[MonoDevelop] How to add SSL certificate to the store “My” using mono in Red Hat Linux

Hari phariparam at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 20:43:37 UTC 2014

I have installed *MonoDevelop 4.2* in my system and added the SSL
certificate to the store "My" by using the mono script "*certmgr*" .

The certmgr script path is  *: /usr/local/bin *

 I used the following command to add the certificate. I am able to test my
application successfully.

*certmgr -add -c -m My MyCert.cer*

 The *certmgr* script content is as follows :

*exec /usr/local/bin/mono $MONO_OPTIONS
/usr/local/loib/mono/4.5/certmgr.exe "$@"*

I have *installed mono 3.4.0* in one of my *Red Hat 6.5 machine*. But I
couldn't find the utility *certmgr.exe* in my system.

*Question: *

*How can I install SSL certificate to the store "My" using mono 3.4.0 in
Linux ?*

Thanks for your help.
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