[MonoDevelop] How should I implement Custom SyntaxMode in Mono.TextEditor

Adam Kruszewski kruchy.jr at wp.pl
Sun Jul 20 15:13:14 UTC 2014

Currently, I'm trying to implement Syntax Highlighting for my custom 
editor using Mono.TextEditor.

I can switch on CSharp syntax mode, but when I try to switch on my 
definition of syntax I couldn't see any effects. It doesn't matter, if I 
compile my syntax schema into Mono.TextEditor.dll or I try to read 
definition from a file (my file is file from C# syntax definition with 
change on mime type only).

This is my code:

         private TextEditor edytor;

         public Window2 () :
             base (Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
             this.Build ();

             edytor = new TextEditor ();

             vbox1.Add (edytor);
             edytor.ShowAll ();
             edytor.Text = GenerujText ();

             edytor.Options.EnableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
             edytor.Options.HighlightCaretLine = true;
             edytor.Options.HighlightMatchingBracket = true;

             WlaczTrybAdam ();

         void WlaczTrybAdam()
             var typMime = "text/adam";
             edytor.Document.MimeType = typMime;

What am I doing wrong? How should I implement this feature?

Adam Kruszewski

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