[Monodevelop-patches-list] r1421 - in trunk/MonoDevelop/src: . Tools Tools/SharpCoco Tools/SharpCoco/src

commit-watcher at mono-cvs.ximian.com commit-watcher at mono-cvs.ximian.com
Fri Apr 9 13:17:47 EDT 2004

Author: jluke
Date: 2004-04-09 13:17:47 -0400 (Fri, 09 Apr 2004)
New Revision: 1421

no need to build the Tools by default

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Makefile.am
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Makefile.am	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Makefile.am	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-SUBDIRS = Tools Libraries Main AddIns
+SUBDIRS = Libraries Main AddIns

Property changes on: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools
Name: svn:ignore
   - Makefile

   + Makefile

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/readme.txt
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/readme.txt	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/readme.txt	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Modified version of Coco/R
-The original version can be found at:
-+ Added #line pragmas for the generated parser
-+ Now Coco uses more enums than ints...
-+ no static method generation (now all is public)
-+ Error & Scanner are now fields inside the parser, no more static
-  calling
+Modified version of Coco/R
+The original version can be found at:
++ Added #line pragmas for the generated parser
++ Now Coco uses more enums than ints...
++ no static method generation (now all is public)
++ Error & Scanner are now fields inside the parser, no more static
+  calling
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/AssemblyInfo.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/AssemblyInfo.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/AssemblyInfo.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-// Information about this assembly is defined by the following
-// attributes.
-// change them to the information which is associated with the assembly
-// you compile.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
-// The assembly version has following format :
-// Major.Minor.Build.Revision
-// You can specify all values by your own or you can build default build and revision
-// numbers with the '*' character (the default):
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-// The following attributes specify the key for the sign of your assembly. See the
-// .NET Framework documentation for more information about signing.
-// This is not required, if you don't want signing let these attributes like they're.
-[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
-[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+// Information about this assembly is defined by the following
+// attributes.
+// change them to the information which is associated with the assembly
+// you compile.
+[assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
+// The assembly version has following format :
+// Major.Minor.Build.Revision
+// You can specify all values by your own or you can build default build and revision
+// numbers with the '*' character (the default):
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
+// The following attributes specify the key for the sign of your assembly. See the
+// .NET Framework documentation for more information about signing.
+// This is not required, if you don't want signing let these attributes like they're.
+[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
+[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.atg
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.atg	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.atg	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,432 +1,432 @@
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Coco.ATG
- * Attributed grammer of Coco/R
- * by H. Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
- * extended by
- * M. Loeberbauer & A. Woess, Univ. of Linz
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-	const int id = 0;
-	const int str = 1;
-	static bool genScanner;
-	letter    = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
-	digit     = "0123456789".
-	cr        = '\r'.
-	lf        = '\n'.
-	tab       = '\t'.
-	stringCh  = ANY - '"' - '\\' - cr - lf.
-	charCh    = ANY - '\'' - '\\' - cr - lf.
-	printable = '\u0020' .. '\u007e'.
-	hex       = "0123456789abcdef".
-IGNORE cr + lf + tab
-	ident     = letter { letter | digit }.
-	number    = digit { digit }.
-	string    = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } '"'.
-	badString = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } (cr | lf).
-	char      = '\'' ( charCh | '\\' printable { hex } ) '\''.
-	ddtSym    = '$' { digit | letter }.  (. Tab.SetDDT(la.val); .)
-Coco                            (. Symbol sym; Graph g; string gramName; .)
-  [ UsingDecl<out ParserGen.usingPos> ]
-  "COMPILER"                    (. int gramLine = t.line;
-                                   genScanner = true;
-                                   bool ok = true;
-                                   Tab.ignored = null;
-                                 .) 
-  ident                         (. gramName = t.val;
-                                   int beg = la.pos; 
-                                 .)
-  { ANY }                       (. Tab.semDeclPos = new Position(beg, la.pos-beg, 0); .)
-  { Declaration }
-                                SYNC 
-  "PRODUCTIONS"                 (. if (genScanner) DFA.MakeDeterministic();
-                                   Graph.DeleteNodes();
-                                 .)
-  { ident                       (. sym = Symbol.Find(t.val);
-                                   bool undef = sym == null;
-                                   if (undef) sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, t.val, t.line);
-                                   else {
-                                     if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
-                                       if (sym.graph != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-                                   	 } else SemErr("this symbol kind not allowed on left side of production");
-                                   	 sym.line = t.line;
-                                   }
-                                   bool noAttrs = sym.attrPos == null;
-                                   sym.attrPos = null;
-                                 .)
-    [ AttrDecl<sym> ]           (. if (!undef)
-                                     if (noAttrs != (sym.attrPos == null))
-                                       SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
-                                 .)
-    [ SemText<out sym.semPos> ] WEAK
-    '='
-    Expression<out g>           (. sym.graph = g.l;
-                                   Graph.Finish(g);
-                                 .)
-                                WEAK
-    '.'
-  }
-  "END" ident                   (. if (gramName != t.val)
-                                     SemErr("name does not match grammar name");
-                                   Tab.gramSy = Symbol.Find(gramName);
-                                   if (Tab.gramSy == null)
-                                     SemErr("missing production for grammar name");
-                                   else {
-                                     sym = Tab.gramSy;
-                                     if (sym.attrPos != null)
-                                       SemErr("grammar symbol must not have attributes");
-                                   }
-                                   Tab.noSym = new Symbol(Node.t, "???", 0); // noSym gets highest number
-                                   Tab.SetupAnys();
-                                   Tab.RenumberPragmas();
-                                   if (Tab.ddt[2]) Node.PrintNodes();
-                                   if (Errors.count == 0) {
-                                     Console.WriteLine("checking");
-                                     Tab.CompSymbolSets();
-                                     ok = ok && Tab.GrammarOk();
-                                     if (Tab.ddt[7]) Tab.XRef();
-                                     if (ok) {
-                                       Console.Write("parser");
-                                       ParserGen.WriteParser();
-                                       if (genScanner) {
-                                         Console.Write(" + scanner");
-                                         DFA.WriteScanner();
-                                         if (Tab.ddt[0]) DFA.PrintStates();
-                                       }
-                                       Console.WriteLine(" generated");
-                                       if (Tab.ddt[8]) ParserGen.WriteStatistics();
-                                     }
-                                   }
-                                   if (Tab.ddt[6]) Tab.PrintSymbolTable();
-                                 .)
-  '.'
-Declaration                    (. Graph g1, g2; bool nested = false; .)
-  "CHARACTERS" { SetDecl }
-| "TOKENS"     { TokenDecl<Node.t> }
-| "PRAGMAS"    { TokenDecl<Node.pr> }
-  "FROM" TokenExpr<out g1>
-  "TO" TokenExpr<out g2>
-  ( "NESTED"                    (. nested = true; .)
-  |                             (. nested = false; .)
-  )                             (. new Comment(g1.l, g2.l, nested); .)
-| "IGNORE" Set<out Tab.ignored> (. Tab.ignored[' '] = true; /* ' ' is always ignored */
-                                   if (Tab.ignored[0]) SemErr("may not ignore \'\\0\'"); .)
-| "TOKENNAMES"                  (. Symbol.tokenNames = new Hashtable(); .)
-  { ( string | ident )          (. string key = t.val; .)
-    "=" ident                   (. string val = t.val; Symbol.tokenNames.Add(key, val); .)
-  }
-SetDecl                         (. BitArray s; .)
-  ident                         (. string name = t.val;
-                                   CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
-                                   if (c != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-                                 .)
-  '=' Set<out s>                (. if (Sets.Elements(s) == 0) SemErr("character set must not be empty");
-                                   c = new CharClass(name, s);
-                                 .)
-  '.'
-Set<out BitArray s>             (. BitArray s2; .)
-  SimSet<out s>
-  { '+' SimSet<out s2>          (. s.Or(s2); .)
-  | '-' SimSet<out s2>          (. Sets.Subtract(s, s2); .)
-  }
-SimSet<out BitArray s>          (. int n1, n2; .)
-=                               (. s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); .)
-( ident                         (. CharClass c = CharClass.Find(t.val);
-                                   if (c == null) SemErr("undefined name"); else s.Or(c.set);
-                                 .)
-| string                        (. string name = t.val;
-                                   name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
-                                   foreach (char ch in name) s[ch] = true;
-                                 .)
-| Char<out n1>                  (. s[n1] = true; .)
-  [ ".." Char<out n2>           (. for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) s[i] = true; .)
-  ]
-| "ANY"                         (. s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize, true);
-                                   s[0] = false;
-                                 .)
-Char<out int n>
-  char                          (. string name = t.val;
-                                   name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
-                                   int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
-                                   if (name.Length != 1 || name[0] > max-1) SemErr("unacceptable character value");
-                                   n = name[0] % max;
-                                 .)
-TokenDecl<int typ>              (. string name; int kind; Symbol sym; Graph g; .)
-  Sym<out name, out kind>       (. sym = Symbol.Find(name);
-                                   if (sym != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-                                   else {
-                                     sym = new Symbol(typ, name, t.line);
-                                     sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
-                                   }
-                                 .)
-                                SYNC
-  ( '=' TokenExpr<out g> '.'    (. if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not be declared with a structure");
-                                   Graph.Finish(g);
-                                   DFA.ConvertToStates(g.l, sym);
-                                 .)
-  | '.'                         (. if (typ != Node.rslv) SemErr("resolver is only allowed in RESOLVERS section"); .) /* ML-AW */
-  |                             (. if (kind == id) genScanner = false;
-                                   else DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
-                                 .)
-  )
-  ( SemText<out sym.semPos>     (. if (typ == Node.t) SemErr("semantic action not allowed here"); .)
-  |                             (. if (typ == Node.rslv) SemErr("resolvers must have a semantic action"); .) /* ML-AW */
-  )
-AttrDecl<Symbol sym>
-  '<'                           (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
-  { ANY
-  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); .)
-  }
-  '>'                           (. sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
-Expression<out Graph g>         (. Graph g2; .)
-  Term<out g>                   (. bool first = true; .)
-  {                             WEAK
-    '|'
-    Term<out g2>                (. if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
-                                   Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
-                                 .)
-  }
-Term<out Graph g>               (. Graph g2; Position pos; Node rslv = null; 
-                                   g = null;
-                                 .)
-= [                             (. rslv = new Node(Node.rslv, null, la.line); .)
-    ResolveExpr<out pos>        (. rslv.pos = pos;
-                                   g = new Graph(rslv);
-                                 .)
-  ]
-  Factor<out g2>                (. if (rslv != null) Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2);
-                                   else g = g2;
-                                 .)
-  { Factor<out g2>              (. Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
-  }
-|                               (. g = new Graph(new Node(Node.eps, null, 0)); .)
-Factor<out Graph g>             (. string name; int kind; Position pos; bool weak = false; 
-                                   g = null;
-                                 .)
-= [ "WEAK"                      (. weak = true; .)
-  ]
-  Sym<out name, out kind>       (. Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(name);
-                                   bool undef = sym == null;
-                                   if (undef) {
-                                     if (kind == id)
-                                       sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, name, 0);  // forward nt
-                                     else if (genScanner) { 
-                                       sym = new Symbol(Node.t, name, t.line);
-                                       DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
-                                     } else {  // undefined string in production
-                                       SemErr("undefined string in production");
-                                       sym = Tab.eofSy;  // dummy
-                                     }
-                                   }
-                                   int typ = sym.typ;
-                                   if (typ != Node.t && typ != Node.nt && typ != Node.rslv) /* ML */
-                                     SemErr("this symbol kind is not allowed in a production");
-                                   if (weak)
-                                     if (typ == Node.t) typ = Node.wt;
-                                     else SemErr("only terminals may be weak");
-                                   Node p = new Node(typ, sym, t.line);
-                                   g = new Graph(p);
-                                 .)
-  [ Attribs<p>                  (. if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not have attributes"); .)
-  ]                             (. if (undef)
-                                     sym.attrPos = p.pos;  // dummy
-                                   else if ((p.pos == null) != (sym.attrPos == null))
-                                     SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
-                                 .)
-| '(' Expression<out g> ')'
-| '[' Expression<out g> ']'     (. Graph.MakeOption(g); .)
-| '{' Expression<out g> '}'     (. Graph.MakeIteration(g); .)
-| SemText<out pos>              (. Node p = new Node(Node.sem, null, 0);
-                                   p.pos = pos;
-                                   g = new Graph(p);
-                                 .)
-| "ANY"                         (. Node p = new Node(Node.any, null, 0);  // p.set is set in Tab.SetupAnys
-                                   g = new Graph(p);
-                                 .)
-| "SYNC"                        (. Node p = new Node(Node.sync, null, 0);
-                                   g = new Graph(p);
-                                 .)
-ResolveExpr<out Position pos>   
-  "IF" "("                       (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
-  ( ("=" | "!=") CondPart        /* indicate the beginning of a syntax snippet.
-                                    The condition is true if the actual input matches
-                                    the given syntax snippet (or does not match for "!=")
-                                  */
-  | "(" CondPart ")"
-  | ANY CondPart
-  )				                 (. pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
-/* ConPart exists to guarantee an equal number of opening and *
- * closing parentheses inside the conditional expression.     */
-CondPart = { "(" CondPart | ANY } ")" .
-TokenExpr<out Graph g>          (. Graph g2; .)
-  TokenTerm<out g>              (. bool first = true; .)
-  {                             WEAK
-    '|'
-    TokenTerm<out g2>           (. if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
-                                   Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
-                                 .)
-  }
-TokenTerm<out Graph g>          (. Graph g2; .)
-  TokenFactor<out g>
-  { TokenFactor<out g2>         (. Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
-  }
-  [ "CONTEXT"
-    '(' TokenExpr<out g2>       (. Graph.SetContextTrans(g2.l); Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
-    ')'
-  ]
-TokenFactor<out Graph g>        (. string name; int kind; .)
-                                (. g = new Graph(); .)
-( Sym<out name, out kind>       (. if (kind == id) {
-                                     CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
-                                     if (c == null) {
-                                       SemErr("undefined name");
-                                       c = new CharClass(name, new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize));
-                                     }
-                                     Node p = new Node(Node.clas, null, 0); p.val = c.n;
-                                     g = new Graph(p);
-                                   } else g = Graph.StrToGraph(name);  // str
-                                 .)
-| '(' TokenExpr<out g> ')'
-| '[' TokenExpr<out g> ']'      (. Graph.MakeOption(g); .)
-| '{' TokenExpr<out g> '}'      (. Graph.MakeIteration(g); .)
-Sym<out string name, out int kind>
-=                               (. name = "???"; kind = id; .)
-( ident                         (. kind = id; name = t.val; .)
-| (string                       (. name = t.val; .)
-  | char                        (. name = "\"" + t.val.Substring(1, t.val.Length-2) + "\""; .)
-  )                             (. kind = str; .)
-Attribs<Node p>
-  '<'                           (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
-  { ANY 
-  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in attributes"); .)
-  }
-  '>'                           (. p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
-SemText<out Position pos>
-  "(."                          (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
-  { ANY
-  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); .)
-  | "(."                        (. SemErr("missing end of previous semantic action"); .)
-  }
-  ".)"                          (. pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
-UsingDecl<out Position pos>
-  "using"                       (. int beg = t.pos; .)
-  { ANY } ';'                   (. int end = t.pos; .)
-  { "using" { ANY } ';'         (. end = t.pos; .)
-  }                             (. pos = new Position(beg, end - beg + 1, 0); .)
-END Coco.
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Coco.ATG
+ * Attributed grammer of Coco/R
+ * by H. Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
+ * extended by
+ * M. Loeberbauer & A. Woess, Univ. of Linz
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+	const int id = 0;
+	const int str = 1;
+	static bool genScanner;
+	letter    = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
+	digit     = "0123456789".
+	cr        = '\r'.
+	lf        = '\n'.
+	tab       = '\t'.
+	stringCh  = ANY - '"' - '\\' - cr - lf.
+	charCh    = ANY - '\'' - '\\' - cr - lf.
+	printable = '\u0020' .. '\u007e'.
+	hex       = "0123456789abcdef".
+IGNORE cr + lf + tab
+	ident     = letter { letter | digit }.
+	number    = digit { digit }.
+	string    = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } '"'.
+	badString = '"' { stringCh | '\\' printable } (cr | lf).
+	char      = '\'' ( charCh | '\\' printable { hex } ) '\''.
+	ddtSym    = '$' { digit | letter }.  (. Tab.SetDDT(la.val); .)
+Coco                            (. Symbol sym; Graph g; string gramName; .)
+  [ UsingDecl<out ParserGen.usingPos> ]
+  "COMPILER"                    (. int gramLine = t.line;
+                                   genScanner = true;
+                                   bool ok = true;
+                                   Tab.ignored = null;
+                                 .) 
+  ident                         (. gramName = t.val;
+                                   int beg = la.pos; 
+                                 .)
+  { ANY }                       (. Tab.semDeclPos = new Position(beg, la.pos-beg, 0); .)
+  { Declaration }
+                                SYNC 
+  "PRODUCTIONS"                 (. if (genScanner) DFA.MakeDeterministic();
+                                   Graph.DeleteNodes();
+                                 .)
+  { ident                       (. sym = Symbol.Find(t.val);
+                                   bool undef = sym == null;
+                                   if (undef) sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, t.val, t.line);
+                                   else {
+                                     if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
+                                       if (sym.graph != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+                                   	 } else SemErr("this symbol kind not allowed on left side of production");
+                                   	 sym.line = t.line;
+                                   }
+                                   bool noAttrs = sym.attrPos == null;
+                                   sym.attrPos = null;
+                                 .)
+    [ AttrDecl<sym> ]           (. if (!undef)
+                                     if (noAttrs != (sym.attrPos == null))
+                                       SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
+                                 .)
+    [ SemText<out sym.semPos> ] WEAK
+    '='
+    Expression<out g>           (. sym.graph = g.l;
+                                   Graph.Finish(g);
+                                 .)
+                                WEAK
+    '.'
+  }
+  "END" ident                   (. if (gramName != t.val)
+                                     SemErr("name does not match grammar name");
+                                   Tab.gramSy = Symbol.Find(gramName);
+                                   if (Tab.gramSy == null)
+                                     SemErr("missing production for grammar name");
+                                   else {
+                                     sym = Tab.gramSy;
+                                     if (sym.attrPos != null)
+                                       SemErr("grammar symbol must not have attributes");
+                                   }
+                                   Tab.noSym = new Symbol(Node.t, "???", 0); // noSym gets highest number
+                                   Tab.SetupAnys();
+                                   Tab.RenumberPragmas();
+                                   if (Tab.ddt[2]) Node.PrintNodes();
+                                   if (Errors.count == 0) {
+                                     Console.WriteLine("checking");
+                                     Tab.CompSymbolSets();
+                                     ok = ok && Tab.GrammarOk();
+                                     if (Tab.ddt[7]) Tab.XRef();
+                                     if (ok) {
+                                       Console.Write("parser");
+                                       ParserGen.WriteParser();
+                                       if (genScanner) {
+                                         Console.Write(" + scanner");
+                                         DFA.WriteScanner();
+                                         if (Tab.ddt[0]) DFA.PrintStates();
+                                       }
+                                       Console.WriteLine(" generated");
+                                       if (Tab.ddt[8]) ParserGen.WriteStatistics();
+                                     }
+                                   }
+                                   if (Tab.ddt[6]) Tab.PrintSymbolTable();
+                                 .)
+  '.'
+Declaration                    (. Graph g1, g2; bool nested = false; .)
+  "CHARACTERS" { SetDecl }
+| "TOKENS"     { TokenDecl<Node.t> }
+| "PRAGMAS"    { TokenDecl<Node.pr> }
+  "FROM" TokenExpr<out g1>
+  "TO" TokenExpr<out g2>
+  ( "NESTED"                    (. nested = true; .)
+  |                             (. nested = false; .)
+  )                             (. new Comment(g1.l, g2.l, nested); .)
+| "IGNORE" Set<out Tab.ignored> (. Tab.ignored[' '] = true; /* ' ' is always ignored */
+                                   if (Tab.ignored[0]) SemErr("may not ignore \'\\0\'"); .)
+| "TOKENNAMES"                  (. Symbol.tokenNames = new Hashtable(); .)
+  { ( string | ident )          (. string key = t.val; .)
+    "=" ident                   (. string val = t.val; Symbol.tokenNames.Add(key, val); .)
+  }
+SetDecl                         (. BitArray s; .)
+  ident                         (. string name = t.val;
+                                   CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
+                                   if (c != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+                                 .)
+  '=' Set<out s>                (. if (Sets.Elements(s) == 0) SemErr("character set must not be empty");
+                                   c = new CharClass(name, s);
+                                 .)
+  '.'
+Set<out BitArray s>             (. BitArray s2; .)
+  SimSet<out s>
+  { '+' SimSet<out s2>          (. s.Or(s2); .)
+  | '-' SimSet<out s2>          (. Sets.Subtract(s, s2); .)
+  }
+SimSet<out BitArray s>          (. int n1, n2; .)
+=                               (. s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); .)
+( ident                         (. CharClass c = CharClass.Find(t.val);
+                                   if (c == null) SemErr("undefined name"); else s.Or(c.set);
+                                 .)
+| string                        (. string name = t.val;
+                                   name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
+                                   foreach (char ch in name) s[ch] = true;
+                                 .)
+| Char<out n1>                  (. s[n1] = true; .)
+  [ ".." Char<out n2>           (. for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) s[i] = true; .)
+  ]
+| "ANY"                         (. s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize, true);
+                                   s[0] = false;
+                                 .)
+Char<out int n>
+  char                          (. string name = t.val;
+                                   name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
+                                   int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
+                                   if (name.Length != 1 || name[0] > max-1) SemErr("unacceptable character value");
+                                   n = name[0] % max;
+                                 .)
+TokenDecl<int typ>              (. string name; int kind; Symbol sym; Graph g; .)
+  Sym<out name, out kind>       (. sym = Symbol.Find(name);
+                                   if (sym != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+                                   else {
+                                     sym = new Symbol(typ, name, t.line);
+                                     sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
+                                   }
+                                 .)
+                                SYNC
+  ( '=' TokenExpr<out g> '.'    (. if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not be declared with a structure");
+                                   Graph.Finish(g);
+                                   DFA.ConvertToStates(g.l, sym);
+                                 .)
+  | '.'                         (. if (typ != Node.rslv) SemErr("resolver is only allowed in RESOLVERS section"); .) /* ML-AW */
+  |                             (. if (kind == id) genScanner = false;
+                                   else DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
+                                 .)
+  )
+  ( SemText<out sym.semPos>     (. if (typ == Node.t) SemErr("semantic action not allowed here"); .)
+  |                             (. if (typ == Node.rslv) SemErr("resolvers must have a semantic action"); .) /* ML-AW */
+  )
+AttrDecl<Symbol sym>
+  '<'                           (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
+  { ANY
+  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); .)
+  }
+  '>'                           (. sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
+Expression<out Graph g>         (. Graph g2; .)
+  Term<out g>                   (. bool first = true; .)
+  {                             WEAK
+    '|'
+    Term<out g2>                (. if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
+                                   Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
+                                 .)
+  }
+Term<out Graph g>               (. Graph g2; Position pos; Node rslv = null; 
+                                   g = null;
+                                 .)
+= [                             (. rslv = new Node(Node.rslv, null, la.line); .)
+    ResolveExpr<out pos>        (. rslv.pos = pos;
+                                   g = new Graph(rslv);
+                                 .)
+  ]
+  Factor<out g2>                (. if (rslv != null) Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2);
+                                   else g = g2;
+                                 .)
+  { Factor<out g2>              (. Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
+  }
+|                               (. g = new Graph(new Node(Node.eps, null, 0)); .)
+Factor<out Graph g>             (. string name; int kind; Position pos; bool weak = false; 
+                                   g = null;
+                                 .)
+= [ "WEAK"                      (. weak = true; .)
+  ]
+  Sym<out name, out kind>       (. Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(name);
+                                   bool undef = sym == null;
+                                   if (undef) {
+                                     if (kind == id)
+                                       sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, name, 0);  // forward nt
+                                     else if (genScanner) { 
+                                       sym = new Symbol(Node.t, name, t.line);
+                                       DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
+                                     } else {  // undefined string in production
+                                       SemErr("undefined string in production");
+                                       sym = Tab.eofSy;  // dummy
+                                     }
+                                   }
+                                   int typ = sym.typ;
+                                   if (typ != Node.t && typ != Node.nt && typ != Node.rslv) /* ML */
+                                     SemErr("this symbol kind is not allowed in a production");
+                                   if (weak)
+                                     if (typ == Node.t) typ = Node.wt;
+                                     else SemErr("only terminals may be weak");
+                                   Node p = new Node(typ, sym, t.line);
+                                   g = new Graph(p);
+                                 .)
+  [ Attribs<p>                  (. if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not have attributes"); .)
+  ]                             (. if (undef)
+                                     sym.attrPos = p.pos;  // dummy
+                                   else if ((p.pos == null) != (sym.attrPos == null))
+                                     SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
+                                 .)
+| '(' Expression<out g> ')'
+| '[' Expression<out g> ']'     (. Graph.MakeOption(g); .)
+| '{' Expression<out g> '}'     (. Graph.MakeIteration(g); .)
+| SemText<out pos>              (. Node p = new Node(Node.sem, null, 0);
+                                   p.pos = pos;
+                                   g = new Graph(p);
+                                 .)
+| "ANY"                         (. Node p = new Node(Node.any, null, 0);  // p.set is set in Tab.SetupAnys
+                                   g = new Graph(p);
+                                 .)
+| "SYNC"                        (. Node p = new Node(Node.sync, null, 0);
+                                   g = new Graph(p);
+                                 .)
+ResolveExpr<out Position pos>   
+  "IF" "("                       (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
+  ( ("=" | "!=") CondPart        /* indicate the beginning of a syntax snippet.
+                                    The condition is true if the actual input matches
+                                    the given syntax snippet (or does not match for "!=")
+                                  */
+  | "(" CondPart ")"
+  | ANY CondPart
+  )				                 (. pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
+/* ConPart exists to guarantee an equal number of opening and *
+ * closing parentheses inside the conditional expression.     */
+CondPart = { "(" CondPart | ANY } ")" .
+TokenExpr<out Graph g>          (. Graph g2; .)
+  TokenTerm<out g>              (. bool first = true; .)
+  {                             WEAK
+    '|'
+    TokenTerm<out g2>           (. if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
+                                   Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
+                                 .)
+  }
+TokenTerm<out Graph g>          (. Graph g2; .)
+  TokenFactor<out g>
+  { TokenFactor<out g2>         (. Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
+  }
+  [ "CONTEXT"
+    '(' TokenExpr<out g2>       (. Graph.SetContextTrans(g2.l); Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); .)
+    ')'
+  ]
+TokenFactor<out Graph g>        (. string name; int kind; .)
+                                (. g = new Graph(); .)
+( Sym<out name, out kind>       (. if (kind == id) {
+                                     CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
+                                     if (c == null) {
+                                       SemErr("undefined name");
+                                       c = new CharClass(name, new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize));
+                                     }
+                                     Node p = new Node(Node.clas, null, 0); p.val = c.n;
+                                     g = new Graph(p);
+                                   } else g = Graph.StrToGraph(name);  // str
+                                 .)
+| '(' TokenExpr<out g> ')'
+| '[' TokenExpr<out g> ']'      (. Graph.MakeOption(g); .)
+| '{' TokenExpr<out g> '}'      (. Graph.MakeIteration(g); .)
+Sym<out string name, out int kind>
+=                               (. name = "???"; kind = id; .)
+( ident                         (. kind = id; name = t.val; .)
+| (string                       (. name = t.val; .)
+  | char                        (. name = "\"" + t.val.Substring(1, t.val.Length-2) + "\""; .)
+  )                             (. kind = str; .)
+Attribs<Node p>
+  '<'                           (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
+  { ANY 
+  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in attributes"); .)
+  }
+  '>'                           (. p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
+SemText<out Position pos>
+  "(."                          (. int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; .)
+  { ANY
+  | badString                   (. SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); .)
+  | "(."                        (. SemErr("missing end of previous semantic action"); .)
+  }
+  ".)"                          (. pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); .)
+UsingDecl<out Position pos>
+  "using"                       (. int beg = t.pos; .)
+  { ANY } ';'                   (. int end = t.pos; .)
+  { "using" { ANY } ';'         (. end = t.pos; .)
+  }                             (. pos = new Position(beg, end - beg + 1, 0); .)
+END Coco.

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Coco.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-  Trace output options
-  0 | A: prints the states of the scanner automaton
-  1 | F: prints the First and Follow sets of all nonterminals
-  2 | G: prints the syntax graph of the productions
-  3 | I: traces the computation of the First sets
-  4 | J: prints the sets associated with ANYs and synchronisation sets
-  6 | S: prints the symbol table (terminals, nonterminals, pragmas)
-  7 | X: prints a cross reference list of all syntax symbols
-  8 | P: prints statistics about the Coco run
-  Trace output can be switched on by the pragma
-    $ { digit | letter }
-  in the attributed grammar or as a command-line option
-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-public class Coco {
-	public static void Main (string[] arg) {
-		Console.WriteLine("Coco/R (Aug 4, 2003)");
-		string ATGName = null; 
-		for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++) {
-			if (arg[i] == "-nonamespace") Tab.nsName = null;
-			else if (arg[i] == "-namespace") Tab.nsName = arg[++i];
-			else if (arg[i] == "-trace") Tab.SetDDT(arg[++i]); 
-			else ATGName = arg[i];
-		}
-		if (arg.Length > 0 && ATGName != null) {
-			int pos = ATGName.LastIndexOf('/');
-			if (pos < 0) pos = ATGName.LastIndexOf('\\');
-			string file = ATGName;
-			string dir = ATGName.Substring(0, pos+1);
-			Scanner.Init(file);
-			Trace.Init(dir);
-			Tab.Init(); 
-			DFA.Init(dir); 
-			ParserGen.Init(file, dir);
-			Parser.Parse();
-			Trace.Close();
-			Console.WriteLine();
-			Console.WriteLine("{0} errors detected", Errors.count);
-		} else {
-			Console.WriteLine("Usage: Coco {{Option}} Grammar.ATG {{Option}}{0}" +
-			                  "Options:{0}" +
-			                  "  -nonamespace{0}" +
-			                  "  -namespace <packageName>{0}" +
-			                  "  -trace   <traceString>{0}" +
-			                  "Valid characters in the trace string:{0}" +
-			                  "  A  trace automaton{0}" +
-			                  "  F  list first/follow sets{0}" +
-			                  "  G  print syntax graph{0}" +
-			                  "  I  trace computation of first sets{0}" +
-			                  "  P  print statistics{0}" +
-			                  "  S  list symbol table{0}" +
-			                  "  X  list cross reference table{0}" +
-			                  "Scanner.frame and Parser.frame files needed in ATG directory{0}" +
-                        "or in a directory referenced by the environment variable CRFRAMES.",
-			                  Environment.NewLine);
-		}
-	}
-} // end Coco
-} // end namespace
+  Trace output options
+  0 | A: prints the states of the scanner automaton
+  1 | F: prints the First and Follow sets of all nonterminals
+  2 | G: prints the syntax graph of the productions
+  3 | I: traces the computation of the First sets
+  4 | J: prints the sets associated with ANYs and synchronisation sets
+  6 | S: prints the symbol table (terminals, nonterminals, pragmas)
+  7 | X: prints a cross reference list of all syntax symbols
+  8 | P: prints statistics about the Coco run
+  Trace output can be switched on by the pragma
+    $ { digit | letter }
+  in the attributed grammar or as a command-line option
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+public class Coco {
+	public static void Main (string[] arg) {
+		Console.WriteLine("Coco/R (Aug 4, 2003)");
+		string ATGName = null; 
+		for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++) {
+			if (arg[i] == "-nonamespace") Tab.nsName = null;
+			else if (arg[i] == "-namespace") Tab.nsName = arg[++i];
+			else if (arg[i] == "-trace") Tab.SetDDT(arg[++i]); 
+			else ATGName = arg[i];
+		}
+		if (arg.Length > 0 && ATGName != null) {
+			int pos = ATGName.LastIndexOf('/');
+			if (pos < 0) pos = ATGName.LastIndexOf('\\');
+			string file = ATGName;
+			string dir = ATGName.Substring(0, pos+1);
+			Scanner.Init(file);
+			Trace.Init(dir);
+			Tab.Init(); 
+			DFA.Init(dir); 
+			ParserGen.Init(file, dir);
+			Parser.Parse();
+			Trace.Close();
+			Console.WriteLine();
+			Console.WriteLine("{0} errors detected", Errors.count);
+		} else {
+			Console.WriteLine("Usage: Coco {{Option}} Grammar.ATG {{Option}}{0}" +
+			                  "Options:{0}" +
+			                  "  -nonamespace{0}" +
+			                  "  -namespace <packageName>{0}" +
+			                  "  -trace   <traceString>{0}" +
+			                  "Valid characters in the trace string:{0}" +
+			                  "  A  trace automaton{0}" +
+			                  "  F  list first/follow sets{0}" +
+			                  "  G  print syntax graph{0}" +
+			                  "  I  trace computation of first sets{0}" +
+			                  "  P  print statistics{0}" +
+			                  "  S  list symbol table{0}" +
+			                  "  X  list cross reference table{0}" +
+			                  "Scanner.frame and Parser.frame files needed in ATG directory{0}" +
+                        "or in a directory referenced by the environment variable CRFRAMES.",
+			                  Environment.NewLine);
+		}
+	}
+} // end Coco
+} // end namespace

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/DFA.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/DFA.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/DFA.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,889 +1,889 @@
-// DFA.cs   Scaner automaton gnerated by Coco/R  H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-//  State
-public class State {				// state of finite automaton
-	public static int lastNr;	// highest state number
-	public int nr;						// state number
-	public Action firstAction;// to first action of this state
-	public Symbol endOf;			// recognized token if state is final
-	public bool ctx;					// true if state is reached via contextTrans
-	public State next;
-	public State() {
-		nr = ++lastNr;
-	}
-	public void AddAction(Action act) {
-		Action lasta = null, a = firstAction;
-		while (a != null && act.typ >= a.typ) {lasta = a; a = a.next;}
-		// collecting classes at the beginning gives better performance
-		act.next = a;
-		if (a==firstAction) firstAction = act; else lasta.next = act;
-	}
-	public void DetachAction(Action act) {
-		Action lasta = null, a = firstAction;
-		while (a != null && a != act) {lasta = a; a = a.next;}
-		if (a != null)
-			if (a == firstAction) firstAction = a.next; else lasta.next = a.next;
-	}
-	public Action TheAction(char ch) {
-		BitArray s;
-		for (Action a = firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
-			if (a.typ == Node.chr && ch == a.sym) return a;
-			else if (a.typ == Node.clas) {
-				s = CharClass.Set(a.sym);
-				if (s[ch]) return a;
-			}
-		return null;
-	}
-	public void MeltWith(State s) { // copy actions of s to state
-		Action a;
-		for (Action action = s.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
-			a = new Action(action.typ, action.sym, action.tc);
-			a.AddTargets(action);
-			AddAction(a);
-		}
-	}
-//  Action
-public class Action {			// action of finite automaton
-	public int typ;					// type of action symbol: clas, chr
-	public int sym;					// action symbol
-	public int tc;					// transition code: normalTrans, contextTrans
-	public Target target;		// states reached from this action
-	public Action next;
-	public Action(int typ, int sym, int tc) {
-		this.typ = typ; this.sym = sym; this.tc = tc;
-	}
-	public void AddTarget(Target t) { // add t to the action.targets
-		Target last = null;
-		Target p = target;
-		while (p != null && t.state.nr >= p.state.nr) {
-			if (t.state == p.state) return;
-			last = p; p = p.next;
-		}
-		t.next = p;
-		if (p == target) target = t; else last.next = t;
-	}
-	public void AddTargets(Action a) { // add copy of a.targets to action.targets
-		for (Target p = a.target; p != null; p = p.next) {
-			Target t = new Target(p.state);
-			AddTarget(t);
-		}
-		if (a.tc == Node.contextTrans) tc = Node.contextTrans;
-	}
-	public BitArray Symbols() {
-		BitArray s;
-		if (typ == Node.clas)
-			s = (BitArray) CharClass.Set(sym).Clone();
-		else {
-			s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); s[sym] = true;
-		}
-		return s;
-	}
-	public void ShiftWith(BitArray s) {
-		if (Sets.Elements(s) == 1) {
-			typ = Node.chr; sym = Sets.First(s);
-		} else {
-			CharClass c = CharClass.Find(s);
-			if (c == null) c = new CharClass("#", s); // class with dummy name
-			typ = Node.clas; sym = c.n;
-		}
-	}
-	public void GetTargetStates(out BitArray targets, out Symbol endOf, out bool ctx) { 
-		// compute the set of target states
-		targets = new BitArray(DFA.maxStates); endOf = null;
-		ctx = false;
-		for (Target t = target; t != null; t = t.next) {
-			int stateNr = t.state.nr;
-			if (stateNr <= DFA.lastSimState) targets[stateNr] = true;
-			else targets.Or(Melted.Set(stateNr));
-			if (t.state.endOf != null)
-				if (endOf == null || endOf == t.state.endOf)
-					endOf = t.state.endOf;
-				else {
-					Console.WriteLine("Tokens {0} and {1} cannot be distinguished", endOf.name, t.state.endOf.name);
-					Errors.count++;
-				}
-			if (t.state.ctx) {
-				ctx = true;
-				// The following check seems to be unnecessary. It reported an error
-				// if a symbol + context was the prefix of another symbol, e.g.
-				//   s1 = "a" "b" "c".
-				//   s2 = "a" CONTEXT("b").
-				// But this is ok.
-				// if (t.state.endOf != null) {
-				//   Console.WriteLine("Ambiguous context clause");
-				//	 Errors.count++;
-				// }
-			}
-		}
-	}
-//  Target
-public class Target {				// set of states that are reached by an action
-	public State state;				// target state
-	public Target next;
-	public Target (State s) {
-		state = s;
-	}
-//  Melted
-public class Melted {					// info about melted states
-	public static Melted first;	// head of melted state list
-	public BitArray set;				// set of old states
-	public State state;					// new state
-	public Melted next;
-	public Melted(BitArray set, State state) {
-		this.set = set; this.state = state;
-		this.next = first; first = this;
-	}
-	public static BitArray Set(int nr) {
-		Melted m = first;
-		while (m != null) {
-			if (m.state.nr == nr) return m.set; else m = m.next;
-		}
-		throw new Exception("-- compiler error in Melted.Set");
-	}
-	public static Melted StateWithSet(BitArray s) {
-		for (Melted m = first; m != null; m = m.next)
-			if (Sets.Equals(s, m.set)) return m;
-		return null;
-	}
-//  Comment
-public class Comment {					// info about comment syntax
-	public static Comment first;	// list of comments
-	public string start;
-	public string stop;
-	public bool nested;
-	public Comment next;
-	static string Str(Node p) {
-		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
-		while (p != null) {
-			if (p.typ == Node.chr) {
-				s.Append((char)p.val);
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.clas) {
-				BitArray set = CharClass.Set(p.val);
-				if (Sets.Elements(set) != 1) Parser.SemErr("character set contains more than 1 character");
-				s.Append((char)Sets.First(set));
-			} else Parser.SemErr("comment delimiters may not be structured");
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-		if (s.Length == 0 || s.Length > 2) {
-			Parser.SemErr("comment delimiters must be 1 or 2 characters long");
-			s = new StringBuilder("?");
-		}
-		return s.ToString();
-	}
-	public Comment(Node from, Node to, bool nested) {
-		start = Str(from);
-		stop = Str(to);
-		this.nested = nested;
-		this.next = first; first = this;
-	}
-//  DFA
-public class DFA {
-	public static int maxStates;
-	public const int  EOF = -1;
-	public const char CR  = '\r';
-	public const char LF  = '\n';
-	public static State firstState;
-	public static State lastState;		// last allocated state
-	public static int lastSimState;		// last non melted state
-	public static FileStream fram;		// scanner frame input
-	public static StreamWriter gen;		// generated scanner file
-	       static string srcDir;      // directory of attributed grammar file
-	public static Symbol curSy;				// current token to be recognized (in FindTrans)
-	public static Node curGraph;			// start of graph for current token (in FindTrans)
-	public static bool dirtyDFA;			// DFA may become nondeterministic in MatchedDFA
-	public static bool hasCtxMoves;		// DFA has context transitions
-	//---------- Output primitives
-	private static string Ch(char ch) {
-		if (ch < ' ' || ch >= 127 || ch == '\'' || ch == '\\') return Convert.ToString((int)ch);
-		else return String.Format("'{0}'", ch);
-	}
-	private static string ChCond(char ch) {
-		return String.Format("ch == {0}", Ch(ch));
-	}
-	private static void PutRange(BitArray s) {
-		int[] lo = new int[32];
-		int[] hi = new int[32];
-		// fill lo and hi
-		int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
-		int top = -1;
-		int i = 0;
-		while (i < max) {
-			if (s[i]) {
-				top++; lo[top] = i; i++;
-				while (i < max && s[i]) i++;
-				hi[top] = i-1;
-			} else i++;
-		}
-		// print ranges
-		if (top == 1 && lo[0] == 0 && hi[1] == max-1 && hi[0]+2 == lo[1]) {
-			BitArray s1 = new BitArray(max); s1[hi[0]+1] = true;
-			gen.Write("!"); PutRange(s1);
-		} else {
-			gen.Write("(");
-			for (i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
-				if (hi[i] == lo[i]) gen.Write("ch == {0}", Ch((char)lo[i]));
-				else if (lo[i] == 0) gen.Write("ch <= {0}", Ch((char)hi[i]));
-				else if (hi[i] == max-1) gen.Write("ch >= {0}", Ch((char)lo[i]));
-				else gen.Write("ch >= {0} && ch <= {1}", Ch((char)lo[i]), Ch((char)hi[i]));
-				if (i < top) gen.Write(" || ");
-			}
-			gen.Write(")");
-		}
-	}
-	//---------- String handling
-	static char Hex2Char(string s) {
-		int val = 0;
-		for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
-			char ch = s[i];
-			if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') val = 16 * val + (ch - '0');
-			else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') val = 16 * val + (10 + ch - 'a');
-			else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') val = 16 * val + (10 + ch - 'A');
-			else Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character");
-		}
-		return (char)val;
-	}
-	static string Char2Hex(char ch) {
-		StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
-		w.Write("\\u{0:x4}", (int)ch);
-		return w.ToString();
-	}
-	public static string Unescape (string s) {
-		/* replaces escape sequences in s by their Unicode values. */
-		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
-		int i = 0;
-		while (i < s.Length) {
-			if (s[i] == '\\') {
-				switch (s[i+1]) {
-					case '\\': buf.Append('\\'); i += 2; break;
-					case '\'': buf.Append('\''); i += 2; break;
-					case '\"': buf.Append('\"'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'r': buf.Append('\r'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'n': buf.Append('\n'); i += 2; break;
-					case 't': buf.Append('\t'); i += 2; break;
-					case '0': buf.Append('\0'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'a': buf.Append('\a'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'b': buf.Append('\b'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'f': buf.Append('\f'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'v': buf.Append('\v'); i += 2; break;
-					case 'u': case 'x':
-						if (i + 6 <= s.Length) {
-							buf.Append(Hex2Char(s.Substring(i+2, 4))); i += 6; break;
-						} else {
-							Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character"); i = s.Length; break;
-						}
-					default: Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character"); i += 2; break;
-				}
-			} else {
-				buf.Append(s[i]);
-				i++;
-			}
-		}
-		return buf.ToString();
-	}
-	public static string Escape (string s) {
-		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
-		foreach (char ch in s) {
-			if (ch == '\\') buf.Append("\\\\");
-			else if (ch == '"') buf.Append("\\\"");
-			else if (ch < ' ' || ch > '\u007f') buf.Append(Char2Hex(ch));
-			else buf.Append(ch);
-		}
-		return buf.ToString();
-	}
-	//---------- State handling
-	static State NewState() {
-		State s = new State();
-		if (firstState == null) firstState = s; else lastState.next = s;
-		lastState = s;
-		return s;
-	}
-	static void NewTransition(State from, State to, int typ, int sym, int tc) {
-		if (to == firstState) Parser.SemErr("token must not start with an iteration");
-		Target t = new Target(to);
-		Action a = new Action(typ, sym, tc); a.target = t;
-		from.AddAction(a);
-	}
-	static void CombineShifts() {
-		State state;
-		Action a, b, c;
-		BitArray seta, setb;
-		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next) {
-			for (a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next) {
-				b = a.next;
-				while (b != null)
-					if (a.target.state == b.target.state && a.tc == b.tc) {
-						seta = a.Symbols(); setb = b.Symbols();
-						seta.Or(setb);
-						a.ShiftWith(seta);
-						c = b; b = b.next; state.DetachAction(c);
-					} else b = b.next;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void FindUsedStates(State state, BitArray used) {
-		if (used[state.nr]) return;
-		used[state.nr] = true;
-		for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
-			FindUsedStates(a.target.state, used);
-	}
-	static void DeleteRedundantStates() {
-		State[] newState = new State[State.lastNr + 1];
-		BitArray used = new BitArray(State.lastNr + 1);
-		FindUsedStates(firstState, used);
-		// combine equal final states
-		for (State s1 = firstState.next; s1 != null; s1 = s1.next) // firstState cannot be final
-			if (used[s1.nr] && s1.endOf != null && s1.firstAction == null && !s1.ctx)
-				for (State s2 = s1.next; s2 != null; s2 = s2.next)
-					if (used[s2.nr] && s1.endOf == s2.endOf && s2.firstAction == null & !s2.ctx) {
-						used[s2.nr] = false; newState[s2.nr] = s1;
-					}
-		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
-			if (used[state.nr])
-				for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
-					if (!used[a.target.state.nr])
-						a.target.state = newState[a.target.state.nr];
-		// delete unused states
-		lastState = firstState; State.lastNr = 0; // firstState has number 0
-		for (State state = firstState.next; state != null; state = state.next)
-			if (used[state.nr]) {state.nr = ++State.lastNr; lastState = state;}
-			else lastState.next = state.next;
-	}
-	static State TheState(Node p) {
-		State state;
-		if (p == null) {state = NewState(); state.endOf = curSy; return state;}
-		else return p.state;
-	}
-	static void Step(State from, Node p, BitArray stepped) {
-		if (p == null) return;
-		stepped[p.n] = true;
-		switch (p.typ) {
-			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
-				NewTransition(from, TheState(p.next), p.typ, p.val, p.code);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.alt: {
-				Step(from, p.sub, stepped); Step(from, p.down, stepped);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.iter: case Node.opt: {
-				if (p.next != null && !stepped[p.next.n]) Step(from, p.next, stepped);
-				Step(from, p.sub, stepped);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void NumberNodes(Node p, State state) {
-		/* Assigns a state n.state to every node n. There will be a transition from
-		   n.state to n.next.state triggered by n.val. All nodes in an alternative
-		   chain are represented by the same state.
-		*/
-		if (p == null) return;
-		if (p.state != null) return; // already visited;
-		if (state == null) state = NewState();
-		p.state = state;
-		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) state.endOf = curSy;
-		switch (p.typ) {
-			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
-				NumberNodes(p.next, null);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.opt: {
-				NumberNodes(p.next, null); NumberNodes(p.sub, state);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.iter: {
-				NumberNodes(p.next, state); NumberNodes(p.sub, state);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.alt: {
-				NumberNodes(p.sub, state); NumberNodes(p.down, state);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void FindTrans (Node p, bool start, BitArray marked) {
-		if (p == null || marked[p.n]) return;
-		marked[p.n] = true;
-		if (start) Step(p.state, p, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count)); // start of group of equally numbered nodes
-		switch (p.typ) {
-			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
-				FindTrans(p.next, true, marked);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.opt: {
-				FindTrans(p.next, true, marked); FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.iter: {
-				FindTrans(p.next, false, marked); FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked);
-				break;
-			}
-			case Node.alt: {
-				FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked); FindTrans(p.down, false, marked);
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public static void ConvertToStates(Node p, Symbol sym) {
-		curGraph = p; curSy = sym;
-		if (Node.DelGraph(curGraph)) Parser.SemErr("token might be empty");
-		NumberNodes(curGraph, firstState);
-		FindTrans(curGraph, true, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
-	}
-	static Symbol MatchedDFA(string s, Symbol sym) {
-		int i, len = s.Length;
-		bool weakMatch = false;
-		// s has no quotes
-		State state = firstState;
-		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // try to match s against existing DFA
-			Action a = state.TheAction(s[i]);
-			if (a == null) break;
-			if (a.typ == Node.clas) weakMatch = true;
-			state = a.target.state;
-		}
-		// don't execute the following block if s was totally consumed and the DFA is in a final state
-		if (weakMatch && (i != len || state.endOf == null)) {
-			state = firstState; i = 0;
-			dirtyDFA = true;
-		}
-		for (; i < len; i++) { // make new DFA for s[i..len-1]
-			State to = NewState();
-			NewTransition(state, to, Node.chr, s[i], Node.normalTrans);
-			state = to;
-		}
-		Symbol matchedSym = state.endOf;
-		if (state.endOf == null) state.endOf = sym;
-		return matchedSym;
-	}
-	public static void MatchLiteral(Symbol sym) { // store string either as token or as literal
-		string name = Unescape(sym.name.Substring(1, sym.name.Length-2));
-		if (name.IndexOf('\0') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("\\0 not allowed here. Used as eof character");
-	  Symbol matchedSym = MatchedDFA(name, sym);
-	  if (matchedSym == null)
-	    sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
-	  else {
-	    matchedSym.tokenKind = Symbol.classLitToken;
-	    sym.tokenKind = Symbol.litToken;
-	  }
-	}
-	static void SplitActions(State state, Action a, Action b) {
-		Action c; BitArray seta, setb, setc;
-		seta = a.Symbols(); setb = b.Symbols();
-		if (Sets.Equals(seta, setb)) {
-			a.AddTargets(b);
-			state.DetachAction(b);
-		} else if (Sets.Includes(seta, setb)) {
-			setc = (BitArray)seta.Clone(); Sets.Subtract(setc, setb);
-			b.AddTargets(a);
-			a.ShiftWith(setc);
-		} else if (Sets.Includes(setb, seta)) {
-			setc = (BitArray)setb.Clone(); Sets.Subtract(setc, seta);
-			a.AddTargets(b);
-			b.ShiftWith(setc);
-		} else {
-			setc = (BitArray)seta.Clone(); setc.And(setb);
-			Sets.Subtract(seta, setc);
-			Sets.Subtract(setb, setc);
-			a.ShiftWith(seta);
-			b.ShiftWith(setb);
-			c = new Action(0, 0, Node.normalTrans);  // typ and sym are set in ShiftWith
-			c.AddTargets(a);
-			c.AddTargets(b);
-			c.ShiftWith(setc);
-			state.AddAction(c);
-		}
-	}
-	private static bool Overlap(Action a, Action b) {
-		BitArray seta, setb;
-		if (a.typ == Node.chr)
-			if (b.typ == Node.chr) return a.sym == b.sym;
-			else {setb = CharClass.Set(b.sym); return setb[a.sym];}
-		else {
-			seta = CharClass.Set(a.sym);
-			if (b.typ ==Node.chr) return seta[b.sym];
-			else {setb = CharClass.Set(b.sym); return Sets.Intersect(seta, setb);}
-		}
-	}
-	static bool MakeUnique(State state) { // return true if actions were split
-		bool changed = false;
-		for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
-			for (Action b = a.next; b != null; b = b.next)
-				if (Overlap(a, b)) {SplitActions(state, a, b); changed = true;}
-		return changed;
-	}
-	static void MeltStates(State state) {
-		bool changed, ctx;
-		BitArray targets;
-		Symbol endOf;
-		for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
-			if (action.target.next != null) {
-				action.GetTargetStates(out targets, out endOf, out ctx);
-				Melted melt = Melted.StateWithSet(targets);
-				if (melt == null) {
-					State s = NewState(); s.endOf = endOf; s.ctx = ctx;
-					for (Target targ = action.target; targ != null; targ = targ.next)
-						s.MeltWith(targ.state);
-					do {changed = MakeUnique(s);} while (changed);
-					melt = new Melted(targets, s);
-				}
-				action.target.next = null;
-				action.target.state = melt.state;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void FindCtxStates() {
-		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
-			for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
-				if (a.tc == Node.contextTrans) a.target.state.ctx = true;
-	}
-	public static void MakeDeterministic() {
-		State state;
-		bool changed;
-		lastSimState = lastState.nr;
-		maxStates = 2 * lastSimState; // heuristic for set size in Melted.set
-		FindCtxStates();
-		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
-			do {changed = MakeUnique(state);} while (changed);
-		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
-			MeltStates(state);
-		DeleteRedundantStates();
-		CombineShifts();
-	}
-	public static void PrintStates() {
-		Trace.WriteLine("\n---------- states ----------");
-		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next) {
-			bool first = true;
-			if (state.endOf == null) Trace.Write("               ");
-			else Trace.Write("E({0,12})", Node.Name(state.endOf.name));
-			Trace.Write("{0,3}:", state.nr);
-			if (state.firstAction == null) Trace.WriteLine();
-			for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
-				if (first) {Trace.Write(" "); first = false;} else Trace.Write("                    ");
-				if (action.typ == Node.clas) Trace.Write(((CharClass)CharClass.classes[action.sym]).name);
-				else Trace.Write("{0, 3}", Ch((char)action.sym));
-				for (Target targ = action.target; targ != null; targ = targ.next)
-					Trace.Write(" {0, 3}", targ.state.nr);
-				if (action.tc == Node.contextTrans) Trace.WriteLine(" context"); else Trace.WriteLine();
-			}
-		}
-		Trace.WriteLine("\n---------- character classes ----------");
-		CharClass.WriteClasses();
-	}
-	static void GenComBody(Comment com) {
-		gen.WriteLine(  "\t\t\tfor(;;) {");
-		gen.Write    (  "\t\t\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.stop[0])); gen.WriteLine("{");
-		if (com.stop.Length == 1) {
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tlevel--;");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tif (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
-		} else {
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tif ({0}) {{", ChCond(com.stop[1]));
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tlevel--;");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tif (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t}");
-		}
-		if (com.nested) {
-			gen.Write    ("\t\t\t\t}"); gen.Write(" else if ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[0])); gen.WriteLine("{");
-			if (com.start.Length == 1)
-				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tlevel++; NextCh();");
-			else {
-				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
-				gen.Write    ("\t\t\t\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[1])); gen.WriteLine("{");
-				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tlevel++; NextCh();");
-				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t}");
-			}
-		}
-		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t\t} else if (ch == EOF) return false;");
-		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t\telse NextCh();");
-		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t}");
-	}
-	static void GenComment(Comment com, int i) {
-		gen.Write    ("\n\tstatic bool Comment{0}() ", i); gen.WriteLine("{");
-		gen.WriteLine("\t\tint level = 1, line0 = line, lineStart0 = lineStart;");
-		if (com.start.Length == 1) {
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\tNextCh();");
-			GenComBody(com);
-		} else {
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\tNextCh();");
-			gen.Write    ("\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[1])); gen.WriteLine("{");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tNextCh();");
-			GenComBody(com);
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t} else {");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tif (ch==EOL) {line--; lineStart = lineStart0;}");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tpos = pos - 2; Buffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t}");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\treturn false;");
-		}
-		gen.WriteLine("\t}");
-	}
-	static void CopyFramePart(string stop) {
-		char startCh = stop[0];
-		int endOfStopString = stop.Length-1;
-		int ch = fram.ReadByte();
-		while (ch != EOF)
-			if (ch == startCh) {
-				int i = 0;
-				do {
-					if (i == endOfStopString) return; // stop[0..i] found
-					ch = fram.ReadByte(); i++;
-				} while (ch == stop[i]);
-				// stop[0..i-1] found; continue with last read character
-				gen.Write(stop.Substring(0, i));
-			} else {
-				gen.Write((char)ch); ch = fram.ReadByte();
-			}
-		Errors.Exception(" -- incomplete or corrupt scanner frame file");
-	}
-	static void GenLiterals () {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
-			if (sym.tokenKind == Symbol.litToken) {
-				// sym.name stores literals with quotes, e.g. "\"Literal\"",
-				// therefore do NOT place any quotes around {0} after the case
-				// or you'll get: case ""Literal"": t.kind = ..., which causes an error
-				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tcase {0}: t.kind = {1}; break;", sym.name, sym.n);
-			}
-		}
-		gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tdefault: break;");
-	}
-	static void WriteState(State state) {
-		Symbol endOf = state.endOf;
-		gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tcase {0}:", state.nr);
-		bool ctxEnd = state.ctx;
-		for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
-			if (action == state.firstAction) gen.Write("\t\t\t\tif (");
-			else gen.Write("\t\t\t\telse if (");
-			if (action.typ == Node.chr) gen.Write(ChCond((char)action.sym));
-			else PutRange(CharClass.Set(action.sym));
-			gen.Write(") {");
-			if (action.tc == Node.contextTrans) {
-				gen.Write("apx++; "); ctxEnd = false;
-			} else if (state.ctx)
-				gen.Write("apx = 0; ");
-			gen.Write("buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case {0};", action.target.state.nr);
-			gen.WriteLine("}");
-		}
-		if (state.firstAction == null)
-			gen.Write("\t\t\t\t{");
-		else
-			gen.Write("\t\t\t\telse {");
-		if (ctxEnd) { // final context state: cut appendix
-			gen.WriteLine();
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tbuf.Length = buf.Length - apx;");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tpos = pos - apx - 1; line = t.line;");
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tBuffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();");
-			gen.Write(  	"\t\t\t\t\t");
-		}
-		if (endOf == null) {
-			gen.WriteLine("t.kind = noSym; goto done;}");
-		} else {
-			gen.Write("t.kind = {0}; ", endOf.n);
-			if (endOf.tokenKind == Symbol.classLitToken) {
-				gen.WriteLine("t.val = buf.ToString(); CheckLiteral(); return t;}");
-			} else {
-				gen.WriteLine("goto done;}");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void FillStartTab(int[] startTab) {
-		startTab[0] = State.lastNr + 1; // eof
-		for (Action action = firstState.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
-			int targetState = action.target.state.nr;
-			if (action.typ == Node.chr) startTab[action.sym] = targetState;
-			else {
-				BitArray s = CharClass.Set(action.sym);
-				for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
-					if (s[i]) startTab[i] = targetState;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public static void WriteScanner() {
-		int i, j;
-		int[] startTab = new int[CharClass.charSetSize];
-		string dir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
-		string fr = Path.Combine (dir, "Scanner.frame");
-		if (!File.Exists(fr)) {
-			string frameDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("crframes");
-			if (frameDir != null) fr = Path.Combine (frameDir.Trim(), "Scanner.frame");
-			if (!File.Exists(fr)) Errors.Exception("-- Cannot find Scanner.frame");
-		}
-		try {
-			fram = new FileStream(fr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
-		} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
-			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot open Scanner.frame.");
-		}
-		try {
-			string fn = dir + "\\Scanner.cs";
-			if (File.Exists(fn)) File.Copy(fn, fn+".old", true);
-			FileStream s = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create);
-			gen = new StreamWriter(s);
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot generate scanner file.");
-		}
-		if (dirtyDFA) MakeDeterministic();
-		FillStartTab(startTab);
-		CopyFramePart("-->namespace");
-		/* AW add namespace, if it exists */
-		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) {
-			gen.Write("namespace ");
-			gen.Write(Tab.nsName);
-			gen.Write(" {");
-		}
-		CopyFramePart("-->constants");
-		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int maxT = {0};", Symbol.terminals.Count - 1);
-		CopyFramePart("-->declarations");
-		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int noSym = {0};", Tab.noSym.n);
-		gen.WriteLine("\tstatic short[] start = {");
-		for (i = 0; i < CharClass.charSetSize / 16; i++) {
-			gen.Write("\t");
-			for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
-				gen.Write("{0,3},", startTab[16*i+j]);
-			gen.WriteLine();
-		}
-		gen.WriteLine("\t  0};");
-		CopyFramePart("-->initialization");
-		gen.WriteLine("\t\tignore = new BitArray({0});", CharClass.charSetSize);
-		gen.Write("\t\t");
-		if (Tab.ignored == null) gen.Write("ignore[' '] = true;");
-		else {
-			j = 0;
-			for (i = 0; i < Tab.ignored.Count; i++)
-				if (Tab.ignored[i]) {
-					gen.Write("ignore[{0}] = true; ", i);
-					if (++j % 4 == 0) { gen.WriteLine(); gen.Write("\t\t"); }
-				}
-		} 
-		CopyFramePart("-->comment");
-		Comment com = Comment.first; i = 0;
-		while (com != null) {
-			GenComment(com, i);
-			com = com.next; i++;
-		}
-		CopyFramePart("-->literals"); GenLiterals();
-		CopyFramePart("-->scan1");
-		if (Comment.first!=null) {
-			gen.Write("\t\tif (");
-			com = Comment.first; i = 0;
-			while (com != null) {
-				gen.Write(ChCond(com.start[0]));
-				gen.Write(" && Comment{0}()", i);
-				if (com.next != null) gen.Write(" ||");
-				com = com.next; i++;
-			}
-			gen.Write(") return NextToken();");
-		}
-		if (hasCtxMoves) gen.WriteLine("\t\tint apx = 0;");
-		CopyFramePart("-->scan2");
-		for (State state = firstState.next; state != null; state = state.next)
-			WriteState(state);
-		gen.Write("\t\t\tcase "+(State.lastNr+1)+": {t.kind = 0; goto done;}");
-		CopyFramePart("$$$");
-		/* AW 12-20-02 close namespace, if it exists */
-		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) gen.Write("}");
-		gen.Close();
-	}
-	public static void Init (string dir) {
-		srcDir = dir;
-		firstState = null; lastState = null; State.lastNr = -1;
-		firstState = NewState();
-		Melted.first = null; Comment.first = null;
-		dirtyDFA = false;
-		hasCtxMoves = false;
-	}
-} // end DFA
-} // end namespace
+// DFA.cs   Scaner automaton gnerated by Coco/R  H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+//  State
+public class State {				// state of finite automaton
+	public static int lastNr;	// highest state number
+	public int nr;						// state number
+	public Action firstAction;// to first action of this state
+	public Symbol endOf;			// recognized token if state is final
+	public bool ctx;					// true if state is reached via contextTrans
+	public State next;
+	public State() {
+		nr = ++lastNr;
+	}
+	public void AddAction(Action act) {
+		Action lasta = null, a = firstAction;
+		while (a != null && act.typ >= a.typ) {lasta = a; a = a.next;}
+		// collecting classes at the beginning gives better performance
+		act.next = a;
+		if (a==firstAction) firstAction = act; else lasta.next = act;
+	}
+	public void DetachAction(Action act) {
+		Action lasta = null, a = firstAction;
+		while (a != null && a != act) {lasta = a; a = a.next;}
+		if (a != null)
+			if (a == firstAction) firstAction = a.next; else lasta.next = a.next;
+	}
+	public Action TheAction(char ch) {
+		BitArray s;
+		for (Action a = firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
+			if (a.typ == Node.chr && ch == a.sym) return a;
+			else if (a.typ == Node.clas) {
+				s = CharClass.Set(a.sym);
+				if (s[ch]) return a;
+			}
+		return null;
+	}
+	public void MeltWith(State s) { // copy actions of s to state
+		Action a;
+		for (Action action = s.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
+			a = new Action(action.typ, action.sym, action.tc);
+			a.AddTargets(action);
+			AddAction(a);
+		}
+	}
+//  Action
+public class Action {			// action of finite automaton
+	public int typ;					// type of action symbol: clas, chr
+	public int sym;					// action symbol
+	public int tc;					// transition code: normalTrans, contextTrans
+	public Target target;		// states reached from this action
+	public Action next;
+	public Action(int typ, int sym, int tc) {
+		this.typ = typ; this.sym = sym; this.tc = tc;
+	}
+	public void AddTarget(Target t) { // add t to the action.targets
+		Target last = null;
+		Target p = target;
+		while (p != null && t.state.nr >= p.state.nr) {
+			if (t.state == p.state) return;
+			last = p; p = p.next;
+		}
+		t.next = p;
+		if (p == target) target = t; else last.next = t;
+	}
+	public void AddTargets(Action a) { // add copy of a.targets to action.targets
+		for (Target p = a.target; p != null; p = p.next) {
+			Target t = new Target(p.state);
+			AddTarget(t);
+		}
+		if (a.tc == Node.contextTrans) tc = Node.contextTrans;
+	}
+	public BitArray Symbols() {
+		BitArray s;
+		if (typ == Node.clas)
+			s = (BitArray) CharClass.Set(sym).Clone();
+		else {
+			s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); s[sym] = true;
+		}
+		return s;
+	}
+	public void ShiftWith(BitArray s) {
+		if (Sets.Elements(s) == 1) {
+			typ = Node.chr; sym = Sets.First(s);
+		} else {
+			CharClass c = CharClass.Find(s);
+			if (c == null) c = new CharClass("#", s); // class with dummy name
+			typ = Node.clas; sym = c.n;
+		}
+	}
+	public void GetTargetStates(out BitArray targets, out Symbol endOf, out bool ctx) { 
+		// compute the set of target states
+		targets = new BitArray(DFA.maxStates); endOf = null;
+		ctx = false;
+		for (Target t = target; t != null; t = t.next) {
+			int stateNr = t.state.nr;
+			if (stateNr <= DFA.lastSimState) targets[stateNr] = true;
+			else targets.Or(Melted.Set(stateNr));
+			if (t.state.endOf != null)
+				if (endOf == null || endOf == t.state.endOf)
+					endOf = t.state.endOf;
+				else {
+					Console.WriteLine("Tokens {0} and {1} cannot be distinguished", endOf.name, t.state.endOf.name);
+					Errors.count++;
+				}
+			if (t.state.ctx) {
+				ctx = true;
+				// The following check seems to be unnecessary. It reported an error
+				// if a symbol + context was the prefix of another symbol, e.g.
+				//   s1 = "a" "b" "c".
+				//   s2 = "a" CONTEXT("b").
+				// But this is ok.
+				// if (t.state.endOf != null) {
+				//   Console.WriteLine("Ambiguous context clause");
+				//	 Errors.count++;
+				// }
+			}
+		}
+	}
+//  Target
+public class Target {				// set of states that are reached by an action
+	public State state;				// target state
+	public Target next;
+	public Target (State s) {
+		state = s;
+	}
+//  Melted
+public class Melted {					// info about melted states
+	public static Melted first;	// head of melted state list
+	public BitArray set;				// set of old states
+	public State state;					// new state
+	public Melted next;
+	public Melted(BitArray set, State state) {
+		this.set = set; this.state = state;
+		this.next = first; first = this;
+	}
+	public static BitArray Set(int nr) {
+		Melted m = first;
+		while (m != null) {
+			if (m.state.nr == nr) return m.set; else m = m.next;
+		}
+		throw new Exception("-- compiler error in Melted.Set");
+	}
+	public static Melted StateWithSet(BitArray s) {
+		for (Melted m = first; m != null; m = m.next)
+			if (Sets.Equals(s, m.set)) return m;
+		return null;
+	}
+//  Comment
+public class Comment {					// info about comment syntax
+	public static Comment first;	// list of comments
+	public string start;
+	public string stop;
+	public bool nested;
+	public Comment next;
+	static string Str(Node p) {
+		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
+		while (p != null) {
+			if (p.typ == Node.chr) {
+				s.Append((char)p.val);
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.clas) {
+				BitArray set = CharClass.Set(p.val);
+				if (Sets.Elements(set) != 1) Parser.SemErr("character set contains more than 1 character");
+				s.Append((char)Sets.First(set));
+			} else Parser.SemErr("comment delimiters may not be structured");
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+		if (s.Length == 0 || s.Length > 2) {
+			Parser.SemErr("comment delimiters must be 1 or 2 characters long");
+			s = new StringBuilder("?");
+		}
+		return s.ToString();
+	}
+	public Comment(Node from, Node to, bool nested) {
+		start = Str(from);
+		stop = Str(to);
+		this.nested = nested;
+		this.next = first; first = this;
+	}
+//  DFA
+public class DFA {
+	public static int maxStates;
+	public const int  EOF = -1;
+	public const char CR  = '\r';
+	public const char LF  = '\n';
+	public static State firstState;
+	public static State lastState;		// last allocated state
+	public static int lastSimState;		// last non melted state
+	public static FileStream fram;		// scanner frame input
+	public static StreamWriter gen;		// generated scanner file
+	       static string srcDir;      // directory of attributed grammar file
+	public static Symbol curSy;				// current token to be recognized (in FindTrans)
+	public static Node curGraph;			// start of graph for current token (in FindTrans)
+	public static bool dirtyDFA;			// DFA may become nondeterministic in MatchedDFA
+	public static bool hasCtxMoves;		// DFA has context transitions
+	//---------- Output primitives
+	private static string Ch(char ch) {
+		if (ch < ' ' || ch >= 127 || ch == '\'' || ch == '\\') return Convert.ToString((int)ch);
+		else return String.Format("'{0}'", ch);
+	}
+	private static string ChCond(char ch) {
+		return String.Format("ch == {0}", Ch(ch));
+	}
+	private static void PutRange(BitArray s) {
+		int[] lo = new int[32];
+		int[] hi = new int[32];
+		// fill lo and hi
+		int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
+		int top = -1;
+		int i = 0;
+		while (i < max) {
+			if (s[i]) {
+				top++; lo[top] = i; i++;
+				while (i < max && s[i]) i++;
+				hi[top] = i-1;
+			} else i++;
+		}
+		// print ranges
+		if (top == 1 && lo[0] == 0 && hi[1] == max-1 && hi[0]+2 == lo[1]) {
+			BitArray s1 = new BitArray(max); s1[hi[0]+1] = true;
+			gen.Write("!"); PutRange(s1);
+		} else {
+			gen.Write("(");
+			for (i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
+				if (hi[i] == lo[i]) gen.Write("ch == {0}", Ch((char)lo[i]));
+				else if (lo[i] == 0) gen.Write("ch <= {0}", Ch((char)hi[i]));
+				else if (hi[i] == max-1) gen.Write("ch >= {0}", Ch((char)lo[i]));
+				else gen.Write("ch >= {0} && ch <= {1}", Ch((char)lo[i]), Ch((char)hi[i]));
+				if (i < top) gen.Write(" || ");
+			}
+			gen.Write(")");
+		}
+	}
+	//---------- String handling
+	static char Hex2Char(string s) {
+		int val = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
+			char ch = s[i];
+			if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') val = 16 * val + (ch - '0');
+			else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') val = 16 * val + (10 + ch - 'a');
+			else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') val = 16 * val + (10 + ch - 'A');
+			else Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character");
+		}
+		return (char)val;
+	}
+	static string Char2Hex(char ch) {
+		StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
+		w.Write("\\u{0:x4}", (int)ch);
+		return w.ToString();
+	}
+	public static string Unescape (string s) {
+		/* replaces escape sequences in s by their Unicode values. */
+		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
+		int i = 0;
+		while (i < s.Length) {
+			if (s[i] == '\\') {
+				switch (s[i+1]) {
+					case '\\': buf.Append('\\'); i += 2; break;
+					case '\'': buf.Append('\''); i += 2; break;
+					case '\"': buf.Append('\"'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'r': buf.Append('\r'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'n': buf.Append('\n'); i += 2; break;
+					case 't': buf.Append('\t'); i += 2; break;
+					case '0': buf.Append('\0'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'a': buf.Append('\a'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'b': buf.Append('\b'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'f': buf.Append('\f'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'v': buf.Append('\v'); i += 2; break;
+					case 'u': case 'x':
+						if (i + 6 <= s.Length) {
+							buf.Append(Hex2Char(s.Substring(i+2, 4))); i += 6; break;
+						} else {
+							Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character"); i = s.Length; break;
+						}
+					default: Parser.SemErr("bad escape sequence in string or character"); i += 2; break;
+				}
+			} else {
+				buf.Append(s[i]);
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		return buf.ToString();
+	}
+	public static string Escape (string s) {
+		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
+		foreach (char ch in s) {
+			if (ch == '\\') buf.Append("\\\\");
+			else if (ch == '"') buf.Append("\\\"");
+			else if (ch < ' ' || ch > '\u007f') buf.Append(Char2Hex(ch));
+			else buf.Append(ch);
+		}
+		return buf.ToString();
+	}
+	//---------- State handling
+	static State NewState() {
+		State s = new State();
+		if (firstState == null) firstState = s; else lastState.next = s;
+		lastState = s;
+		return s;
+	}
+	static void NewTransition(State from, State to, int typ, int sym, int tc) {
+		if (to == firstState) Parser.SemErr("token must not start with an iteration");
+		Target t = new Target(to);
+		Action a = new Action(typ, sym, tc); a.target = t;
+		from.AddAction(a);
+	}
+	static void CombineShifts() {
+		State state;
+		Action a, b, c;
+		BitArray seta, setb;
+		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next) {
+			for (a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next) {
+				b = a.next;
+				while (b != null)
+					if (a.target.state == b.target.state && a.tc == b.tc) {
+						seta = a.Symbols(); setb = b.Symbols();
+						seta.Or(setb);
+						a.ShiftWith(seta);
+						c = b; b = b.next; state.DetachAction(c);
+					} else b = b.next;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void FindUsedStates(State state, BitArray used) {
+		if (used[state.nr]) return;
+		used[state.nr] = true;
+		for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
+			FindUsedStates(a.target.state, used);
+	}
+	static void DeleteRedundantStates() {
+		State[] newState = new State[State.lastNr + 1];
+		BitArray used = new BitArray(State.lastNr + 1);
+		FindUsedStates(firstState, used);
+		// combine equal final states
+		for (State s1 = firstState.next; s1 != null; s1 = s1.next) // firstState cannot be final
+			if (used[s1.nr] && s1.endOf != null && s1.firstAction == null && !s1.ctx)
+				for (State s2 = s1.next; s2 != null; s2 = s2.next)
+					if (used[s2.nr] && s1.endOf == s2.endOf && s2.firstAction == null & !s2.ctx) {
+						used[s2.nr] = false; newState[s2.nr] = s1;
+					}
+		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
+			if (used[state.nr])
+				for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
+					if (!used[a.target.state.nr])
+						a.target.state = newState[a.target.state.nr];
+		// delete unused states
+		lastState = firstState; State.lastNr = 0; // firstState has number 0
+		for (State state = firstState.next; state != null; state = state.next)
+			if (used[state.nr]) {state.nr = ++State.lastNr; lastState = state;}
+			else lastState.next = state.next;
+	}
+	static State TheState(Node p) {
+		State state;
+		if (p == null) {state = NewState(); state.endOf = curSy; return state;}
+		else return p.state;
+	}
+	static void Step(State from, Node p, BitArray stepped) {
+		if (p == null) return;
+		stepped[p.n] = true;
+		switch (p.typ) {
+			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
+				NewTransition(from, TheState(p.next), p.typ, p.val, p.code);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.alt: {
+				Step(from, p.sub, stepped); Step(from, p.down, stepped);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.iter: case Node.opt: {
+				if (p.next != null && !stepped[p.next.n]) Step(from, p.next, stepped);
+				Step(from, p.sub, stepped);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void NumberNodes(Node p, State state) {
+		/* Assigns a state n.state to every node n. There will be a transition from
+		   n.state to n.next.state triggered by n.val. All nodes in an alternative
+		   chain are represented by the same state.
+		*/
+		if (p == null) return;
+		if (p.state != null) return; // already visited;
+		if (state == null) state = NewState();
+		p.state = state;
+		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) state.endOf = curSy;
+		switch (p.typ) {
+			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
+				NumberNodes(p.next, null);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.opt: {
+				NumberNodes(p.next, null); NumberNodes(p.sub, state);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.iter: {
+				NumberNodes(p.next, state); NumberNodes(p.sub, state);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.alt: {
+				NumberNodes(p.sub, state); NumberNodes(p.down, state);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void FindTrans (Node p, bool start, BitArray marked) {
+		if (p == null || marked[p.n]) return;
+		marked[p.n] = true;
+		if (start) Step(p.state, p, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count)); // start of group of equally numbered nodes
+		switch (p.typ) {
+			case Node.clas: case Node.chr: {
+				FindTrans(p.next, true, marked);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.opt: {
+				FindTrans(p.next, true, marked); FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.iter: {
+				FindTrans(p.next, false, marked); FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked);
+				break;
+			}
+			case Node.alt: {
+				FindTrans(p.sub, false, marked); FindTrans(p.down, false, marked);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public static void ConvertToStates(Node p, Symbol sym) {
+		curGraph = p; curSy = sym;
+		if (Node.DelGraph(curGraph)) Parser.SemErr("token might be empty");
+		NumberNodes(curGraph, firstState);
+		FindTrans(curGraph, true, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
+	}
+	static Symbol MatchedDFA(string s, Symbol sym) {
+		int i, len = s.Length;
+		bool weakMatch = false;
+		// s has no quotes
+		State state = firstState;
+		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { // try to match s against existing DFA
+			Action a = state.TheAction(s[i]);
+			if (a == null) break;
+			if (a.typ == Node.clas) weakMatch = true;
+			state = a.target.state;
+		}
+		// don't execute the following block if s was totally consumed and the DFA is in a final state
+		if (weakMatch && (i != len || state.endOf == null)) {
+			state = firstState; i = 0;
+			dirtyDFA = true;
+		}
+		for (; i < len; i++) { // make new DFA for s[i..len-1]
+			State to = NewState();
+			NewTransition(state, to, Node.chr, s[i], Node.normalTrans);
+			state = to;
+		}
+		Symbol matchedSym = state.endOf;
+		if (state.endOf == null) state.endOf = sym;
+		return matchedSym;
+	}
+	public static void MatchLiteral(Symbol sym) { // store string either as token or as literal
+		string name = Unescape(sym.name.Substring(1, sym.name.Length-2));
+		if (name.IndexOf('\0') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("\\0 not allowed here. Used as eof character");
+	  Symbol matchedSym = MatchedDFA(name, sym);
+	  if (matchedSym == null)
+	    sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
+	  else {
+	    matchedSym.tokenKind = Symbol.classLitToken;
+	    sym.tokenKind = Symbol.litToken;
+	  }
+	}
+	static void SplitActions(State state, Action a, Action b) {
+		Action c; BitArray seta, setb, setc;
+		seta = a.Symbols(); setb = b.Symbols();
+		if (Sets.Equals(seta, setb)) {
+			a.AddTargets(b);
+			state.DetachAction(b);
+		} else if (Sets.Includes(seta, setb)) {
+			setc = (BitArray)seta.Clone(); Sets.Subtract(setc, setb);
+			b.AddTargets(a);
+			a.ShiftWith(setc);
+		} else if (Sets.Includes(setb, seta)) {
+			setc = (BitArray)setb.Clone(); Sets.Subtract(setc, seta);
+			a.AddTargets(b);
+			b.ShiftWith(setc);
+		} else {
+			setc = (BitArray)seta.Clone(); setc.And(setb);
+			Sets.Subtract(seta, setc);
+			Sets.Subtract(setb, setc);
+			a.ShiftWith(seta);
+			b.ShiftWith(setb);
+			c = new Action(0, 0, Node.normalTrans);  // typ and sym are set in ShiftWith
+			c.AddTargets(a);
+			c.AddTargets(b);
+			c.ShiftWith(setc);
+			state.AddAction(c);
+		}
+	}
+	private static bool Overlap(Action a, Action b) {
+		BitArray seta, setb;
+		if (a.typ == Node.chr)
+			if (b.typ == Node.chr) return a.sym == b.sym;
+			else {setb = CharClass.Set(b.sym); return setb[a.sym];}
+		else {
+			seta = CharClass.Set(a.sym);
+			if (b.typ ==Node.chr) return seta[b.sym];
+			else {setb = CharClass.Set(b.sym); return Sets.Intersect(seta, setb);}
+		}
+	}
+	static bool MakeUnique(State state) { // return true if actions were split
+		bool changed = false;
+		for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
+			for (Action b = a.next; b != null; b = b.next)
+				if (Overlap(a, b)) {SplitActions(state, a, b); changed = true;}
+		return changed;
+	}
+	static void MeltStates(State state) {
+		bool changed, ctx;
+		BitArray targets;
+		Symbol endOf;
+		for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
+			if (action.target.next != null) {
+				action.GetTargetStates(out targets, out endOf, out ctx);
+				Melted melt = Melted.StateWithSet(targets);
+				if (melt == null) {
+					State s = NewState(); s.endOf = endOf; s.ctx = ctx;
+					for (Target targ = action.target; targ != null; targ = targ.next)
+						s.MeltWith(targ.state);
+					do {changed = MakeUnique(s);} while (changed);
+					melt = new Melted(targets, s);
+				}
+				action.target.next = null;
+				action.target.state = melt.state;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void FindCtxStates() {
+		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
+			for (Action a = state.firstAction; a != null; a = a.next)
+				if (a.tc == Node.contextTrans) a.target.state.ctx = true;
+	}
+	public static void MakeDeterministic() {
+		State state;
+		bool changed;
+		lastSimState = lastState.nr;
+		maxStates = 2 * lastSimState; // heuristic for set size in Melted.set
+		FindCtxStates();
+		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
+			do {changed = MakeUnique(state);} while (changed);
+		for (state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next)
+			MeltStates(state);
+		DeleteRedundantStates();
+		CombineShifts();
+	}
+	public static void PrintStates() {
+		Trace.WriteLine("\n---------- states ----------");
+		for (State state = firstState; state != null; state = state.next) {
+			bool first = true;
+			if (state.endOf == null) Trace.Write("               ");
+			else Trace.Write("E({0,12})", Node.Name(state.endOf.name));
+			Trace.Write("{0,3}:", state.nr);
+			if (state.firstAction == null) Trace.WriteLine();
+			for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
+				if (first) {Trace.Write(" "); first = false;} else Trace.Write("                    ");
+				if (action.typ == Node.clas) Trace.Write(((CharClass)CharClass.classes[action.sym]).name);
+				else Trace.Write("{0, 3}", Ch((char)action.sym));
+				for (Target targ = action.target; targ != null; targ = targ.next)
+					Trace.Write(" {0, 3}", targ.state.nr);
+				if (action.tc == Node.contextTrans) Trace.WriteLine(" context"); else Trace.WriteLine();
+			}
+		}
+		Trace.WriteLine("\n---------- character classes ----------");
+		CharClass.WriteClasses();
+	}
+	static void GenComBody(Comment com) {
+		gen.WriteLine(  "\t\t\tfor(;;) {");
+		gen.Write    (  "\t\t\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.stop[0])); gen.WriteLine("{");
+		if (com.stop.Length == 1) {
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tlevel--;");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tif (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
+		} else {
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tif ({0}) {{", ChCond(com.stop[1]));
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tlevel--;");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tif (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t}");
+		}
+		if (com.nested) {
+			gen.Write    ("\t\t\t\t}"); gen.Write(" else if ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[0])); gen.WriteLine("{");
+			if (com.start.Length == 1)
+				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tlevel++; NextCh();");
+			else {
+				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tNextCh();");
+				gen.Write    ("\t\t\t\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[1])); gen.WriteLine("{");
+				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t\tlevel++; NextCh();");
+				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t}");
+			}
+		}
+		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t\t} else if (ch == EOF) return false;");
+		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t\telse NextCh();");
+		gen.WriteLine(    "\t\t\t}");
+	}
+	static void GenComment(Comment com, int i) {
+		gen.Write    ("\n\tstatic bool Comment{0}() ", i); gen.WriteLine("{");
+		gen.WriteLine("\t\tint level = 1, line0 = line, lineStart0 = lineStart;");
+		if (com.start.Length == 1) {
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\tNextCh();");
+			GenComBody(com);
+		} else {
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\tNextCh();");
+			gen.Write    ("\t\tif ({0}) ", ChCond(com.start[1])); gen.WriteLine("{");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tNextCh();");
+			GenComBody(com);
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t} else {");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tif (ch==EOL) {line--; lineStart = lineStart0;}");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tpos = pos - 2; Buffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t}");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\treturn false;");
+		}
+		gen.WriteLine("\t}");
+	}
+	static void CopyFramePart(string stop) {
+		char startCh = stop[0];
+		int endOfStopString = stop.Length-1;
+		int ch = fram.ReadByte();
+		while (ch != EOF)
+			if (ch == startCh) {
+				int i = 0;
+				do {
+					if (i == endOfStopString) return; // stop[0..i] found
+					ch = fram.ReadByte(); i++;
+				} while (ch == stop[i]);
+				// stop[0..i-1] found; continue with last read character
+				gen.Write(stop.Substring(0, i));
+			} else {
+				gen.Write((char)ch); ch = fram.ReadByte();
+			}
+		Errors.Exception(" -- incomplete or corrupt scanner frame file");
+	}
+	static void GenLiterals () {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
+			if (sym.tokenKind == Symbol.litToken) {
+				// sym.name stores literals with quotes, e.g. "\"Literal\"",
+				// therefore do NOT place any quotes around {0} after the case
+				// or you'll get: case ""Literal"": t.kind = ..., which causes an error
+				gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tcase {0}: t.kind = {1}; break;", sym.name, sym.n);
+			}
+		}
+		gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tdefault: break;");
+	}
+	static void WriteState(State state) {
+		Symbol endOf = state.endOf;
+		gen.WriteLine("\t\t\tcase {0}:", state.nr);
+		bool ctxEnd = state.ctx;
+		for (Action action = state.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
+			if (action == state.firstAction) gen.Write("\t\t\t\tif (");
+			else gen.Write("\t\t\t\telse if (");
+			if (action.typ == Node.chr) gen.Write(ChCond((char)action.sym));
+			else PutRange(CharClass.Set(action.sym));
+			gen.Write(") {");
+			if (action.tc == Node.contextTrans) {
+				gen.Write("apx++; "); ctxEnd = false;
+			} else if (state.ctx)
+				gen.Write("apx = 0; ");
+			gen.Write("buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case {0};", action.target.state.nr);
+			gen.WriteLine("}");
+		}
+		if (state.firstAction == null)
+			gen.Write("\t\t\t\t{");
+		else
+			gen.Write("\t\t\t\telse {");
+		if (ctxEnd) { // final context state: cut appendix
+			gen.WriteLine();
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tbuf.Length = buf.Length - apx;");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tpos = pos - apx - 1; line = t.line;");
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\tBuffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();");
+			gen.Write(  	"\t\t\t\t\t");
+		}
+		if (endOf == null) {
+			gen.WriteLine("t.kind = noSym; goto done;}");
+		} else {
+			gen.Write("t.kind = {0}; ", endOf.n);
+			if (endOf.tokenKind == Symbol.classLitToken) {
+				gen.WriteLine("t.val = buf.ToString(); CheckLiteral(); return t;}");
+			} else {
+				gen.WriteLine("goto done;}");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void FillStartTab(int[] startTab) {
+		startTab[0] = State.lastNr + 1; // eof
+		for (Action action = firstState.firstAction; action != null; action = action.next) {
+			int targetState = action.target.state.nr;
+			if (action.typ == Node.chr) startTab[action.sym] = targetState;
+			else {
+				BitArray s = CharClass.Set(action.sym);
+				for (int i = 0; i < s.Count; i++)
+					if (s[i]) startTab[i] = targetState;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public static void WriteScanner() {
+		int i, j;
+		int[] startTab = new int[CharClass.charSetSize];
+		string dir = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
+		string fr = Path.Combine (dir, "Scanner.frame");
+		if (!File.Exists(fr)) {
+			string frameDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("crframes");
+			if (frameDir != null) fr = Path.Combine (frameDir.Trim(), "Scanner.frame");
+			if (!File.Exists(fr)) Errors.Exception("-- Cannot find Scanner.frame");
+		}
+		try {
+			fram = new FileStream(fr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
+		} catch (FileNotFoundException) {
+			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot open Scanner.frame.");
+		}
+		try {
+			string fn = dir + "\\Scanner.cs";
+			if (File.Exists(fn)) File.Copy(fn, fn+".old", true);
+			FileStream s = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create);
+			gen = new StreamWriter(s);
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot generate scanner file.");
+		}
+		if (dirtyDFA) MakeDeterministic();
+		FillStartTab(startTab);
+		CopyFramePart("-->namespace");
+		/* AW add namespace, if it exists */
+		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) {
+			gen.Write("namespace ");
+			gen.Write(Tab.nsName);
+			gen.Write(" {");
+		}
+		CopyFramePart("-->constants");
+		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int maxT = {0};", Symbol.terminals.Count - 1);
+		CopyFramePart("-->declarations");
+		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int noSym = {0};", Tab.noSym.n);
+		gen.WriteLine("\tstatic short[] start = {");
+		for (i = 0; i < CharClass.charSetSize / 16; i++) {
+			gen.Write("\t");
+			for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
+				gen.Write("{0,3},", startTab[16*i+j]);
+			gen.WriteLine();
+		}
+		gen.WriteLine("\t  0};");
+		CopyFramePart("-->initialization");
+		gen.WriteLine("\t\tignore = new BitArray({0});", CharClass.charSetSize);
+		gen.Write("\t\t");
+		if (Tab.ignored == null) gen.Write("ignore[' '] = true;");
+		else {
+			j = 0;
+			for (i = 0; i < Tab.ignored.Count; i++)
+				if (Tab.ignored[i]) {
+					gen.Write("ignore[{0}] = true; ", i);
+					if (++j % 4 == 0) { gen.WriteLine(); gen.Write("\t\t"); }
+				}
+		} 
+		CopyFramePart("-->comment");
+		Comment com = Comment.first; i = 0;
+		while (com != null) {
+			GenComment(com, i);
+			com = com.next; i++;
+		}
+		CopyFramePart("-->literals"); GenLiterals();
+		CopyFramePart("-->scan1");
+		if (Comment.first!=null) {
+			gen.Write("\t\tif (");
+			com = Comment.first; i = 0;
+			while (com != null) {
+				gen.Write(ChCond(com.start[0]));
+				gen.Write(" && Comment{0}()", i);
+				if (com.next != null) gen.Write(" ||");
+				com = com.next; i++;
+			}
+			gen.Write(") return NextToken();");
+		}
+		if (hasCtxMoves) gen.WriteLine("\t\tint apx = 0;");
+		CopyFramePart("-->scan2");
+		for (State state = firstState.next; state != null; state = state.next)
+			WriteState(state);
+		gen.Write("\t\t\tcase "+(State.lastNr+1)+": {t.kind = 0; goto done;}");
+		CopyFramePart("$$$");
+		/* AW 12-20-02 close namespace, if it exists */
+		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) gen.Write("}");
+		gen.Close();
+	}
+	public static void Init (string dir) {
+		srcDir = dir;
+		firstState = null; lastState = null; State.lastNr = -1;
+		firstState = NewState();
+		Melted.first = null; Comment.first = null;
+		dirtyDFA = false;
+		hasCtxMoves = false;
+	}
+} // end DFA
+} // end namespace

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,761 +1,761 @@
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-public class Parser {
-	const int maxT = 42;
-	const bool T = true;
-	const bool x = false;
-	const int minErrDist = 2;
-	const string errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}";  // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text
-	static Token t;                   // last recognized token
-	static Token la;                  // lookahead token
-	static int errDist = minErrDist;
-const int id = 0;
-	const int str = 1;
-	static bool genScanner;
-	static void SynErr (int n) {
-		if (errDist >= minErrDist) Errors.SynErr(la.line, la.col, n);
-		errDist = 0;
-	}
-	public static void SemErr (string msg) {
-		if (errDist >= minErrDist) Errors.Error(t.line, t.col, msg);
-		errDist = 0;
-	}
-	static void Get () {
-		for (;;) {
-			t = la;
-			la = Scanner.Scan();
-			if (la.kind <= maxT) { ++errDist; break; }  /* ML return changed to break */
-				if (la.kind == 43) {
-				Tab.SetDDT(la.val); 
-				}
-			la = t;
-		}
-	}
-	static void Expect (int n) {
-		if (la.kind==n) Get(); else { SynErr(n); }
-	}
-	static bool StartOf (int s) {
-		return set[s, la.kind];
-	}
-	static void ExpectWeak (int n, int follow) {
-		if (la.kind == n) Get();
-		else {
-			SynErr(n);
-			while (!StartOf(follow)) Get();
-		}
-	}
-	static bool WeakSeparator (int n, int syFol, int repFol) {
-		bool[] s = new bool[maxT+1];
-		if (la.kind == n) { Get(); return true; }
-		else if (StartOf(repFol)) return false;
-		else {
-			for (int i=0; i <= maxT; i++) {
-				s[i] = set[syFol, i] || set[repFol, i] || set[0, i];
-			}
-			SynErr(n);
-			while (!s[la.kind]) Get();
-			return StartOf(syFol);
-		}
-	}
-	static void Coco() {
-		Symbol sym; Graph g; string gramName; 
-		if (la.kind == 40) {
-			UsingDecl(out ParserGen.usingPos);
-		}
-		Expect(6);
-		int gramLine = t.line;
-		genScanner = true;
-		bool ok = true;
-		Tab.ignored = null;
-		Expect(1);
-		gramName = t.val;
-		int beg = la.pos; 
-		while (StartOf(1)) {
-			Get();
-		}
-		Tab.semDeclPos = new Position(beg, la.pos-beg, 0); 
-		while (StartOf(2)) {
-			Declaration();
-		}
-		while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 7)) {SynErr(43); Get();}
-		Expect(7);
-		if (genScanner) DFA.MakeDeterministic();
-		Graph.DeleteNodes();
-		while (la.kind == 1) {
-			Get();
-			sym = Symbol.Find(t.val);
-			bool undef = sym == null;
-			if (undef) sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, t.val, t.line);
-			else {
-			  if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
-			    if (sym.graph != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-				 } else SemErr("this symbol kind not allowed on left side of production");
-				 sym.line = t.line;
-			}
-			bool noAttrs = sym.attrPos == null;
-			sym.attrPos = null;
-			if (la.kind == 24) {
-				AttrDecl(sym);
-			}
-			if (!undef)
-			 if (noAttrs != (sym.attrPos == null))
-			   SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
-			if (la.kind == 38) {
-				SemText(out sym.semPos);
-			}
-			ExpectWeak(8, 3);
-			Expression(out g);
-			sym.graph = g.l;
-			Graph.Finish(g);
-			ExpectWeak(9, 4);
-		}
-		Expect(10);
-		Expect(1);
-		if (gramName != t.val)
-		 SemErr("name does not match grammar name");
-		Tab.gramSy = Symbol.Find(gramName);
-		if (Tab.gramSy == null)
-		  SemErr("missing production for grammar name");
-		else {
-		  sym = Tab.gramSy;
-		  if (sym.attrPos != null)
-		    SemErr("grammar symbol must not have attributes");
-		}
-		Tab.noSym = new Symbol(Node.t, "???", 0); // noSym gets highest number
-		Tab.SetupAnys();
-		Tab.RenumberPragmas();
-		if (Tab.ddt[2]) Node.PrintNodes();
-		if (Errors.count == 0) {
-		  Console.WriteLine("checking");
-		  Tab.CompSymbolSets();
-		  ok = ok && Tab.GrammarOk();
-		  if (Tab.ddt[7]) Tab.XRef();
-		  if (ok) {
-		    Console.Write("parser");
-		    ParserGen.WriteParser();
-		    if (genScanner) {
-		      Console.Write(" + scanner");
-		      DFA.WriteScanner();
-		      if (Tab.ddt[0]) DFA.PrintStates();
-		    }
-		    Console.WriteLine(" generated");
-		    if (Tab.ddt[8]) ParserGen.WriteStatistics();
-		  }
-		}
-		if (Tab.ddt[6]) Tab.PrintSymbolTable();
-		Expect(9);
-	}
-	static void UsingDecl(out Position pos) {
-		Expect(40);
-		int beg = t.pos; 
-		while (StartOf(5)) {
-			Get();
-		}
-		Expect(41);
-		int end = t.pos; 
-		while (la.kind == 40) {
-			Get();
-			while (StartOf(5)) {
-				Get();
-			}
-			Expect(41);
-			end = t.pos; 
-		}
-		pos = new Position(beg, end - beg + 1, 0); 
-	}
-	static void Declaration() {
-		Graph g1, g2; bool nested = false; 
-		switch (la.kind) {
-		case 11: {
-			Get();
-			while (la.kind == 1) {
-				SetDecl();
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		case 12: {
-			Get();
-			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
-				TokenDecl(Node.t);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		case 13: {
-			Get();
-			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
-				TokenDecl(Node.pr);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		case 14: {
-			Get();
-			Expect(15);
-			TokenExpr(out g1);
-			Expect(16);
-			TokenExpr(out g2);
-			if (la.kind == 17) {
-				Get();
-				nested = true; 
-			} else if (StartOf(6)) {
-				nested = false; 
-			} else SynErr(44);
-			new Comment(g1.l, g2.l, nested); 
-			break;
-		}
-		case 18: {
-			Get();
-			Set(out Tab.ignored);
-			Tab.ignored[' '] = true; /* ' ' is always ignored */
-			if (Tab.ignored[0]) SemErr("may not ignore \'\\0\'"); 
-			break;
-		}
-		case 19: {
-			Get();
-			Symbol.tokenNames = new Hashtable(); 
-			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3) {
-				if (la.kind == 3) {
-					Get();
-				} else {
-					Get();
-				}
-				string key = t.val; 
-				Expect(8);
-				Expect(1);
-				string val = t.val; Symbol.tokenNames.Add(key, val); 
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		default: SynErr(45); break;
-		}
-	}
-	static void AttrDecl(Symbol sym) {
-		Expect(24);
-		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
-		while (StartOf(7)) {
-			if (StartOf(8)) {
-				Get();
-			} else {
-				Get();
-				SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); 
-			}
-		}
-		Expect(25);
-		sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
-	}
-	static void SemText(out Position pos) {
-		Expect(38);
-		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
-		while (StartOf(9)) {
-			if (StartOf(10)) {
-				Get();
-			} else if (la.kind == 4) {
-				Get();
-				SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); 
-			} else {
-				Get();
-				SemErr("missing end of previous semantic action"); 
-			}
-		}
-		Expect(39);
-		pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
-	}
-	static void Expression(out Graph g) {
-		Graph g2; 
-		Term(out g);
-		bool first = true; 
-		while (WeakSeparator(26,11,12) ) {
-			Term(out g2);
-			if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
-			Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
-		}
-	}
-	static void SetDecl() {
-		BitArray s; 
-		Expect(1);
-		string name = t.val;
-		CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
-		if (c != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-		Expect(8);
-		Set(out s);
-		if (Sets.Elements(s) == 0) SemErr("character set must not be empty");
-		c = new CharClass(name, s);
-		Expect(9);
-	}
-	static void TokenDecl(int typ) {
-		string name; int kind; Symbol sym; Graph g; 
-		Sym(out name, out kind);
-		sym = Symbol.Find(name);
-		if (sym != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
-		else {
-		  sym = new Symbol(typ, name, t.line);
-		  sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
-		}
-		while (!(StartOf(13))) {SynErr(46); Get();}
-		if (la.kind == 8) {
-			Get();
-			TokenExpr(out g);
-			Expect(9);
-			if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not be declared with a structure");
-			Graph.Finish(g);
-			DFA.ConvertToStates(g.l, sym);
-		} else if (la.kind == 9) {
-			Get();
-			if (typ != Node.rslv) SemErr("resolver is only allowed in RESOLVERS section"); 
-		} else if (StartOf(14)) {
-			if (kind == id) genScanner = false;
-			else DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
-		} else SynErr(47);
-		if (la.kind == 38) {
-			SemText(out sym.semPos);
-			if (typ == Node.t) SemErr("semantic action not allowed here"); 
-		} else if (StartOf(15)) {
-			if (typ == Node.rslv) SemErr("resolvers must have a semantic action"); 
-		} else SynErr(48);
-	}
-	static void TokenExpr(out Graph g) {
-		Graph g2; 
-		TokenTerm(out g);
-		bool first = true; 
-		while (WeakSeparator(26,16,17) ) {
-			TokenTerm(out g2);
-			if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
-			Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
-		}
-	}
-	static void Set(out BitArray s) {
-		BitArray s2; 
-		SimSet(out s);
-		while (la.kind == 20 || la.kind == 21) {
-			if (la.kind == 20) {
-				Get();
-				SimSet(out s2);
-				s.Or(s2); 
-			} else {
-				Get();
-				SimSet(out s2);
-				Sets.Subtract(s, s2); 
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void SimSet(out BitArray s) {
-		int n1, n2; 
-		s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); 
-		if (la.kind == 1) {
-			Get();
-			CharClass c = CharClass.Find(t.val);
-			if (c == null) SemErr("undefined name"); else s.Or(c.set);
-		} else if (la.kind == 3) {
-			Get();
-			string name = t.val;
-			name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
-			foreach (char ch in name) s[ch] = true;
-		} else if (la.kind == 5) {
-			Char(out n1);
-			s[n1] = true; 
-			if (la.kind == 22) {
-				Get();
-				Char(out n2);
-				for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) s[i] = true; 
-			}
-		} else if (la.kind == 23) {
-			Get();
-			s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize, true);
-			s[0] = false;
-		} else SynErr(49);
-	}
-	static void Char(out int n) {
-		Expect(5);
-		string name = t.val;
-		name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
-		int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
-		if (name.Length != 1 || name[0] > max-1) SemErr("unacceptable character value");
-		n = name[0] % max;
-	}
-	static void Sym(out string name, out int kind) {
-		name = "???"; kind = id; 
-		if (la.kind == 1) {
-			Get();
-			kind = id; name = t.val; 
-		} else if (la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
-			if (la.kind == 3) {
-				Get();
-				name = t.val; 
-			} else {
-				Get();
-				name = "\"" + t.val.Substring(1, t.val.Length-2) + "\""; 
-			}
-			kind = str; 
-		} else SynErr(50);
-	}
-	static void Term(out Graph g) {
-		Graph g2; Position pos; Node rslv = null; 
-		g = null;
-		if (StartOf(18)) {
-			if (la.kind == 35) {
-				rslv = new Node(Node.rslv, null, la.line); 
-				ResolveExpr(out pos);
-				rslv.pos = pos;
-				g = new Graph(rslv);
-			}
-			Factor(out g2);
-			if (rslv != null) Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2);
-			else g = g2;
-			while (StartOf(19)) {
-				Factor(out g2);
-				Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
-			}
-		} else if (StartOf(20)) {
-			g = new Graph(new Node(Node.eps, null, 0)); 
-		} else SynErr(51);
-	}
-	static void ResolveExpr(out Position pos) {
-		Expect(35);
-		Expect(28);
-		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
-		if (la.kind == 8 || la.kind == 36) {
-			if (la.kind == 8) {
-				Get();
-			} else {
-				Get();
-			}
-			CondPart();
-		} else if (la.kind == 28) {
-			Get();
-			CondPart();
-			Expect(29);
-		} else if (StartOf(21)) {
-			Get();
-			CondPart();
-		} else SynErr(52);
-		pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
-	}
-	static void Factor(out Graph g) {
-		string name; int kind; Position pos; bool weak = false; 
-		g = null;
-		switch (la.kind) {
-		case 1: case 3: case 5: case 27: {
-			if (la.kind == 27) {
-				Get();
-				weak = true; 
-			}
-			Sym(out name, out kind);
-			Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(name);
-			bool undef = sym == null;
-			if (undef) {
-			  if (kind == id)
-			    sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, name, 0);  // forward nt
-			  else if (genScanner) { 
-			    sym = new Symbol(Node.t, name, t.line);
-			    DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
-			  } else {  // undefined string in production
-			    SemErr("undefined string in production");
-			    sym = Tab.eofSy;  // dummy
-			  }
-			}
-			int typ = sym.typ;
-			if (typ != Node.t && typ != Node.nt && typ != Node.rslv) /* ML */
-			  SemErr("this symbol kind is not allowed in a production");
-			if (weak)
-			  if (typ == Node.t) typ = Node.wt;
-			  else SemErr("only terminals may be weak");
-			Node p = new Node(typ, sym, t.line);
-			g = new Graph(p);
-			if (la.kind == 24) {
-				Attribs(p);
-				if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not have attributes"); 
-			}
-			if (undef)
-			 sym.attrPos = p.pos;  // dummy
-			else if ((p.pos == null) != (sym.attrPos == null))
-			  SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
-			break;
-		}
-		case 28: {
-			Get();
-			Expression(out g);
-			Expect(29);
-			break;
-		}
-		case 30: {
-			Get();
-			Expression(out g);
-			Expect(31);
-			Graph.MakeOption(g); 
-			break;
-		}
-		case 32: {
-			Get();
-			Expression(out g);
-			Expect(33);
-			Graph.MakeIteration(g); 
-			break;
-		}
-		case 38: {
-			SemText(out pos);
-			Node p = new Node(Node.sem, null, 0);
-			p.pos = pos;
-			g = new Graph(p);
-			break;
-		}
-		case 23: {
-			Get();
-			Node p = new Node(Node.any, null, 0);  // p.set is set in Tab.SetupAnys
-			g = new Graph(p);
-			break;
-		}
-		case 34: {
-			Get();
-			Node p = new Node(Node.sync, null, 0);
-			g = new Graph(p);
-			break;
-		}
-		default: SynErr(53); break;
-		}
-	}
-	static void Attribs(Node p) {
-		Expect(24);
-		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
-		while (StartOf(7)) {
-			if (StartOf(8)) {
-				Get();
-			} else {
-				Get();
-				SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
-			}
-		}
-		Expect(25);
-		p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
-	}
-	static void CondPart() {
-		while (StartOf(22)) {
-			if (la.kind == 28) {
-				Get();
-				CondPart();
-			} else {
-				Get();
-			}
-		}
-		Expect(29);
-	}
-	static void TokenTerm(out Graph g) {
-		Graph g2; 
-		TokenFactor(out g);
-		while (StartOf(16)) {
-			TokenFactor(out g2);
-			Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
-		}
-		if (la.kind == 37) {
-			Get();
-			Expect(28);
-			TokenExpr(out g2);
-			Graph.SetContextTrans(g2.l); Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
-			Expect(29);
-		}
-	}
-	static void TokenFactor(out Graph g) {
-		string name; int kind; 
-		g = new Graph(); 
-		if (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
-			Sym(out name, out kind);
-			if (kind == id) {
-			 CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
-			 if (c == null) {
-			   SemErr("undefined name");
-			   c = new CharClass(name, new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize));
-			 }
-			 Node p = new Node(Node.clas, null, 0); p.val = c.n;
-			 g = new Graph(p);
-			} else g = Graph.StrToGraph(name);  // str
-		} else if (la.kind == 28) {
-			Get();
-			TokenExpr(out g);
-			Expect(29);
-		} else if (la.kind == 30) {
-			Get();
-			TokenExpr(out g);
-			Expect(31);
-			Graph.MakeOption(g); 
-		} else if (la.kind == 32) {
-			Get();
-			TokenExpr(out g);
-			Expect(33);
-			Graph.MakeIteration(g); 
-		} else SynErr(54);
-	}
-	public static void Parse() {
-		Errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
-		la = new Token();
-		la.val = "";		
-		Get();
-		Coco();
-	}
-	static void SynErr (int line, int col, int n) {
-		Errors.count++; 
-		string s;
-		switch (n) {
-			case 0: s = "EOF expected"; break;
-			case 1: s = "ident expected"; break;
-			case 2: s = "number expected"; break;
-			case 3: s = "string expected"; break;
-			case 4: s = "badString expected"; break;
-			case 5: s = "char expected"; break;
-			case 6: s = "\"COMPILER\" expected"; break;
-			case 7: s = "\"PRODUCTIONS\" expected"; break;
-			case 8: s = "\"=\" expected"; break;
-			case 9: s = "\".\" expected"; break;
-			case 10: s = "\"END\" expected"; break;
-			case 11: s = "\"CHARACTERS\" expected"; break;
-			case 12: s = "\"TOKENS\" expected"; break;
-			case 13: s = "\"PRAGMAS\" expected"; break;
-			case 14: s = "\"COMMENTS\" expected"; break;
-			case 15: s = "\"FROM\" expected"; break;
-			case 16: s = "\"TO\" expected"; break;
-			case 17: s = "\"NESTED\" expected"; break;
-			case 18: s = "\"IGNORE\" expected"; break;
-			case 19: s = "\"TOKENNAMES\" expected"; break;
-			case 20: s = "\"+\" expected"; break;
-			case 21: s = "\"-\" expected"; break;
-			case 22: s = "\"..\" expected"; break;
-			case 23: s = "\"ANY\" expected"; break;
-			case 24: s = "\"<\" expected"; break;
-			case 25: s = "\">\" expected"; break;
-			case 26: s = "\"|\" expected"; break;
-			case 27: s = "\"WEAK\" expected"; break;
-			case 28: s = "\"(\" expected"; break;
-			case 29: s = "\")\" expected"; break;
-			case 30: s = "\"[\" expected"; break;
-			case 31: s = "\"]\" expected"; break;
-			case 32: s = "\"{\" expected"; break;
-			case 33: s = "\"}\" expected"; break;
-			case 34: s = "\"SYNC\" expected"; break;
-			case 35: s = "\"IF\" expected"; break;
-			case 36: s = "\"!=\" expected"; break;
-			case 37: s = "\"CONTEXT\" expected"; break;
-			case 38: s = "\"(.\" expected"; break;
-			case 39: s = "\".)\" expected"; break;
-			case 40: s = "\"using\" expected"; break;
-			case 41: s = "\";\" expected"; break;
-			case 42: s = "??? expected"; break;
-			case 43: s = "this symbol not expected in Coco"; break;
-			case 44: s = "invalid Declaration"; break;
-			case 45: s = "invalid Declaration"; break;
-			case 46: s = "this symbol not expected in TokenDecl"; break;
-			case 47: s = "invalid TokenDecl"; break;
-			case 48: s = "invalid TokenDecl"; break;
-			case 49: s = "invalid SimSet"; break;
-			case 50: s = "invalid Sym"; break;
-			case 51: s = "invalid Term"; break;
-			case 52: s = "invalid ResolveExpr"; break;
-			case 53: s = "invalid Factor"; break;
-			case 54: s = "invalid TokenFactor"; break;
-			default: s = "error " + n; break;
-		}
-		Console.WriteLine(errMsgFormat, line, col, s);
-	}
-	static bool[,] set = {
-	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,x, x,x,x,T, T,T,x,x, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,T, x,x,T,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,x},
-	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,x,x, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, T,x,T,x, T,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
-	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x}
-	};
-} // end Parser
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+public class Parser {
+	const int maxT = 42;
+	const bool T = true;
+	const bool x = false;
+	const int minErrDist = 2;
+	const string errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}";  // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text
+	static Token t;                   // last recognized token
+	static Token la;                  // lookahead token
+	static int errDist = minErrDist;
+const int id = 0;
+	const int str = 1;
+	static bool genScanner;
+	static void SynErr (int n) {
+		if (errDist >= minErrDist) Errors.SynErr(la.line, la.col, n);
+		errDist = 0;
+	}
+	public static void SemErr (string msg) {
+		if (errDist >= minErrDist) Errors.Error(t.line, t.col, msg);
+		errDist = 0;
+	}
+	static void Get () {
+		for (;;) {
+			t = la;
+			la = Scanner.Scan();
+			if (la.kind <= maxT) { ++errDist; break; }  /* ML return changed to break */
+				if (la.kind == 43) {
+				Tab.SetDDT(la.val); 
+				}
+			la = t;
+		}
+	}
+	static void Expect (int n) {
+		if (la.kind==n) Get(); else { SynErr(n); }
+	}
+	static bool StartOf (int s) {
+		return set[s, la.kind];
+	}
+	static void ExpectWeak (int n, int follow) {
+		if (la.kind == n) Get();
+		else {
+			SynErr(n);
+			while (!StartOf(follow)) Get();
+		}
+	}
+	static bool WeakSeparator (int n, int syFol, int repFol) {
+		bool[] s = new bool[maxT+1];
+		if (la.kind == n) { Get(); return true; }
+		else if (StartOf(repFol)) return false;
+		else {
+			for (int i=0; i <= maxT; i++) {
+				s[i] = set[syFol, i] || set[repFol, i] || set[0, i];
+			}
+			SynErr(n);
+			while (!s[la.kind]) Get();
+			return StartOf(syFol);
+		}
+	}
+	static void Coco() {
+		Symbol sym; Graph g; string gramName; 
+		if (la.kind == 40) {
+			UsingDecl(out ParserGen.usingPos);
+		}
+		Expect(6);
+		int gramLine = t.line;
+		genScanner = true;
+		bool ok = true;
+		Tab.ignored = null;
+		Expect(1);
+		gramName = t.val;
+		int beg = la.pos; 
+		while (StartOf(1)) {
+			Get();
+		}
+		Tab.semDeclPos = new Position(beg, la.pos-beg, 0); 
+		while (StartOf(2)) {
+			Declaration();
+		}
+		while (!(la.kind == 0 || la.kind == 7)) {SynErr(43); Get();}
+		Expect(7);
+		if (genScanner) DFA.MakeDeterministic();
+		Graph.DeleteNodes();
+		while (la.kind == 1) {
+			Get();
+			sym = Symbol.Find(t.val);
+			bool undef = sym == null;
+			if (undef) sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, t.val, t.line);
+			else {
+			  if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
+			    if (sym.graph != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+				 } else SemErr("this symbol kind not allowed on left side of production");
+				 sym.line = t.line;
+			}
+			bool noAttrs = sym.attrPos == null;
+			sym.attrPos = null;
+			if (la.kind == 24) {
+				AttrDecl(sym);
+			}
+			if (!undef)
+			 if (noAttrs != (sym.attrPos == null))
+			   SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
+			if (la.kind == 38) {
+				SemText(out sym.semPos);
+			}
+			ExpectWeak(8, 3);
+			Expression(out g);
+			sym.graph = g.l;
+			Graph.Finish(g);
+			ExpectWeak(9, 4);
+		}
+		Expect(10);
+		Expect(1);
+		if (gramName != t.val)
+		 SemErr("name does not match grammar name");
+		Tab.gramSy = Symbol.Find(gramName);
+		if (Tab.gramSy == null)
+		  SemErr("missing production for grammar name");
+		else {
+		  sym = Tab.gramSy;
+		  if (sym.attrPos != null)
+		    SemErr("grammar symbol must not have attributes");
+		}
+		Tab.noSym = new Symbol(Node.t, "???", 0); // noSym gets highest number
+		Tab.SetupAnys();
+		Tab.RenumberPragmas();
+		if (Tab.ddt[2]) Node.PrintNodes();
+		if (Errors.count == 0) {
+		  Console.WriteLine("checking");
+		  Tab.CompSymbolSets();
+		  ok = ok && Tab.GrammarOk();
+		  if (Tab.ddt[7]) Tab.XRef();
+		  if (ok) {
+		    Console.Write("parser");
+		    ParserGen.WriteParser();
+		    if (genScanner) {
+		      Console.Write(" + scanner");
+		      DFA.WriteScanner();
+		      if (Tab.ddt[0]) DFA.PrintStates();
+		    }
+		    Console.WriteLine(" generated");
+		    if (Tab.ddt[8]) ParserGen.WriteStatistics();
+		  }
+		}
+		if (Tab.ddt[6]) Tab.PrintSymbolTable();
+		Expect(9);
+	}
+	static void UsingDecl(out Position pos) {
+		Expect(40);
+		int beg = t.pos; 
+		while (StartOf(5)) {
+			Get();
+		}
+		Expect(41);
+		int end = t.pos; 
+		while (la.kind == 40) {
+			Get();
+			while (StartOf(5)) {
+				Get();
+			}
+			Expect(41);
+			end = t.pos; 
+		}
+		pos = new Position(beg, end - beg + 1, 0); 
+	}
+	static void Declaration() {
+		Graph g1, g2; bool nested = false; 
+		switch (la.kind) {
+		case 11: {
+			Get();
+			while (la.kind == 1) {
+				SetDecl();
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 12: {
+			Get();
+			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
+				TokenDecl(Node.t);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 13: {
+			Get();
+			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
+				TokenDecl(Node.pr);
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		case 14: {
+			Get();
+			Expect(15);
+			TokenExpr(out g1);
+			Expect(16);
+			TokenExpr(out g2);
+			if (la.kind == 17) {
+				Get();
+				nested = true; 
+			} else if (StartOf(6)) {
+				nested = false; 
+			} else SynErr(44);
+			new Comment(g1.l, g2.l, nested); 
+			break;
+		}
+		case 18: {
+			Get();
+			Set(out Tab.ignored);
+			Tab.ignored[' '] = true; /* ' ' is always ignored */
+			if (Tab.ignored[0]) SemErr("may not ignore \'\\0\'"); 
+			break;
+		}
+		case 19: {
+			Get();
+			Symbol.tokenNames = new Hashtable(); 
+			while (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3) {
+				if (la.kind == 3) {
+					Get();
+				} else {
+					Get();
+				}
+				string key = t.val; 
+				Expect(8);
+				Expect(1);
+				string val = t.val; Symbol.tokenNames.Add(key, val); 
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		default: SynErr(45); break;
+		}
+	}
+	static void AttrDecl(Symbol sym) {
+		Expect(24);
+		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
+		while (StartOf(7)) {
+			if (StartOf(8)) {
+				Get();
+			} else {
+				Get();
+				SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); 
+			}
+		}
+		Expect(25);
+		sym.attrPos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
+	}
+	static void SemText(out Position pos) {
+		Expect(38);
+		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
+		while (StartOf(9)) {
+			if (StartOf(10)) {
+				Get();
+			} else if (la.kind == 4) {
+				Get();
+				SemErr("bad string in semantic action"); 
+			} else {
+				Get();
+				SemErr("missing end of previous semantic action"); 
+			}
+		}
+		Expect(39);
+		pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
+	}
+	static void Expression(out Graph g) {
+		Graph g2; 
+		Term(out g);
+		bool first = true; 
+		while (WeakSeparator(26,11,12) ) {
+			Term(out g2);
+			if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
+			Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
+		}
+	}
+	static void SetDecl() {
+		BitArray s; 
+		Expect(1);
+		string name = t.val;
+		CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
+		if (c != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+		Expect(8);
+		Set(out s);
+		if (Sets.Elements(s) == 0) SemErr("character set must not be empty");
+		c = new CharClass(name, s);
+		Expect(9);
+	}
+	static void TokenDecl(int typ) {
+		string name; int kind; Symbol sym; Graph g; 
+		Sym(out name, out kind);
+		sym = Symbol.Find(name);
+		if (sym != null) SemErr("name declared twice");
+		else {
+		  sym = new Symbol(typ, name, t.line);
+		  sym.tokenKind = Symbol.classToken;
+		}
+		while (!(StartOf(13))) {SynErr(46); Get();}
+		if (la.kind == 8) {
+			Get();
+			TokenExpr(out g);
+			Expect(9);
+			if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not be declared with a structure");
+			Graph.Finish(g);
+			DFA.ConvertToStates(g.l, sym);
+		} else if (la.kind == 9) {
+			Get();
+			if (typ != Node.rslv) SemErr("resolver is only allowed in RESOLVERS section"); 
+		} else if (StartOf(14)) {
+			if (kind == id) genScanner = false;
+			else DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
+		} else SynErr(47);
+		if (la.kind == 38) {
+			SemText(out sym.semPos);
+			if (typ == Node.t) SemErr("semantic action not allowed here"); 
+		} else if (StartOf(15)) {
+			if (typ == Node.rslv) SemErr("resolvers must have a semantic action"); 
+		} else SynErr(48);
+	}
+	static void TokenExpr(out Graph g) {
+		Graph g2; 
+		TokenTerm(out g);
+		bool first = true; 
+		while (WeakSeparator(26,16,17) ) {
+			TokenTerm(out g2);
+			if (first) { Graph.MakeFirstAlt(g); first = false; }
+			Graph.MakeAlternative(g, g2);
+		}
+	}
+	static void Set(out BitArray s) {
+		BitArray s2; 
+		SimSet(out s);
+		while (la.kind == 20 || la.kind == 21) {
+			if (la.kind == 20) {
+				Get();
+				SimSet(out s2);
+				s.Or(s2); 
+			} else {
+				Get();
+				SimSet(out s2);
+				Sets.Subtract(s, s2); 
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void SimSet(out BitArray s) {
+		int n1, n2; 
+		s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize); 
+		if (la.kind == 1) {
+			Get();
+			CharClass c = CharClass.Find(t.val);
+			if (c == null) SemErr("undefined name"); else s.Or(c.set);
+		} else if (la.kind == 3) {
+			Get();
+			string name = t.val;
+			name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
+			foreach (char ch in name) s[ch] = true;
+		} else if (la.kind == 5) {
+			Char(out n1);
+			s[n1] = true; 
+			if (la.kind == 22) {
+				Get();
+				Char(out n2);
+				for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++) s[i] = true; 
+			}
+		} else if (la.kind == 23) {
+			Get();
+			s = new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize, true);
+			s[0] = false;
+		} else SynErr(49);
+	}
+	static void Char(out int n) {
+		Expect(5);
+		string name = t.val;
+		name = DFA.Unescape(name.Substring(1, name.Length-2));
+		int max = CharClass.charSetSize;
+		if (name.Length != 1 || name[0] > max-1) SemErr("unacceptable character value");
+		n = name[0] % max;
+	}
+	static void Sym(out string name, out int kind) {
+		name = "???"; kind = id; 
+		if (la.kind == 1) {
+			Get();
+			kind = id; name = t.val; 
+		} else if (la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
+			if (la.kind == 3) {
+				Get();
+				name = t.val; 
+			} else {
+				Get();
+				name = "\"" + t.val.Substring(1, t.val.Length-2) + "\""; 
+			}
+			kind = str; 
+		} else SynErr(50);
+	}
+	static void Term(out Graph g) {
+		Graph g2; Position pos; Node rslv = null; 
+		g = null;
+		if (StartOf(18)) {
+			if (la.kind == 35) {
+				rslv = new Node(Node.rslv, null, la.line); 
+				ResolveExpr(out pos);
+				rslv.pos = pos;
+				g = new Graph(rslv);
+			}
+			Factor(out g2);
+			if (rslv != null) Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2);
+			else g = g2;
+			while (StartOf(19)) {
+				Factor(out g2);
+				Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
+			}
+		} else if (StartOf(20)) {
+			g = new Graph(new Node(Node.eps, null, 0)); 
+		} else SynErr(51);
+	}
+	static void ResolveExpr(out Position pos) {
+		Expect(35);
+		Expect(28);
+		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
+		if (la.kind == 8 || la.kind == 36) {
+			if (la.kind == 8) {
+				Get();
+			} else {
+				Get();
+			}
+			CondPart();
+		} else if (la.kind == 28) {
+			Get();
+			CondPart();
+			Expect(29);
+		} else if (StartOf(21)) {
+			Get();
+			CondPart();
+		} else SynErr(52);
+		pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
+	}
+	static void Factor(out Graph g) {
+		string name; int kind; Position pos; bool weak = false; 
+		g = null;
+		switch (la.kind) {
+		case 1: case 3: case 5: case 27: {
+			if (la.kind == 27) {
+				Get();
+				weak = true; 
+			}
+			Sym(out name, out kind);
+			Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(name);
+			bool undef = sym == null;
+			if (undef) {
+			  if (kind == id)
+			    sym = new Symbol(Node.nt, name, 0);  // forward nt
+			  else if (genScanner) { 
+			    sym = new Symbol(Node.t, name, t.line);
+			    DFA.MatchLiteral(sym);
+			  } else {  // undefined string in production
+			    SemErr("undefined string in production");
+			    sym = Tab.eofSy;  // dummy
+			  }
+			}
+			int typ = sym.typ;
+			if (typ != Node.t && typ != Node.nt && typ != Node.rslv) /* ML */
+			  SemErr("this symbol kind is not allowed in a production");
+			if (weak)
+			  if (typ == Node.t) typ = Node.wt;
+			  else SemErr("only terminals may be weak");
+			Node p = new Node(typ, sym, t.line);
+			g = new Graph(p);
+			if (la.kind == 24) {
+				Attribs(p);
+				if (kind != id) SemErr("a literal must not have attributes"); 
+			}
+			if (undef)
+			 sym.attrPos = p.pos;  // dummy
+			else if ((p.pos == null) != (sym.attrPos == null))
+			  SemErr("attribute mismatch between declaration and use of this symbol");
+			break;
+		}
+		case 28: {
+			Get();
+			Expression(out g);
+			Expect(29);
+			break;
+		}
+		case 30: {
+			Get();
+			Expression(out g);
+			Expect(31);
+			Graph.MakeOption(g); 
+			break;
+		}
+		case 32: {
+			Get();
+			Expression(out g);
+			Expect(33);
+			Graph.MakeIteration(g); 
+			break;
+		}
+		case 38: {
+			SemText(out pos);
+			Node p = new Node(Node.sem, null, 0);
+			p.pos = pos;
+			g = new Graph(p);
+			break;
+		}
+		case 23: {
+			Get();
+			Node p = new Node(Node.any, null, 0);  // p.set is set in Tab.SetupAnys
+			g = new Graph(p);
+			break;
+		}
+		case 34: {
+			Get();
+			Node p = new Node(Node.sync, null, 0);
+			g = new Graph(p);
+			break;
+		}
+		default: SynErr(53); break;
+		}
+	}
+	static void Attribs(Node p) {
+		Expect(24);
+		int beg = la.pos; int col = la.col; 
+		while (StartOf(7)) {
+			if (StartOf(8)) {
+				Get();
+			} else {
+				Get();
+				SemErr("bad string in attributes"); 
+			}
+		}
+		Expect(25);
+		p.pos = new Position(beg, t.pos - beg, col); 
+	}
+	static void CondPart() {
+		while (StartOf(22)) {
+			if (la.kind == 28) {
+				Get();
+				CondPart();
+			} else {
+				Get();
+			}
+		}
+		Expect(29);
+	}
+	static void TokenTerm(out Graph g) {
+		Graph g2; 
+		TokenFactor(out g);
+		while (StartOf(16)) {
+			TokenFactor(out g2);
+			Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
+		}
+		if (la.kind == 37) {
+			Get();
+			Expect(28);
+			TokenExpr(out g2);
+			Graph.SetContextTrans(g2.l); Graph.MakeSequence(g, g2); 
+			Expect(29);
+		}
+	}
+	static void TokenFactor(out Graph g) {
+		string name; int kind; 
+		g = new Graph(); 
+		if (la.kind == 1 || la.kind == 3 || la.kind == 5) {
+			Sym(out name, out kind);
+			if (kind == id) {
+			 CharClass c = CharClass.Find(name);
+			 if (c == null) {
+			   SemErr("undefined name");
+			   c = new CharClass(name, new BitArray(CharClass.charSetSize));
+			 }
+			 Node p = new Node(Node.clas, null, 0); p.val = c.n;
+			 g = new Graph(p);
+			} else g = Graph.StrToGraph(name);  // str
+		} else if (la.kind == 28) {
+			Get();
+			TokenExpr(out g);
+			Expect(29);
+		} else if (la.kind == 30) {
+			Get();
+			TokenExpr(out g);
+			Expect(31);
+			Graph.MakeOption(g); 
+		} else if (la.kind == 32) {
+			Get();
+			TokenExpr(out g);
+			Expect(33);
+			Graph.MakeIteration(g); 
+		} else SynErr(54);
+	}
+	public static void Parse() {
+		Errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
+		la = new Token();
+		la.val = "";		
+		Get();
+		Coco();
+	}
+	static void SynErr (int line, int col, int n) {
+		Errors.count++; 
+		string s;
+		switch (n) {
+			case 0: s = "EOF expected"; break;
+			case 1: s = "ident expected"; break;
+			case 2: s = "number expected"; break;
+			case 3: s = "string expected"; break;
+			case 4: s = "badString expected"; break;
+			case 5: s = "char expected"; break;
+			case 6: s = "\"COMPILER\" expected"; break;
+			case 7: s = "\"PRODUCTIONS\" expected"; break;
+			case 8: s = "\"=\" expected"; break;
+			case 9: s = "\".\" expected"; break;
+			case 10: s = "\"END\" expected"; break;
+			case 11: s = "\"CHARACTERS\" expected"; break;
+			case 12: s = "\"TOKENS\" expected"; break;
+			case 13: s = "\"PRAGMAS\" expected"; break;
+			case 14: s = "\"COMMENTS\" expected"; break;
+			case 15: s = "\"FROM\" expected"; break;
+			case 16: s = "\"TO\" expected"; break;
+			case 17: s = "\"NESTED\" expected"; break;
+			case 18: s = "\"IGNORE\" expected"; break;
+			case 19: s = "\"TOKENNAMES\" expected"; break;
+			case 20: s = "\"+\" expected"; break;
+			case 21: s = "\"-\" expected"; break;
+			case 22: s = "\"..\" expected"; break;
+			case 23: s = "\"ANY\" expected"; break;
+			case 24: s = "\"<\" expected"; break;
+			case 25: s = "\">\" expected"; break;
+			case 26: s = "\"|\" expected"; break;
+			case 27: s = "\"WEAK\" expected"; break;
+			case 28: s = "\"(\" expected"; break;
+			case 29: s = "\")\" expected"; break;
+			case 30: s = "\"[\" expected"; break;
+			case 31: s = "\"]\" expected"; break;
+			case 32: s = "\"{\" expected"; break;
+			case 33: s = "\"}\" expected"; break;
+			case 34: s = "\"SYNC\" expected"; break;
+			case 35: s = "\"IF\" expected"; break;
+			case 36: s = "\"!=\" expected"; break;
+			case 37: s = "\"CONTEXT\" expected"; break;
+			case 38: s = "\"(.\" expected"; break;
+			case 39: s = "\".)\" expected"; break;
+			case 40: s = "\"using\" expected"; break;
+			case 41: s = "\";\" expected"; break;
+			case 42: s = "??? expected"; break;
+			case 43: s = "this symbol not expected in Coco"; break;
+			case 44: s = "invalid Declaration"; break;
+			case 45: s = "invalid Declaration"; break;
+			case 46: s = "this symbol not expected in TokenDecl"; break;
+			case 47: s = "invalid TokenDecl"; break;
+			case 48: s = "invalid TokenDecl"; break;
+			case 49: s = "invalid SimSet"; break;
+			case 50: s = "invalid Sym"; break;
+			case 51: s = "invalid Term"; break;
+			case 52: s = "invalid ResolveExpr"; break;
+			case 53: s = "invalid Factor"; break;
+			case 54: s = "invalid TokenFactor"; break;
+			default: s = "error " + n; break;
+		}
+		Console.WriteLine(errMsgFormat, line, col, s);
+	}
+	static bool[,] set = {
+	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,x, x,x,x,T, T,T,x,x, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,T, x,x,T,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,x},
+	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,x,x, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{T,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,T,T,x, x,x,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, T,x,T,x, T,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,T,x,T, T,T,T,x, T,T,T,T, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,T, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,T, x,x,x,T, T,x,T,x, T,x,T,x, x,x,T,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,T,x, x,T,x,T, x,T,x,x, x,x,x,x, x,x,x,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, x,T,T,T, T,T,T,x},
+	{x,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,x,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,T, T,T,T,x}
+	};
+} // end Parser

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.frame
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.frame	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Parser.frame	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-public class Parser
-	const  bool   T            = true;
-	const  bool   x            = false;
-	const  int    minErrDist   = 2;
-	const  string errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}";  // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text
-	int    errDist             = minErrDist;
-	Errors errors;
-	Lexer  lexer;
-	public Errors Errors {
-		get {
-			return errors;
-		}
-	}
-	void SynErr(int n)
-	{
-		if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
-			errors.SynErr(lexer.LookAhead.line, lexer.LookAhead.col, n);
-		}
-		errDist = 0;
-	}
-	public void SemErr(string msg)
-	{
-		if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
-			errors.Error(lexer.Token.line, lexer.Token.col, msg);
-		}
-		errDist = 0;
-	}
-	void Expect(int n)
-	{
-		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
-			lexer.NextToken();
-		} else {
-			SynErr(n);
-		}
-	}
-	bool StartOf(int s)
-	{
-		return set[s, lexer.LookAhead.kind];
-	}
-	void ExpectWeak(int n, int follow)
-	{
-		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
-			lexer.NextToken();
-		} else {
-			SynErr(n);
-			while (!StartOf(follow)) {
-				lexer.NextToken();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	bool WeakSeparator(int n, int syFol, int repFol)
-	{
-		bool[] s = new bool[maxT + 1];
-		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
-			lexer.NextToken();
-			return true; 
-		} else if (StartOf(repFol)) {
-			return false;
-		} else {
-			for (int i = 0; i <= maxT; i++) {
-				s[i] = set[syFol, i] || set[repFol, i] || set[0, i];
-			}
-			SynErr(n);
-			while (!s[lexer.LookAhead.kind]) {
-				lexer.NextToken();
-			}
-			return StartOf(syFol);
-		}
-	}
-	public void Parse(Lexer lexer)
-	{
-		this.errors = lexer.Errors;
-		this.lexer = lexer;
-		errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
-		lexer.NextToken();
-	}
-	void SynErr(int line, int col, int errorNumber)
-	{
-		errors.count++; 
-		string s;
-		switch (errorNumber) {
-			default: s = "error " + errorNumber; break;
-		}
-		errors.Error(line, col, s);
-	}
-	static bool[,] set = {
-	};
-} // end Parser
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+public class Parser
+	const  bool   T            = true;
+	const  bool   x            = false;
+	const  int    minErrDist   = 2;
+	const  string errMsgFormat = "-- line {0} col {1}: {2}";  // 0=line, 1=column, 2=text
+	int    errDist             = minErrDist;
+	Errors errors;
+	Lexer  lexer;
+	public Errors Errors {
+		get {
+			return errors;
+		}
+	}
+	void SynErr(int n)
+	{
+		if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
+			errors.SynErr(lexer.LookAhead.line, lexer.LookAhead.col, n);
+		}
+		errDist = 0;
+	}
+	public void SemErr(string msg)
+	{
+		if (errDist >= minErrDist) {
+			errors.Error(lexer.Token.line, lexer.Token.col, msg);
+		}
+		errDist = 0;
+	}
+	void Expect(int n)
+	{
+		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
+			lexer.NextToken();
+		} else {
+			SynErr(n);
+		}
+	}
+	bool StartOf(int s)
+	{
+		return set[s, lexer.LookAhead.kind];
+	}
+	void ExpectWeak(int n, int follow)
+	{
+		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
+			lexer.NextToken();
+		} else {
+			SynErr(n);
+			while (!StartOf(follow)) {
+				lexer.NextToken();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	bool WeakSeparator(int n, int syFol, int repFol)
+	{
+		bool[] s = new bool[maxT + 1];
+		if (lexer.LookAhead.kind == n) {
+			lexer.NextToken();
+			return true; 
+		} else if (StartOf(repFol)) {
+			return false;
+		} else {
+			for (int i = 0; i <= maxT; i++) {
+				s[i] = set[syFol, i] || set[repFol, i] || set[0, i];
+			}
+			SynErr(n);
+			while (!s[lexer.LookAhead.kind]) {
+				lexer.NextToken();
+			}
+			return StartOf(syFol);
+		}
+	}
+	public void Parse(Lexer lexer)
+	{
+		this.errors = lexer.Errors;
+		this.lexer = lexer;
+		errors.SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(SynErr);
+		lexer.NextToken();
+	}
+	void SynErr(int line, int col, int errorNumber)
+	{
+		errors.count++; 
+		string s;
+		switch (errorNumber) {
+			default: s = "error " + errorNumber; break;
+		}
+		errors.Error(line, col, s);
+	}
+	static bool[,] set = {
+	};
+} // end Parser

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/ParserGen.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/ParserGen.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/ParserGen.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,430 +1,430 @@
-// ParserGen.cs   Parser generator of Coco/R    H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-public class ParserGen {
-	const int maxTerm = 3;		// sets of size < maxTerm are enumerated
-	const char CR  = '\r';
-	const char LF  = '\n';
-	const char TAB = '\t';
-	const int EOF = -1;
-	const int tErr = 0;			// error codes
-	const int altErr = 1;
-	const int syncErr = 2;
-	public static Position usingPos; // "using" definitions from the attributed grammar
-	static int errorNr;				// highest parser error number
-	static Symbol curSy;			// symbol whose production is currently generated
-	static FileStream fram;		// parser frame file
-	static StreamWriter gen;	// generated parser source file
-	static StringWriter err;	// generated parser error messages
-	static string srcName;    // name of attributed grammar file
-	static string srcDir;     // directory of attributed grammar file
-	static ArrayList symSet = new ArrayList();
-	static void Indent (int n) {
-		for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) gen.Write('\t');
-	}
-	/* AW: this replaces the method int Alternatives (Node p) */
-	static bool UseSwitch (Node p) {
-		if (p.typ != Node.alt) return false;
-		int nAlts = 0;
-		while (p != null) {
-		  ++nAlts;
-		  // must not optimize with switch-statement, if alt uses a resolver expression
-		  if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) return false;  
-		  p = p.down;
-		}
-		return nAlts > 5;
-	}
-	static void CopyFramePart (string stop) {
-		char startCh = stop[0];
-		int endOfStopString = stop.Length-1;
-		int ch = fram.ReadByte();
-		while (ch != EOF)
-			if (ch == startCh) {
-				int i = 0;
-				do {
-					if (i == endOfStopString) return; // stop[0..i] found
-					ch = fram.ReadByte(); i++;
-				} while (ch == stop[i]);
-				// stop[0..i-1] found; continue with last read character
-				gen.Write(stop.Substring(0, i));
-			} else {
-				gen.Write((char)ch); ch = fram.ReadByte();
-			}
-		Errors.Exception(" -- incomplete or corrupt parser frame file");
-	}
-	static void CopySourcePart (Position pos, int indent) {
-		// Copy text described by pos from atg to gen
-		int ch, nChars, i;
-		if (pos != null) {
-			Buffer.Pos = pos.beg; ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars = pos.len - 1;
-// CHANGES BY M.KRUEGER	(#line pragma generation)
-			gen.WriteLine();
-			gen.WriteLine(String.Format("#line  {0} \"{1}\" ", Buffer.CountLines(pos.beg) + 1, Buffer.fileName));
-// EOC
-			Indent(indent);
-			while (nChars >= 0) {
-				while (ch == CR || ch == LF) {  // eol is either CR or CRLF or LF
-					gen.WriteLine(); Indent(indent);
-					if (ch == CR) { ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--; }  // skip CR
-					if (ch == LF) { ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--; }  // skip LF
-					for (i = 1; i <= pos.col && ch <= ' '; i++) { 
-						// skip blanks at beginning of line
-						ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--;
-					}
-					if (i <= pos.col) pos.col = i - 1; // heading TABs => not enough blanks
-					if (nChars < 0) goto done;
-				}
-				gen.Write((char)ch);
-				ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--;
-			}
-			done:
-			if (indent > 0) gen.WriteLine();
-		}
-	}
-	static void GenErrorMsg (int errTyp, Symbol sym) {
-		errorNr++;
-		err.Write("\t\t\tcase " + errorNr + ": s = \"");
-		switch (errTyp) {
-			case tErr: 
-				if (sym.name[0] == '"') err.Write(DFA.Escape(sym.name) + " expected");
-				else err.Write(sym.name + " expected"); 
-				break;
-			case altErr: err.Write("invalid " + sym.name); break;
-			case syncErr: err.Write("this symbol not expected in " + sym.name); break;
-		}
-		err.WriteLine("\"; break;");
-	}
-	static int NewCondSet (BitArray s) {
-		for (int i = 1; i < symSet.Count; i++) // skip symSet[0] (reserved for union of SYNC sets)
-			if (Sets.Equals(s, (BitArray)symSet[i])) return i;
-		symSet.Add(s.Clone());
-		return symSet.Count - 1;
-	}
-	static void GenCond (BitArray s, Node p) {
-		if (p.typ == Node.rslv) CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
-		else {
-			GenCond(s);
-			if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-				// for { ... | IF ... | ... } or [ ... | IF ... | ... ]
-				// generate conditions: StartOf(...) || IF 
-				Node q = p;
-				while (q != null) {
-					if (q.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
-						gen.Write(" || "); 
-						CopySourcePart(q.sub.pos, 0);
-					}
-					q = q.down;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void GenCond (BitArray s) {
-		int n = Sets.Elements(s);
-		if (n == 0) gen.Write("false"); // should never happen
-		else if (n <= maxTerm)
-			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
-				if (s[sym.n]) {
-					gen.Write("la.kind == {0}", sym.n);
-					--n;
-					if (n > 0) gen.Write(" || ");
-				}
-			}
-		else gen.Write("StartOf({0})", NewCondSet(s));
-	}
-	static void PutCaseLabels (BitArray s) {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals)
-			if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("case {0}: ", sym.n);
-	}
-	static void GenCode (Node p, int indent, BitArray isChecked) {
-		Node p2;
-		BitArray s1, s2;
-		while (p != null) {
-			switch (p.typ) {
-				case Node.nt: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					gen.Write(p.sym.name + "(");
-					CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
-					gen.WriteLine(");");
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.t: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
-					if (isChecked[p.sym.n]) gen.WriteLine("lexer.NextToken();");
-					else gen.WriteLine("Expect({0});", p.sym.n);
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.wt: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					s1 = Tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
-					s1.Or(Tab.allSyncSets);
-					gen.WriteLine("ExpectWeak({0}, {1});", p.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1));
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.any: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
-					gen.WriteLine("lexer.NextToken();");
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.eps: break; // nothing
-				case Node.sem: {
-					CopySourcePart(p.pos, indent);
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.sync: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					GenErrorMsg(syncErr, curSy);
-					s1 = (BitArray)p.set.Clone();
-					gen.Write("while (!("); GenCond(s1); gen.Write(")) {");
-					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
-					gen.Write("SynErr({0}); lexer.NextToken(); ", errorNr); gen.WriteLine("}");
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.alt: {
-					s1 = Tab.First(p);
-					bool equal = Sets.Equals(s1, isChecked);
-					bool useSwitch = UseSwitch(p);
-					if (useSwitch) { Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("switch (la.kind) {"); }
-					p2 = p;
-					while (p2 != null) {
-						s1 = Tab.Expected(p2.sub, curSy, 1);
-						Indent(indent);
-						if (useSwitch) { PutCaseLabels(s1); gen.WriteLine("{"); }
-						else if (p2 == p) { 
-							gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
-						} else if (p2.down == null && equal) { gen.WriteLine("} else {");
-						} else { 
-							gen.Write("} else if (");  GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
-						}
-						s1.Or(isChecked);
-						if (p2.sub.typ != Node.rslv) GenCode(p2.sub, indent + 1, s1);
-						else GenCode(p2.sub.next, indent + 1, s1);
-						if (useSwitch) {
-							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("\tbreak;");
-							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
-						}
-						p2 = p2.down;
-					}
-					Indent(indent);
-					if (equal) {
-						gen.WriteLine("}");
-					} else {
-						GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
-						if (useSwitch) {
-							gen.WriteLine("default: SynErr({0}); break;", errorNr);
-							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
-						} else {
-							gen.Write("} "); gen.WriteLine("else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
-						}
-					}
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.iter: {
-					Indent(indent);
-					p2 = p.sub;
-					gen.Write("while (");
-					if (p2.typ == Node.wt) {
-						s1 = Tab.Expected(p2.next, curSy);
-						s2 = Tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
-						gen.Write("WeakSeparator({0},{1},{2}) ", p2.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1), NewCondSet(s2));
-						s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);  // for inner structure
-						if (p2.up || p2.next == null) p2 = null; else p2 = p2.next;
-					} else {
-						s1 = Tab.First(p2); 
-						GenCond(s1, p2);
-					}
-					gen.WriteLine(") {");
-					GenCode(p2, indent + 1, s1);
-					Indent(indent);
-					gen.WriteLine("}");
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.opt:
-					if (p.sub.typ != Node.rslv) s1 = Tab.First(p.sub); 
-					else s1 = Tab.First(p.sub.next);
-					if (!Sets.Equals(isChecked, s1)) {
-						Indent(indent);
-						gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
-						if (p.sub.typ != Node.rslv) GenCode(p.sub, indent + 1, s1);
-						else GenCode(p.sub.next, indent + 1, s1);
-						Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
-					} else GenCode(p.sub, indent, isChecked);
-					break;
-			}
-			if (p.typ != Node.eps && p.typ != Node.sem && p.typ != Node.sync) 
-				isChecked.SetAll(false);  // = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-			if (p.up) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	/* ML 2002-09-07 Generates the class "Tokens"                           *
-	 * which maps the token number to meaningfully named integer constants, *
-	 * as specified in the NAMES section. */
-	static void GenTokens() {
-		if (Symbol.tokenNames != null && Symbol.tokenNames.Count > 0) {
-			gen.WriteLine("public class Tokens {");
-			foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in Symbol.tokenNames) {
-				string token = entry.Key as string;
-				string name = entry.Value as string;
-				if (IsCSharpKW(name)) {
-					Parser.SemErr(name + " is a C# keyword." + 
-					              "Use another name for the token " + token);
-					continue;
-				}
-				Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(token);
-				if (sym != null && (sym.typ == Node.t || sym.typ == Node.wt))
-					gen.WriteLine("\tpublic const int {0} = {1};", name, sym.n);
-			}
-			gen.WriteLine("}");			
-		}
-	}
-	/* AW 03-01-20 to generate token name:            *
-	 * a C# keyword must not be used as an identifier */
-	static bool IsCSharpKW (string name) {
-		return Array.BinarySearch(csKeywords, name) >= 0;
-	}
-	static string[] csKeywords = new string[] {
-		"abstract",  "as",       "base",     "bool",       "break",     "byte",     
-		"case",      "catch",    "char",     "checked",    "class",     "const",
-		"continue",  "decimal",  "default",  "delegate",   "do",        "double",
-		"else",      "enum",     "event",    "explicit",   "extern",    "false", 
-		"finally",   "fixed",    "float",    "for",        "foreach",   "goto",
-		"if",        "implicit", "in",       "int",        "interface", "internal", 
-		"is",        "lock",     "long",     "namespace",  "new",       "null",    
-		"object",    "operator", "out",      "override",   "params",    "private", 
-		"protected", "public",   "readonly", "ref",        "return",    "sbyte", 
-		"sealed",    "short",    "sizeof",   "stackalloc", "static",    "string", 
-		"struct",    "switch",   "this",     "throw",      "true",      "try", 
-		"typeof",    "uint",     "ulong",    "unchecked",  "unsafe",    "ushort", 
-		"using",     "virtual",  "void",     "volatile",   "while"
-	};
-	static void GenCodePragmas() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) {
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tif (la.kind == {0}) {{", sym.n);
-			CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 4);
-			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t}");
-		}
-	}
-	static void GenProductions() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			curSy = sym;
-			gen.Write("\tvoid {0}(", sym.name);
-			CopySourcePart(sym.attrPos, 0);
-			gen.WriteLine(") {");
-			CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 2);
-			GenCode(sym.graph, 2, new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count));
-			gen.WriteLine("\t}"); gen.WriteLine();
-		}
-	}
-	static void InitSets() {
-		for (int i = 0; i < symSet.Count; i++) {
-			BitArray s = (BitArray)symSet[i];
-			gen.Write("\t{"); 
-			int j = 0;
-			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
-				if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("T,"); else gen.Write("x,");
-				++j;
-				if (j%4 == 0) gen.Write(" ");
-			}
-			if (i == symSet.Count-1) gen.WriteLine("x}"); else gen.WriteLine("x},");
-		}
-	}
-	public static void WriteParser () {
-		FileStream s;
-		symSet.Add(Tab.allSyncSets);
-		string fr = srcDir + "Parser.frame";
-		if (!File.Exists(fr)) {
-			string frameDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("crframes");
-			if (frameDir != null) fr = frameDir.Trim() + "\\Parser.frame";
-			if (!File.Exists(fr)) Errors.Exception("-- Cannot find Parser.frame");
-		}
-		try {
-			fram = new FileStream(fr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot open Parser.frame.");
-		}
-		try {
-			string fn = srcDir + "Parser.cs";
-			if (File.Exists(fn)) File.Copy(fn, fn.Replace(".cs", ".old.cs"), true);
-			s = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create);
-			gen = new StreamWriter(s);
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot generate parser file");
-		}
-		err = new StringWriter();
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) GenErrorMsg(tErr, sym);
-		if (usingPos != null) CopySourcePart(usingPos, 0);
-		gen.WriteLine();
-		CopyFramePart("-->namespace");
-		/* AW open namespace, if it exists */
-		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) {
-			gen.Write("namespace ");
-			gen.Write(Tab.nsName);
-			gen.Write(" {");
-		}
-		CopyFramePart("-->tokens"); GenTokens(); /* ML 2002/09/07 write the tokenkinds */
-		CopyFramePart("-->constants");
-		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int maxT = {0};", Symbol.terminals.Count-1);
-		CopyFramePart("-->declarations"); CopySourcePart(Tab.semDeclPos, 0);
-		CopyFramePart("-->pragmas"); GenCodePragmas();
-		CopyFramePart("-->productions"); GenProductions();
-		CopyFramePart("-->parseRoot"); gen.WriteLine("\t\t{0}();", Tab.gramSy.name);
-		CopyFramePart("-->errors"); gen.Write(err.ToString());
-		CopyFramePart("-->initialization"); InitSets();
-		CopyFramePart("$$$");
-		/* AW 2002-12-20 close namespace, if it exists */
-		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) gen.Write("}");
-		gen.Close();
-	}
-	public static void WriteStatistics () {
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-		Trace.WriteLine("{0} terminals", Symbol.terminals.Count);
-		Trace.WriteLine("{0} symbols", Symbol.terminals.Count + Symbol.pragmas.Count +
-		                               Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
-		Trace.WriteLine("{0} nodes", Node.nodes.Count);
-		Trace.WriteLine("{0} sets", symSet.Count);
-	}
-	public static void Init (string file, string dir) {
-		srcName = file;
-		srcDir = dir;	
-		errorNr = -1;
-		usingPos = null;
-	}
-} // end ParserGen
-} // end namespace
+// ParserGen.cs   Parser generator of Coco/R    H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+public class ParserGen {
+	const int maxTerm = 3;		// sets of size < maxTerm are enumerated
+	const char CR  = '\r';
+	const char LF  = '\n';
+	const char TAB = '\t';
+	const int EOF = -1;
+	const int tErr = 0;			// error codes
+	const int altErr = 1;
+	const int syncErr = 2;
+	public static Position usingPos; // "using" definitions from the attributed grammar
+	static int errorNr;				// highest parser error number
+	static Symbol curSy;			// symbol whose production is currently generated
+	static FileStream fram;		// parser frame file
+	static StreamWriter gen;	// generated parser source file
+	static StringWriter err;	// generated parser error messages
+	static string srcName;    // name of attributed grammar file
+	static string srcDir;     // directory of attributed grammar file
+	static ArrayList symSet = new ArrayList();
+	static void Indent (int n) {
+		for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) gen.Write('\t');
+	}
+	/* AW: this replaces the method int Alternatives (Node p) */
+	static bool UseSwitch (Node p) {
+		if (p.typ != Node.alt) return false;
+		int nAlts = 0;
+		while (p != null) {
+		  ++nAlts;
+		  // must not optimize with switch-statement, if alt uses a resolver expression
+		  if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) return false;  
+		  p = p.down;
+		}
+		return nAlts > 5;
+	}
+	static void CopyFramePart (string stop) {
+		char startCh = stop[0];
+		int endOfStopString = stop.Length-1;
+		int ch = fram.ReadByte();
+		while (ch != EOF)
+			if (ch == startCh) {
+				int i = 0;
+				do {
+					if (i == endOfStopString) return; // stop[0..i] found
+					ch = fram.ReadByte(); i++;
+				} while (ch == stop[i]);
+				// stop[0..i-1] found; continue with last read character
+				gen.Write(stop.Substring(0, i));
+			} else {
+				gen.Write((char)ch); ch = fram.ReadByte();
+			}
+		Errors.Exception(" -- incomplete or corrupt parser frame file");
+	}
+	static void CopySourcePart (Position pos, int indent) {
+		// Copy text described by pos from atg to gen
+		int ch, nChars, i;
+		if (pos != null) {
+			Buffer.Pos = pos.beg; ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars = pos.len - 1;
+// CHANGES BY M.KRUEGER	(#line pragma generation)
+			gen.WriteLine();
+			gen.WriteLine(String.Format("#line  {0} \"{1}\" ", Buffer.CountLines(pos.beg) + 1, Buffer.fileName));
+// EOC
+			Indent(indent);
+			while (nChars >= 0) {
+				while (ch == CR || ch == LF) {  // eol is either CR or CRLF or LF
+					gen.WriteLine(); Indent(indent);
+					if (ch == CR) { ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--; }  // skip CR
+					if (ch == LF) { ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--; }  // skip LF
+					for (i = 1; i <= pos.col && ch <= ' '; i++) { 
+						// skip blanks at beginning of line
+						ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--;
+					}
+					if (i <= pos.col) pos.col = i - 1; // heading TABs => not enough blanks
+					if (nChars < 0) goto done;
+				}
+				gen.Write((char)ch);
+				ch = Buffer.Read(); nChars--;
+			}
+			done:
+			if (indent > 0) gen.WriteLine();
+		}
+	}
+	static void GenErrorMsg (int errTyp, Symbol sym) {
+		errorNr++;
+		err.Write("\t\t\tcase " + errorNr + ": s = \"");
+		switch (errTyp) {
+			case tErr: 
+				if (sym.name[0] == '"') err.Write(DFA.Escape(sym.name) + " expected");
+				else err.Write(sym.name + " expected"); 
+				break;
+			case altErr: err.Write("invalid " + sym.name); break;
+			case syncErr: err.Write("this symbol not expected in " + sym.name); break;
+		}
+		err.WriteLine("\"; break;");
+	}
+	static int NewCondSet (BitArray s) {
+		for (int i = 1; i < symSet.Count; i++) // skip symSet[0] (reserved for union of SYNC sets)
+			if (Sets.Equals(s, (BitArray)symSet[i])) return i;
+		symSet.Add(s.Clone());
+		return symSet.Count - 1;
+	}
+	static void GenCond (BitArray s, Node p) {
+		if (p.typ == Node.rslv) CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
+		else {
+			GenCond(s);
+			if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+				// for { ... | IF ... | ... } or [ ... | IF ... | ... ]
+				// generate conditions: StartOf(...) || IF 
+				Node q = p;
+				while (q != null) {
+					if (q.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
+						gen.Write(" || "); 
+						CopySourcePart(q.sub.pos, 0);
+					}
+					q = q.down;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void GenCond (BitArray s) {
+		int n = Sets.Elements(s);
+		if (n == 0) gen.Write("false"); // should never happen
+		else if (n <= maxTerm)
+			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
+				if (s[sym.n]) {
+					gen.Write("la.kind == {0}", sym.n);
+					--n;
+					if (n > 0) gen.Write(" || ");
+				}
+			}
+		else gen.Write("StartOf({0})", NewCondSet(s));
+	}
+	static void PutCaseLabels (BitArray s) {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals)
+			if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("case {0}: ", sym.n);
+	}
+	static void GenCode (Node p, int indent, BitArray isChecked) {
+		Node p2;
+		BitArray s1, s2;
+		while (p != null) {
+			switch (p.typ) {
+				case Node.nt: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					gen.Write(p.sym.name + "(");
+					CopySourcePart(p.pos, 0);
+					gen.WriteLine(");");
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.t: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
+					if (isChecked[p.sym.n]) gen.WriteLine("lexer.NextToken();");
+					else gen.WriteLine("Expect({0});", p.sym.n);
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.wt: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					s1 = Tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
+					s1.Or(Tab.allSyncSets);
+					gen.WriteLine("ExpectWeak({0}, {1});", p.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1));
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.any: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
+					gen.WriteLine("lexer.NextToken();");
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.eps: break; // nothing
+				case Node.sem: {
+					CopySourcePart(p.pos, indent);
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.sync: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					GenErrorMsg(syncErr, curSy);
+					s1 = (BitArray)p.set.Clone();
+					gen.Write("while (!("); GenCond(s1); gen.Write(")) {");
+					// M.Krueger: changed Get() to lexer.NextToken(); 
+					gen.Write("SynErr({0}); lexer.NextToken(); ", errorNr); gen.WriteLine("}");
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.alt: {
+					s1 = Tab.First(p);
+					bool equal = Sets.Equals(s1, isChecked);
+					bool useSwitch = UseSwitch(p);
+					if (useSwitch) { Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("switch (la.kind) {"); }
+					p2 = p;
+					while (p2 != null) {
+						s1 = Tab.Expected(p2.sub, curSy, 1);
+						Indent(indent);
+						if (useSwitch) { PutCaseLabels(s1); gen.WriteLine("{"); }
+						else if (p2 == p) { 
+							gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
+						} else if (p2.down == null && equal) { gen.WriteLine("} else {");
+						} else { 
+							gen.Write("} else if (");  GenCond(s1, p2.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {"); 
+						}
+						s1.Or(isChecked);
+						if (p2.sub.typ != Node.rslv) GenCode(p2.sub, indent + 1, s1);
+						else GenCode(p2.sub.next, indent + 1, s1);
+						if (useSwitch) {
+							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("\tbreak;");
+							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
+						}
+						p2 = p2.down;
+					}
+					Indent(indent);
+					if (equal) {
+						gen.WriteLine("}");
+					} else {
+						GenErrorMsg(altErr, curSy);
+						if (useSwitch) {
+							gen.WriteLine("default: SynErr({0}); break;", errorNr);
+							Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
+						} else {
+							gen.Write("} "); gen.WriteLine("else SynErr({0});", errorNr);
+						}
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.iter: {
+					Indent(indent);
+					p2 = p.sub;
+					gen.Write("while (");
+					if (p2.typ == Node.wt) {
+						s1 = Tab.Expected(p2.next, curSy);
+						s2 = Tab.Expected(p.next, curSy);
+						gen.Write("WeakSeparator({0},{1},{2}) ", p2.sym.n, NewCondSet(s1), NewCondSet(s2));
+						s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);  // for inner structure
+						if (p2.up || p2.next == null) p2 = null; else p2 = p2.next;
+					} else {
+						s1 = Tab.First(p2); 
+						GenCond(s1, p2);
+					}
+					gen.WriteLine(") {");
+					GenCode(p2, indent + 1, s1);
+					Indent(indent);
+					gen.WriteLine("}");
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.opt:
+					if (p.sub.typ != Node.rslv) s1 = Tab.First(p.sub); 
+					else s1 = Tab.First(p.sub.next);
+					if (!Sets.Equals(isChecked, s1)) {
+						Indent(indent);
+						gen.Write("if ("); GenCond(s1, p.sub); gen.WriteLine(") {");
+						if (p.sub.typ != Node.rslv) GenCode(p.sub, indent + 1, s1);
+						else GenCode(p.sub.next, indent + 1, s1);
+						Indent(indent); gen.WriteLine("}");
+					} else GenCode(p.sub, indent, isChecked);
+					break;
+			}
+			if (p.typ != Node.eps && p.typ != Node.sem && p.typ != Node.sync) 
+				isChecked.SetAll(false);  // = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+			if (p.up) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	/* ML 2002-09-07 Generates the class "Tokens"                           *
+	 * which maps the token number to meaningfully named integer constants, *
+	 * as specified in the NAMES section. */
+	static void GenTokens() {
+		if (Symbol.tokenNames != null && Symbol.tokenNames.Count > 0) {
+			gen.WriteLine("public class Tokens {");
+			foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in Symbol.tokenNames) {
+				string token = entry.Key as string;
+				string name = entry.Value as string;
+				if (IsCSharpKW(name)) {
+					Parser.SemErr(name + " is a C# keyword." + 
+					              "Use another name for the token " + token);
+					continue;
+				}
+				Symbol sym = Symbol.Find(token);
+				if (sym != null && (sym.typ == Node.t || sym.typ == Node.wt))
+					gen.WriteLine("\tpublic const int {0} = {1};", name, sym.n);
+			}
+			gen.WriteLine("}");			
+		}
+	}
+	/* AW 03-01-20 to generate token name:            *
+	 * a C# keyword must not be used as an identifier */
+	static bool IsCSharpKW (string name) {
+		return Array.BinarySearch(csKeywords, name) >= 0;
+	}
+	static string[] csKeywords = new string[] {
+		"abstract",  "as",       "base",     "bool",       "break",     "byte",     
+		"case",      "catch",    "char",     "checked",    "class",     "const",
+		"continue",  "decimal",  "default",  "delegate",   "do",        "double",
+		"else",      "enum",     "event",    "explicit",   "extern",    "false", 
+		"finally",   "fixed",    "float",    "for",        "foreach",   "goto",
+		"if",        "implicit", "in",       "int",        "interface", "internal", 
+		"is",        "lock",     "long",     "namespace",  "new",       "null",    
+		"object",    "operator", "out",      "override",   "params",    "private", 
+		"protected", "public",   "readonly", "ref",        "return",    "sbyte", 
+		"sealed",    "short",    "sizeof",   "stackalloc", "static",    "string", 
+		"struct",    "switch",   "this",     "throw",      "true",      "try", 
+		"typeof",    "uint",     "ulong",    "unchecked",  "unsafe",    "ushort", 
+		"using",     "virtual",  "void",     "volatile",   "while"
+	};
+	static void GenCodePragmas() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) {
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\tif (la.kind == {0}) {{", sym.n);
+			CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 4);
+			gen.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t}");
+		}
+	}
+	static void GenProductions() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			curSy = sym;
+			gen.Write("\tvoid {0}(", sym.name);
+			CopySourcePart(sym.attrPos, 0);
+			gen.WriteLine(") {");
+			CopySourcePart(sym.semPos, 2);
+			GenCode(sym.graph, 2, new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count));
+			gen.WriteLine("\t}"); gen.WriteLine();
+		}
+	}
+	static void InitSets() {
+		for (int i = 0; i < symSet.Count; i++) {
+			BitArray s = (BitArray)symSet[i];
+			gen.Write("\t{"); 
+			int j = 0;
+			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
+				if (s[sym.n]) gen.Write("T,"); else gen.Write("x,");
+				++j;
+				if (j%4 == 0) gen.Write(" ");
+			}
+			if (i == symSet.Count-1) gen.WriteLine("x}"); else gen.WriteLine("x},");
+		}
+	}
+	public static void WriteParser () {
+		FileStream s;
+		symSet.Add(Tab.allSyncSets);
+		string fr = srcDir + "Parser.frame";
+		if (!File.Exists(fr)) {
+			string frameDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("crframes");
+			if (frameDir != null) fr = frameDir.Trim() + "\\Parser.frame";
+			if (!File.Exists(fr)) Errors.Exception("-- Cannot find Parser.frame");
+		}
+		try {
+			fram = new FileStream(fr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot open Parser.frame.");
+		}
+		try {
+			string fn = srcDir + "Parser.cs";
+			if (File.Exists(fn)) File.Copy(fn, fn.Replace(".cs", ".old.cs"), true);
+			s = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create);
+			gen = new StreamWriter(s);
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Errors.Exception("-- Cannot generate parser file");
+		}
+		err = new StringWriter();
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) GenErrorMsg(tErr, sym);
+		if (usingPos != null) CopySourcePart(usingPos, 0);
+		gen.WriteLine();
+		CopyFramePart("-->namespace");
+		/* AW open namespace, if it exists */
+		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) {
+			gen.Write("namespace ");
+			gen.Write(Tab.nsName);
+			gen.Write(" {");
+		}
+		CopyFramePart("-->tokens"); GenTokens(); /* ML 2002/09/07 write the tokenkinds */
+		CopyFramePart("-->constants");
+		gen.WriteLine("\tconst int maxT = {0};", Symbol.terminals.Count-1);
+		CopyFramePart("-->declarations"); CopySourcePart(Tab.semDeclPos, 0);
+		CopyFramePart("-->pragmas"); GenCodePragmas();
+		CopyFramePart("-->productions"); GenProductions();
+		CopyFramePart("-->parseRoot"); gen.WriteLine("\t\t{0}();", Tab.gramSy.name);
+		CopyFramePart("-->errors"); gen.Write(err.ToString());
+		CopyFramePart("-->initialization"); InitSets();
+		CopyFramePart("$$$");
+		/* AW 2002-12-20 close namespace, if it exists */
+		if (Tab.nsName != null && Tab.nsName.Length > 0) gen.Write("}");
+		gen.Close();
+	}
+	public static void WriteStatistics () {
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+		Trace.WriteLine("{0} terminals", Symbol.terminals.Count);
+		Trace.WriteLine("{0} symbols", Symbol.terminals.Count + Symbol.pragmas.Count +
+		                               Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
+		Trace.WriteLine("{0} nodes", Node.nodes.Count);
+		Trace.WriteLine("{0} sets", symSet.Count);
+	}
+	public static void Init (string file, string dir) {
+		srcName = file;
+		srcDir = dir;	
+		errorNr = -1;
+		usingPos = null;
+	}
+} // end ParserGen
+} // end namespace

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,688 +1,688 @@
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-public class Token {
-	public int kind;    // token kind
-	public int pos;     // token position in the source text (starting at 0)
-	public int col;     // token column (starting at 0)
-	public int line;    // token line (starting at 1)
-	public string val;  // token value
-	public Token next;  // AW 2003-03-07 Tokens are kept in linked list
-	public Token () { }
-	public Token (int kind) { this.kind = kind; }
-public class Buffer {
-	public const int eof = '\uffff';
-	static byte[] buf;
-	static int bufLen;
-	static int pos;
-	public static string fileName;
-	public static int CountLines(int offset)
-	{
-		int line = 0;
-		for (int i = 0; i <= offset; ++i) {
-			if (buf[i] == '\n') {
-				++line;
-			}
-		}
-		return line;
-	}
-	public static void Fill (string fileName) {
-		Buffer.fileName = fileName;
-		FileStream s = null;
-		try {
-			s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
-			bufLen = (int) s.Length;
-			buf = new byte[bufLen];
-			s.Read(buf, 0, bufLen); 
-			pos = 0;
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Console.WriteLine("--- Cannot open file {0}", fileName);
-			System.Environment.Exit(0);
-		} finally {
-			if (s != null) s.Close();
-		}
-	}
-	public static int Read () {
-		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos++];
-		else return 0;
-	}
-	public static int Peek () {
-		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos];
-		else return 0;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-10 moved this from ParserGen.cs */
-	public static string GetString (int beg, int end) {
-		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(64);
-		int oldPos = Buffer.Pos;
-		Buffer.Pos = beg;
-		while (beg < end) { s.Append((char)Buffer.Read()); beg++; }
-		Buffer.Pos = oldPos;
-		return s.ToString();
-	}
-	public static int Pos {
-		get { return pos; }
-		set {
-			if (value < 0) pos = 0; 
-			else if (value >= bufLen) pos = bufLen; 
-			else pos = value;
-		}
-	}
-public class Scanner {
-	const char EOF = '\0';
-	const char EOL = '\n';
-	const int maxT = 42;
-	const int noSym = 42;
-	static short[] start = {
-	 32,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0, 27, 11,  0, 10,  0,  0,  5, 21, 22,  0, 15,  0, 16, 14,  0,
-	  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  0, 31, 18, 13, 19,  0,
-	  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
-	  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 23,  0, 24,  0,  0,
-	  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
-	  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 25, 20, 26,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
-	  0};
-	static Token t;          // current token
-	static char ch;          // current input character
-	static int pos;          // column number of current character
-	static int line;         // line number of current character
-	static int lineStart;    // start position of current line
-	static int oldEols;    // EOLs that appeared in a comment;
-	static BitArray ignore;  // set of characters to be ignored by the scanner
-	/* ML ----- begin */
-	static Token tokens;  // the complete input token stream
-	static Token pt;      // current peek token
-	static int peekCount = 0;
-	public static int PeekCount { get { return peekCount; } }
-	public static void Init (String fileName) {
-		Buffer.Fill(fileName);
-		pos = -1; line = 1; lineStart = 0;
-		oldEols = 0;
-		NextCh();
-		ignore = new BitArray(256);
-		ignore[9] = true; ignore[10] = true; ignore[13] = true; ignore[32] = true; 
-		/* AW 2003-03-07 fill token list */
-		tokens = new Token();  // first token is a dummy
-		Token node = tokens;
-		do {
-			node.next = NextToken();
-			node = node.next;
-		} while (node.kind != 0);	/* AW: 0 => EOF */
-		t = pt = tokens;
-	}
-	static void NextCh() {
-		if (oldEols > 0) { ch = EOL; oldEols--; } 
-		else {
-			ch = (char)Buffer.Read(); pos++;
-			// replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
-			// eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
-			if (ch == '\r' && Buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
-			else if (ch > '\u007f') ch = '?';
-			if (ch == EOL) { line++; lineStart = pos + 1; }
-		}
-	}
-	static bool Comment0() {
-		int level = 1, line0 = line, lineStart0 = lineStart;
-		NextCh();
-		if (ch == '*') {
-			NextCh();
-			for(;;) {
-				if (ch == '*') {
-					NextCh();
-					if (ch == '/') {
-						level--;
-						if (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }
-						NextCh();
-					}
-				} else if (ch == '/') {
-					NextCh();
-					if (ch == '*') {
-						level++; NextCh();
-					}
-				} else if (ch == EOF) return false;
-				else NextCh();
-			}
-		} else {
-			if (ch==EOL) {line--; lineStart = lineStart0;}
-			pos = pos - 2; Buffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	static void CheckLiteral() {
-		switch (t.val) {
-			case "COMPILER": t.kind = 6; break;
-			case "PRODUCTIONS": t.kind = 7; break;
-			case "END": t.kind = 10; break;
-			case "CHARACTERS": t.kind = 11; break;
-			case "TOKENS": t.kind = 12; break;
-			case "PRAGMAS": t.kind = 13; break;
-			case "COMMENTS": t.kind = 14; break;
-			case "FROM": t.kind = 15; break;
-			case "TO": t.kind = 16; break;
-			case "NESTED": t.kind = 17; break;
-			case "IGNORE": t.kind = 18; break;
-			case "TOKENNAMES": t.kind = 19; break;
-			case "ANY": t.kind = 23; break;
-			case "WEAK": t.kind = 27; break;
-			case "SYNC": t.kind = 34; break;
-			case "IF": t.kind = 35; break;
-			case "CONTEXT": t.kind = 37; break;
-			case "using": t.kind = 40; break;
-			default: break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* AW Scan() renamed to NextToken() */
-	static Token NextToken() {
-		while (ignore[ch]) NextCh();
-		if (ch == '/' && Comment0()) return NextToken();
-		t = new Token();
-		t.pos = pos; t.col = pos - lineStart + 1; t.line = line; 
-		int state = start[ch];
-		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16);
-		buf.Append(ch); NextCh();
-		switch (state) {
-			case 0: { t.kind = noSym; goto done; }  // NextCh already done
-			case 1:
-				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 1;}
-				else {t.kind = 1; t.val = buf.ToString(); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
-			case 2:
-				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 2;}
-				else {t.kind = 2; goto done;}
-			case 3:
-				{t.kind = 3; goto done;}
-			case 4:
-				{t.kind = 4; goto done;}
-			case 5:
-				if ((ch >= 1 && ch <= 9 || ch >= 11 && ch <= 12 || ch >= 14 && ch <= '&' || ch >= '(' && ch <= '[' || ch >= ']')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 6;}
-				else if (ch == 92) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 7;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 6:
-				if (ch == 39) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 9;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 7:
-				if ((ch >= ' ' && ch <= '~')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 8;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 8:
-				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 8;}
-				else if (ch == 39) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 9;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 9:
-				{t.kind = 5; goto done;}
-			case 10:
-				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 10;}
-				else {t.kind = 43; goto done;}
-			case 11:
-				if ((ch >= 1 && ch <= 9 || ch >= 11 && ch <= 12 || ch >= 14 && ch <= '!' || ch >= '#' && ch <= '[' || ch >= ']')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 11;}
-				else if ((ch == 10 || ch == 13)) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 4;}
-				else if (ch == '"') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 3;}
-				else if (ch == 92) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 12;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 12:
-				if ((ch >= ' ' && ch <= '~')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 11;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 13:
-				{t.kind = 8; goto done;}
-			case 14:
-				if (ch == '.') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 17;}
-				else if (ch == ')') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 30;}
-				else {t.kind = 9; goto done;}
-			case 15:
-				{t.kind = 20; goto done;}
-			case 16:
-				{t.kind = 21; goto done;}
-			case 17:
-				{t.kind = 22; goto done;}
-			case 18:
-				{t.kind = 24; goto done;}
-			case 19:
-				{t.kind = 25; goto done;}
-			case 20:
-				{t.kind = 26; goto done;}
-			case 21:
-				if (ch == '.') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 29;}
-				else {t.kind = 28; goto done;}
-			case 22:
-				{t.kind = 29; goto done;}
-			case 23:
-				{t.kind = 30; goto done;}
-			case 24:
-				{t.kind = 31; goto done;}
-			case 25:
-				{t.kind = 32; goto done;}
-			case 26:
-				{t.kind = 33; goto done;}
-			case 27:
-				if (ch == '=') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 28;}
-				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
-			case 28:
-				{t.kind = 36; goto done;}
-			case 29:
-				{t.kind = 38; goto done;}
-			case 30:
-				{t.kind = 39; goto done;}
-			case 31:
-				{t.kind = 41; goto done;}
-			case 32: {t.kind = 0; goto done;}
-		}
-		done: 
-		t.val = buf.ToString();
-		return t;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, move on and synch peek token with current */
-	public static Token Scan () {
-		t = pt = t.next;
-		return t;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, ignore pragmas */
-	public static Token Peek () {
-		do {                      // skip pragmas while peeking
-			pt = pt.next;
-		} while (pt != null && pt.kind > maxT);
-		return pt;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-11 to make sure peek start at current scan position */
-	public static void StartPeek () { pt = t; }
-} // end Scanner
-public delegate void ErrorCodeProc (int line, int col, int n);
-public delegate void ErrorMsgProc (int line, int col, string msg);
-public class Errors {
-	public static int count = 0;                                               // number of errors detected
-	public static ErrorCodeProc SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // syntactic errors
-	public static ErrorCodeProc SemErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // semantic errors
-	public static ErrorMsgProc Error = new ErrorMsgProc(DefaultMsgError);      // user defined string based errors
-	public static void Exception (string s) {
-		Console.WriteLine(s); 
-		System.Environment.Exit(0);
-	}
-	static void DefaultCodeError (int line, int col, int n) {
-		Console.WriteLine("-- line {0} col {1}: error {2}", line, col, n);
-		count++;
-	}
-	static void DefaultMsgError (int line, int col, string s) {
-		Console.WriteLine("-- line {0} col {1}: {2}", line, col, s);
-		count++;
-	}
-} // Errors
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+public class Token {
+	public int kind;    // token kind
+	public int pos;     // token position in the source text (starting at 0)
+	public int col;     // token column (starting at 0)
+	public int line;    // token line (starting at 1)
+	public string val;  // token value
+	public Token next;  // AW 2003-03-07 Tokens are kept in linked list
+	public Token () { }
+	public Token (int kind) { this.kind = kind; }
+public class Buffer {
+	public const int eof = '\uffff';
+	static byte[] buf;
+	static int bufLen;
+	static int pos;
+	public static string fileName;
+	public static int CountLines(int offset)
+	{
+		int line = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i <= offset; ++i) {
+			if (buf[i] == '\n') {
+				++line;
+			}
+		}
+		return line;
+	}
+	public static void Fill (string fileName) {
+		Buffer.fileName = fileName;
+		FileStream s = null;
+		try {
+			s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
+			bufLen = (int) s.Length;
+			buf = new byte[bufLen];
+			s.Read(buf, 0, bufLen); 
+			pos = 0;
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Console.WriteLine("--- Cannot open file {0}", fileName);
+			System.Environment.Exit(0);
+		} finally {
+			if (s != null) s.Close();
+		}
+	}
+	public static int Read () {
+		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos++];
+		else return 0;
+	}
+	public static int Peek () {
+		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos];
+		else return 0;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-10 moved this from ParserGen.cs */
+	public static string GetString (int beg, int end) {
+		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(64);
+		int oldPos = Buffer.Pos;
+		Buffer.Pos = beg;
+		while (beg < end) { s.Append((char)Buffer.Read()); beg++; }
+		Buffer.Pos = oldPos;
+		return s.ToString();
+	}
+	public static int Pos {
+		get { return pos; }
+		set {
+			if (value < 0) pos = 0; 
+			else if (value >= bufLen) pos = bufLen; 
+			else pos = value;
+		}
+	}
+public class Scanner {
+	const char EOF = '\0';
+	const char EOL = '\n';
+	const int maxT = 42;
+	const int noSym = 42;
+	static short[] start = {
+	 32,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0, 27, 11,  0, 10,  0,  0,  5, 21, 22,  0, 15,  0, 16, 14,  0,
+	  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  2,  0, 31, 18, 13, 19,  0,
+	  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
+	  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 23,  0, 24,  0,  0,
+	  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,
+	  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, 25, 20, 26,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+	  0};
+	static Token t;          // current token
+	static char ch;          // current input character
+	static int pos;          // column number of current character
+	static int line;         // line number of current character
+	static int lineStart;    // start position of current line
+	static int oldEols;    // EOLs that appeared in a comment;
+	static BitArray ignore;  // set of characters to be ignored by the scanner
+	/* ML ----- begin */
+	static Token tokens;  // the complete input token stream
+	static Token pt;      // current peek token
+	static int peekCount = 0;
+	public static int PeekCount { get { return peekCount; } }
+	public static void Init (String fileName) {
+		Buffer.Fill(fileName);
+		pos = -1; line = 1; lineStart = 0;
+		oldEols = 0;
+		NextCh();
+		ignore = new BitArray(256);
+		ignore[9] = true; ignore[10] = true; ignore[13] = true; ignore[32] = true; 
+		/* AW 2003-03-07 fill token list */
+		tokens = new Token();  // first token is a dummy
+		Token node = tokens;
+		do {
+			node.next = NextToken();
+			node = node.next;
+		} while (node.kind != 0);	/* AW: 0 => EOF */
+		t = pt = tokens;
+	}
+	static void NextCh() {
+		if (oldEols > 0) { ch = EOL; oldEols--; } 
+		else {
+			ch = (char)Buffer.Read(); pos++;
+			// replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
+			// eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
+			if (ch == '\r' && Buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
+			else if (ch > '\u007f') ch = '?';
+			if (ch == EOL) { line++; lineStart = pos + 1; }
+		}
+	}
+	static bool Comment0() {
+		int level = 1, line0 = line, lineStart0 = lineStart;
+		NextCh();
+		if (ch == '*') {
+			NextCh();
+			for(;;) {
+				if (ch == '*') {
+					NextCh();
+					if (ch == '/') {
+						level--;
+						if (level == 0) { oldEols = line - line0; NextCh(); return true; }
+						NextCh();
+					}
+				} else if (ch == '/') {
+					NextCh();
+					if (ch == '*') {
+						level++; NextCh();
+					}
+				} else if (ch == EOF) return false;
+				else NextCh();
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (ch==EOL) {line--; lineStart = lineStart0;}
+			pos = pos - 2; Buffer.Pos = pos+1; NextCh();
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	static void CheckLiteral() {
+		switch (t.val) {
+			case "COMPILER": t.kind = 6; break;
+			case "PRODUCTIONS": t.kind = 7; break;
+			case "END": t.kind = 10; break;
+			case "CHARACTERS": t.kind = 11; break;
+			case "TOKENS": t.kind = 12; break;
+			case "PRAGMAS": t.kind = 13; break;
+			case "COMMENTS": t.kind = 14; break;
+			case "FROM": t.kind = 15; break;
+			case "TO": t.kind = 16; break;
+			case "NESTED": t.kind = 17; break;
+			case "IGNORE": t.kind = 18; break;
+			case "TOKENNAMES": t.kind = 19; break;
+			case "ANY": t.kind = 23; break;
+			case "WEAK": t.kind = 27; break;
+			case "SYNC": t.kind = 34; break;
+			case "IF": t.kind = 35; break;
+			case "CONTEXT": t.kind = 37; break;
+			case "using": t.kind = 40; break;
+			default: break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* AW Scan() renamed to NextToken() */
+	static Token NextToken() {
+		while (ignore[ch]) NextCh();
+		if (ch == '/' && Comment0()) return NextToken();
+		t = new Token();
+		t.pos = pos; t.col = pos - lineStart + 1; t.line = line; 
+		int state = start[ch];
+		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16);
+		buf.Append(ch); NextCh();
+		switch (state) {
+			case 0: { t.kind = noSym; goto done; }  // NextCh already done
+			case 1:
+				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 1;}
+				else {t.kind = 1; t.val = buf.ToString(); CheckLiteral(); return t;}
+			case 2:
+				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 2;}
+				else {t.kind = 2; goto done;}
+			case 3:
+				{t.kind = 3; goto done;}
+			case 4:
+				{t.kind = 4; goto done;}
+			case 5:
+				if ((ch >= 1 && ch <= 9 || ch >= 11 && ch <= 12 || ch >= 14 && ch <= '&' || ch >= '(' && ch <= '[' || ch >= ']')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 6;}
+				else if (ch == 92) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 7;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 6:
+				if (ch == 39) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 9;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 7:
+				if ((ch >= ' ' && ch <= '~')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 8;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 8:
+				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 8;}
+				else if (ch == 39) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 9;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 9:
+				{t.kind = 5; goto done;}
+			case 10:
+				if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 10;}
+				else {t.kind = 43; goto done;}
+			case 11:
+				if ((ch >= 1 && ch <= 9 || ch >= 11 && ch <= 12 || ch >= 14 && ch <= '!' || ch >= '#' && ch <= '[' || ch >= ']')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 11;}
+				else if ((ch == 10 || ch == 13)) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 4;}
+				else if (ch == '"') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 3;}
+				else if (ch == 92) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 12;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 12:
+				if ((ch >= ' ' && ch <= '~')) {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 11;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 13:
+				{t.kind = 8; goto done;}
+			case 14:
+				if (ch == '.') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 17;}
+				else if (ch == ')') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 30;}
+				else {t.kind = 9; goto done;}
+			case 15:
+				{t.kind = 20; goto done;}
+			case 16:
+				{t.kind = 21; goto done;}
+			case 17:
+				{t.kind = 22; goto done;}
+			case 18:
+				{t.kind = 24; goto done;}
+			case 19:
+				{t.kind = 25; goto done;}
+			case 20:
+				{t.kind = 26; goto done;}
+			case 21:
+				if (ch == '.') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 29;}
+				else {t.kind = 28; goto done;}
+			case 22:
+				{t.kind = 29; goto done;}
+			case 23:
+				{t.kind = 30; goto done;}
+			case 24:
+				{t.kind = 31; goto done;}
+			case 25:
+				{t.kind = 32; goto done;}
+			case 26:
+				{t.kind = 33; goto done;}
+			case 27:
+				if (ch == '=') {buf.Append(ch); NextCh(); goto case 28;}
+				else {t.kind = noSym; goto done;}
+			case 28:
+				{t.kind = 36; goto done;}
+			case 29:
+				{t.kind = 38; goto done;}
+			case 30:
+				{t.kind = 39; goto done;}
+			case 31:
+				{t.kind = 41; goto done;}
+			case 32: {t.kind = 0; goto done;}
+		}
+		done: 
+		t.val = buf.ToString();
+		return t;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, move on and synch peek token with current */
+	public static Token Scan () {
+		t = pt = t.next;
+		return t;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, ignore pragmas */
+	public static Token Peek () {
+		do {                      // skip pragmas while peeking
+			pt = pt.next;
+		} while (pt != null && pt.kind > maxT);
+		return pt;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-11 to make sure peek start at current scan position */
+	public static void StartPeek () { pt = t; }
+} // end Scanner
+public delegate void ErrorCodeProc (int line, int col, int n);
+public delegate void ErrorMsgProc (int line, int col, string msg);
+public class Errors {
+	public static int count = 0;                                               // number of errors detected
+	public static ErrorCodeProc SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // syntactic errors
+	public static ErrorCodeProc SemErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // semantic errors
+	public static ErrorMsgProc Error = new ErrorMsgProc(DefaultMsgError);      // user defined string based errors
+	public static void Exception (string s) {
+		Console.WriteLine(s); 
+		System.Environment.Exit(0);
+	}
+	static void DefaultCodeError (int line, int col, int n) {
+		Console.WriteLine("-- line {0} col {1}: error {2}", line, col, n);
+		count++;
+	}
+	static void DefaultMsgError (int line, int col, string s) {
+		Console.WriteLine("-- line {0} col {1}: {2}", line, col, s);
+		count++;
+	}
+} // Errors

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.frame
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.frame	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Scanner.frame	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,222 +1,222 @@
-using System;
-using System.Drawing;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Text;
-public class Token {
-	public int kind;    // token kind
-	public int pos;     // token position in the source text (starting at 0)
-	public int col;     // token column (starting at 0)
-	public int line;    // token line (starting at 1)
-	public string val;  // token value
-	public Token next;  // AW 2003-03-07 Tokens are kept in linked list
-	public Point Location {
-		get {
-			return new Point(line, col);
-		}
-	}
-	public Token () { }
-	public Token (int kind) { this.kind = kind; }
-public class Buffer {
-	public const int eof = '\uffff';
-	static byte[] buf;
-	static int bufLen;
-	static int pos;
-	public static void Fill (string fileName) {
-		FileStream s = null;
-		try {
-			s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
-			Fill(s);
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Console.WriteLine("--- Cannot open file {0}", fileName);
-			System.Environment.Exit(0);
-		} finally {
-			if (s != null) s.Close();
-		}
-	}
-	public static void Fill (Stream s) {
-		bufLen = (int) s.Length;
-		buf = new byte[bufLen];
-		s.Read(buf, 0, bufLen); 
-		pos = 0;
-	}
-	public static int Read () {
-		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos++];
-		else return 0;
-	}
-	public static int Peek () {
-		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos];
-		else return 0;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-10 moved this from ParserGen.cs */
-	public static string GetString (int beg, int end) {
-		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(64);
-		int oldPos = Buffer.Pos;
-		Buffer.Pos = beg;
-		while (beg < end) { s.Append((char)Buffer.Read()); beg++; }
-		Buffer.Pos = oldPos;
-		return s.ToString();
-	}
-	public static int Pos {
-		get { return pos; }
-		set {
-			if (value < 0) pos = 0; 
-			else if (value >= bufLen) pos = bufLen; 
-			else pos = value;
-		}
-	}
-public class Scanner {
-	const char EOF = '\0';
-	const char EOL = '\n';
-	const char CR  = '\n';
-	static Token t;          // current token
-	static char ch;          // current input character
-	static int pos;          // column number of current character
-	static int line;         // line number of current character
-	static int lineStart;    // start position of current line
-	static int oldEols;    // EOLs that appeared in a comment;
-	static BitArray ignore;  // set of characters to be ignored by the scanner
-	/* ML ----- begin */
-	static Token tokens;  // the complete input token stream
-	static Token pt;      // current peek token
-	static int peekCount = 0;
-	public static int PeekCount { get { return peekCount; } }
-	static void Init()
-	{
-		pos = -1; line = 1; lineStart = 0;
-		oldEols = 0;
-		NextCh();
-		/* AW 2003-03-07 fill token list */
-		tokens = new Token();  // first token is a dummy
-		Token node = tokens;
-		do {
-			node.next = NextToken();
-			node = node.next;
-		} while (node.kind != 0);	/* AW: 0 => EOF */
-		t = pt = tokens;
-	}
-	public static void Init(String fileName) {
-		Buffer.Fill(fileName);
-		Init();
-	}
-	public static void Init(Stream s) {
-		Buffer.Fill(s);
-		Init();
-	}
-	static void NextCh() {
-		if (oldEols > 0) { ch = EOL; oldEols--; } 
-		else {
-			ch = (char)Buffer.Read(); pos++;
-			// replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
-			// eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
-			if (ch == '\r' && Buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
-			else if (ch > '\u007f') ch = '?';
-			if (ch == EOL) { line++; lineStart = pos + 1; }
-		}
-	}
-	static void CheckLiteral() {
-		switch (t.val) {
-		}
-	}
-	/* AW Scan() renamed to NextToken() */
-	static Token NextToken() {
-		while (ignore[ch]) NextCh();
-		t = new Token();
-		t.pos = pos; t.col = pos - lineStart + 1; t.line = line; 
-		int state = start[ch];
-		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16);
-		buf.Append(ch); NextCh();
-		switch (state) {
-			case 0: { t.kind = noSym; goto done; }  // NextCh already done
-		}
-		done: 
-		t.val = buf.ToString();
-		return t;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, move on and synch peek token with current */
-	public static Token Scan () {
-		t = pt = t.next;
-		return t;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, ignore pragmas */
-	public static Token Peek () {
-		do {                      // skip pragmas while peeking
-			pt = pt.next;
-		} while (pt != null && pt.kind > maxT);
-		return pt;
-	}
-	/* AW 2003-03-11 to make sure peek start at current scan position */
-	public static void StartPeek () { pt = t; }
-} // end Scanner
-public delegate void ErrorCodeProc (int line, int col, int n);
-public delegate void ErrorMsgProc (int line, int col, string msg);
-public class Errors {
-	public static int count = 0;                                               // number of errors detected
-	public static ErrorCodeProc SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // syntactic errors
-	public static ErrorCodeProc SemErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // semantic errors
-	public static ErrorMsgProc Error = new ErrorMsgProc(DefaultMsgError);      // user defined string based errors
-	public static StringBuilder errorText = new StringBuilder();
-	public static void Exception (string s) {
-		Console.WriteLine(s); 
-		System.Environment.Exit(0);
-	}
-	static void DefaultCodeError (int line, int col, int n) {
-		errorText.Append(String.Format("-- line {0} col {1}: error {2}", line, col, n));
-		errorText.Append("\n");
-		count++;
-	}
-	static void DefaultMsgError (int line, int col, string s) {
-		errorText.Append(String.Format("-- line {0} col {1}: {2}", line, col, s));
-		errorText.Append("\n");
-		count++;
-	}
-} // Errors
+using System;
+using System.Drawing;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Text;
+public class Token {
+	public int kind;    // token kind
+	public int pos;     // token position in the source text (starting at 0)
+	public int col;     // token column (starting at 0)
+	public int line;    // token line (starting at 1)
+	public string val;  // token value
+	public Token next;  // AW 2003-03-07 Tokens are kept in linked list
+	public Point Location {
+		get {
+			return new Point(line, col);
+		}
+	}
+	public Token () { }
+	public Token (int kind) { this.kind = kind; }
+public class Buffer {
+	public const int eof = '\uffff';
+	static byte[] buf;
+	static int bufLen;
+	static int pos;
+	public static void Fill (string fileName) {
+		FileStream s = null;
+		try {
+			s = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
+			Fill(s);
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Console.WriteLine("--- Cannot open file {0}", fileName);
+			System.Environment.Exit(0);
+		} finally {
+			if (s != null) s.Close();
+		}
+	}
+	public static void Fill (Stream s) {
+		bufLen = (int) s.Length;
+		buf = new byte[bufLen];
+		s.Read(buf, 0, bufLen); 
+		pos = 0;
+	}
+	public static int Read () {
+		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos++];
+		else return 0;
+	}
+	public static int Peek () {
+		if (pos < bufLen) return buf[pos];
+		else return 0;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-10 moved this from ParserGen.cs */
+	public static string GetString (int beg, int end) {
+		StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(64);
+		int oldPos = Buffer.Pos;
+		Buffer.Pos = beg;
+		while (beg < end) { s.Append((char)Buffer.Read()); beg++; }
+		Buffer.Pos = oldPos;
+		return s.ToString();
+	}
+	public static int Pos {
+		get { return pos; }
+		set {
+			if (value < 0) pos = 0; 
+			else if (value >= bufLen) pos = bufLen; 
+			else pos = value;
+		}
+	}
+public class Scanner {
+	const char EOF = '\0';
+	const char EOL = '\n';
+	const char CR  = '\n';
+	static Token t;          // current token
+	static char ch;          // current input character
+	static int pos;          // column number of current character
+	static int line;         // line number of current character
+	static int lineStart;    // start position of current line
+	static int oldEols;    // EOLs that appeared in a comment;
+	static BitArray ignore;  // set of characters to be ignored by the scanner
+	/* ML ----- begin */
+	static Token tokens;  // the complete input token stream
+	static Token pt;      // current peek token
+	static int peekCount = 0;
+	public static int PeekCount { get { return peekCount; } }
+	static void Init()
+	{
+		pos = -1; line = 1; lineStart = 0;
+		oldEols = 0;
+		NextCh();
+		/* AW 2003-03-07 fill token list */
+		tokens = new Token();  // first token is a dummy
+		Token node = tokens;
+		do {
+			node.next = NextToken();
+			node = node.next;
+		} while (node.kind != 0);	/* AW: 0 => EOF */
+		t = pt = tokens;
+	}
+	public static void Init(String fileName) {
+		Buffer.Fill(fileName);
+		Init();
+	}
+	public static void Init(Stream s) {
+		Buffer.Fill(s);
+		Init();
+	}
+	static void NextCh() {
+		if (oldEols > 0) { ch = EOL; oldEols--; } 
+		else {
+			ch = (char)Buffer.Read(); pos++;
+			// replace isolated '\r' by '\n' in order to make
+			// eol handling uniform across Windows, Unix and Mac
+			if (ch == '\r' && Buffer.Peek() != '\n') ch = EOL;
+			else if (ch > '\u007f') ch = '?';
+			if (ch == EOL) { line++; lineStart = pos + 1; }
+		}
+	}
+	static void CheckLiteral() {
+		switch (t.val) {
+		}
+	}
+	/* AW Scan() renamed to NextToken() */
+	static Token NextToken() {
+		while (ignore[ch]) NextCh();
+		t = new Token();
+		t.pos = pos; t.col = pos - lineStart + 1; t.line = line; 
+		int state = start[ch];
+		StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16);
+		buf.Append(ch); NextCh();
+		switch (state) {
+			case 0: { t.kind = noSym; goto done; }  // NextCh already done
+		}
+		done: 
+		t.val = buf.ToString();
+		return t;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, move on and synch peek token with current */
+	public static Token Scan () {
+		t = pt = t.next;
+		return t;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-07 get the next token, ignore pragmas */
+	public static Token Peek () {
+		do {                      // skip pragmas while peeking
+			pt = pt.next;
+		} while (pt != null && pt.kind > maxT);
+		return pt;
+	}
+	/* AW 2003-03-11 to make sure peek start at current scan position */
+	public static void StartPeek () { pt = t; }
+} // end Scanner
+public delegate void ErrorCodeProc (int line, int col, int n);
+public delegate void ErrorMsgProc (int line, int col, string msg);
+public class Errors {
+	public static int count = 0;                                               // number of errors detected
+	public static ErrorCodeProc SynErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // syntactic errors
+	public static ErrorCodeProc SemErr = new ErrorCodeProc(DefaultCodeError);  // semantic errors
+	public static ErrorMsgProc Error = new ErrorMsgProc(DefaultMsgError);      // user defined string based errors
+	public static StringBuilder errorText = new StringBuilder();
+	public static void Exception (string s) {
+		Console.WriteLine(s); 
+		System.Environment.Exit(0);
+	}
+	static void DefaultCodeError (int line, int col, int n) {
+		errorText.Append(String.Format("-- line {0} col {1}: error {2}", line, col, n));
+		errorText.Append("\n");
+		count++;
+	}
+	static void DefaultMsgError (int line, int col, string s) {
+		errorText.Append(String.Format("-- line {0} col {1}: {2}", line, col, s));
+		errorText.Append("\n");
+		count++;
+	}
+} // Errors

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Tab.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Tab.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Tab.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,1068 +1,1068 @@
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Tab.cs
- * Symbol table management of Coco/R
- * by H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-public class Position {  // position of source code stretch (e.g. semantic action, resolver expressions)
-	public int beg;      // start relative to the beginning of the file
-	public int len;      // length of stretch
-	public int col;      // column number of start position
-	public Position(int beg, int len, int col) {
-		this.beg = beg; this.len = len; this.col = col;
-	}
-// Symbols
-public class Symbol : IComparable {
-	public static ArrayList terminals = new ArrayList();
-	public static ArrayList pragmas = new ArrayList();
-	public static ArrayList nonterminals = new ArrayList();
-	public static Hashtable tokenNames = null;  /* AW 2003-03-25 */
-	public const int classToken    = 0;		// token kinds
-	public const int litToken      = 1;
-	public const int classLitToken = 2;
-	public int      n;           // symbol number
-	public int      typ;         // t, nt, pr, unknown, rslv /* ML 29_11_2002 slv added */ /* AW slv --> rslv */
-	public string   name;        // symbol name
-	public Node     graph;       // nt: to first node of syntax graph
-	public int      tokenKind;   // t:  token kind (literal, class, ...)
-	public bool     deletable;   // nt: true if nonterminal is deletable
-	public bool     firstReady;  // nt: true if terminal start symbols have already been computed
-	public BitArray first;       // nt: terminal start symbols
-	public BitArray follow;      // nt: terminal followers
-	public BitArray nts;         // nt: nonterminals whose followers have to be added to this sym
-	public int      line;        // source text line number of item in this node
-	public Position attrPos;     // nt: position of attributes in source text (or null)
-	public Position semPos;      // pr: pos of semantic action in source text (or null)
-	                             // nt: pos of local declarations in source text (or null)
-	public override string ToString()
-	{
-		return String.Format("[Symbol:Name={0}, n={1}]", name, n);
-	}
-	public Symbol(int typ, string name, int line) {
-		if (name.Length == 2 && name[0] == '"') {
-			Parser.SemErr("empty token not allowed"); name = "???";
-		}
-		if (name.IndexOf(' ') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("tokens must not contain blanks");
-		this.typ = typ; this.name = name; this.line = line;
-		switch (typ) {
-			case Node.t:  n = terminals.Count; terminals.Add(this); break;
-			case Node.pr: pragmas.Add(this); break;
-			case Node.nt: n = nonterminals.Count; nonterminals.Add(this); break;
-		}
-	}
-	public static Symbol Find(string name) {
-		foreach (Symbol s in terminals)
-			if (s.name == name) return s;
-		foreach (Symbol s in nonterminals)
-			if (s.name == name) return s;
-		return null;
-	}
-	public int CompareTo(object x) {
-		return name.CompareTo(((Symbol)x).name);
-	}
-// Syntax graph (class Node, class Graph)
-public class Node {
-	public static ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
-	public static string[] nTyp =
-		{"    ", "t   ", "pr  ", "nt  ", "clas", "chr ", "wt  ", "any ", "eps ",  /* AW 03-01-14 nTyp[0]: " " --> "    " */
-		 "sync", "sem ", "alt ", "iter", "opt ", "rslv"};
-	// constants for node kinds
-	public const int t    =  1;  // terminal symbol
-	public const int pr   =  2;  // pragma
-	public const int nt   =  3;  // nonterminal symbol
-	public const int clas =  4;  // character class
-	public const int chr  =  5;  // character
-	public const int wt   =  6;  // weak terminal symbol
-	public const int any  =  7;  // 
-	public const int eps  =  8;  // empty
-	public const int sync =  9;  // synchronization symbol
-	public const int sem  = 10;  // semantic action: (. .)
-	public const int alt  = 11;  // alternative: |
-	public const int iter = 12;  // iteration: { }
-	public const int opt  = 13;  // option: [ ]
-	public const int rslv = 14;  // resolver expr  /* ML */ /* AW 03-01-13 renamed slv --> rslv */
-	public const int normalTrans  = 0;		// transition codes
-	public const int contextTrans = 1;
-	public int      n;			// node number
-	public int      typ;		// t, nt, wt, chr, clas, any, eps, sem, sync, alt, iter, opt, rslv
-	public Node     next;		// to successor node
-	public Node     down;		// alt: to next alternative
-	public Node     sub;		// alt, iter, opt: to first node of substructure
-	public bool     up;			// true: "next" leads to successor in enclosing structure
-	public Symbol   sym;		// nt, t, wt: symbol represented by this node
-	public int      val;		// chr:  ordinal character value
-													// clas: index of character class
-	public int      code;		// chr, clas: transition code
-	public BitArray set;		// any, sync: the set represented by this node
-	public Position pos;		// nt, t, wt: pos of actual attributes
-													// sem:       pos of semantic action in source text
-	public int      line;		// source text line number of item in this node
-	public State    state;	// DFA state corresponding to this node
-													// (only used in DFA.ConvertToStates)
-	public Node(int typ, Symbol sym, int line) {
-		this.typ = typ; this.sym = sym; this.line = line;
-		n = nodes.Count;
-		nodes.Add(this);
-	}
-	public Node(int typ, Node sub): this(typ, null, 0) {
-		this.sub = sub;
-	}
-	public Node(int typ, int val, int line): this(typ, null, line) {
-		this.val = val;
-	}
-	public static bool DelGraph(Node p) {
-		return p == null || DelNode(p) && DelGraph(p.next);
-	}
-	public static bool DelAlt(Node p) {
-		return p == null || DelNode(p) && (p.up || DelAlt(p.next));
-	}
-	public static bool DelNode(Node p) {
-		if (p.typ == nt) return p.sym.deletable;
-		else if (p.typ == alt) return DelAlt(p.sub) || p.down != null && DelAlt(p.down);
-		else return p.typ == eps || p.typ == iter || p.typ == opt || p.typ == sem || p.typ == sync;
-	}
-	//----------------- for printing ----------------------
-	static int Ptr(Node p, bool up) {
-		if (p == null) return 0; 
-		else if (up) return -p.n;
-		else return p.n;
-	}
-	static string Pos(Position pos) {
-		if (pos == null) return "     "; else return String.Format("{0,5}", pos.beg);
-	}
-	public static string Name(string name) {
-		return (name + "           ").Substring(0, 12);
-		/* isn't this better (less string allocations, easier to understand): *
-		 * return (name.Length > 12) ? name.Substring(0,12) : name;           */
-	}
-	public static void PrintNodes() {
-		Trace.WriteLine("Graph nodes:");
-		Trace.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------");
-		Trace.WriteLine("   n type name          next  down   sub   pos  line");
-		Trace.WriteLine("                               val  code");
-		Trace.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------");
-		foreach (Node p in nodes) {
-			Trace.Write("{0,4} {1} ", p.n, nTyp[p.typ]);
-			if (p.sym != null)
-				Trace.Write("{0,12} ", Name(p.sym.name));
-			else if (p.typ == Node.clas) {
-				CharClass c = (CharClass)CharClass.classes[p.val];
-				Trace.Write("{0,12} ", Name(c.name));
-			} else Trace.Write("             ");
-			Trace.Write("{0,5} ", Ptr(p.next, p.up));
-			switch (p.typ) {
-				case t: case nt: case wt:
-					Trace.Write("             {0,5}", Pos(p.pos)); break;
-				case chr:
-					Trace.Write("{0,5} {1,5}       ", p.val, p.code); break;
-				case clas:
-					Trace.Write("      {0,5}       ", p.code); break;
-				case alt: case iter: case opt:
-					Trace.Write("{0,5} {1,5}       ", Ptr(p.down, false), Ptr(p.sub, false)); break;
-				case sem:
-					Trace.Write("             {0,5}", Pos(p.pos)); break;
-				case eps: case any: case sync:
-					Trace.Write("                  "); break;
-			}
-			Trace.WriteLine("{0,5}", p.line);
-		}
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-	}
-public class Graph {
-	static Node dummyNode = new Node(Node.eps, null, 0);
-	public Node l;	// left end of graph = head
-	public Node r;	// right end of graph = list of nodes to be linked to successor graph
-	public Graph() {
-		l = null; r = null;
-	}
-	public Graph(Node left, Node right) {
-		l = left; r = right;
-	}
-	public Graph(Node p) {
-		l = p; r = p;
-	}
-	public static void MakeFirstAlt(Graph g) {
-		g.l = new Node(Node.alt, g.l); g.l.line = g.l.sub.line; /* AW 2002-03-07 make line available for error handling */
-		g.l.next = g.r;
-		g.r = g.l;
-	}
-	public static void MakeAlternative(Graph g1, Graph g2) {
-		g2.l = new Node(Node.alt, g2.l); g2.l.line = g2.l.sub.line;
-		Node p = g1.l; while (p.down != null) p = p.down;
-		p.down = g2.l;
-		p = g1.r; while (p.next != null) p = p.next;
-		p.next = g2.r;
-	}
-	public static void MakeSequence(Graph g1, Graph g2) {
-		Node p = g1.r.next; g1.r.next = g2.l; // link head node
-		while (p != null) {  // link substructure
-			Node q = p.next; p.next = g2.l; p.up = true;
-			p = q;
-		}
-		g1.r = g2.r;
-	}
-	public static void MakeIteration(Graph g) {
-		g.l = new Node(Node.iter, g.l);
-		Node p = g.r;
-		g.r = g.l;
-		while (p != null) {
-			Node q = p.next; p.next = g.l; p.up = true;
-			p = q;
-		}
-	}
-	public static void MakeOption(Graph g) {
-		g.l = new Node(Node.opt, g.l);
-		g.l.next = g.r;
-		g.r = g.l;
-	}
-	public static void Finish(Graph g) {
-		Node p = g.r;
-		while (p != null) {
-			Node q = p.next; p.next = null; p = q;
-		}
-	}
-  public static void SetContextTrans(Node p) { // set transition code in the graph rooted at p
-    DFA.hasCtxMoves = true;
-    while (p != null) {
-      if (p.typ == Node.chr || p.typ == Node.clas) {
-        p.code = Node.contextTrans;
-      } else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
-        SetContextTrans(p.sub);
-      } else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-        SetContextTrans(p.sub); SetContextTrans(p.down);
-      }
-      if (p.up) break;
-      p = p.next;
-    }
-  }
-	public static void DeleteNodes() {
-		Node.nodes = new ArrayList();
-		dummyNode = new Node(Node.eps, null, 0);
-	}
-	public static Graph StrToGraph(string str) {
-		string s = DFA.Unescape(str.Substring(1, str.Length-2));
-		if (s.IndexOf('\0') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("\\0 not allowed here. Used as eof character");
-		if (s.Length == 0) Parser.SemErr("empty token not allowed");
-		Graph g = new Graph();
-		g.r = dummyNode;
-		for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
-			Node p = new Node(Node.chr, (int)s[i], 0);
-			g.r.next = p; g.r = p;
-		}
-		g.l = dummyNode.next; dummyNode.next = null;
-		return g;
-	}
-// Bit sets 
-public class Sets {
-	public static int First(BitArray s) {
-		int max = s.Count;
-		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
-			if (s[i]) return i;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	public static int Elements(BitArray s) {
-		int max = s.Count;
-		int n = 0;
-		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
-			if (s[i]) n++;
-		return n;
-	}
-	public static bool Equals(BitArray a, BitArray b) {
-		int max = a.Count;
-		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
-			if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	public static bool Includes(BitArray a, BitArray b) {	// a > b ?
-		int max = a.Count;
-		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
-			if (b[i] && ! a[i]) return false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	public static bool Intersect(BitArray a, BitArray b) { // a * b != {}
-		int max = a.Count;
-		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
-			if (a[i] && b[i]) return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-	public static void Subtract(BitArray a, BitArray b) { // a = a - b
-		BitArray c = (BitArray) b.Clone();
-		a.And(c.Not());
-	}
-	public static void PrintSet(BitArray s, int indent) {
-		int col, len;
-		col = indent;
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
-			if (s[sym.n]) {
-				len = sym.name.Length;
-				if (col + len >= 80) {
-					Trace.WriteLine();
-					for (col = 1; col < indent; col++) Trace.Write(" ");
-				}
-				Trace.Write("{0} ", sym.name);
-				col += len + 1;
-			}
-		}
-		if (col == indent) Trace.Write("-- empty set --");
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-	}
-// Character class management
-public class CharClass {
-	public static ArrayList classes = new ArrayList();
-	public static int dummyName = 'A';
-	public const int charSetSize = 256;  // must be a multiple of 16
-	public int n;       	// class number
-	public string name;		// class name
-	public BitArray set;	// set representing the class
-	public CharClass(string name, BitArray s) {
-		if (name == "#") name = "#" + (char)dummyName++;
-		this.n = classes.Count; this.name = name; this.set = s;
-		classes.Add(this);
-	}
-	public static CharClass Find(string name) {
-		foreach (CharClass c in classes)
-			if (c.name == name) return c;
-		return null;
-	}
-	public static CharClass Find(BitArray s) {
-		foreach (CharClass c in classes)
-			if (Sets.Equals(s, c.set)) return c;
-		return null;
-	}
-	public static BitArray Set(int i) {
-		return ((CharClass)classes[i]).set;
-	}
-	static string Ch(int ch) {
-		if (ch < ' ' || ch >= 127 || ch == '\'' || ch == '\\') return ch.ToString();
-		else return String.Format("'{0}'", (char)ch);
-	}
-	static void WriteCharSet(BitArray s) {
-			int i = 0, len = s.Count;
-			while (i < len) {
-				while (i < len && !s[i]) i++;
-				if (i == len) break;
-				int j = i;
-				while (i < len && s[i]) i++;
-				if (j < i-1) Trace.Write("{0}..{1} ", Ch(j), Ch(i-1)); 
-				else Trace.Write("{0} ", Ch(j));
-			}
-	}
-	public static void WriteClasses () {
-		foreach (CharClass c in classes) {
-			Trace.Write("{0,-10}: ", c.name);
-			WriteCharSet(c.set);
-			Trace.WriteLine();
-		}
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-	}
-// Symbol table management routines
-public class Tab {
-	public static Position semDeclPos;	// position of global semantic declarations
-	public static BitArray ignored;			// characters ignored by the scanner
-	public static bool[] ddt = new bool[10];	// debug and test switches
-	public static Symbol gramSy;				// root nonterminal; filled by ATG
-	public static Symbol eofSy;					// end of file symbol
-	public static Symbol noSym;					// used in case of an error
-	public static BitArray allSyncSets;	// union of all synchronisation sets
-	public static string nsName;        // namespace for generated files
-	static BitArray visited;						// mark list for graph traversals
-	static Symbol curSy;								// current symbol in computation of sets
-	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//  Symbol set computations
-	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/* Computes the first set for the given Node. */
-	static BitArray First0(Node p, BitArray mark) {
-		BitArray fs = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-		while (p != null && !mark[p.n]) {
-			mark[p.n] = true;
-			switch (p.typ) {
-				case Node.nt: {
-					if (p.sym.firstReady) fs.Or(p.sym.first);
-					else fs.Or(First0(p.sym.graph, mark));
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.t: case Node.wt: {
-					fs[p.sym.n] = true; break;
-				}
-				case Node.any: {
-					fs.Or(p.set); break;
-				}
-				case Node.alt: {
-					fs.Or(First0(p.sub, mark));
-					fs.Or(First0(p.down, mark));
-					break;
-				}
-				case Node.iter: case Node.opt: {
-					fs.Or(First0(p.sub, mark));
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (!Node.DelNode(p)) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-		return fs;
-	}
-	/// <returns>
-	/// BitArray which contains the first tokens.
-	/// </returns>
-	public static BitArray First(Node p) {
-		BitArray fs = First0(p, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
-		if (ddt[3]) {
-			Trace.WriteLine(); 
-			if (p != null) Trace.WriteLine("First: node = {0}", p.n);
-			else Trace.WriteLine("First: node = null");
-			Sets.PrintSet(fs, 0);
-		}
-		return fs;
-	}
-	static void CompFirstSets() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			sym.first = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-			sym.firstReady = false;
-		}
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			sym.first = First(sym.graph);
-			sym.firstReady = true;
-		}
-	}
-	static void CompFollow(Node p) {
-		while (p != null && !visited[p.n]) {
-			visited[p.n] = true;
-			if (p.typ == Node.nt) {
-				BitArray s = First(p.next);
-				p.sym.follow.Or(s);
-				if (Node.DelGraph(p.next))
-					p.sym.nts[curSy.n] = true;
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
-				CompFollow(p.sub);
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-				CompFollow(p.sub); CompFollow(p.down);
-			}
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	static void Complete(Symbol sym) {
-		if (!visited[sym.n]) {
-			visited[sym.n] = true;
-			foreach (Symbol s in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-				if (sym.nts[s.n]) {
-					Complete(s);
-					sym.follow.Or(s.follow);
-					if (sym == curSy) sym.nts[s.n] = false;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	static void CompFollowSets() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			sym.follow = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-			sym.nts = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
-		}
-		visited = new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) { // get direct successors of nonterminals
-			curSy = sym;
-			CompFollow(sym.graph);
-		}
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) { // add indirect successors to followers
-			visited = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
-			curSy = sym;
-			Complete(sym);
-		}
-	}
-	static Node LeadingAny(Node p) {
-		if (p == null) return null;
-		Node a = null;
-		if (p.typ == Node.any) a = p;
-		else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-			a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
-			if (a == null) a = LeadingAny(p.down);
-		}
-		else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
-		else if (Node.DelNode(p) && !p.up) a = LeadingAny(p.next);
-		return a;
-	}
-	static void FindAS(Node p) { // find ANY sets
-		Node a;
-		while (p != null) {
-			if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
-				FindAS(p.sub);
-				a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
-				if (a != null) Sets.Subtract(a.set, First(p.next));
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-				BitArray s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-				Node q = p;
-				while (q != null) {
-					FindAS(q.sub);
-					a = LeadingAny(q.sub);
-					if (a != null)
-						Sets.Subtract(a.set, First(q.down).Or(s1));
-					else
-						s1.Or(First(q.sub));
-					q = q.down;
-				}
-			}
-			if (p.up) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	static void CompAnySets() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) FindAS(sym.graph);
-	}
-	public static BitArray Expected(Node p, Symbol curSy) {
-		BitArray s = First(p);
-		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) s.Or(curSy.follow);
-		return s;
-	}
-	public static BitArray Expected(Node p, Symbol curSy, int outmost) {
-		BitArray s = First(p);
-		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) s.Or(curSy.follow);
-		return s;
-	}
-	static void CompSync(Node p) {
-		while (p != null && !visited[p.n]) {
-			visited[p.n] = true;
-			if (p.typ == Node.sync) {
-				BitArray s = Expected(p.next, curSy);
-				s[eofSy.n] = true;
-				allSyncSets.Or(s);
-				p.set = s;
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-				CompSync(p.sub); CompSync(p.down);
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter)
-				CompSync(p.sub);
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	static void CompSyncSets() {
-		allSyncSets = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-		allSyncSets[eofSy.n] = true;
-		visited = new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			curSy = sym;
-			CompSync(curSy.graph);
-		}
-	}
-	public static void SetupAnys() {
-		foreach (Node p in Node.nodes)
-			if (p.typ == Node.any) {
-				p.set = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count, true);
-				p.set[eofSy.n] = false;
-			}
-	}
-	public static void CompDeletableSymbols() {
-		bool changed;
-		do {
-			changed = false;
-			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
-				if (!sym.deletable && sym.graph != null && Node.DelGraph(sym.graph)) {
-					sym.deletable = true; changed = true;
-				}
-		} while (changed);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
-			if (sym.deletable) Console.WriteLine("  {0} deletable", sym.name);
-	}
-	public static void RenumberPragmas() {
-		int n = Symbol.terminals.Count;
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) sym.n = n++;
-	}
-	public static void CompSymbolSets() {
-		CompDeletableSymbols();
-		CompFirstSets();
-		CompFollowSets();
-		CompAnySets();
-		CompSyncSets();
-		if (ddt[1]) {
-			Trace.WriteLine();
-			Trace.WriteLine("First & follow symbols:");
-			Trace.WriteLine("----------------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
-			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-				Trace.WriteLine(sym.name);
-				Trace.Write("first:   "); Sets.PrintSet(sym.first, 10);
-				Trace.Write("follow:  "); Sets.PrintSet(sym.follow, 10);
-				Trace.WriteLine();
-			}
-		}
-		if (ddt[4]) {
-			Trace.WriteLine();
-			Trace.WriteLine("ANY and SYNC sets:");
-			Trace.WriteLine("-----------------");
-			foreach (Node p in Node.nodes)
-				if (p.typ == Node.any || p.typ == Node.sync) {
-					Trace.Write("{0,4} {1,4}: ", p.n, Node.nTyp[p.typ]);
-					Sets.PrintSet(p.set, 11);
-				}
-		}
-	}
-	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	//  Grammar checks
-	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	public static bool GrammarOk() {
-		bool ok = NtsComplete() 
-			&& AllNtReached() 
-			&& NoCircularProductions()
-			&& AllNtToTerm();
-    if (ok) CheckLL1();
-    return ok;
-	}
-	//--------------- check for circular productions ----------------------
-	class CNode {	// node of list for finding circular productions
-		public Symbol left, right;
-		public CNode (Symbol l, Symbol r) {
-			left = l; right = r;
-		}
-	}
-	static void GetSingles(Node p, ArrayList singles) {
-		if (p == null) return;  // end of graph
-		if (p.typ == Node.nt) {
-			if (p.up || Node.DelGraph(p.next)) singles.Add(p.sym);
-		} else if (p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) {
-			if (p.up || Node.DelGraph(p.next)) {
-				GetSingles(p.sub, singles);
-				if (p.typ == Node.alt) GetSingles(p.down, singles);
-			}
-		}
-		if (!p.up && Node.DelNode(p)) GetSingles(p.next, singles);
-	}
-	public static bool NoCircularProductions() {
-		bool ok, changed, onLeftSide, onRightSide;
-		ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			ArrayList singles = new ArrayList();
-			GetSingles(sym.graph, singles); // get nonterminals s such that sym-->s
-			foreach (Symbol s in singles) list.Add(new CNode(sym, s));
-		}
-		do {
-			changed = false;
-			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
-				CNode n = (CNode)list[i];
-				onLeftSide = false; onRightSide = false;
-				foreach (CNode m in list) {
-					if (n.left == m.right) onRightSide = true;
-					if (n.right == m.left) onLeftSide = true;
-				}
-				if (!onLeftSide || !onRightSide) {
-					list.Remove(n); i--; changed = true;
-				}
-			}
-		} while(changed);
-		ok = true;
-		foreach (CNode n in list) {
-			ok = false; Errors.count++;
-			Console.WriteLine("  {0} --> {1}", n.left.name, n.right.name);
-		}
-		return ok;
-	}
-	//--------------- check for LL(1) errors ----------------------
-	static void LL1Error(int cond, Symbol sym) {
-		Console.Write("  LL1 warning in {0}: ", curSy.name);
-		if (sym != null) Console.Write("{0} is ", sym.name);
-		switch (cond) {
-			case 1: Console.WriteLine(" start of several alternatives"); break;
-			case 2: Console.WriteLine(" start & successor of deletable structure"); break;
-			case 3: Console.WriteLine(" an ANY node that matches no symbol"); break;
-		}
-	}
-	static void CheckOverlap(BitArray s1, BitArray s2, int cond) {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
-			if (s1[sym.n] && s2[sym.n]) LL1Error(cond, sym);
-		}
-	}
-	static void CheckAlts(Node p) {
-		BitArray s1, s2;
-		while (p != null) {
-			if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
-				Node q = p;
-				s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
-				while (q != null) { // for all alternatives
-					s2 = Expected(q.sub, curSy);
-					CheckOverlap(s1, s2, 1);
-					s1.Or(s2);
-					CheckAlts(q.sub);
-					q = q.down;
-				}
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
-				s1 = Expected(p.sub, curSy);
-				s2 = Expected(p.next, curSy);
-				CheckOverlap(s1, s2, 2);
-				CheckAlts(p.sub);
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.any) {
-				if (Sets.Elements(p.set) == 0) LL1Error(3, null);
-				// e.g. {ANY} ANY or [ANY] ANY
-			}
-			if (p.up) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	static void RSlvError(string msg) {
-		Console.WriteLine(msg);
-	}
-	static void CheckResolver(Node p) {
-		while (p != null) {
-			// check subnodes of current node p
-			if ((p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) &&
-			    !p.sub.up)
-				if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) CheckResolver(p.sub.next);
-				else CheckResolver(p.sub);
-			// check current node p
-			switch (p.typ) {
-				case Node.alt:
-					BitArray uncovered = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);  // first symbols of alternatives without a resolver (not "covered" by a resolver)
-					ArrayList coveredList = new ArrayList();  // list of follow symbols of each resolver (these are "covered" by the resolver)
-					ArrayList rslvList = new ArrayList();
-					// build set of uncovered first symbols & check for misplaced resolvers 
-					// (= not at the first n-1 of n conflicting alternatives)
-					Node q = p;
-					while (q != null) {
-						BitArray curCovered;
-						if (q.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
-						  // get followers of resolver (these are "covered" by it)
-							if (q.sub.next == null) curCovered = curSy.follow;
-							else curCovered = First0(q.sub.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
-							coveredList.Add(curCovered);
-							rslvList.Add(q.sub);
-							// resolver must "cover" all but the last occurrence of a conflicting symbol
-							if (Sets.Intersect(uncovered, curCovered))
-								RSlvError("Misplaced resolver at line " + q.sub.line + " will never be evaluated. " +
-								          "Place resolver at previous conflicting alternative.");
-						} else uncovered.Or(First0(q.sub, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count)));
-						q = q.down;
-					}
-					// check for obsolete resolvers 
-					// (= alternatives starting with resolvers, when there is no conflict)
-					BitArray[] covered = (BitArray[]) coveredList.ToArray(typeof(BitArray));
-					Node[] rslvs = (Node[]) rslvList.ToArray(typeof(Node));
-					for (int i = 0; i < rslvs.Length; ++i) {
-						if (!Sets.Intersect(uncovered, covered[i])) 
-							RSlvError("Obsolete resolver at line " + rslvs[i].line + ". " +
-							          "Neither of the start symbols of the alternative occurs without a resolver.");
-						/*
-						if (!Sets.Includes(uncovered, covered[i]))
-							RSlvError("At least one of the symbols after the resolver at line " + rslvs[i].line + 
-							          " does not appear without a resolver. Remove the last resolver covering this symbol.");
-						*/
-						/*
-						if (Sets.Equals(, covered[i]))
-							RSlvError("Resolver at line " + rslvArr[i].line + " covers more symbols than necessary.\n" +
-							          "Place resolvers only in front of conflicting symbols.");
-						*/
-					}
-					break;
-				case Node.iter: case Node.opt:
-					if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
-						BitArray fs = First0(p.sub.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
-						BitArray fsNext;
-						if (p.next == null) fsNext = curSy.follow;
-						else fsNext = First0(p.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
-						if (!Sets.Intersect(fs, fsNext)) 
-							RSlvError("Obsolete resolver expression (IF ...) at line " + p.sub.line);
-					}
-					break;
-				case Node.rslv:
-					RSlvError("Unexpected Resolver in line " + p.line + ". Will cause parsing error.");
-					break;
-			}
-			if (p.up) break; 
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	public static void CheckLL1() {
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			curSy = sym;
-			CheckAlts(curSy.graph);
-			CheckResolver(curSy.graph);
-		}
-	}
-	//------------- check if every nts has a production --------------------
-	public static bool NtsComplete() {
-		bool complete = true;
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			if (sym.graph == null) {
-				complete = false; Errors.count++;
-				Console.WriteLine("  No production for {0}", sym.name);
-			}
-		}
-		return complete;
-	}
-	//-------------- check if every nts can be reached  -----------------
-	static void MarkReachedNts(Node p) {
-		while (p != null) {
-			if (p.typ == Node.nt && !visited[p.sym.n]) { // new nt reached
-				visited[p.sym.n] = true;
-				MarkReachedNts(p.sym.graph);
-			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) {
-				MarkReachedNts(p.sub);
-				if (p.typ == Node.alt) MarkReachedNts(p.down);
-			}
-			if (p.up) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-	}
-	public static bool AllNtReached() {
-		bool ok = true;
-		visited = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
-		visited[gramSy.n] = true;
-		MarkReachedNts(gramSy.graph);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			if (!visited[sym.n]) {
-				ok = false; Errors.count++;
-				Console.WriteLine("  {0} cannot be reached", sym.name);
-			}
-		}
-		return ok;
-	}
-	//--------- check if every nts can be derived to terminals  ------------
-	static bool IsTerm(Node p, BitArray mark) { // true if graph can be derived to terminals
-		while (p != null) {
-			if (p.typ == Node.nt && !mark[p.sym.n]) return false;
-			if (p.typ == Node.alt && !IsTerm(p.sub, mark) 
-			&& (p.down == null || !IsTerm(p.down, mark))) return false;
-			if (p.up) break;
-			p = p.next;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	public static bool AllNtToTerm() {
-		bool changed, ok = true;
-		BitArray mark = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
-		// a nonterminal is marked if it can be derived to terminal symbols
-		do {
-			changed = false;
-			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
-				if (!mark[sym.n] && IsTerm(sym.graph, mark)) {
-					mark[sym.n] = true; changed = true;
-				}
-		} while (changed);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
-			if (!mark[sym.n]) {
-				ok = false; Errors.count++;
-				Console.WriteLine("  {0} cannot be derived to terminals", sym.name);
-			}
-		return ok;
-	}
-	/*---------------------------------------------------------------------
-	  Utility functions
-	---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	static int Num(Node p) {
-		if (p == null) return 0; else return p.n;
-	}
-	static void PrintSym(Symbol sym) {
-		Trace.Write("{0,3} {1,-14} {2}", sym.n, Node.Name(sym.name), Node.nTyp[sym.typ]);
-		if (sym.attrPos==null) Trace.Write(" false "); else Trace.Write(" true  ");
-		if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
-			Trace.Write("{0,5}", Num(sym.graph));
-			if (sym.deletable) Trace.Write(" true  "); else Trace.Write(" false ");
-		} else
-			Trace.Write("            ");
-		Trace.WriteLine("{0,5}", sym.line);
-	}
-	public static void PrintSymbolTable() {
-		Trace.WriteLine("Symbol Table:");
-		Trace.WriteLine("------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
-		Trace.WriteLine(" nr name          typ  hasAt graph  del   line");
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) PrintSym(sym);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) PrintSym(sym);
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) PrintSym(sym);
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-	}
-	public static void XRef() {
-		SortedList tab = new SortedList();
-		// collect lines where symbols have been defined
-		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
-			ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[sym];
-			if (list == null) {list = new ArrayList(); tab[sym] = list;}
-			list.Add(- sym.line);
-		}
-		// collect lines where symbols have been referenced
-		foreach (Node n in Node.nodes) {
-			if (n.typ == Node.t || n.typ == Node.wt || n.typ == Node.nt) {
-				ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[n.sym];
-				if (list == null) {list = new ArrayList(); tab[n.sym] = list;}
-				list.Add(n.line);
-			}
-		}
-		// print cross reference list
-		Trace.WriteLine();
-		Trace.WriteLine("Cross reference list:");
-		Trace.WriteLine("--------------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
-		foreach (Symbol sym in tab.Keys) {
-			Trace.Write("  {0,-12}", Node.Name(sym.name));
-			ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[sym];
-			int col = 14;
-			foreach (int line in list) {
-				if (col + 5 > 80) {
-					Trace.WriteLine();
-					for (col = 1; col <= 14; col++) Trace.Write(" ");
-				}
-				Trace.Write("{0,5}", line); col += 5;
-			}
-			Trace.WriteLine();
-		}
-		Trace.WriteLine(); Trace.WriteLine();
-	}
-	public static void SetDDT(string s) {
-		s = s.ToUpper();
-		foreach (char ch in s) {
-			if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ddt[ch - '0'] = true;
-			else switch (ch) {
-				case 'A' : ddt[0] = true; break; // trace automaton
-				case 'F' : ddt[1] = true; break; // list first/follow sets
-				case 'G' : ddt[2] = true; break; // print syntax graph
-				case 'I' : ddt[3] = true; break; // trace computation of first sets
-				case 'J' : ddt[4] = true; break; // print ANY and SYNC sets
-				case 'P' : ddt[8] = true; break; // print statistics
-				case 'S' : ddt[6] = true; break; // list symbol table
-				case 'X' : ddt[7] = true; break; // list cross reference table
-				default : break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public static void Init () {
-		eofSy = new Symbol(Node.t, "EOF", 0);
-	}
-} // end Tab
-} // end namespace
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Tab.cs
+ * Symbol table management of Coco/R
+ * by H.Moessenboeck, Univ. of Linz
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+public class Position {  // position of source code stretch (e.g. semantic action, resolver expressions)
+	public int beg;      // start relative to the beginning of the file
+	public int len;      // length of stretch
+	public int col;      // column number of start position
+	public Position(int beg, int len, int col) {
+		this.beg = beg; this.len = len; this.col = col;
+	}
+// Symbols
+public class Symbol : IComparable {
+	public static ArrayList terminals = new ArrayList();
+	public static ArrayList pragmas = new ArrayList();
+	public static ArrayList nonterminals = new ArrayList();
+	public static Hashtable tokenNames = null;  /* AW 2003-03-25 */
+	public const int classToken    = 0;		// token kinds
+	public const int litToken      = 1;
+	public const int classLitToken = 2;
+	public int      n;           // symbol number
+	public int      typ;         // t, nt, pr, unknown, rslv /* ML 29_11_2002 slv added */ /* AW slv --> rslv */
+	public string   name;        // symbol name
+	public Node     graph;       // nt: to first node of syntax graph
+	public int      tokenKind;   // t:  token kind (literal, class, ...)
+	public bool     deletable;   // nt: true if nonterminal is deletable
+	public bool     firstReady;  // nt: true if terminal start symbols have already been computed
+	public BitArray first;       // nt: terminal start symbols
+	public BitArray follow;      // nt: terminal followers
+	public BitArray nts;         // nt: nonterminals whose followers have to be added to this sym
+	public int      line;        // source text line number of item in this node
+	public Position attrPos;     // nt: position of attributes in source text (or null)
+	public Position semPos;      // pr: pos of semantic action in source text (or null)
+	                             // nt: pos of local declarations in source text (or null)
+	public override string ToString()
+	{
+		return String.Format("[Symbol:Name={0}, n={1}]", name, n);
+	}
+	public Symbol(int typ, string name, int line) {
+		if (name.Length == 2 && name[0] == '"') {
+			Parser.SemErr("empty token not allowed"); name = "???";
+		}
+		if (name.IndexOf(' ') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("tokens must not contain blanks");
+		this.typ = typ; this.name = name; this.line = line;
+		switch (typ) {
+			case Node.t:  n = terminals.Count; terminals.Add(this); break;
+			case Node.pr: pragmas.Add(this); break;
+			case Node.nt: n = nonterminals.Count; nonterminals.Add(this); break;
+		}
+	}
+	public static Symbol Find(string name) {
+		foreach (Symbol s in terminals)
+			if (s.name == name) return s;
+		foreach (Symbol s in nonterminals)
+			if (s.name == name) return s;
+		return null;
+	}
+	public int CompareTo(object x) {
+		return name.CompareTo(((Symbol)x).name);
+	}
+// Syntax graph (class Node, class Graph)
+public class Node {
+	public static ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
+	public static string[] nTyp =
+		{"    ", "t   ", "pr  ", "nt  ", "clas", "chr ", "wt  ", "any ", "eps ",  /* AW 03-01-14 nTyp[0]: " " --> "    " */
+		 "sync", "sem ", "alt ", "iter", "opt ", "rslv"};
+	// constants for node kinds
+	public const int t    =  1;  // terminal symbol
+	public const int pr   =  2;  // pragma
+	public const int nt   =  3;  // nonterminal symbol
+	public const int clas =  4;  // character class
+	public const int chr  =  5;  // character
+	public const int wt   =  6;  // weak terminal symbol
+	public const int any  =  7;  // 
+	public const int eps  =  8;  // empty
+	public const int sync =  9;  // synchronization symbol
+	public const int sem  = 10;  // semantic action: (. .)
+	public const int alt  = 11;  // alternative: |
+	public const int iter = 12;  // iteration: { }
+	public const int opt  = 13;  // option: [ ]
+	public const int rslv = 14;  // resolver expr  /* ML */ /* AW 03-01-13 renamed slv --> rslv */
+	public const int normalTrans  = 0;		// transition codes
+	public const int contextTrans = 1;
+	public int      n;			// node number
+	public int      typ;		// t, nt, wt, chr, clas, any, eps, sem, sync, alt, iter, opt, rslv
+	public Node     next;		// to successor node
+	public Node     down;		// alt: to next alternative
+	public Node     sub;		// alt, iter, opt: to first node of substructure
+	public bool     up;			// true: "next" leads to successor in enclosing structure
+	public Symbol   sym;		// nt, t, wt: symbol represented by this node
+	public int      val;		// chr:  ordinal character value
+													// clas: index of character class
+	public int      code;		// chr, clas: transition code
+	public BitArray set;		// any, sync: the set represented by this node
+	public Position pos;		// nt, t, wt: pos of actual attributes
+													// sem:       pos of semantic action in source text
+	public int      line;		// source text line number of item in this node
+	public State    state;	// DFA state corresponding to this node
+													// (only used in DFA.ConvertToStates)
+	public Node(int typ, Symbol sym, int line) {
+		this.typ = typ; this.sym = sym; this.line = line;
+		n = nodes.Count;
+		nodes.Add(this);
+	}
+	public Node(int typ, Node sub): this(typ, null, 0) {
+		this.sub = sub;
+	}
+	public Node(int typ, int val, int line): this(typ, null, line) {
+		this.val = val;
+	}
+	public static bool DelGraph(Node p) {
+		return p == null || DelNode(p) && DelGraph(p.next);
+	}
+	public static bool DelAlt(Node p) {
+		return p == null || DelNode(p) && (p.up || DelAlt(p.next));
+	}
+	public static bool DelNode(Node p) {
+		if (p.typ == nt) return p.sym.deletable;
+		else if (p.typ == alt) return DelAlt(p.sub) || p.down != null && DelAlt(p.down);
+		else return p.typ == eps || p.typ == iter || p.typ == opt || p.typ == sem || p.typ == sync;
+	}
+	//----------------- for printing ----------------------
+	static int Ptr(Node p, bool up) {
+		if (p == null) return 0; 
+		else if (up) return -p.n;
+		else return p.n;
+	}
+	static string Pos(Position pos) {
+		if (pos == null) return "     "; else return String.Format("{0,5}", pos.beg);
+	}
+	public static string Name(string name) {
+		return (name + "           ").Substring(0, 12);
+		/* isn't this better (less string allocations, easier to understand): *
+		 * return (name.Length > 12) ? name.Substring(0,12) : name;           */
+	}
+	public static void PrintNodes() {
+		Trace.WriteLine("Graph nodes:");
+		Trace.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------");
+		Trace.WriteLine("   n type name          next  down   sub   pos  line");
+		Trace.WriteLine("                               val  code");
+		Trace.WriteLine("----------------------------------------------------");
+		foreach (Node p in nodes) {
+			Trace.Write("{0,4} {1} ", p.n, nTyp[p.typ]);
+			if (p.sym != null)
+				Trace.Write("{0,12} ", Name(p.sym.name));
+			else if (p.typ == Node.clas) {
+				CharClass c = (CharClass)CharClass.classes[p.val];
+				Trace.Write("{0,12} ", Name(c.name));
+			} else Trace.Write("             ");
+			Trace.Write("{0,5} ", Ptr(p.next, p.up));
+			switch (p.typ) {
+				case t: case nt: case wt:
+					Trace.Write("             {0,5}", Pos(p.pos)); break;
+				case chr:
+					Trace.Write("{0,5} {1,5}       ", p.val, p.code); break;
+				case clas:
+					Trace.Write("      {0,5}       ", p.code); break;
+				case alt: case iter: case opt:
+					Trace.Write("{0,5} {1,5}       ", Ptr(p.down, false), Ptr(p.sub, false)); break;
+				case sem:
+					Trace.Write("             {0,5}", Pos(p.pos)); break;
+				case eps: case any: case sync:
+					Trace.Write("                  "); break;
+			}
+			Trace.WriteLine("{0,5}", p.line);
+		}
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+	}
+public class Graph {
+	static Node dummyNode = new Node(Node.eps, null, 0);
+	public Node l;	// left end of graph = head
+	public Node r;	// right end of graph = list of nodes to be linked to successor graph
+	public Graph() {
+		l = null; r = null;
+	}
+	public Graph(Node left, Node right) {
+		l = left; r = right;
+	}
+	public Graph(Node p) {
+		l = p; r = p;
+	}
+	public static void MakeFirstAlt(Graph g) {
+		g.l = new Node(Node.alt, g.l); g.l.line = g.l.sub.line; /* AW 2002-03-07 make line available for error handling */
+		g.l.next = g.r;
+		g.r = g.l;
+	}
+	public static void MakeAlternative(Graph g1, Graph g2) {
+		g2.l = new Node(Node.alt, g2.l); g2.l.line = g2.l.sub.line;
+		Node p = g1.l; while (p.down != null) p = p.down;
+		p.down = g2.l;
+		p = g1.r; while (p.next != null) p = p.next;
+		p.next = g2.r;
+	}
+	public static void MakeSequence(Graph g1, Graph g2) {
+		Node p = g1.r.next; g1.r.next = g2.l; // link head node
+		while (p != null) {  // link substructure
+			Node q = p.next; p.next = g2.l; p.up = true;
+			p = q;
+		}
+		g1.r = g2.r;
+	}
+	public static void MakeIteration(Graph g) {
+		g.l = new Node(Node.iter, g.l);
+		Node p = g.r;
+		g.r = g.l;
+		while (p != null) {
+			Node q = p.next; p.next = g.l; p.up = true;
+			p = q;
+		}
+	}
+	public static void MakeOption(Graph g) {
+		g.l = new Node(Node.opt, g.l);
+		g.l.next = g.r;
+		g.r = g.l;
+	}
+	public static void Finish(Graph g) {
+		Node p = g.r;
+		while (p != null) {
+			Node q = p.next; p.next = null; p = q;
+		}
+	}
+  public static void SetContextTrans(Node p) { // set transition code in the graph rooted at p
+    DFA.hasCtxMoves = true;
+    while (p != null) {
+      if (p.typ == Node.chr || p.typ == Node.clas) {
+        p.code = Node.contextTrans;
+      } else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
+        SetContextTrans(p.sub);
+      } else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+        SetContextTrans(p.sub); SetContextTrans(p.down);
+      }
+      if (p.up) break;
+      p = p.next;
+    }
+  }
+	public static void DeleteNodes() {
+		Node.nodes = new ArrayList();
+		dummyNode = new Node(Node.eps, null, 0);
+	}
+	public static Graph StrToGraph(string str) {
+		string s = DFA.Unescape(str.Substring(1, str.Length-2));
+		if (s.IndexOf('\0') >= 0) Parser.SemErr("\\0 not allowed here. Used as eof character");
+		if (s.Length == 0) Parser.SemErr("empty token not allowed");
+		Graph g = new Graph();
+		g.r = dummyNode;
+		for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
+			Node p = new Node(Node.chr, (int)s[i], 0);
+			g.r.next = p; g.r = p;
+		}
+		g.l = dummyNode.next; dummyNode.next = null;
+		return g;
+	}
+// Bit sets 
+public class Sets {
+	public static int First(BitArray s) {
+		int max = s.Count;
+		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
+			if (s[i]) return i;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	public static int Elements(BitArray s) {
+		int max = s.Count;
+		int n = 0;
+		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
+			if (s[i]) n++;
+		return n;
+	}
+	public static bool Equals(BitArray a, BitArray b) {
+		int max = a.Count;
+		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
+			if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
+		return true;
+	}
+	public static bool Includes(BitArray a, BitArray b) {	// a > b ?
+		int max = a.Count;
+		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
+			if (b[i] && ! a[i]) return false;
+		return true;
+	}
+	public static bool Intersect(BitArray a, BitArray b) { // a * b != {}
+		int max = a.Count;
+		for (int i=0; i<max; i++)
+			if (a[i] && b[i]) return true;
+		return false;
+	}
+	public static void Subtract(BitArray a, BitArray b) { // a = a - b
+		BitArray c = (BitArray) b.Clone();
+		a.And(c.Not());
+	}
+	public static void PrintSet(BitArray s, int indent) {
+		int col, len;
+		col = indent;
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
+			if (s[sym.n]) {
+				len = sym.name.Length;
+				if (col + len >= 80) {
+					Trace.WriteLine();
+					for (col = 1; col < indent; col++) Trace.Write(" ");
+				}
+				Trace.Write("{0} ", sym.name);
+				col += len + 1;
+			}
+		}
+		if (col == indent) Trace.Write("-- empty set --");
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+	}
+// Character class management
+public class CharClass {
+	public static ArrayList classes = new ArrayList();
+	public static int dummyName = 'A';
+	public const int charSetSize = 256;  // must be a multiple of 16
+	public int n;       	// class number
+	public string name;		// class name
+	public BitArray set;	// set representing the class
+	public CharClass(string name, BitArray s) {
+		if (name == "#") name = "#" + (char)dummyName++;
+		this.n = classes.Count; this.name = name; this.set = s;
+		classes.Add(this);
+	}
+	public static CharClass Find(string name) {
+		foreach (CharClass c in classes)
+			if (c.name == name) return c;
+		return null;
+	}
+	public static CharClass Find(BitArray s) {
+		foreach (CharClass c in classes)
+			if (Sets.Equals(s, c.set)) return c;
+		return null;
+	}
+	public static BitArray Set(int i) {
+		return ((CharClass)classes[i]).set;
+	}
+	static string Ch(int ch) {
+		if (ch < ' ' || ch >= 127 || ch == '\'' || ch == '\\') return ch.ToString();
+		else return String.Format("'{0}'", (char)ch);
+	}
+	static void WriteCharSet(BitArray s) {
+			int i = 0, len = s.Count;
+			while (i < len) {
+				while (i < len && !s[i]) i++;
+				if (i == len) break;
+				int j = i;
+				while (i < len && s[i]) i++;
+				if (j < i-1) Trace.Write("{0}..{1} ", Ch(j), Ch(i-1)); 
+				else Trace.Write("{0} ", Ch(j));
+			}
+	}
+	public static void WriteClasses () {
+		foreach (CharClass c in classes) {
+			Trace.Write("{0,-10}: ", c.name);
+			WriteCharSet(c.set);
+			Trace.WriteLine();
+		}
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+	}
+// Symbol table management routines
+public class Tab {
+	public static Position semDeclPos;	// position of global semantic declarations
+	public static BitArray ignored;			// characters ignored by the scanner
+	public static bool[] ddt = new bool[10];	// debug and test switches
+	public static Symbol gramSy;				// root nonterminal; filled by ATG
+	public static Symbol eofSy;					// end of file symbol
+	public static Symbol noSym;					// used in case of an error
+	public static BitArray allSyncSets;	// union of all synchronisation sets
+	public static string nsName;        // namespace for generated files
+	static BitArray visited;						// mark list for graph traversals
+	static Symbol curSy;								// current symbol in computation of sets
+	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//  Symbol set computations
+	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	/* Computes the first set for the given Node. */
+	static BitArray First0(Node p, BitArray mark) {
+		BitArray fs = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+		while (p != null && !mark[p.n]) {
+			mark[p.n] = true;
+			switch (p.typ) {
+				case Node.nt: {
+					if (p.sym.firstReady) fs.Or(p.sym.first);
+					else fs.Or(First0(p.sym.graph, mark));
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.t: case Node.wt: {
+					fs[p.sym.n] = true; break;
+				}
+				case Node.any: {
+					fs.Or(p.set); break;
+				}
+				case Node.alt: {
+					fs.Or(First0(p.sub, mark));
+					fs.Or(First0(p.down, mark));
+					break;
+				}
+				case Node.iter: case Node.opt: {
+					fs.Or(First0(p.sub, mark));
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!Node.DelNode(p)) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+		return fs;
+	}
+	/// <returns>
+	/// BitArray which contains the first tokens.
+	/// </returns>
+	public static BitArray First(Node p) {
+		BitArray fs = First0(p, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
+		if (ddt[3]) {
+			Trace.WriteLine(); 
+			if (p != null) Trace.WriteLine("First: node = {0}", p.n);
+			else Trace.WriteLine("First: node = null");
+			Sets.PrintSet(fs, 0);
+		}
+		return fs;
+	}
+	static void CompFirstSets() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			sym.first = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+			sym.firstReady = false;
+		}
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			sym.first = First(sym.graph);
+			sym.firstReady = true;
+		}
+	}
+	static void CompFollow(Node p) {
+		while (p != null && !visited[p.n]) {
+			visited[p.n] = true;
+			if (p.typ == Node.nt) {
+				BitArray s = First(p.next);
+				p.sym.follow.Or(s);
+				if (Node.DelGraph(p.next))
+					p.sym.nts[curSy.n] = true;
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
+				CompFollow(p.sub);
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+				CompFollow(p.sub); CompFollow(p.down);
+			}
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	static void Complete(Symbol sym) {
+		if (!visited[sym.n]) {
+			visited[sym.n] = true;
+			foreach (Symbol s in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+				if (sym.nts[s.n]) {
+					Complete(s);
+					sym.follow.Or(s.follow);
+					if (sym == curSy) sym.nts[s.n] = false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	static void CompFollowSets() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			sym.follow = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+			sym.nts = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
+		}
+		visited = new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) { // get direct successors of nonterminals
+			curSy = sym;
+			CompFollow(sym.graph);
+		}
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) { // add indirect successors to followers
+			visited = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
+			curSy = sym;
+			Complete(sym);
+		}
+	}
+	static Node LeadingAny(Node p) {
+		if (p == null) return null;
+		Node a = null;
+		if (p.typ == Node.any) a = p;
+		else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+			a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
+			if (a == null) a = LeadingAny(p.down);
+		}
+		else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
+		else if (Node.DelNode(p) && !p.up) a = LeadingAny(p.next);
+		return a;
+	}
+	static void FindAS(Node p) { // find ANY sets
+		Node a;
+		while (p != null) {
+			if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
+				FindAS(p.sub);
+				a = LeadingAny(p.sub);
+				if (a != null) Sets.Subtract(a.set, First(p.next));
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+				BitArray s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+				Node q = p;
+				while (q != null) {
+					FindAS(q.sub);
+					a = LeadingAny(q.sub);
+					if (a != null)
+						Sets.Subtract(a.set, First(q.down).Or(s1));
+					else
+						s1.Or(First(q.sub));
+					q = q.down;
+				}
+			}
+			if (p.up) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	static void CompAnySets() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) FindAS(sym.graph);
+	}
+	public static BitArray Expected(Node p, Symbol curSy) {
+		BitArray s = First(p);
+		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) s.Or(curSy.follow);
+		return s;
+	}
+	public static BitArray Expected(Node p, Symbol curSy, int outmost) {
+		BitArray s = First(p);
+		if (Node.DelGraph(p)) s.Or(curSy.follow);
+		return s;
+	}
+	static void CompSync(Node p) {
+		while (p != null && !visited[p.n]) {
+			visited[p.n] = true;
+			if (p.typ == Node.sync) {
+				BitArray s = Expected(p.next, curSy);
+				s[eofSy.n] = true;
+				allSyncSets.Or(s);
+				p.set = s;
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+				CompSync(p.sub); CompSync(p.down);
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter)
+				CompSync(p.sub);
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	static void CompSyncSets() {
+		allSyncSets = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+		allSyncSets[eofSy.n] = true;
+		visited = new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			curSy = sym;
+			CompSync(curSy.graph);
+		}
+	}
+	public static void SetupAnys() {
+		foreach (Node p in Node.nodes)
+			if (p.typ == Node.any) {
+				p.set = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count, true);
+				p.set[eofSy.n] = false;
+			}
+	}
+	public static void CompDeletableSymbols() {
+		bool changed;
+		do {
+			changed = false;
+			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
+				if (!sym.deletable && sym.graph != null && Node.DelGraph(sym.graph)) {
+					sym.deletable = true; changed = true;
+				}
+		} while (changed);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
+			if (sym.deletable) Console.WriteLine("  {0} deletable", sym.name);
+	}
+	public static void RenumberPragmas() {
+		int n = Symbol.terminals.Count;
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) sym.n = n++;
+	}
+	public static void CompSymbolSets() {
+		CompDeletableSymbols();
+		CompFirstSets();
+		CompFollowSets();
+		CompAnySets();
+		CompSyncSets();
+		if (ddt[1]) {
+			Trace.WriteLine();
+			Trace.WriteLine("First & follow symbols:");
+			Trace.WriteLine("----------------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
+			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+				Trace.WriteLine(sym.name);
+				Trace.Write("first:   "); Sets.PrintSet(sym.first, 10);
+				Trace.Write("follow:  "); Sets.PrintSet(sym.follow, 10);
+				Trace.WriteLine();
+			}
+		}
+		if (ddt[4]) {
+			Trace.WriteLine();
+			Trace.WriteLine("ANY and SYNC sets:");
+			Trace.WriteLine("-----------------");
+			foreach (Node p in Node.nodes)
+				if (p.typ == Node.any || p.typ == Node.sync) {
+					Trace.Write("{0,4} {1,4}: ", p.n, Node.nTyp[p.typ]);
+					Sets.PrintSet(p.set, 11);
+				}
+		}
+	}
+	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//  Grammar checks
+	//---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	public static bool GrammarOk() {
+		bool ok = NtsComplete() 
+			&& AllNtReached() 
+			&& NoCircularProductions()
+			&& AllNtToTerm();
+    if (ok) CheckLL1();
+    return ok;
+	}
+	//--------------- check for circular productions ----------------------
+	class CNode {	// node of list for finding circular productions
+		public Symbol left, right;
+		public CNode (Symbol l, Symbol r) {
+			left = l; right = r;
+		}
+	}
+	static void GetSingles(Node p, ArrayList singles) {
+		if (p == null) return;  // end of graph
+		if (p.typ == Node.nt) {
+			if (p.up || Node.DelGraph(p.next)) singles.Add(p.sym);
+		} else if (p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) {
+			if (p.up || Node.DelGraph(p.next)) {
+				GetSingles(p.sub, singles);
+				if (p.typ == Node.alt) GetSingles(p.down, singles);
+			}
+		}
+		if (!p.up && Node.DelNode(p)) GetSingles(p.next, singles);
+	}
+	public static bool NoCircularProductions() {
+		bool ok, changed, onLeftSide, onRightSide;
+		ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			ArrayList singles = new ArrayList();
+			GetSingles(sym.graph, singles); // get nonterminals s such that sym-->s
+			foreach (Symbol s in singles) list.Add(new CNode(sym, s));
+		}
+		do {
+			changed = false;
+			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
+				CNode n = (CNode)list[i];
+				onLeftSide = false; onRightSide = false;
+				foreach (CNode m in list) {
+					if (n.left == m.right) onRightSide = true;
+					if (n.right == m.left) onLeftSide = true;
+				}
+				if (!onLeftSide || !onRightSide) {
+					list.Remove(n); i--; changed = true;
+				}
+			}
+		} while(changed);
+		ok = true;
+		foreach (CNode n in list) {
+			ok = false; Errors.count++;
+			Console.WriteLine("  {0} --> {1}", n.left.name, n.right.name);
+		}
+		return ok;
+	}
+	//--------------- check for LL(1) errors ----------------------
+	static void LL1Error(int cond, Symbol sym) {
+		Console.Write("  LL1 warning in {0}: ", curSy.name);
+		if (sym != null) Console.Write("{0} is ", sym.name);
+		switch (cond) {
+			case 1: Console.WriteLine(" start of several alternatives"); break;
+			case 2: Console.WriteLine(" start & successor of deletable structure"); break;
+			case 3: Console.WriteLine(" an ANY node that matches no symbol"); break;
+		}
+	}
+	static void CheckOverlap(BitArray s1, BitArray s2, int cond) {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) {
+			if (s1[sym.n] && s2[sym.n]) LL1Error(cond, sym);
+		}
+	}
+	static void CheckAlts(Node p) {
+		BitArray s1, s2;
+		while (p != null) {
+			if (p.typ == Node.alt) {
+				Node q = p;
+				s1 = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);
+				while (q != null) { // for all alternatives
+					s2 = Expected(q.sub, curSy);
+					CheckOverlap(s1, s2, 1);
+					s1.Or(s2);
+					CheckAlts(q.sub);
+					q = q.down;
+				}
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.opt || p.typ == Node.iter) {
+				s1 = Expected(p.sub, curSy);
+				s2 = Expected(p.next, curSy);
+				CheckOverlap(s1, s2, 2);
+				CheckAlts(p.sub);
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.any) {
+				if (Sets.Elements(p.set) == 0) LL1Error(3, null);
+				// e.g. {ANY} ANY or [ANY] ANY
+			}
+			if (p.up) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	static void RSlvError(string msg) {
+		Console.WriteLine(msg);
+	}
+	static void CheckResolver(Node p) {
+		while (p != null) {
+			// check subnodes of current node p
+			if ((p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) &&
+			    !p.sub.up)
+				if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) CheckResolver(p.sub.next);
+				else CheckResolver(p.sub);
+			// check current node p
+			switch (p.typ) {
+				case Node.alt:
+					BitArray uncovered = new BitArray(Symbol.terminals.Count);  // first symbols of alternatives without a resolver (not "covered" by a resolver)
+					ArrayList coveredList = new ArrayList();  // list of follow symbols of each resolver (these are "covered" by the resolver)
+					ArrayList rslvList = new ArrayList();
+					// build set of uncovered first symbols & check for misplaced resolvers 
+					// (= not at the first n-1 of n conflicting alternatives)
+					Node q = p;
+					while (q != null) {
+						BitArray curCovered;
+						if (q.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
+						  // get followers of resolver (these are "covered" by it)
+							if (q.sub.next == null) curCovered = curSy.follow;
+							else curCovered = First0(q.sub.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
+							coveredList.Add(curCovered);
+							rslvList.Add(q.sub);
+							// resolver must "cover" all but the last occurrence of a conflicting symbol
+							if (Sets.Intersect(uncovered, curCovered))
+								RSlvError("Misplaced resolver at line " + q.sub.line + " will never be evaluated. " +
+								          "Place resolver at previous conflicting alternative.");
+						} else uncovered.Or(First0(q.sub, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count)));
+						q = q.down;
+					}
+					// check for obsolete resolvers 
+					// (= alternatives starting with resolvers, when there is no conflict)
+					BitArray[] covered = (BitArray[]) coveredList.ToArray(typeof(BitArray));
+					Node[] rslvs = (Node[]) rslvList.ToArray(typeof(Node));
+					for (int i = 0; i < rslvs.Length; ++i) {
+						if (!Sets.Intersect(uncovered, covered[i])) 
+							RSlvError("Obsolete resolver at line " + rslvs[i].line + ". " +
+							          "Neither of the start symbols of the alternative occurs without a resolver.");
+						/*
+						if (!Sets.Includes(uncovered, covered[i]))
+							RSlvError("At least one of the symbols after the resolver at line " + rslvs[i].line + 
+							          " does not appear without a resolver. Remove the last resolver covering this symbol.");
+						*/
+						/*
+						if (Sets.Equals(, covered[i]))
+							RSlvError("Resolver at line " + rslvArr[i].line + " covers more symbols than necessary.\n" +
+							          "Place resolvers only in front of conflicting symbols.");
+						*/
+					}
+					break;
+				case Node.iter: case Node.opt:
+					if (p.sub.typ == Node.rslv) {
+						BitArray fs = First0(p.sub.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
+						BitArray fsNext;
+						if (p.next == null) fsNext = curSy.follow;
+						else fsNext = First0(p.next, new BitArray(Node.nodes.Count));
+						if (!Sets.Intersect(fs, fsNext)) 
+							RSlvError("Obsolete resolver expression (IF ...) at line " + p.sub.line);
+					}
+					break;
+				case Node.rslv:
+					RSlvError("Unexpected Resolver in line " + p.line + ". Will cause parsing error.");
+					break;
+			}
+			if (p.up) break; 
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	public static void CheckLL1() {
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			curSy = sym;
+			CheckAlts(curSy.graph);
+			CheckResolver(curSy.graph);
+		}
+	}
+	//------------- check if every nts has a production --------------------
+	public static bool NtsComplete() {
+		bool complete = true;
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			if (sym.graph == null) {
+				complete = false; Errors.count++;
+				Console.WriteLine("  No production for {0}", sym.name);
+			}
+		}
+		return complete;
+	}
+	//-------------- check if every nts can be reached  -----------------
+	static void MarkReachedNts(Node p) {
+		while (p != null) {
+			if (p.typ == Node.nt && !visited[p.sym.n]) { // new nt reached
+				visited[p.sym.n] = true;
+				MarkReachedNts(p.sym.graph);
+			} else if (p.typ == Node.alt || p.typ == Node.iter || p.typ == Node.opt) {
+				MarkReachedNts(p.sub);
+				if (p.typ == Node.alt) MarkReachedNts(p.down);
+			}
+			if (p.up) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+	}
+	public static bool AllNtReached() {
+		bool ok = true;
+		visited = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
+		visited[gramSy.n] = true;
+		MarkReachedNts(gramSy.graph);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			if (!visited[sym.n]) {
+				ok = false; Errors.count++;
+				Console.WriteLine("  {0} cannot be reached", sym.name);
+			}
+		}
+		return ok;
+	}
+	//--------- check if every nts can be derived to terminals  ------------
+	static bool IsTerm(Node p, BitArray mark) { // true if graph can be derived to terminals
+		while (p != null) {
+			if (p.typ == Node.nt && !mark[p.sym.n]) return false;
+			if (p.typ == Node.alt && !IsTerm(p.sub, mark) 
+			&& (p.down == null || !IsTerm(p.down, mark))) return false;
+			if (p.up) break;
+			p = p.next;
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+	public static bool AllNtToTerm() {
+		bool changed, ok = true;
+		BitArray mark = new BitArray(Symbol.nonterminals.Count);
+		// a nonterminal is marked if it can be derived to terminal symbols
+		do {
+			changed = false;
+			foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
+				if (!mark[sym.n] && IsTerm(sym.graph, mark)) {
+					mark[sym.n] = true; changed = true;
+				}
+		} while (changed);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals)
+			if (!mark[sym.n]) {
+				ok = false; Errors.count++;
+				Console.WriteLine("  {0} cannot be derived to terminals", sym.name);
+			}
+		return ok;
+	}
+	/*---------------------------------------------------------------------
+	  Utility functions
+	---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+	static int Num(Node p) {
+		if (p == null) return 0; else return p.n;
+	}
+	static void PrintSym(Symbol sym) {
+		Trace.Write("{0,3} {1,-14} {2}", sym.n, Node.Name(sym.name), Node.nTyp[sym.typ]);
+		if (sym.attrPos==null) Trace.Write(" false "); else Trace.Write(" true  ");
+		if (sym.typ == Node.nt) {
+			Trace.Write("{0,5}", Num(sym.graph));
+			if (sym.deletable) Trace.Write(" true  "); else Trace.Write(" false ");
+		} else
+			Trace.Write("            ");
+		Trace.WriteLine("{0,5}", sym.line);
+	}
+	public static void PrintSymbolTable() {
+		Trace.WriteLine("Symbol Table:");
+		Trace.WriteLine("------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
+		Trace.WriteLine(" nr name          typ  hasAt graph  del   line");
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.terminals) PrintSym(sym);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.pragmas) PrintSym(sym);
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) PrintSym(sym);
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+	}
+	public static void XRef() {
+		SortedList tab = new SortedList();
+		// collect lines where symbols have been defined
+		foreach (Symbol sym in Symbol.nonterminals) {
+			ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[sym];
+			if (list == null) {list = new ArrayList(); tab[sym] = list;}
+			list.Add(- sym.line);
+		}
+		// collect lines where symbols have been referenced
+		foreach (Node n in Node.nodes) {
+			if (n.typ == Node.t || n.typ == Node.wt || n.typ == Node.nt) {
+				ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[n.sym];
+				if (list == null) {list = new ArrayList(); tab[n.sym] = list;}
+				list.Add(n.line);
+			}
+		}
+		// print cross reference list
+		Trace.WriteLine();
+		Trace.WriteLine("Cross reference list:");
+		Trace.WriteLine("--------------------"); Trace.WriteLine();
+		foreach (Symbol sym in tab.Keys) {
+			Trace.Write("  {0,-12}", Node.Name(sym.name));
+			ArrayList list = (ArrayList)tab[sym];
+			int col = 14;
+			foreach (int line in list) {
+				if (col + 5 > 80) {
+					Trace.WriteLine();
+					for (col = 1; col <= 14; col++) Trace.Write(" ");
+				}
+				Trace.Write("{0,5}", line); col += 5;
+			}
+			Trace.WriteLine();
+		}
+		Trace.WriteLine(); Trace.WriteLine();
+	}
+	public static void SetDDT(string s) {
+		s = s.ToUpper();
+		foreach (char ch in s) {
+			if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') ddt[ch - '0'] = true;
+			else switch (ch) {
+				case 'A' : ddt[0] = true; break; // trace automaton
+				case 'F' : ddt[1] = true; break; // list first/follow sets
+				case 'G' : ddt[2] = true; break; // print syntax graph
+				case 'I' : ddt[3] = true; break; // trace computation of first sets
+				case 'J' : ddt[4] = true; break; // print ANY and SYNC sets
+				case 'P' : ddt[8] = true; break; // print statistics
+				case 'S' : ddt[6] = true; break; // list symbol table
+				case 'X' : ddt[7] = true; break; // list cross reference table
+				default : break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	public static void Init () {
+		eofSy = new Symbol(Node.t, "EOF", 0);
+	}
+} // end Tab
+} // end namespace

Modified: trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Trace.cs
--- trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Trace.cs	2004-04-09 12:41:44 UTC (rev 1420)
+++ trunk/MonoDevelop/src/Tools/SharpCoco/src/Trace.cs	2004-04-09 17:17:47 UTC (rev 1421)
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
-class Trace {
-	const string FILENAME = "trace.txt";
-	static StreamWriter trace;
-	public static void Init (String dir) {
-		FileStream s;
-		try {
-			s = new FileStream(dir + FILENAME, FileMode.Create);  /* AW use FILENAME */
-			trace = new StreamWriter(s);
-		} catch (IOException) {
-			Errors.Exception("-- could not open trace file");
-		}
-	}
-	public static void Write (string s) { trace.Write(s); }
-	public static void Write (string s, params object[] args) {
-		trace.Write(s, args);
-	}
-	public static void WriteLine (string s) { trace.WriteLine(s); }
-	public static void WriteLine (string s, params object[] args) {
-		trace.WriteLine(s, args);
-	}
-	public static void WriteLine () { trace.WriteLine(); }
-	public static void Close () { trace.Close(); }
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+namespace at.jku.ssw.Coco {
+class Trace {
+	const string FILENAME = "trace.txt";
+	static StreamWriter trace;
+	public static void Init (String dir) {
+		FileStream s;
+		try {
+			s = new FileStream(dir + FILENAME, FileMode.Create);  /* AW use FILENAME */
+			trace = new StreamWriter(s);
+		} catch (IOException) {
+			Errors.Exception("-- could not open trace file");
+		}
+	}
+	public static void Write (string s) { trace.Write(s); }
+	public static void Write (string s, params object[] args) {
+		trace.Write(s, args);
+	}
+	public static void WriteLine (string s) { trace.WriteLine(s); }
+	public static void WriteLine (string s, params object[] args) {
+		trace.WriteLine(s, args);
+	}
+	public static void WriteLine () { trace.WriteLine(); }
+	public static void Close () { trace.Close(); }

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