[MonoDevelop] Make fails with a lot of 'Gtk' not found errors

Jeff Stedfast jeff at xamarin.com
Wed Oct 16 14:37:43 UTC 2013

I'm not the person to ask about Entity Framework. I've never used it and
don't even know what it is :-)


On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Haider Malik <haider.malik at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Jeff, it was some issue due to installing all of these at /usr/local. I
> removed the installations (mono, libgdiplus, xsp, mod_mono) from /usr/local
> and installed at /usr instead and then make and install went fine. Now I
> have MonoDevelop 4.0.13 up and running on Ubuntu 13.04 amd64 with mono
> 3.2.3. So maybe make was looking for GTK libraries in /usr/local/lib
> directory instead of /usr/lib? I'm not sure here.
> Thanks for your reply. Could you tell me how the Entity Framework works
> here in MonoDevelop? I read somewhere it was supported but I didn't see any
> option to add it to my project.
> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Jeff Stedfast <jeff at xamarin.com> wrote:
>> You *may* need the latest gtk-sharp2 from
>> http://github.com/mono/gtk-sharp from the gtk-sharp-2-12-branch (master
>> is based on gtk3).
>> Hope that helps,
>> Jeff
>> On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Haider Malik <haider.malik at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I'm getting exact same errors as listed here while I'm trying to make
>>> monodevelop-4.0.13 branch/tag from github:
>>> http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/monodevelop-list/2013-March/015532.html
>>> But when I do apt-get install gtk-sharp2, it says it is already at
>>> latest version.
>>> BTW before trying to build monodevelop, I also downloaded, built and
>>> installed mono and libgdiplus from github. I did 3.2.3 branch/tag for mono
>>> and master for libgdiplus. Installed both at /usr/local and now I'm trying
>>> to install monodevelop at /usr/local too.
>>> Can somebody help please?
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