[MonoDevelop] PyBinding

Mike Krüger mkrueger at xamarin.com
Sat Mar 9 14:03:24 UTC 2013

> I'm interested on building and update pybinding for monodevelop. Right 
> now I did the proper changes to allow to compile pybinding with new 
> monodevelop version. But not all features are developed. Syntax 
> Highlights works, indentation works, but no code completion. I notice 
> that there isn't much documentation  regarind using nrefactoring for 
> other languages.

NRefactory won't help for other languages. Languages need to implement 
their functions alone. (No there is no general code completion or parser 
or stuff like that).

NRefactory just allows .NET languages to interact with each other and 
allows .NET language backends to use a predefined .NET type system 
(which they can extend with language specific features if they want).

If  you make a .NET language I would advise that a type system provider 
should be implemented (that's how it's called) - but before that the 
hard parts - parser, code completion  etc. needs to be solved inside the 
language backends.


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