;
- m.Check(Modifier.Operators);
- if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set");
- .)
- "operator" OverloadableOperator<out op> (. TypeReference firstType, secondType = null; string secondName = null; .)
- "(" Type<out firstType> ident (. string firstName = t.val; .)
- ( "," Type<out secondType> ident (. secondName = t.val; .) (. if (ParserUtil.IsUnaryOperator(op) && !ParserUtil.IsBinaryOperator(op))
- Error("too many operands for unary operator");
- .)
- | /* empty */ (. if (ParserUtil.IsBinaryOperator(op))
- Error("too few operands for binary operator");
- .)
- )
- ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" )
- (.
- OperatorDeclarator operatorDeclarator = new OperatorDeclarator(secondType != null ? OperatorType.Binary : OperatorType.Unary,
- type,
- op.kind,
- firstType,
- firstName,
- secondType,
- secondName);
- OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration(operatorDeclarator, m.Modifier, attributes);
- operatorDeclaration.Body = stmt;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration);
- .)
- /*--- field declaration: */
- | IF (IsVarDecl()) (. m.Check(Modifier.Fields);
- FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier);
- fd.StartLocation = startPos;
- .)
- VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators>
- { "," VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators> }
- ";" (. fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; fd.Fields = variableDeclarators; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); .)
- /*--- unqualified indexer declaration (without interface name): */
- | (. m.Check(Modifier.Indexers); .)
- "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (. Point endLocation = t.EndLocation; .) "{" (.
- IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes);
- indexer.StartLocation = startPos;
- indexer.EndLocation = endLocation;
- indexer.BodyStart = t.Location;
- PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
- PropertySetRegion setRegion;
- .)
- AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion> "}" (.
- indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
- indexer.GetRegion = getRegion;
- indexer.SetRegion = setRegion;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer);
- .)
- | Qualident<out qualident> (. Point qualIdentEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- (
- /*--- "not void" method (function) declaration: */
- ( (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
- "(" [ FormalParameterList<out p> ] ")" (. MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration(qualident,
- m.Modifier,
- type,
- p,
- attributes);
- methodDeclaration.StartLocation = startPos;
- methodDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration);
- .)
- ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
- /*--- property declaration: */
- | "{" (. PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(qualident, type, m.Modifier, attributes);
- pDecl.StartLocation = startPos;
- pDecl.EndLocation = qualIdentEndLocation;
- pDecl.BodyStart = t.Location;
- PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
- PropertySetRegion setRegion;
- .)
- AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion>
- "}" (.
- pDecl.GetRegion = getRegion;
- pDecl.SetRegion = setRegion;
- pDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(pDecl);
- .)
- )
- /*--- qualified indexer declaration (with interface name): */
- | (. m.Check(Modifier.Indexers); .)
- "." "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (.
- IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes);
- indexer.StartLocation = startPos;
- indexer.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- indexer.NamespaceName = qualident;
- PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
- PropertySetRegion setRegion;
- .)
- "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location; .)
- AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion>
- "}" (. indexer.BodyStart = bodyStart;
- indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
- indexer.GetRegion = getRegion;
- indexer.SetRegion = setRegion;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer);
- .)
- )
- )
-ClassMemberDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
-(. Statement stmt = null; .)
- StructMemberDecl<m, attributes>
- | /*--- destructor declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Destructors); Point startPos = t.Location; .)
- "~" ident (. DestructorDeclaration d = new DestructorDeclaration(t.val, attributes);
- d.Modifier = m.Modifier;
- d.StartLocation = startPos;
- .)
- "(" ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. d.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- d.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(d);
- .)
- TypeReference type;
- ArrayList p;
- AttributeSection section;
- Modifier mod = Modifier.None;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
- string name;
- PropertyGetRegion getBlock;
- PropertySetRegion setBlock;
- Point startLocation = new Point(-1, -1);
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .)}
- [ "new" (. mod = Modifier.New; startLocation = t.Location; .) ]
- (
- /*--- interface void method (procedure) declaration: */
- IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .) ident (. name = t.val; .)
- "(" [ FormalParameterList<out parameters> ] ")" ";" (. MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(name, mod, new TypeReference("void"), parameters, attributes);
- md.StartLocation = startLocation;
- md.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(md);
- .)
- | (
- Type<out type> (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .)
- (
- ident (. name = t.val; Point qualIdentEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- (
- /*--- interface "not void" method (function) declaration: */
- "(" [ FormalParameterList<out parameters> ] ")" ";" (. MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(name, mod, type, parameters, attributes);
- md.StartLocation = startLocation;
- md.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.AddChild(md);
- .)
- /*--- interface property declaration: */
- | (. PropertyDeclaration pd = new PropertyDeclaration(name, type, mod, attributes); compilationUnit.AddChild(pd); .)
- "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location;.) InterfaceAccessors<out getBlock, out setBlock> "}" (. pd.GetRegion = getBlock; pd.SetRegion = setBlock; pd.StartLocation = startLocation; pd.EndLocation = qualIdentEndLocation; pd.BodyStart = bodyStart; pd.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; .)
- )
- /*--- interface indexer declaration: */
- | "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (.Point bracketEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .) (. IndexerDeclaration id = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, mod, attributes); compilationUnit.AddChild(id); .)
- "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location;.) InterfaceAccessors<out getBlock, out setBlock> "}" (. id.GetRegion = getBlock; id.SetRegion = setBlock; id.StartLocation = startLocation; id.EndLocation = bracketEndLocation; id.BodyStart = bodyStart; id.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;.)
- )
- /*--- interface event declaration: */
- | "event" (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .) Type<out type> ident (. EventDeclaration ed = new EventDeclaration(type, t.val, mod, attributes);
- compilationUnit.AddChild(ed);
- .)
- ";" (. ed.StartLocation = startLocation; ed.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
- )
- )
-EnumMemberDecl<out FieldDeclaration f>
- Expression expr = null;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- AttributeSection section = null;
- VariableDeclaration varDecl = null;
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- ident (. f = new FieldDeclaration(attributes);
- varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
- f.Fields.Add(varDecl);
- f.StartLocation = t.Location;
- .)
- [ "=" Expr<out expr> (. varDecl.Initializer = expr; .) ]
-AccessorDecls<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, out PropertySetRegion setBlock>
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- AttributeSection section;
- getBlock = null;
- setBlock = null;
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- IF (IdentIsGet())
- GetAccessorDecl<out getBlock, attributes>
- [ (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- SetAccessorDecl<out setBlock, attributes>
- ]
- | IF (IdentIsSet())
- SetAccessorDecl<out setBlock, attributes>
- [ (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- GetAccessorDecl<out getBlock, attributes>
- ]
- | ident (. Error("get or set accessor declaration expected"); .)
- )
-GetAccessorDecl<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, ArrayList attributes>
-(. Statement stmt = null; .)
- ident /* "get" is not a keyword!? */
- (. if (t.val != "get") Error("get expected"); .)
- ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion((BlockStatement)stmt, attributes); .)
-SetAccessorDecl<out PropertySetRegion setBlock, ArrayList attributes>
-(. Statement stmt = null; .)
- ident /* "set" is not a keyword!? */
- (. if (t.val != "set") Error("set expected"); .)
- ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. setBlock = new PropertySetRegion((BlockStatement)stmt, attributes); .)
-EventAccessorDecls<out EventAddRegion addBlock, out EventRemoveRegion removeBlock>
-(. AttributeSection section;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- Statement stmt;
- addBlock = null;
- removeBlock = null;
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- IF (IdentIsAdd()) (. addBlock = new EventAddRegion(attributes); .)
- AddAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. attributes = new ArrayList(); addBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .)}
- RemoveAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. removeBlock = new EventRemoveRegion(attributes); removeBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
- | IF (IdentIsRemove())
- RemoveAccessorDecl <out stmt> (. removeBlock = new EventRemoveRegion(attributes); removeBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- AddAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. addBlock = new EventAddRegion(attributes); addBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
- | ident (. Error("add or remove accessor declaration expected"); .)
- )
-InterfaceAccessors<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, out PropertySetRegion setBlock>
- AttributeSection section;
- ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
- getBlock = null; setBlock = null;
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- IF (IdentIsGet()) ident (. getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion(null, attributes); .)
- | IF (IdentIsSet()) ident (. setBlock = new PropertySetRegion(null, attributes); .)
- | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .)
- )
- ";" (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
- [
- { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
- (
- IF (IdentIsGet()) ident (. if (getBlock != null) Error("get already declared");
- else getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion(null, attributes);
- .)
- | IF (IdentIsSet()) ident (. if (setBlock != null) Error("set already declared");
- else setBlock = new PropertySetRegion(null, attributes);
- .)
- | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .)
- )
- ";"
- ]
-VariableDeclarator<ArrayList fieldDeclaration>
-(. Expression expr = null; .)
- ident (. VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); .)
- [ "=" VariableInitializer<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .) ] (. fieldDeclaration.Add(f); .)
-Block<out Statement stmt> /* not BlockStatement because of EmbeddedStatement */
- "{" (. BlockStatement blockStmt = new BlockStatement();
- blockStmt.StartLocation = t.Location;
- compilationUnit.BlockStart(blockStmt);
- .)
- { Statement }
- "}" (. stmt = blockStmt;
- blockStmt.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- .)
-AddAccessorDecl<out Statement stmt>
-(.stmt = null;.)
- /* "add" is not a keyword!? */
- ident (. if (t.val != "add") Error("add expected"); .)
- Block<out stmt>
-RemoveAccessorDecl<out Statement stmt>
-(.stmt = null;.)
- /* "remove" is not a keyword!? */
- ident (. if (t.val != "remove") Error("remove expected"); .)
- Block<out stmt>
-ConstructorInitializer<out ConstructorInitializer ci>
-(. Expression expr; ci = new ConstructorInitializer(); .)
- ":"
- (
- "base" (. ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.Base; .)
- | "this" (. ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.This; .)
- )
- "("
- [ Argument<out expr> (. ci.Arguments.Add(expr); .) { "," Argument<out expr> (. ci.Arguments.Add(expr); .) } ]
- ")"
-VariableInitializer<out Expression initializerExpression>
-(. TypeReference type = null; Expression expr = null; initializerExpression = null; .)
- Expr<out initializerExpression>
- | ArrayInitializer<out initializerExpression>
- | "stackalloc" Type<out type> "[" Expr<out expr> "]" (. initializerExpression = new StackAllocExpression(type, expr); .)
-OverloadableOperator<out Token op>
- (
- "+" | "-" | "!" | "~"
- | "++" | "--" | "true" | "false"
- | "*" | "/" | "%" | "&"
- | "|" | "^" | "<<" | ">>"
- | "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<"
- | ">=" | "<="
- ) (. op = t; .)
-Argument<out Expression argumentexpr>
- Expression expr;
- FieldDirection fd = FieldDirection.None;
- [
- "ref" (. fd = FieldDirection.Ref; .)
- | "out" (. fd = FieldDirection.Out; .)
- ]
- Expr<out expr> (. argumentexpr = fd != FieldDirection.None ? argumentexpr = new DirectionExpression(fd, expr) : expr; .)
-AssignmentOperator<out AssignmentOperatorType op>
-(. op = AssignmentOperatorType.None; .)
- "=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Assign; .)
- | "+=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Add; .)
- | "-=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Subtract; .)
- | "*=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Multiply; .)
- | "/=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Divide; .)
- | "%=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Modulus; .)
- | "&=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.BitwiseAnd; .)
- | "|=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.BitwiseOr; .)
- | "^=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ExclusiveOr; .)
- | "<<=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ShiftLeft; .)
- | ">>=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ShiftRight; .)
-ArrayInitializer<out Expression outExpr>
- Expression expr = null;
- ArrayInitializerExpression initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
- "{"
- [ VariableInitializer<out expr> (. initializer.CreateExpressions.Add(expr); .) { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," VariableInitializer<out expr> (. initializer.CreateExpressions.Add(expr); .) } [ "," ] ]
- "}" (. outExpr = initializer; .)
-LocalVariableDecl<out Statement stmt>
- TypeReference type;
- VariableDeclaration var = null;
- LocalVariableDeclaration localVariableDeclaration;
- Type<out type> (. localVariableDeclaration = new LocalVariableDeclaration(type); localVariableDeclaration.StartLocation = t.Location; .)
- LocalVariableDeclarator<out var> (. localVariableDeclaration.Variables.Add(var); .)
- { "," LocalVariableDeclarator<out var> (. localVariableDeclaration.Variables.Add(var); .) }
- (. stmt = localVariableDeclaration; .)
-LocalVariableDeclarator<out VariableDeclaration var>
-(. Expression expr = null; .)
- ident (. var = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); .) [ "=" LocalVariableInitializer<out expr> (. var.Initializer = expr; .) ]
-LocalVariableInitializer<out Expression expr>
-(. expr = null; .)
- Expr<out expr>
- | ArrayInitializer<out expr>
- TypeReference type;
- Expression expr;
- Statement stmt;
- /*--- labeled statement: */
- IF (IsLabel()) ident (. compilationUnit.AddChild(new LabelStatement(t.val)); .)
- ":" Statement
- /*--- local constant declaration: */
- | "const" Type<out type> (. LocalVariableDeclaration var = new LocalVariableDeclaration(type, Modifier.Const); string ident = null; var.StartLocation = t.Location; .)
- ident (. ident = t.val; .)
- "=" Expr<out expr> (. var.Variables.Add(new VariableDeclaration(ident, expr)); .)
- { "," ident (. ident = t.val; .) "=" Expr<out expr> (. var.Variables.Add(new VariableDeclaration(ident, expr)); .) }
- ";" (. compilationUnit.AddChild(var); .)
- /*--- local variable declaration: */
- | IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt> ";" (. compilationUnit.AddChild(stmt); .)
- | EmbeddedStatement<out stmt> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(stmt); .)
- /* LL(1) confict: LocalVariableDecl *
- * <-> StatementExpr *
- * ident {"." ident} { "[" Expr ... */
-EmbeddedStatement<out Statement statement>
- TypeReference type = null;
- Expression expr = null;
- Statement embeddedStatement = null;
- statement = null;
- Block<out statement>
- /*--- empty statement: */
- | ";" (. statement = new EmptyStatement(); .)
- /*--- checked / unchecked statement: */
- | IF (UnCheckedAndLBrace()) (. Statement block; bool isChecked = true; .)
- ("checked" | "unchecked" (. isChecked = false;.) )
- Block<out block> (. statement = isChecked ? (Statement)new CheckedStatement(block) : (Statement)new UncheckedStatement(block); .)
- /*--- expression statement: */
- | StatementExpr<out statement> ";"
- /*--- selection statements (if, switch): */
- | "if" (. Statement elseStatement = null; .)
- "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement>
- [ "else" EmbeddedStatement<out elseStatement> ]
- (. statement = elseStatement != null ? (Statement)new IfElseStatement(expr, embeddedStatement, elseStatement) : (Statement)new IfStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
- | "switch" (. ArrayList switchSections = new ArrayList(); .)
- "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
- "{" { SwitchSection<out statement> (. switchSections.Add(statement); .) }
- "}" (. statement = new SwitchStatement(expr, switchSections); .)
- /*--- iteration statements (while, do, for, foreach): */
- | "while" "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new WhileStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
- | "do" EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> "while"
- "(" Expr<out expr> ")" ";" (. statement = new DoWhileStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
- | "for" (. ArrayList initializer = null, iterator = null; .)
- "(" [ ForInitializer<out initializer> ] ";"
- [ Expr<out expr> ] ";"
- [ ForIterator<out iterator> ] ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new ForStatement(initializer, expr, iterator, embeddedStatement); .)
- | "foreach" "(" Type<out type> ident (. string varName = t.val; .)
- "in" Expr<out expr> ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new ForeachStatement(type, varName , expr, embeddedStatement);
- statement.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
- .)
- /*--- jump statements (break, contine, goto, return, throw): */
- | "break" ";" (. statement = new BreakStatement(); .)
- | "continue" ";" (. statement = new ContinueStatement(); .)
- | GotoStatement<out statement>
- | "return" [ Expr<out expr> ] ";" (. statement = new ReturnStatement(expr); .)
- | "throw" [ Expr<out expr> ] ";" (. statement = new ThrowStatement(expr); .)
- /*--- try statement: */
- | TryStatement<out statement>
- /*--- lock satement: */
- | "lock" "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new LockStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
- /*--- using statement: */
- | (.Statement resourceAcquisitionStmt = null; .)
- "using" "("
- ResourceAcquisition<out resourceAcquisitionStmt> ")"
- EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new UsingStatement(resourceAcquisitionStmt, embeddedStatement); .)
- /*--- unsafe statement: */
- | "unsafe" Block<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new UnsafeStatement(embeddedStatement); .)
- /*--- fixed statement: */
- | "fixed"
- "(" Type<out type> (. if (type.PointerNestingLevel == 0) Error("can only fix pointer types");
- FixedStatement fxStmt = new FixedStatement(type);
- string identifier = null;
- .)
- ident (. identifier = t.val; .)
- "=" Expr<out expr> (. fxStmt.PointerDeclarators.Add(new VariableDeclaration(identifier, expr)); .)
- {
- "," ident (. identifier = t.val; .)
- "=" Expr<out expr> (. fxStmt.PointerDeclarators.Add(new VariableDeclaration(identifier, expr)); .)
- }
- ")" EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. fxStmt.EmbeddedStatement = embeddedStatement; statement = fxStmt;.)
-ForInitializer<out ArrayList initializer>
- Statement stmt;
- initializer = new ArrayList();
- IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt> (. initializer.Add(stmt);.)
- | StatementExpr<out stmt> (.initializer.Add(stmt);.) { "," StatementExpr<out stmt> (. initializer.Add(stmt);.) } (. initializer.Add(stmt);.)
-ForIterator<out ArrayList iterator>
- Statement stmt;
- iterator = new ArrayList();
- StatementExpr<out stmt> (. iterator.Add(stmt);.) { "," StatementExpr<out stmt> (. iterator.Add(stmt); .) }
-SwitchSection<out Statement stmt>
- SwitchSection switchSection = new SwitchSection();
- Expression expr;
- SwitchLabel<out expr> (. switchSection.SwitchLabels.Add(expr); .) { SwitchLabel<out expr> (. switchSection.SwitchLabels.Add(expr); .) }
- (. compilationUnit.BlockStart(switchSection); .)
- Statement { Statement }
- (.
- compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
- stmt = switchSection;
- .)
-SwitchLabel<out Expression expr>
- (. expr = null; .)
- "case" Expr<out expr> ":"
- | "default" ":"
-TryStatement<out Statement tryStatement>
- Statement blockStmt = null, finallyStmt = null;
- ArrayList catchClauses = null;
- "try" Block<out blockStmt>
- (
- CatchClauses<out catchClauses> [ "finally" Block<out finallyStmt> ]
- | "finally" Block<out finallyStmt>
- )
- (.
- tryStatement = new TryCatchStatement(blockStmt, catchClauses, finallyStmt);
- .)
-CatchClauses<out ArrayList catchClauses>
- catchClauses = new ArrayList();
- "catch" (. string name;
- string identifier;
- Statement stmt;
- .)
- /*--- general catch clause (as only catch clause) */
- (
- Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(stmt)); .)
- /*--- specific catch clause */
- | "(" ClassType<out name> (. identifier = null; .) [ ident (. identifier = t.val; .) ] ")" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(name, identifier, stmt)); .)
- { IF (IsTypedCatch()) "catch" "(" ClassType<out name> (. identifier = null; .) [ ident (. identifier = t.val; .) ] ")" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(name, identifier, stmt)); .) }
- /*--- general catch clause (after specific catch clauses, optional) */
- [ "catch" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(stmt)); .) ]
- )
-GotoStatement<out Statement stmt>
-(. Expression expr; stmt = null; .)
- "goto"
- (
- ident (. stmt = new GotoStatement(t.val); .) ";"
- | "case" Expr<out expr> ";" (. stmt = new GotoCaseStatement(expr); .)
- | "default" ";" (. stmt = new GotoCaseStatement(null); .)
- )
-ResourceAcquisition<out Statement stmt>
- stmt = null;
- Expression expr;
- (
- IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt>
- | Expr<out expr> /* LL(1) conflict resoltion: *
- * check if next is Qualident followed by ident *
- * ==> LocalVariableDecl *
- * new problem: first set of ResourceAcquisition changes */
- (. stmt = new StatementExpression(expr); .)
- )
-StatementExpr<out Statement stmt>
- /* We don't know why, but it's in the grammar. */
- /* (see internal document: assignment.txt) */
- (.
- bool mustBeAssignment = la.kind == Tokens.Plus || la.kind == Tokens.Minus ||
- la.kind == Tokens.Not || la.kind == Tokens.BitwiseComplement ||
- la.kind == Tokens.Times || la.kind == Tokens.BitwiseAnd || IsTypeCast();
- Expression expr = null;
- .)
- UnaryExpr<out expr>
- /*--- assignment */
- (
- (. AssignmentOperatorType op; Expression val; .) AssignmentOperator<out op> Expr<out val> (. expr = new AssignmentExpression(expr, op, val); .)
- | (. if (mustBeAssignment) Error("error in assignment."); .)
- ) (. stmt = new StatementExpression(expr); .)
-Expr<out Expression expr>
-(. expr = null; Expression expr1 = null, expr2 = null; .)
- UnaryExpr<out expr>
- /*--- conditional expression: */
- (
- ConditionalOrExpr<ref expr> [ "?" Expr<out expr1> ":" Expr<out expr2> (. expr = new ConditionalExpression(expr, expr1, expr2); .) ]
- /*--- assignment: */
- | (. AssignmentOperatorType op; Expression val; .) AssignmentOperator<out op> Expr<out val> (. expr = new AssignmentExpression(expr, op, val); .)
- )
-UnaryExpr<out Expression uExpr>
- TypeReference type = null;
- Expression expr;
- ArrayList expressions = new ArrayList();
- uExpr = null;
- {
- "+" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Plus)); .)
- | "-" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Minus)); .)
- | "!" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Not)); .)
- | "~" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitNot)); .)
- | "*" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Star)); .)
- | "++" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Increment)); .)
- | "--" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Decrement)); .)
- | "&" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitWiseAnd)); .)
- /*--- cast expression: */
- /* Problem: "(" Type ")" from here and *
- * "(" Expr ")" from PrimaryExpr *
- * are not distinguishable *
- * Solution: (in IsTypeCast()) *
- * use external information from compiled assembly or guess */
- | IF (IsTypeCast()) "(" Type<out type> ")" (. expressions.Add(new CastExpression(type)); .)
- }
- PrimaryExpr<out expr> (. for (int i = 0; i < expressions.Count; ++i) {
- Expression nextExpression = i + 1 < expressions.Count ? (Expression)expressions[i + 1] : expr;
- if (expressions[i] is CastExpression) {
- ((CastExpression)expressions[i]).Expression = nextExpression;
- } else {
- ((UnaryOperatorExpression)expressions[i]).Expression = nextExpression;
- }
- }
- if (expressions.Count > 0) {
- uExpr = (Expression)expressions[0];
- } else {
- uExpr = expr;
- }
- .)
-PrimaryExpr<out Expression pexpr>
- TypeReference type = null;
- bool isArrayCreation = false;
- Expression expr;
- pexpr = null;
- (
- "true" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(true, "true"); .)
- | "false" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(false, "false"); .)
- | "null" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(null, "null"); .) /* from literal token */
- | literal (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(t.literalValue, t.val); .)
- /*--- simple name: */
- | ident (. pexpr = new IdentifierExpression(t.val); .)
- /*--- parenthesized expression: */
- | "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new ParenthesizedExpression(expr); .)
- | /*--- predefined type member access: */
- (
- "bool" | "byte" | "char" | "decimal" | "double"
- | "float" | "int" | "long" | "object" | "sbyte"
- | "short" | "string" | "uint" | "ulong" | "ushort"
- ) (. string val = t.val; t.val = ""; .) "." ident (. pexpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(new TypeReferenceExpression(val), t.val); .)
- /*--- this access: */
- | "this" (. pexpr = new ThisReferenceExpression(); .)
- /*--- base access: */
- | "base" (. Expression retExpr = new BaseReferenceExpression(); .)
- (
- "." ident (. retExpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(retExpr, t.val); .)
- | "[" Expr<out expr> (.ArrayList indices = new ArrayList(); indices.Add(expr); .)
- { "," Expr<out expr> (. indices.Add(expr); .) }
- "]" (. retExpr = new IndexerExpression(retExpr, indices); .)
- ) (. pexpr = retExpr; .)
- | "new" NonArrayType<out type> (. ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); .)
- /*--- delegate / object creation expression: */
- /* Note: a delegate creation expression allow only a single Expr *
- * not an argument list, but this is not distinguished here */
- (
- "(" (. ObjectCreateExpression oce = new ObjectCreateExpression(type, parameters); .) [ Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
- { "," Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .) } ] ")" (. pexpr = oce; .)
- /*--- array creation expression: */
- | (. isArrayCreation = true; ArrayCreateExpression ace = new ArrayCreateExpression(type); pexpr = ace; .)
- "[" (. int dims = 0; ArrayList rank = new ArrayList(); ArrayList parameterExpression = new ArrayList(); .)
- (
- Expr<out expr> (. parameterExpression.Add(expr); .) { "," Expr<out expr> (. parameterExpression.Add(expr); .) } "]" (. parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(parameterExpression)); ace.Parameters = parameters; .)
- { IF (IsDims()) "[" (.dims =0;.) { "," (.dims++;.) } (.rank.Add(dims); parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" }
- (. if (rank.Count > 0) { ace.Rank = (int[])rank.ToArray(typeof (int)); } .)
- [ ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. ace.ArrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr; .) ]
- | { "," (.dims++;.) } (.parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" { IF (IsDims()) "[" (.dims =0;.) { "," (.dims++;.) } (.parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" } ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. ace.ArrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr; ace.Parameters = parameters; .)
- )
-/* | ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. if (!type.IsArrayType) { Error("() or [] expected"); } pexpr = new ArrayCreateExpression(type, (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr); .)*/
- )
- | "typeof" "("
- (
- IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. type = new TypeReference("void"); .)
- | Type<out type>
- ) ")" (. pexpr = new TypeOfExpression(type); .)
- | "sizeof" "(" Type<out type> ")" (. pexpr = new SizeOfExpression(type); .)
- | "checked" "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new CheckedExpression(expr); .)
- | "unchecked" "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new CheckedExpression(expr); .)
- )
- {
- (
- "++" (. pexpr = new UnaryOperatorExpression(pexpr, UnaryOperatorType.PostIncrement); .)
- | "--" (. pexpr = new UnaryOperatorExpression(pexpr, UnaryOperatorType.PostDecrement); .)
- )
- /*--- member access */
- | "->" ident (. pexpr = new PointerReferenceExpression(pexpr, t.val); .)
- | "." ident (. pexpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(pexpr, t.val);.)
- /*--- invocation expression: */
- | "(" (. ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); .)
- [ Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
- { "," Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
- } ] ")" (. pexpr = new InvocationExpression(pexpr, parameters); .)
- /*--- element access */
- | (. if (isArrayCreation) Error("element access not allow on array creation");
- ArrayList indices = new ArrayList();
- .)
- "[" Expr<out expr> (.indices.Add(expr); .)
- { "," Expr<out expr> (. indices.Add(expr); .)
- } "]" (. pexpr = new IndexerExpression(pexpr, indices); .)
- }
-ConditionalOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
-(. Expression expr; .)
- ConditionalAndExpr<ref outExpr> { "||" UnaryExpr<out expr> ConditionalAndExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.LogicalOr, expr); .) }
-ConditionalAndExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
-(. Expression expr; .)
- InclusiveOrExpr<ref outExpr> { "&&" UnaryExpr<out expr> InclusiveOrExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.LogicalAnd, expr); .) }
-InclusiveOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
-(. Expression expr; .)
- ExclusiveOrExpr<ref outExpr> { "|" UnaryExpr<out expr> ExclusiveOrExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr, expr); .) }
-ExclusiveOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
-(. Expression expr; .)
- AndExpr<ref outExpr> { "^" UnaryExpr<out expr> AndExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.ExclusiveOr, expr); .) }
-AndExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
-(. Expression expr; .)
- EqualityExpr<ref outExpr> { "&" UnaryExpr<out expr> EqualityExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd, expr); .) }
-EqualityExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
- Expression expr;
- BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
- RelationalExpr<ref outExpr>
- {
- (
- "!=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.InEquality; .)
- | "==" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Equality; .)
- )
- UnaryExpr<out expr> RelationalExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
- }
-RelationalExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
- TypeReference type;
- Expression expr;
- BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
- ShiftExpr<ref outExpr>
- {
- (
- "<" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.LessThan; .)
- | ">" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan; .)
- | "<=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual; .)
- | ">=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual; .)
- )
- UnaryExpr<out expr> ShiftExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
- |
- (
- "is" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.IS; .)
- | "as" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.AS; .)
- )
- Type<out type> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, new TypeReferenceExpression(type)); .)
- }
-ShiftExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
- Expression expr;
- BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
- AdditiveExpr<ref outExpr>
- {
- (
- "<<" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.ShiftLeft; .)
- | ">>" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight; .)
- )
- UnaryExpr<out expr> AdditiveExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
- }
-AdditiveExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
- Expression expr;
- BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
- MultiplicativeExpr<ref outExpr>
- {
- (
- "+" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Add; .)
- | "-" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Subtract; .)
- )
- UnaryExpr<out expr> MultiplicativeExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
- }
-MultiplicativeExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
- Expression expr;
- BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
- {
- (
- "*" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Multiply; .)
- | "/" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Divide; .)
- | "%" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Modulus; .)
- )
- UnaryExpr<out expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
- }
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Specialized;
+using System.Text;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST;
+COMPILER CS /* AW 2002-12-30 renamed from CompilationUnit to CS */
+string assemblyName = null;
+public CompilationUnit compilationUnit;
+public string ContainingAssembly {
+ set {
+ assemblyName = value;
+ }
+Token t {
+ get {
+ return lexer.Token;
+ }
+Token la {
+ get {
+ return lexer.LookAhead;
+ }
+Hashtable typeStrings = null;
+ArrayList usingNamespaces = null;
+public void Error(string s)
+ if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
+ errors.Error(la.line, la.col, s);
+ }
+ errDist = 0;
+public Expression ParseExpression(Lexer lexer)
+ this.errors = lexer.Errors;
+ this.lexer = lexer;
+ errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
+ lexer.NextToken();
+ Expression expr;
+ Expr(out expr);
+ return expr;
+bool IsTypeCast()
+ if (IsSimpleTypeCast()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (assemblyName != null) {
+ return CheckTypeCast();
+ }
+ return GuessTypeCast();
+bool IsSimpleTypeCast()
+ // check: "(" pointer or array of keyword type ")"
+ if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ StartPeek();
+ Token pt1 = Peek();
+ Token pt = Peek();
+ return ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(pt1) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
+ pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis;
+bool CheckTypeCast()
+ // check: leading "(" pointer or array of some type ")"
+ if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string qualident;
+ StartPeek();
+ Token pt = Peek();
+ return IsQualident(ref pt, out qualident) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
+ pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis && IsType(qualident);
+bool IsType(string qualident)
+ if (typeStrings == null) {
+ CreateTypeStrings();
+ }
+ if (typeStrings.ContainsValue(qualident)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ foreach (string ns in usingNamespaces) {
+ if (typeStrings.ContainsValue(ns + "." + qualident)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool GuessTypeCast()
+ // check: "(" pointer or array of some type ")" possible type cast successor
+ if (la.kind != Tokens.OpenParenthesis) return false;
+ string qualident;
+ StartPeek();
+ Token pt = Peek();
+ if (IsQualident(ref pt, out qualident) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
+ pt.kind == Tokens.CloseParenthesis) {
+ // check successor
+ pt = Peek();
+ return pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier || pt.kind == Tokens.Literal ||
+ pt.kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis || ParserUtil.IsUnaryOperator(pt) ||
+ pt.kind == Tokens.New || pt.kind == Tokens.This ||
+ pt.kind == Tokens.Base || pt.kind == Tokens.Null ||
+ pt.kind == Tokens.Checked || pt.kind == Tokens.Unchecked ||
+ pt.kind == Tokens.Typeof || pt.kind == Tokens.Sizeof ||
+ (ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(pt) && Peek().kind == Tokens.Dot);
+ } else return false;
+void CreateTypeStrings()
+ Assembly a;
+ Type[] types;
+ AssemblyName [] aNames;
+ if (assemblyName != null && assemblyName.Length > 0) { /* AW 2002-12-30 add check for length > 0 */
+ typeStrings = new Hashtable();
+ a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);
+ types = a.GetTypes();
+ foreach (Type t in types)
+ typeStrings.Add(t.FullName.GetHashCode(), t.FullName);
+ aNames = a.GetReferencedAssemblies();
+ for (int i = 0; i < aNames.Length; i++) {
+ a = Assembly.LoadFrom(aNames[i].Name);
+ types = a.GetExportedTypes();
+ foreach(Type t in types)
+ if (usingNamespaces.Contains(t.FullName.Substring(0, t.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'))))
+ typeStrings.Add(t.FullName.GetHashCode(), t.FullName);
+ }
+ }
+/* Checks whether the next sequences of tokens is a qualident *
+ * and returns the qualident string */
+/* !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */
+bool IsQualident (ref Token pt, out string qualident)
+ qualident = "";
+ if (pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier) {
+ qualident = pt.val;
+ pt = Peek();
+ while (pt.kind == Tokens.Dot) {
+ pt = Peek();
+ if (pt.kind != Tokens.Identifier) return false;
+ qualident += "." + pt.val;
+ pt = Peek();
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+/* skip: { "*" | "[" { "," } "]" } */
+/* !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */
+bool IsPointerOrDims (ref Token pt)
+ for (;;) {
+ if (pt.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket) {
+ do pt = Peek();
+ while (pt.kind == Tokens.Comma);
+ if (pt.kind != Tokens.CloseSquareBracket) return false;
+ } else if (pt.kind != Tokens.Times) break;
+ pt = Peek();
+ }
+ return true;
+/* Return the n-th token after the current lookahead token */
+void StartPeek()
+ lexer.StartPeek();
+Token Peek()
+ return lexer.Peek();
+Token Peek (int n)
+ lexer.StartPeek();
+ Token x = la;
+ while (n > 0) {
+ x = lexer.Peek();
+ n--;
+ }
+ return x;
+ * Resolver routines to resolve LL(1) conflicts: * *
+ * These resolution routine return a boolean value that indicates *
+ * whether the alternative at hand shall be choosen or not. *
+ * They are used in IF ( ... ) expressions. *
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* True, if ident is followed by "=" */
+bool IdentAndAsgn ()
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Assign;
+bool IsAssignment () { return IdentAndAsgn(); }
+/* True, if ident is followed by ",", "=", or ";" */
+bool IdentAndCommaOrAsgnOrSColon () {
+ int peek = Peek(1).kind;
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier &&
+ (peek == Tokens.Comma || peek == Tokens.Assign || peek == Tokens.Semicolon);
+bool IsVarDecl () { return IdentAndCommaOrAsgnOrSColon(); }
+/* True, if the comma is not a trailing one, *
+ * like the last one in: a, b, c, */
+bool NotFinalComma () {
+ int peek = Peek(1).kind;
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Comma &&
+ peek != Tokens.CloseCurlyBrace && peek != Tokens.CloseSquareBracket;
+/* True, if "void" is followed by "*" */
+bool NotVoidPointer () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Void && Peek(1).kind != Tokens.Times;
+/* True, if "checked" or "unchecked" are followed by "{" */
+bool UnCheckedAndLBrace () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Checked || la.kind == Tokens.Unchecked &&
+ Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenCurlyBrace;
+/* True, if "." is followed by an ident */
+bool DotAndIdent () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Dot && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Identifier;
+/* True, if ident is followed by ":" */
+bool IdentAndColon () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Colon;
+bool IsLabel () { return IdentAndColon(); }
+/* True, if ident is followed by "(" */
+bool IdentAndLPar () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis;
+/* True, if "catch" is followed by "(" */
+bool CatchAndLPar () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Catch && Peek(1).kind == Tokens.OpenParenthesis;
+bool IsTypedCatch () { return CatchAndLPar(); }
+/* True, if "[" is followed by the ident "assembly" */
+bool IsGlobalAttrTarget () {
+ Token pt = Peek(1);
+ return la.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket &&
+ pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier && pt.val == "assembly";
+/* True, if "[" is followed by "," or "]" */
+bool LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack () {
+ int peek = Peek(1).kind;
+ return la.kind == Tokens.OpenSquareBracket &&
+ (peek == Tokens.Comma || peek == Tokens.CloseSquareBracket);
+bool IsDims () { return LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack(); }
+/* True, if "[" is followed by "," or "]" *
+ * or if the current token is "*" */
+bool TimesOrLBrackAndCommaOrRBrack () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Times || LBrackAndCommaOrRBrack();
+bool IsPointerOrDims () { return TimesOrLBrackAndCommaOrRBrack(); }
+bool IsPointer () { return la.kind == Tokens.Times; }
+/* True, if lookahead is a primitive type keyword, or *
+ * if it is a type declaration followed by an ident */
+bool IsLocalVarDecl () {
+ if ((ParserUtil.IsTypeKW(la) && Peek(1).kind != Tokens.Dot) || la.kind == Tokens.Void) return true;
+ StartPeek();
+ Token pt = la ; // peek token
+ string ignore;
+ return IsQualident(ref pt, out ignore) && IsPointerOrDims(ref pt) &&
+ pt.kind == Tokens.Identifier;
+/* True, if lookahead ident is "get" */
+bool IdentIsGet () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "get";
+/* True, if lookahead ident is "set" */
+bool IdentIsSet () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "set";
+/* True, if lookahead ident is "add" */
+bool IdentIsAdd () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "add";
+/* True, if lookahead ident is "remove" */
+bool IdentIsRemove () {
+ return la.kind == Tokens.Identifier && la.val == "remove";
+/* True, if lookahead is a local attribute target specifier, *
+ * i.e. one of "event", "return", "field", "method", *
+ * "module", "param", "property", or "type" */
+bool IsLocalAttrTarget () {
+ int cur = la.kind;
+ string val = la.val;
+ return (cur == Tokens.Event || cur == Tokens.Return ||
+ (cur == Tokens.Identifier &&
+ (val == "field" || val == "method" || val == "module" ||
+ val == "param" || val == "property" || val == "type"))) &&
+ Peek(1).kind == Tokens.Colon;
+ *----- LEXER TOKEN LIST ------------------------------------------------*
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /*----- terminal classes -----*/
+ /* EOF is 0 */
+ ident
+ literal
+ /*----- special character -----*/
+ "=" /* 3 */
+ "+"
+ "-"
+ "*"
+ "/"
+ "%"
+ ":"
+ ";"
+ "?"
+ ","
+ "."
+ "{"
+ "}"
+ "["
+ "]"
+ "("
+ ")"
+ ">"
+ "<"
+ "!"
+ "&&"
+ "||"
+ "~"
+ "&"
+ "|"
+ "^"
+ /*----- special character sequences -----*/
+ "++" /* 29 */
+ "--"
+ "=="
+ "!="
+ ">="
+ "<="
+ "<<"
+ ">>"
+ "+="
+ "-="
+ "*="
+ "/="
+ "%="
+ "&="
+ "|="
+ "^="
+ "<<="
+ ">>="
+ "->"
+ /*----- C# keywords -----*/
+ "abstract" /* 48 */
+ "as"
+ "base"
+ "bool"
+ "break"
+ "byte"
+ "case"
+ "catch"
+ "char"
+ "checked"
+ "class"
+ "const"
+ "continue"
+ "decimal"
+ "default"
+ "delegate"
+ "do"
+ "double"
+ "else"
+ "enum"
+ "event"
+ "explicit"
+ "extern"
+ "false"
+ "finally"
+ "fixed"
+ "float"
+ "for"
+ "foreach"
+ "goto"
+ "if"
+ "implicit"
+ "in"
+ "int"
+ "interface"
+ "internal"
+ "is"
+ "lock"
+ "long"
+ "namespace"
+ "new"
+ "null"
+ "object"
+ "operator"
+ "out"
+ "override"
+ "params"
+ "private"
+ "protected"
+ "public"
+ "readonly"
+ "ref"
+ "return"
+ "sbyte"
+ "sealed"
+ "short"
+ "sizeof"
+ "stackalloc"
+ "static"
+ "string"
+ "struct"
+ "switch"
+ "this"
+ "throw"
+ "true"
+ "try"
+ "typeof"
+ "uint"
+ "ulong"
+ "unchecked"
+ "unsafe"
+ "ushort"
+ "using"
+ "virtual"
+ "void"
+ "volatile"
+ "while"
+ *----- PARSER -----------------------------------------------------------*
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/*--- compilation unit: */
+(. compilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(); .)
+ { UsingDirective }
+ { IF (IsGlobalAttrTarget()) GlobalAttributeSection }
+ { NamespaceMemberDecl }
+ usingNamespaces = new ArrayList();
+ string qualident = null, aliasident = null;
+ "using" (. Point startPos = t.Location;
+ INode node = null;
+ .)
+ [ IF (IsAssignment()) ident (. aliasident = t.val; .) "=" ] /*--- using alias directive */
+ Qualident<out qualident> (. if (qualident != null && qualident.Length > 0) {
+ if (aliasident != null) {
+ node = new UsingAliasDeclaration(aliasident, qualident);
+ } else {
+ usingNamespaces.Add(qualident);
+ node = new UsingDeclaration(qualident);
+ }
+ }
+ .)
+ ";" (. node.StartLocation = startPos;
+ node.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(node);
+ .)
+ "[" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .) ident (. if (t.val != "assembly") Error("global attribute target specifier (\"assembly\") expected");
+ string attributeTarget = t.val;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute;
+ .)
+ ":" Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)
+ { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)}
+ [ "," ]
+ "]" (. AttributeSection section = new AttributeSection(attributeTarget, attributes);
+ section.StartLocation = startPos;
+ section.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(section);
+ .)
+Attribute<out ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute>
+(. string qualident; .)
+ Qualident<out qualident> (. ArrayList positional = new ArrayList();
+ ArrayList named = new ArrayList();
+ string name = qualident;
+ .)
+ [ AttributeArguments<ref positional, ref named> ] (. attribute = new ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute(name, positional, named);.)
+AttributeArguments<ref ArrayList positional, ref ArrayList named>
+ bool nameFound = false;
+ string name = "";
+ Expression expr;
+ "("
+ [
+ [
+ IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .)
+ ident (. name = t.val; .)
+ "="
+ ] Expr<out expr> (. if(name == "") positional.Add(expr);
+ else { named.Add(new NamedArgument(name, expr)); name = ""; }
+ .)
+ {
+ ","
+ (
+ IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .)
+ ident (. name = t.val; .)
+ "="
+ | /*Empty*/ (. if (nameFound) Error("no positional argument after named argument"); .)
+ ) Expr<out expr> (. if(name == "") positional.Add(expr);
+ else { named.Add(new NamedArgument(name, expr)); name = ""; }
+ .)
+ }
+ ]
+ ")"
+AttributeSection<out AttributeSection section>
+ string attributeTarget = "";
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory.Parser.AST.Attribute attribute;
+ "[" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .) /*--- attribute target specifier: */
+ [ IF (IsLocalAttrTarget())
+ ( "event" (. attributeTarget = "event";.)
+ | "return" (. attributeTarget = "return";.)
+ | ident (. if (t.val != "field" || t.val != "method" ||
+ t.val != "module" || t.val != "param" ||
+ t.val != "property" || t.val != "type")
+ Error("attribute target specifier (event, return, field," +
+ "method, module, param, property, or type) expected");
+ attributeTarget = t.val;
+ .)
+ ) ":"
+ ]
+ /*--- attribute list: */
+ Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)
+ { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," Attribute<out attribute> (. attributes.Add(attribute); .)}
+ [ "," ]
+ "]" (. section = new AttributeSection(attributeTarget, attributes);
+ section.StartLocation = startPos;
+ section.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ .)
+ AttributeSection section;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
+ string qualident;
+= /*--- namespace declaration: */
+ "namespace" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
+ Qualident<out qualident> (. INode node = new NamespaceDeclaration(qualident);
+ node.StartLocation = startPos;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(node);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(node);
+ .)
+ "{"
+ { UsingDirective }
+ { NamespaceMemberDecl }
+ "}"
+ [ ";" ] (. node.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+ /*--- type declaration: */
+ | { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ { TypeModifier<m> }
+ TypeDecl<m, attributes>
+TypeDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
+ TypeReference type;
+ StringCollection names;
+ ArrayList p; string name;
+= /*--- class declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Classes); .)
+ "class" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
+ newType.Type = Types.Class;
+ newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;
+ newType.Attributes = attributes;
+ .)
+ ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
+ [ ClassBase<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ ClassBody
+ [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+ | /*--- struct declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.StructsInterfacesEnumsDelegates); .)
+ ( "struct" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
+ newType.Type = Types.Struct;
+ newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;
+ newType.Attributes = attributes;
+ .)
+ ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
+ [ StructInterfaces<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ StructBody
+ [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+ | /*--- interface declaration: */
+ "interface" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
+ newType.Type = Types.Interface;
+ newType.Attributes = attributes;
+ newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;.)
+ ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
+ [ InterfaceBase<out names> (. newType.BaseTypes = names; .) ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ InterfaceBody
+ [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+ | /*--- enumeration declaration: */
+ "enum" (. TypeDeclaration newType = new TypeDeclaration();
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(newType);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(newType);
+ newType.Type = Types.Enum;
+ newType.Attributes = attributes;
+ newType.Modifier = m.Modifier;.)
+ ident (. newType.Name = t.val; .)
+ [ ":" IntegralType<out name> (. newType.BaseTypes = new StringCollection();
+ newType.BaseTypes.Add(name);
+ .)
+ ] (. newType.StartLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ EnumBody
+ [ ";" ] (. newType.EndLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+ | /*--- delegate declaration: */
+ "delegate" (. DelegateDeclaration delegateDeclr = new DelegateDeclaration();
+ delegateDeclr.StartLocation = t.Location;
+ delegateDeclr.Modifier = m.Modifier;
+ delegateDeclr.Attributes = attributes;
+ .)
+ ( IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. delegateDeclr.ReturnType = new TypeReference("void", 0, null); .)
+ | Type<out type> (. delegateDeclr.ReturnType = type; .)
+ )
+ ident (. delegateDeclr.Name = t.val; .)
+ "(" [ FormalParameterList<out p> (. delegateDeclr.Parameters = p; .)
+ ] ")"
+ ";" (. delegateDeclr.EndLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(delegateDeclr);
+ .)
+ )
+Qualident<out string qualident>
+ ident (. StringBuilder qualidentBuilder = new StringBuilder(t.val); .)
+ { IF (DotAndIdent()) "." ident (. qualidentBuilder.Append('.');
+ qualidentBuilder.Append(t.val);
+ .)
+ } (. qualident = qualidentBuilder.ToString(); .)
+ClassBase<out StringCollection names>
+ string qualident;
+ names = new StringCollection();
+ ":" ClassType<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
+ { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
+(. AttributeSection section; .)
+ "{"
+ { (.ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
+ .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ { MemberModifier<m> }
+ ClassMemberDecl<m, attributes>
+ }
+ "}"
+StructInterfaces<out StringCollection names>
+ string qualident;
+ names = new StringCollection();
+ ":" Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
+ { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
+(. AttributeSection section; .)
+ "{"
+ { (.ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this);
+ .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ { MemberModifier<m> }
+ StructMemberDecl<m, attributes>
+ }
+ "}"
+InterfaceBase<out StringCollection names>
+ string qualident;
+ names = new StringCollection();
+ ":" Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .)
+ { "," Qualident<out qualident> (. names.Add(qualident); .) }
+= "{" { InterfaceMemberDecl } "}" .
+EnumBody (. FieldDeclaration f; .)
+ "{" [ EnumMemberDecl<out f> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(f); .)
+ { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," EnumMemberDecl<out f> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(f); .)
+ }
+ [","] ] "}"
+Type<out TypeReference type>
+ string name = "";
+ int pointer = 0;
+ ( ClassType<out name>
+ | SimpleType<out name>
+ | "void" "*" (. pointer = 1; name = "void"; .)
+ ) (. ArrayList r = new ArrayList(); .)
+ { IF (IsPointerOrDims()) (. int i = 1; .)
+ ( "*" (. ++pointer; .)
+ | "[" { "," (. ++i; .) } "]" (. r.Add(i); .)
+ )
+ } (. int[] rank = new int[r.Count]; r.CopyTo(rank);
+ type = new TypeReference(name, pointer, rank);
+ .)
+NonArrayType<out TypeReference type>
+ string name = "";
+ int pointer = 0;
+ ( ClassType<out name>
+ | SimpleType<out name>
+ | "void" "*" (. pointer = 1; name = "void"; .)
+ )
+ { IF (IsPointer())
+ ( "*" (. ++pointer; .)
+ )
+ } (.
+ type = new TypeReference(name, pointer, null);
+ .)
+SimpleType<out string name>
+(. name = String.Empty; .)
+ IntegralType<out name>
+ | "float" (. name = t.val; .)
+ | "double" (. name = t.val; .)
+ | "decimal" (. name = t.val; .)
+ | "bool" (. name = t.val; .)
+FormalParameterList<out ArrayList parameter>
+ parameter = new ArrayList();
+ ParameterDeclarationExpression p;
+ AttributeSection section;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (.attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ FixedParameter<out p> (. bool paramsFound = false;
+ p.Attributes = attributes;
+ parameter.Add(p);
+ .)
+ {
+ "," (. attributes = new ArrayList(); if (paramsFound) Error("params array must be at end of parameter list"); .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (.attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ FixedParameter<out p> (. p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
+ | ParameterArray<out p> (. paramsFound = true; p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
+ )
+ }
+ | ParameterArray<out p> (. p.Attributes = attributes; parameter.Add(p); .)
+ )
+FixedParameter<out ParameterDeclarationExpression p>
+ TypeReference type;
+ ParamModifiers mod = ParamModifiers.In;
+ [
+ "ref" (. mod = ParamModifiers.Ref; .)
+ | "out" (. mod = ParamModifiers.Out; .)
+ ]
+ Type<out type> ident (. p = new ParameterDeclarationExpression(type, t.val, mod); .)
+ParameterArray<out ParameterDeclarationExpression p>
+(. TypeReference type; .)
+ "params" Type<out type> ident (. p = new ParameterDeclarationExpression(type, t.val, ParamModifiers.Params); .)
+TypeModifier<Modifiers m>
+ "new" (. m.Add(Modifier.New); .)
+ | "public" (. m.Add(Modifier.Public); .)
+ | "protected" (. m.Add(Modifier.Protected); .)
+ | "internal" (. m.Add(Modifier.Internal); .)
+ | "private" (. m.Add(Modifier.Private); .)
+ | "unsafe" (. m.Add(Modifier.Unsafe); .)
+ | "abstract" (. m.Add(Modifier.Abstract); .)
+ | "sealed" (. m.Add(Modifier.Sealed); .)
+ | "static" (. m.Add(Modifier.Static); .)
+ClassType<out string name> (. string qualident; name = "";.)
+ Qualident<out qualident> (. name = qualident; .)
+ | "object" (. name = "object"; .)
+ | "string" (. name = "string"; .)
+IntegralType<out string name> (. name = ""; .)
+ "sbyte" (. name = "sbyte"; .)
+ | "byte" (. name = "byte"; .)
+ | "short" (. name = "short"; .)
+ | "ushort" (. name = "ushort"; .)
+ | "int" (. name = "int"; .)
+ | "uint" (. name = "uint"; .)
+ | "long" (. name = "long"; .)
+ | "ulong" (. name = "ulong"; .)
+ | "char" (. name = "char"; .)
+MemberModifier<Modifiers m>
+ "abstract" (. m.Add(Modifier.Abstract); .)
+ | "extern" (. m.Add(Modifier.Extern); .)
+ | "internal" (. m.Add(Modifier.Internal); .)
+ | "new" (. m.Add(Modifier.New); .)
+ | "override" (. m.Add(Modifier.Override); .)
+ | "private" (. m.Add(Modifier.Private); .)
+ | "protected" (. m.Add(Modifier.Protected); .)
+ | "public" (. m.Add(Modifier.Public); .)
+ | "readonly" (. m.Add(Modifier.Readonly); .)
+ | "sealed" (. m.Add(Modifier.Sealed); .)
+ | "static" (. m.Add(Modifier.Static); .)
+ | "unsafe" (. m.Add(Modifier.Unsafe); .)
+ | "virtual" (. m.Add(Modifier.Virtual); .)
+ | "volatile" (. m.Add(Modifier.Volatile); .)
+StructMemberDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
+ string qualident = null;
+ TypeReference type;
+ Expression expr;
+ ArrayList p = new ArrayList();
+ Statement stmt = null;
+ ArrayList variableDeclarators = new ArrayList();
+ /*--- constant declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constants); .)
+ "const"
+ Type<out type> ident (. FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier | Modifier.Const);
+ VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
+ fd.Fields.Add(f);
+ .)
+ "=" Expr<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .)
+ { "," ident (. f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
+ fd.Fields.Add(f);
+ .)
+ "=" Expr<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .)
+ } ";" (. fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); .)
+ /*--- void method (procedure) declaration: */
+ | IF (NotVoidPointer()) (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
+ "void" (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
+ Qualident<out qualident> "("
+ [ FormalParameterList<out p> ] ")" (. MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration(qualident,
+ m.Modifier,
+ new TypeReference("void"),
+ p,
+ attributes);
+ methodDeclaration.StartLocation = startPos;
+ methodDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(methodDeclaration);
+ .)
+ ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt;
+ .)
+ | /*--- event declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
+ "event" (. EventDeclaration eventDecl = new EventDeclaration(m.Modifier, attributes);
+ eventDecl.StartLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(eventDecl);
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(eventDecl);
+ EventAddRegion addBlock = null;
+ EventRemoveRegion removeBlock = null;
+ .)
+ Type<out type> (. eventDecl.TypeReference = type; .)
+ (
+ IF (IsVarDecl()) VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators>
+ { "," VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators> } ";" (. eventDecl.VariableDeclarators = variableDeclarators; eventDecl.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ | Qualident<out qualident> (. eventDecl.Name = qualident; eventDecl.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ "{" (. eventDecl.BodyStart = t.Location; .)
+ EventAccessorDecls<out addBlock, out removeBlock>
+ "}" (. eventDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; .)
+ ) (. compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ eventDecl.AddRegion = addBlock;
+ eventDecl.RemoveRegion = removeBlock;
+ .)
+ /*--- constructor or static contructor declaration: */
+ | IF (IdentAndLPar()) (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors | Modifier.StaticConstructors); .)
+ ident (. string name = t.val; Point startPos = t.Location; .) "(" [ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors); .)
+ FormalParameterList<out p>
+ ]
+ ")" (.ConstructorInitializer init = null; .)
+ [ (. m.Check(Modifier.Constructors); .)
+ ConstructorInitializer<out init>
+ ] (.
+ ConstructorDeclaration cd = new ConstructorDeclaration(name, m.Modifier, p, init, attributes);
+ cd.StartLocation = startPos;
+ cd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ .)
+ ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. cd.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; compilationUnit.AddChild(cd); .)
+ /*--- conversion operator declaration: */
+ | (. m.Check(Modifier.Operators);
+ if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set");
+ bool isImplicit = true;
+ .)
+ ( "implicit" | "explicit" (. isImplicit = false; .) )
+ "operator" Type<out type> (. TypeReference operatorType = type; .)
+ "(" Type<out type> ident (. string varName = t.val; .) ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" (. stmt = null; .) )
+ (.
+ OperatorDeclarator operatorDeclarator = new OperatorDeclarator(isImplicit ? OperatorType.Implicit : OperatorType.Explicit,
+ operatorType,
+ type,
+ varName);
+ OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration(operatorDeclarator, m.Modifier, attributes);
+ operatorDeclaration.Body = stmt;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration);
+ .)
+ /*--- inner type declaration: */
+ | TypeDecl<m, attributes>
+ | Type<out type> (. Point startPos = t.Location; .)
+ (
+ /*--- operator declaration: */ (. Token op;
+ m.Check(Modifier.Operators);
+ if (m.isNone) Error("at least one modifier must be set");
+ .)
+ "operator" OverloadableOperator<out op> (. TypeReference firstType, secondType = null; string secondName = null; .)
+ "(" Type<out firstType> ident (. string firstName = t.val; .)
+ ( "," Type<out secondType> ident (. secondName = t.val; .) (. if (ParserUtil.IsUnaryOperator(op) && !ParserUtil.IsBinaryOperator(op))
+ Error("too many operands for unary operator");
+ .)
+ | /* empty */ (. if (ParserUtil.IsBinaryOperator(op))
+ Error("too few operands for binary operator");
+ .)
+ )
+ ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" )
+ (.
+ OperatorDeclarator operatorDeclarator = new OperatorDeclarator(secondType != null ? OperatorType.Binary : OperatorType.Unary,
+ type,
+ op.kind,
+ firstType,
+ firstName,
+ secondType,
+ secondName);
+ OperatorDeclaration operatorDeclaration = new OperatorDeclaration(operatorDeclarator, m.Modifier, attributes);
+ operatorDeclaration.Body = stmt;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(operatorDeclaration);
+ .)
+ /*--- field declaration: */
+ | IF (IsVarDecl()) (. m.Check(Modifier.Fields);
+ FieldDeclaration fd = new FieldDeclaration(attributes, type, m.Modifier);
+ fd.StartLocation = startPos;
+ .)
+ VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators>
+ { "," VariableDeclarator<variableDeclarators> }
+ ";" (. fd.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; fd.Fields = variableDeclarators; compilationUnit.AddChild(fd); .)
+ /*--- unqualified indexer declaration (without interface name): */
+ | (. m.Check(Modifier.Indexers); .)
+ "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (. Point endLocation = t.EndLocation; .) "{" (.
+ IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes);
+ indexer.StartLocation = startPos;
+ indexer.EndLocation = endLocation;
+ indexer.BodyStart = t.Location;
+ PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
+ PropertySetRegion setRegion;
+ .)
+ AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion> "}" (.
+ indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
+ indexer.GetRegion = getRegion;
+ indexer.SetRegion = setRegion;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer);
+ .)
+ | Qualident<out qualident> (. Point qualIdentEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ (
+ /*--- "not void" method (function) declaration: */
+ ( (. m.Check(Modifier.PropertysEventsMethods); .)
+ "(" [ FormalParameterList<out p> ] ")" (. MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = new MethodDeclaration(qualident,
+ m.Modifier,
+ type,
+ p,
+ attributes);
+ methodDeclaration.StartLocation = startPos;
+ methodDeclaration.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(methodDeclaration);
+ .)
+ ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. methodDeclaration.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
+ /*--- property declaration: */
+ | "{" (. PropertyDeclaration pDecl = new PropertyDeclaration(qualident, type, m.Modifier, attributes);
+ pDecl.StartLocation = startPos;
+ pDecl.EndLocation = qualIdentEndLocation;
+ pDecl.BodyStart = t.Location;
+ PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
+ PropertySetRegion setRegion;
+ .)
+ AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion>
+ "}" (.
+ pDecl.GetRegion = getRegion;
+ pDecl.SetRegion = setRegion;
+ pDecl.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(pDecl);
+ .)
+ )
+ /*--- qualified indexer declaration (with interface name): */
+ | (. m.Check(Modifier.Indexers); .)
+ "." "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (.
+ IndexerDeclaration indexer = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, m.Modifier, attributes);
+ indexer.StartLocation = startPos;
+ indexer.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ indexer.NamespaceName = qualident;
+ PropertyGetRegion getRegion;
+ PropertySetRegion setRegion;
+ .)
+ "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location; .)
+ AccessorDecls<out getRegion, out setRegion>
+ "}" (. indexer.BodyStart = bodyStart;
+ indexer.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;
+ indexer.GetRegion = getRegion;
+ indexer.SetRegion = setRegion;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(indexer);
+ .)
+ )
+ )
+ClassMemberDecl<Modifiers m, ArrayList attributes>
+(. Statement stmt = null; .)
+ StructMemberDecl<m, attributes>
+ | /*--- destructor declaration: */ (. m.Check(Modifier.Destructors); Point startPos = t.Location; .)
+ "~" ident (. DestructorDeclaration d = new DestructorDeclaration(t.val, attributes);
+ d.Modifier = m.Modifier;
+ d.StartLocation = startPos;
+ .)
+ "(" ")" ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. d.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ d.Body = (BlockStatement)stmt;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(d);
+ .)
+ TypeReference type;
+ ArrayList p;
+ AttributeSection section;
+ Modifier mod = Modifier.None;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
+ string name;
+ PropertyGetRegion getBlock;
+ PropertySetRegion setBlock;
+ Point startLocation = new Point(-1, -1);
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .)}
+ [ "new" (. mod = Modifier.New; startLocation = t.Location; .) ]
+ (
+ /*--- interface void method (procedure) declaration: */
+ IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .) ident (. name = t.val; .)
+ "(" [ FormalParameterList<out parameters> ] ")" ";" (. MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(name, mod, new TypeReference("void"), parameters, attributes);
+ md.StartLocation = startLocation;
+ md.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(md);
+ .)
+ | (
+ Type<out type> (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .)
+ (
+ ident (. name = t.val; Point qualIdentEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ (
+ /*--- interface "not void" method (function) declaration: */
+ "(" [ FormalParameterList<out parameters> ] ")" ";" (. MethodDeclaration md = new MethodDeclaration(name, mod, type, parameters, attributes);
+ md.StartLocation = startLocation;
+ md.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(md);
+ .)
+ /*--- interface property declaration: */
+ | (. PropertyDeclaration pd = new PropertyDeclaration(name, type, mod, attributes); compilationUnit.AddChild(pd); .)
+ "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location;.) InterfaceAccessors<out getBlock, out setBlock> "}" (. pd.GetRegion = getBlock; pd.SetRegion = setBlock; pd.StartLocation = startLocation; pd.EndLocation = qualIdentEndLocation; pd.BodyStart = bodyStart; pd.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation; .)
+ )
+ /*--- interface indexer declaration: */
+ | "this" "[" FormalParameterList<out p> "]" (.Point bracketEndLocation = t.EndLocation; .) (. IndexerDeclaration id = new IndexerDeclaration(type, p, mod, attributes); compilationUnit.AddChild(id); .)
+ "{" (. Point bodyStart = t.Location;.) InterfaceAccessors<out getBlock, out setBlock> "}" (. id.GetRegion = getBlock; id.SetRegion = setBlock; id.StartLocation = startLocation; id.EndLocation = bracketEndLocation; id.BodyStart = bodyStart; id.BodyEnd = t.EndLocation;.)
+ )
+ /*--- interface event declaration: */
+ | "event" (. if (startLocation.X == -1) startLocation = t.Location; .) Type<out type> ident (. EventDeclaration ed = new EventDeclaration(type, t.val, mod, attributes);
+ compilationUnit.AddChild(ed);
+ .)
+ ";" (. ed.StartLocation = startLocation; ed.EndLocation = t.EndLocation; .)
+ )
+ )
+EnumMemberDecl<out FieldDeclaration f>
+ Expression expr = null;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ AttributeSection section = null;
+ VariableDeclaration varDecl = null;
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ ident (. f = new FieldDeclaration(attributes);
+ varDecl = new VariableDeclaration(t.val);
+ f.Fields.Add(varDecl);
+ f.StartLocation = t.Location;
+ .)
+ [ "=" Expr<out expr> (. varDecl.Initializer = expr; .) ]
+AccessorDecls<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, out PropertySetRegion setBlock>
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ AttributeSection section;
+ getBlock = null;
+ setBlock = null;
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ IF (IdentIsGet())
+ GetAccessorDecl<out getBlock, attributes>
+ [ (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ SetAccessorDecl<out setBlock, attributes>
+ ]
+ | IF (IdentIsSet())
+ SetAccessorDecl<out setBlock, attributes>
+ [ (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ GetAccessorDecl<out getBlock, attributes>
+ ]
+ | ident (. Error("get or set accessor declaration expected"); .)
+ )
+GetAccessorDecl<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, ArrayList attributes>
+(. Statement stmt = null; .)
+ ident /* "get" is not a keyword!? */
+ (. if (t.val != "get") Error("get expected"); .)
+ ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion((BlockStatement)stmt, attributes); .)
+SetAccessorDecl<out PropertySetRegion setBlock, ArrayList attributes>
+(. Statement stmt = null; .)
+ ident /* "set" is not a keyword!? */
+ (. if (t.val != "set") Error("set expected"); .)
+ ( Block<out stmt> | ";" ) (. setBlock = new PropertySetRegion((BlockStatement)stmt, attributes); .)
+EventAccessorDecls<out EventAddRegion addBlock, out EventRemoveRegion removeBlock>
+(. AttributeSection section;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ Statement stmt;
+ addBlock = null;
+ removeBlock = null;
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ IF (IdentIsAdd()) (. addBlock = new EventAddRegion(attributes); .)
+ AddAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. attributes = new ArrayList(); addBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .)}
+ RemoveAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. removeBlock = new EventRemoveRegion(attributes); removeBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
+ | IF (IdentIsRemove())
+ RemoveAccessorDecl <out stmt> (. removeBlock = new EventRemoveRegion(attributes); removeBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ AddAccessorDecl<out stmt> (. addBlock = new EventAddRegion(attributes); addBlock.Block = (BlockStatement)stmt; .)
+ | ident (. Error("add or remove accessor declaration expected"); .)
+ )
+InterfaceAccessors<out PropertyGetRegion getBlock, out PropertySetRegion setBlock>
+ AttributeSection section;
+ ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList();
+ getBlock = null; setBlock = null;
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ IF (IdentIsGet()) ident (. getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion(null, attributes); .)
+ | IF (IdentIsSet()) ident (. setBlock = new PropertySetRegion(null, attributes); .)
+ | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .)
+ )
+ ";" (. attributes = new ArrayList(); .)
+ [
+ { AttributeSection<out section> (. attributes.Add(section); .) }
+ (
+ IF (IdentIsGet()) ident (. if (getBlock != null) Error("get already declared");
+ else getBlock = new PropertyGetRegion(null, attributes);
+ .)
+ | IF (IdentIsSet()) ident (. if (setBlock != null) Error("set already declared");
+ else setBlock = new PropertySetRegion(null, attributes);
+ .)
+ | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .)
+ )
+ ";"
+ ]
+VariableDeclarator<ArrayList fieldDeclaration>
+(. Expression expr = null; .)
+ ident (. VariableDeclaration f = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); .)
+ [ "=" VariableInitializer<out expr> (. f.Initializer = expr; .) ] (. fieldDeclaration.Add(f); .)
+Block<out Statement stmt> /* not BlockStatement because of EmbeddedStatement */
+ "{" (. BlockStatement blockStmt = new BlockStatement();
+ blockStmt.StartLocation = t.Location;
+ compilationUnit.BlockStart(blockStmt);
+ .)
+ { Statement }
+ "}" (. stmt = blockStmt;
+ blockStmt.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ .)
+AddAccessorDecl<out Statement stmt>
+(.stmt = null;.)
+ /* "add" is not a keyword!? */
+ ident (. if (t.val != "add") Error("add expected"); .)
+ Block<out stmt>
+RemoveAccessorDecl<out Statement stmt>
+(.stmt = null;.)
+ /* "remove" is not a keyword!? */
+ ident (. if (t.val != "remove") Error("remove expected"); .)
+ Block<out stmt>
+ConstructorInitializer<out ConstructorInitializer ci>
+(. Expression expr; ci = new ConstructorInitializer(); .)
+ ":"
+ (
+ "base" (. ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.Base; .)
+ | "this" (. ci.ConstructorInitializerType = ConstructorInitializerType.This; .)
+ )
+ "("
+ [ Argument<out expr> (. ci.Arguments.Add(expr); .) { "," Argument<out expr> (. ci.Arguments.Add(expr); .) } ]
+ ")"
+VariableInitializer<out Expression initializerExpression>
+(. TypeReference type = null; Expression expr = null; initializerExpression = null; .)
+ Expr<out initializerExpression>
+ | ArrayInitializer<out initializerExpression>
+ | "stackalloc" Type<out type> "[" Expr<out expr> "]" (. initializerExpression = new StackAllocExpression(type, expr); .)
+OverloadableOperator<out Token op>
+ (
+ "+" | "-" | "!" | "~"
+ | "++" | "--" | "true" | "false"
+ | "*" | "/" | "%" | "&"
+ | "|" | "^" | "<<" | ">>"
+ | "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<"
+ | ">=" | "<="
+ ) (. op = t; .)
+Argument<out Expression argumentexpr>
+ Expression expr;
+ FieldDirection fd = FieldDirection.None;
+ [
+ "ref" (. fd = FieldDirection.Ref; .)
+ | "out" (. fd = FieldDirection.Out; .)
+ ]
+ Expr<out expr> (. argumentexpr = fd != FieldDirection.None ? argumentexpr = new DirectionExpression(fd, expr) : expr; .)
+AssignmentOperator<out AssignmentOperatorType op>
+(. op = AssignmentOperatorType.None; .)
+ "=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Assign; .)
+ | "+=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Add; .)
+ | "-=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Subtract; .)
+ | "*=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Multiply; .)
+ | "/=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Divide; .)
+ | "%=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.Modulus; .)
+ | "&=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.BitwiseAnd; .)
+ | "|=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.BitwiseOr; .)
+ | "^=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ExclusiveOr; .)
+ | "<<=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ShiftLeft; .)
+ | ">>=" (. op = AssignmentOperatorType.ShiftRight; .)
+ArrayInitializer<out Expression outExpr>
+ Expression expr = null;
+ ArrayInitializerExpression initializer = new ArrayInitializerExpression();
+ "{"
+ [ VariableInitializer<out expr> (. initializer.CreateExpressions.Add(expr); .) { IF (NotFinalComma()) "," VariableInitializer<out expr> (. initializer.CreateExpressions.Add(expr); .) } [ "," ] ]
+ "}" (. outExpr = initializer; .)
+LocalVariableDecl<out Statement stmt>
+ TypeReference type;
+ VariableDeclaration var = null;
+ LocalVariableDeclaration localVariableDeclaration;
+ Type<out type> (. localVariableDeclaration = new LocalVariableDeclaration(type); localVariableDeclaration.StartLocation = t.Location; .)
+ LocalVariableDeclarator<out var> (. localVariableDeclaration.Variables.Add(var); .)
+ { "," LocalVariableDeclarator<out var> (. localVariableDeclaration.Variables.Add(var); .) }
+ (. stmt = localVariableDeclaration; .)
+LocalVariableDeclarator<out VariableDeclaration var>
+(. Expression expr = null; .)
+ ident (. var = new VariableDeclaration(t.val); .) [ "=" LocalVariableInitializer<out expr> (. var.Initializer = expr; .) ]
+LocalVariableInitializer<out Expression expr>
+(. expr = null; .)
+ Expr<out expr>
+ | ArrayInitializer<out expr>
+ TypeReference type;
+ Expression expr;
+ Statement stmt;
+ /*--- labeled statement: */
+ IF (IsLabel()) ident (. compilationUnit.AddChild(new LabelStatement(t.val)); .)
+ ":" Statement
+ /*--- local constant declaration: */
+ | "const" Type<out type> (. LocalVariableDeclaration var = new LocalVariableDeclaration(type, Modifier.Const); string ident = null; var.StartLocation = t.Location; .)
+ ident (. ident = t.val; .)
+ "=" Expr<out expr> (. var.Variables.Add(new VariableDeclaration(ident, expr)); .)
+ { "," ident (. ident = t.val; .) "=" Expr<out expr> (. var.Variables.Add(new VariableDeclaration(ident, expr)); .) }
+ ";" (. compilationUnit.AddChild(var); .)
+ /*--- local variable declaration: */
+ | IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt> ";" (. compilationUnit.AddChild(stmt); .)
+ | EmbeddedStatement<out stmt> (. compilationUnit.AddChild(stmt); .)
+ /* LL(1) confict: LocalVariableDecl *
+ * <-> StatementExpr *
+ * ident {"." ident} { "[" Expr ... */
+EmbeddedStatement<out Statement statement>
+ TypeReference type = null;
+ Expression expr = null;
+ Statement embeddedStatement = null;
+ statement = null;
+ Block<out statement>
+ /*--- empty statement: */
+ | ";" (. statement = new EmptyStatement(); .)
+ /*--- checked / unchecked statement: */
+ | IF (UnCheckedAndLBrace()) (. Statement block; bool isChecked = true; .)
+ ("checked" | "unchecked" (. isChecked = false;.) )
+ Block<out block> (. statement = isChecked ? (Statement)new CheckedStatement(block) : (Statement)new UncheckedStatement(block); .)
+ /*--- expression statement: */
+ | StatementExpr<out statement> ";"
+ /*--- selection statements (if, switch): */
+ | "if" (. Statement elseStatement = null; .)
+ "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement>
+ [ "else" EmbeddedStatement<out elseStatement> ]
+ (. statement = elseStatement != null ? (Statement)new IfElseStatement(expr, embeddedStatement, elseStatement) : (Statement)new IfStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
+ | "switch" (. ArrayList switchSections = new ArrayList(); .)
+ "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
+ "{" { SwitchSection<out statement> (. switchSections.Add(statement); .) }
+ "}" (. statement = new SwitchStatement(expr, switchSections); .)
+ /*--- iteration statements (while, do, for, foreach): */
+ | "while" "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new WhileStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
+ | "do" EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> "while"
+ "(" Expr<out expr> ")" ";" (. statement = new DoWhileStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
+ | "for" (. ArrayList initializer = null, iterator = null; .)
+ "(" [ ForInitializer<out initializer> ] ";"
+ [ Expr<out expr> ] ";"
+ [ ForIterator<out iterator> ] ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new ForStatement(initializer, expr, iterator, embeddedStatement); .)
+ | "foreach" "(" Type<out type> ident (. string varName = t.val; .)
+ "in" Expr<out expr> ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new ForeachStatement(type, varName , expr, embeddedStatement);
+ statement.EndLocation = t.EndLocation;
+ .)
+ /*--- jump statements (break, contine, goto, return, throw): */
+ | "break" ";" (. statement = new BreakStatement(); .)
+ | "continue" ";" (. statement = new ContinueStatement(); .)
+ | GotoStatement<out statement>
+ | "return" [ Expr<out expr> ] ";" (. statement = new ReturnStatement(expr); .)
+ | "throw" [ Expr<out expr> ] ";" (. statement = new ThrowStatement(expr); .)
+ /*--- try statement: */
+ | TryStatement<out statement>
+ /*--- lock satement: */
+ | "lock" "(" Expr<out expr> ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new LockStatement(expr, embeddedStatement); .)
+ /*--- using statement: */
+ | (.Statement resourceAcquisitionStmt = null; .)
+ "using" "("
+ ResourceAcquisition<out resourceAcquisitionStmt> ")"
+ EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new UsingStatement(resourceAcquisitionStmt, embeddedStatement); .)
+ /*--- unsafe statement: */
+ | "unsafe" Block<out embeddedStatement> (. statement = new UnsafeStatement(embeddedStatement); .)
+ /*--- fixed statement: */
+ | "fixed"
+ "(" Type<out type> (. if (type.PointerNestingLevel == 0) Error("can only fix pointer types");
+ FixedStatement fxStmt = new FixedStatement(type);
+ string identifier = null;
+ .)
+ ident (. identifier = t.val; .)
+ "=" Expr<out expr> (. fxStmt.PointerDeclarators.Add(new VariableDeclaration(identifier, expr)); .)
+ {
+ "," ident (. identifier = t.val; .)
+ "=" Expr<out expr> (. fxStmt.PointerDeclarators.Add(new VariableDeclaration(identifier, expr)); .)
+ }
+ ")" EmbeddedStatement<out embeddedStatement> (. fxStmt.EmbeddedStatement = embeddedStatement; statement = fxStmt;.)
+ForInitializer<out ArrayList initializer>
+ Statement stmt;
+ initializer = new ArrayList();
+ IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt> (. initializer.Add(stmt);.)
+ | StatementExpr<out stmt> (.initializer.Add(stmt);.) { "," StatementExpr<out stmt> (. initializer.Add(stmt);.) } (. initializer.Add(stmt);.)
+ForIterator<out ArrayList iterator>
+ Statement stmt;
+ iterator = new ArrayList();
+ StatementExpr<out stmt> (. iterator.Add(stmt);.) { "," StatementExpr<out stmt> (. iterator.Add(stmt); .) }
+SwitchSection<out Statement stmt>
+ SwitchSection switchSection = new SwitchSection();
+ Expression expr;
+ SwitchLabel<out expr> (. switchSection.SwitchLabels.Add(expr); .) { SwitchLabel<out expr> (. switchSection.SwitchLabels.Add(expr); .) }
+ (. compilationUnit.BlockStart(switchSection); .)
+ Statement { Statement }
+ (.
+ compilationUnit.BlockEnd();
+ stmt = switchSection;
+ .)
+SwitchLabel<out Expression expr>
+ (. expr = null; .)
+ "case" Expr<out expr> ":"
+ | "default" ":"
+TryStatement<out Statement tryStatement>
+ Statement blockStmt = null, finallyStmt = null;
+ ArrayList catchClauses = null;
+ "try" Block<out blockStmt>
+ (
+ CatchClauses<out catchClauses> [ "finally" Block<out finallyStmt> ]
+ | "finally" Block<out finallyStmt>
+ )
+ (.
+ tryStatement = new TryCatchStatement(blockStmt, catchClauses, finallyStmt);
+ .)
+CatchClauses<out ArrayList catchClauses>
+ catchClauses = new ArrayList();
+ "catch" (. string name;
+ string identifier;
+ Statement stmt;
+ .)
+ /*--- general catch clause (as only catch clause) */
+ (
+ Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(stmt)); .)
+ /*--- specific catch clause */
+ | "(" ClassType<out name> (. identifier = null; .) [ ident (. identifier = t.val; .) ] ")" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(name, identifier, stmt)); .)
+ { IF (IsTypedCatch()) "catch" "(" ClassType<out name> (. identifier = null; .) [ ident (. identifier = t.val; .) ] ")" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(name, identifier, stmt)); .) }
+ /*--- general catch clause (after specific catch clauses, optional) */
+ [ "catch" Block<out stmt> (. catchClauses.Add(new CatchClause(stmt)); .) ]
+ )
+GotoStatement<out Statement stmt>
+(. Expression expr; stmt = null; .)
+ "goto"
+ (
+ ident (. stmt = new GotoStatement(t.val); .) ";"
+ | "case" Expr<out expr> ";" (. stmt = new GotoCaseStatement(expr); .)
+ | "default" ";" (. stmt = new GotoCaseStatement(null); .)
+ )
+ResourceAcquisition<out Statement stmt>
+ stmt = null;
+ Expression expr;
+ (
+ IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDecl<out stmt>
+ | Expr<out expr> /* LL(1) conflict resoltion: *
+ * check if next is Qualident followed by ident *
+ * ==> LocalVariableDecl *
+ * new problem: first set of ResourceAcquisition changes */
+ (. stmt = new StatementExpression(expr); .)
+ )
+StatementExpr<out Statement stmt>
+ /* We don't know why, but it's in the grammar. */
+ /* (see internal document: assignment.txt) */
+ (.
+ bool mustBeAssignment = la.kind == Tokens.Plus || la.kind == Tokens.Minus ||
+ la.kind == Tokens.Not || la.kind == Tokens.BitwiseComplement ||
+ la.kind == Tokens.Times || la.kind == Tokens.BitwiseAnd || IsTypeCast();
+ Expression expr = null;
+ .)
+ UnaryExpr<out expr>
+ /*--- assignment */
+ (
+ (. AssignmentOperatorType op; Expression val; .) AssignmentOperator<out op> Expr<out val> (. expr = new AssignmentExpression(expr, op, val); .)
+ | (. if (mustBeAssignment) Error("error in assignment."); .)
+ ) (. stmt = new StatementExpression(expr); .)
+Expr<out Expression expr>
+(. expr = null; Expression expr1 = null, expr2 = null; .)
+ UnaryExpr<out expr>
+ /*--- conditional expression: */
+ (
+ ConditionalOrExpr<ref expr> [ "?" Expr<out expr1> ":" Expr<out expr2> (. expr = new ConditionalExpression(expr, expr1, expr2); .) ]
+ /*--- assignment: */
+ | (. AssignmentOperatorType op; Expression val; .) AssignmentOperator<out op> Expr<out val> (. expr = new AssignmentExpression(expr, op, val); .)
+ )
+UnaryExpr<out Expression uExpr>
+ TypeReference type = null;
+ Expression expr;
+ ArrayList expressions = new ArrayList();
+ uExpr = null;
+ {
+ "+" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Plus)); .)
+ | "-" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Minus)); .)
+ | "!" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Not)); .)
+ | "~" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitNot)); .)
+ | "*" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Star)); .)
+ | "++" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Increment)); .)
+ | "--" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Decrement)); .)
+ | "&" (. expressions.Add(new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.BitWiseAnd)); .)
+ /*--- cast expression: */
+ /* Problem: "(" Type ")" from here and *
+ * "(" Expr ")" from PrimaryExpr *
+ * are not distinguishable *
+ * Solution: (in IsTypeCast()) *
+ * use external information from compiled assembly or guess */
+ | IF (IsTypeCast()) "(" Type<out type> ")" (. expressions.Add(new CastExpression(type)); .)
+ }
+ PrimaryExpr<out expr> (. for (int i = 0; i < expressions.Count; ++i) {
+ Expression nextExpression = i + 1 < expressions.Count ? (Expression)expressions[i + 1] : expr;
+ if (expressions[i] is CastExpression) {
+ ((CastExpression)expressions[i]).Expression = nextExpression;
+ } else {
+ ((UnaryOperatorExpression)expressions[i]).Expression = nextExpression;
+ }
+ }
+ if (expressions.Count > 0) {
+ uExpr = (Expression)expressions[0];
+ } else {
+ uExpr = expr;
+ }
+ .)
+PrimaryExpr<out Expression pexpr>
+ TypeReference type = null;
+ bool isArrayCreation = false;
+ Expression expr;
+ pexpr = null;
+ (
+ "true" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(true, "true"); .)
+ | "false" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(false, "false"); .)
+ | "null" (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(null, "null"); .) /* from literal token */
+ | literal (.pexpr = new PrimitiveExpression(t.literalValue, t.val); .)
+ /*--- simple name: */
+ | ident (. pexpr = new IdentifierExpression(t.val); .)
+ /*--- parenthesized expression: */
+ | "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new ParenthesizedExpression(expr); .)
+ | /*--- predefined type member access: */
+ (
+ "bool" | "byte" | "char" | "decimal" | "double"
+ | "float" | "int" | "long" | "object" | "sbyte"
+ | "short" | "string" | "uint" | "ulong" | "ushort"
+ ) (. string val = t.val; t.val = ""; .) "." ident (. pexpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(new TypeReferenceExpression(val), t.val); .)
+ /*--- this access: */
+ | "this" (. pexpr = new ThisReferenceExpression(); .)
+ /*--- base access: */
+ | "base" (. Expression retExpr = new BaseReferenceExpression(); .)
+ (
+ "." ident (. retExpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(retExpr, t.val); .)
+ | "[" Expr<out expr> (.ArrayList indices = new ArrayList(); indices.Add(expr); .)
+ { "," Expr<out expr> (. indices.Add(expr); .) }
+ "]" (. retExpr = new IndexerExpression(retExpr, indices); .)
+ ) (. pexpr = retExpr; .)
+ | "new" NonArrayType<out type> (. ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); .)
+ /*--- delegate / object creation expression: */
+ /* Note: a delegate creation expression allow only a single Expr *
+ * not an argument list, but this is not distinguished here */
+ (
+ "(" (. ObjectCreateExpression oce = new ObjectCreateExpression(type, parameters); .) [ Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
+ { "," Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .) } ] ")" (. pexpr = oce; .)
+ /*--- array creation expression: */
+ | (. isArrayCreation = true; ArrayCreateExpression ace = new ArrayCreateExpression(type); pexpr = ace; .)
+ "[" (. int dims = 0; ArrayList rank = new ArrayList(); ArrayList parameterExpression = new ArrayList(); .)
+ (
+ Expr<out expr> (. parameterExpression.Add(expr); .) { "," Expr<out expr> (. parameterExpression.Add(expr); .) } "]" (. parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(parameterExpression)); ace.Parameters = parameters; .)
+ { IF (IsDims()) "[" (.dims =0;.) { "," (.dims++;.) } (.rank.Add(dims); parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" }
+ (. if (rank.Count > 0) { ace.Rank = (int[])rank.ToArray(typeof (int)); } .)
+ [ ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. ace.ArrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr; .) ]
+ | { "," (.dims++;.) } (.parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" { IF (IsDims()) "[" (.dims =0;.) { "," (.dims++;.) } (.parameters.Add(new ArrayCreationParameter(dims)); .) "]" } ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. ace.ArrayInitializer = (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr; ace.Parameters = parameters; .)
+ )
+/* | ArrayInitializer<out expr> (. if (!type.IsArrayType) { Error("() or [] expected"); } pexpr = new ArrayCreateExpression(type, (ArrayInitializerExpression)expr); .)*/
+ )
+ | "typeof" "("
+ (
+ IF (NotVoidPointer()) "void" (. type = new TypeReference("void"); .)
+ | Type<out type>
+ ) ")" (. pexpr = new TypeOfExpression(type); .)
+ | "sizeof" "(" Type<out type> ")" (. pexpr = new SizeOfExpression(type); .)
+ | "checked" "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new CheckedExpression(expr); .)
+ | "unchecked" "(" Expr<out expr> ")" (. pexpr = new CheckedExpression(expr); .)
+ )
+ {
+ (
+ "++" (. pexpr = new UnaryOperatorExpression(pexpr, UnaryOperatorType.PostIncrement); .)
+ | "--" (. pexpr = new UnaryOperatorExpression(pexpr, UnaryOperatorType.PostDecrement); .)
+ )
+ /*--- member access */
+ | "->" ident (. pexpr = new PointerReferenceExpression(pexpr, t.val); .)
+ | "." ident (. pexpr = new FieldReferenceExpression(pexpr, t.val);.)
+ /*--- invocation expression: */
+ | "(" (. ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); .)
+ [ Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
+ { "," Argument<out expr> (. parameters.Add(expr); .)
+ } ] ")" (. pexpr = new InvocationExpression(pexpr, parameters); .)
+ /*--- element access */
+ | (. if (isArrayCreation) Error("element access not allow on array creation");
+ ArrayList indices = new ArrayList();
+ .)
+ "[" Expr<out expr> (.indices.Add(expr); .)
+ { "," Expr<out expr> (. indices.Add(expr); .)
+ } "]" (. pexpr = new IndexerExpression(pexpr, indices); .)
+ }
+ConditionalOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+(. Expression expr; .)
+ ConditionalAndExpr<ref outExpr> { "||" UnaryExpr<out expr> ConditionalAndExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.LogicalOr, expr); .) }
+ConditionalAndExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+(. Expression expr; .)
+ InclusiveOrExpr<ref outExpr> { "&&" UnaryExpr<out expr> InclusiveOrExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.LogicalAnd, expr); .) }
+InclusiveOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+(. Expression expr; .)
+ ExclusiveOrExpr<ref outExpr> { "|" UnaryExpr<out expr> ExclusiveOrExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseOr, expr); .) }
+ExclusiveOrExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+(. Expression expr; .)
+ AndExpr<ref outExpr> { "^" UnaryExpr<out expr> AndExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.ExclusiveOr, expr); .) }
+AndExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+(. Expression expr; .)
+ EqualityExpr<ref outExpr> { "&" UnaryExpr<out expr> EqualityExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, BinaryOperatorType.BitwiseAnd, expr); .) }
+EqualityExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+ Expression expr;
+ BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
+ RelationalExpr<ref outExpr>
+ {
+ (
+ "!=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.InEquality; .)
+ | "==" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Equality; .)
+ )
+ UnaryExpr<out expr> RelationalExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
+ }
+RelationalExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+ TypeReference type;
+ Expression expr;
+ BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
+ ShiftExpr<ref outExpr>
+ {
+ (
+ "<" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.LessThan; .)
+ | ">" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThan; .)
+ | "<=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.LessThanOrEqual; .)
+ | ">=" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.GreaterThanOrEqual; .)
+ )
+ UnaryExpr<out expr> ShiftExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
+ |
+ (
+ "is" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.IS; .)
+ | "as" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.AS; .)
+ )
+ Type<out type> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, new TypeReferenceExpression(type)); .)
+ }
+ShiftExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+ Expression expr;
+ BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
+ AdditiveExpr<ref outExpr>
+ {
+ (
+ "<<" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.ShiftLeft; .)
+ | ">>" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.ShiftRight; .)
+ )
+ UnaryExpr<out expr> AdditiveExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
+ }
+AdditiveExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+ Expression expr;
+ BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
+ MultiplicativeExpr<ref outExpr>
+ {
+ (
+ "+" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Add; .)
+ | "-" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Subtract; .)
+ )
+ UnaryExpr<out expr> MultiplicativeExpr<ref expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
+ }
+MultiplicativeExpr<ref Expression outExpr>
+ Expression expr;
+ BinaryOperatorType op = BinaryOperatorType.None;
+ {
+ (
+ "*" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Multiply; .)
+ | "/" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Divide; .)
+ | "%" (. op = BinaryOperatorType.Modulus; .)
+ )
+ UnaryExpr<out expr> (. outExpr = new BinaryOperatorExpression(outExpr, op, expr); .)
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/MonoDevelop/Core/src/ICSharpCode.SharpRefactory/src/Parser/generated/cs.ATG
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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