[MonoDevelop] What happened to the break on Exception settings?

Peter Hultqvist phq at silentorbit.com
Sun Jul 27 10:01:10 UTC 2014

Nice, that's much better than before.
I now see those breakpoints in the list among all other breakpoints.

On 2014-07-27 11:56, Matt Ward wrote:
> In the most recent versions of MonoDevelop you can configure which
> exceptions to break on in the Create a Breakpoint dialog (Run - New
> Breakpoint).
> On 27 July 2014 10:32, Peter Hultqvist <phq at silentorbit.com
> <mailto:phq at silentorbit.com>> wrote:
>     I'm missing the Run->Exceptions... menu that allowed me to specify
>     what
>     exceptions to break on, even if caught in code.
>     Now that menu item is gone.
>     Still it appears that the debugger breaks on some caught
>     exceptions that
>     I have previously have configured.
>     Is there a different approach to configure this?
>     Right now I'm running on the master branch.
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