[MonoDevelop] Build fails where Add Reference to Project
Alberto León
leontiscar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 23:42:26 UTC 2013
After call xbuild in console, MonoDevelop are building well.
And I can switch the targets and re-build without problems.
I think the problem coincide with the first chance to build.
But I can't understand why.
Perhaps I should to install a zero distro and try it another time to be
secure with this odd behaviour.
2013/1/22 Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com>
> Ankit, Michael and Andres building with xbuild from console works
> perfectly.
> MonoDevelop fails with MSBuild/XBuild checked and unchecked.
> How I can help to this?
> 2013/1/21 Ankit Jain <radical at gmail.com>
>> If possible, building with just xbuild, outside of MonoDevelop would also
>> be
>> useful, for debugging.
>> -Ankit
>> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I have used the default configuration.
>>> In few hours I will do it, when I will be at home. Now, I'm at work,
>>> with VS and Win7
>>> Thanks a lot for the tip!
>>> 2013/1/21 Andres G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com>
>>>> If you don't know how to turn it off, maybe our assumption about you
>>>> turning it ON is wrong? (Because the default is OFF)
>>>> You need to go to Edit menu -> Preferences -> Build -> General tab ->
>>>> checkbox [ ] Compile projects using MSBuild/XBuild
>>>> On 21/01/13 12:53, Alberto León wrote:
>>>>> Perhaps is a newbie question, but How I can switch to no use XBuild?
>>>>> Have you any link or guidance for that?
>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>> 2013/1/21 Andres G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com <mailto:
>>>>> knocte at gmail.com>>
>>>>> It may be a bug in xbuild then. Include this information in the bug
>>>>> report.
>>>>> And for now, I guess you can switch back to not using XBuild in
>>>>> MonoDevelop, as Micheal has already suggested.
>>>>> On 20/01/13 19:07, Alberto León wrote:
>>>>> I did the test. The csproj created by Visual Studio is equal to
>>>>> the one
>>>>> created by MonoDevelop.
>>>>> The same behaviour happens, in a Library project, you can't
>>>>> choose Platform.
>>>>> Only offers Any Platform.
>>>>> But in the first PropertyGroup in the Visual Studio csproj as
>>>>> the
>>>>> PropertyGroup in MonoDevelop, for the Any Platform, they
>>>>> haven't
>>>>> OutputPath property.
>>>>> I think the problem is in the builder.
>>>>> The MonoDevelop builder only looks in the properties of the
>>>>> Any Cpu
>>>>> Property Group, when they have to look in the Debug, that has
>>>>> the
>>>>> OutputPath.
>>>>> Another question is that in the configuration or compilation
>>>>> dialog, you
>>>>> can't choose platform, if you are using a Library project. When
>>>>> you look
>>>>> at other type of project, like GTK# or Console you can choose
>>>>> the platform.
>>>>> I think the problem is between the builder loading the
>>>>> configuration of
>>>>> a library. Is any thing distinct compared to the others type of
>>>>> project.
>>>>> 2013/1/20 Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>>**>
>>>>> Yes I can send a test. If you can read and understand
>>>>> Spanish please
>>>>> see www.proyecto-mono.org <http://www.proyecto-mono.org>
>>>>> <http://www.proyecto-mono.org> the last
>>>>> article posted is about this problem and the fix as Alan
>>>>> McGovern
>>>>> suggested me.
>>>>> http://www.proyecto-mono.org/_**_error-outputpath-property-is-
>>>>> **__not-set-for-this-project-en-**__monodevelop/<http://www.proyecto-mono.org/__error-outputpath-property-is-__not-set-for-this-project-en-__monodevelop/>
>>>>> <http://www.proyecto-mono.org/**error-outputpath-property-is-*
>>>>> *not-set-for-this-project-en-**monodevelop/<http://www.proyecto-mono.org/error-outputpath-property-is-not-set-for-this-project-en-monodevelop/>
>>>>> >
>>>>> In Few hours a will send the test in VS and the test in
>>>>> MonoDevelop
>>>>> 2013/1/20 Andres G. Aragoneses <knocte at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:knocte at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:knocte at gmail.com <mailto:knocte at gmail.com>>>
>>>>> Can you do a small test in Visual Studio, creating 2
>>>>> simple
>>>>> projects, one depending on each other? The
>>>>> compilation then
>>>>> would obviously not fail within VS, but the key thing
>>>>> to do
>>>>> would be to compare the .csproj files generated by VS
>>>>> and the
>>>>> ones generated by MD: if the propertyGroup elements
>>>>> are
>>>>> created
>>>>> differently, I guess that is the bug that needs
>>>>> fixing in
>>>>> MonoDevelop.
>>>>> On 20/01/13 12:19, Alberto León wrote:
>>>>> More information about this.
>>>>> When I create a Library project, I can't choose
>>>>> platform for
>>>>> compilation
>>>>> target.
>>>>> So I think this is the big reason that the
>>>>> project A is
>>>>> looking in first
>>>>> PropertyGroup.
>>>>> But the .csproj has the three blocks
>>>>> 2013/1/20 Alberto León <leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>>**>__>
>>>>> The fail appears in Linux Mint. I check it
>>>>> in:
>>>>> Mono + MonoDevelop, from
>>>>> packages
>>>>> Mono 3.0.3 + MonoDevelop 3.0.5,from sources
>>>>> installed
>>>>> in parallel
>>>>> environment
>>>>> I see the problem appears only because when
>>>>> you Compile
>>>>> Project A,
>>>>> that has a reference to Project B, it uses
>>>>> Proyect B first
>>>>> PropertyGroup configuration, not debug
>>>>> configuration.
>>>>> In this
>>>>> configuration OutputPath doesn't appear.
>>>>> This is the xml of the .csproj that fails. If
>>>>> I copy
>>>>> OutputPath from
>>>>> Debug PropertyGroup Configuration, to the
>>>>> first block the
>>>>> compilation success correctly
>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>>> <Project DefaultTargets="Build"
>>>>> ToolsVersion="4.0"
>>>>> xmlns="http://schemas.__micros**__oft.com/developer/__msbuild/
>>>>> **__2003 <http://micros__oft.com/developer/__msbuild/__2003>
>>>>> <http://microsoft.com/**developer/__msbuild/2003<http://microsoft.com/developer/__msbuild/2003>
>>>>> >
>>>>> <http://schemas.microsoft.com/**__developer/msbuild/2003<http://schemas.microsoft.com/__developer/msbuild/2003>
>>>>> <http://schemas.microsoft.com/**developer/msbuild/2003<http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003>
>>>>> >>">
>>>>> <PropertyGroup>
>>>>> <Configuration Condition="
>>>>> '$(Configuration)' == ''
>>>>> ">Debug</Configuration>
>>>>> <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' ==
>>>>> ''
>>>>> ">AnyCPU</Platform>
>>>>> <ProductVersion>10.0.0</____**
>>>>> ProductVersion>
>>>>> <SchemaVersion>2.0</____**
>>>>> SchemaVersion>
>>>>> <ProjectGuid>{046A80F4-E5EA-__**__4E99-B45D-40A71E173067}</___
>>>>> **_ProjectGuid>
>>>>> <OutputType>Library</____**OutputType>
>>>>> <RootNamespace>MiProyecto.____**Core</RootNamespace>
>>>>> <AssemblyName>MiProyecto.Core<**____/AssemblyName>
>>>>> </PropertyGroup>
>>>>> <PropertyGroup Condition="
>>>>> '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' ==
>>>>> 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
>>>>> <DebugSymbols>true</____**DebugSymbols>
>>>>> <DebugType>full</DebugType>
>>>>> <Optimize>false</Optimize>
>>>>> <OutputPath>bin\Debug</____**
>>>>> OutputPath>
>>>>> <DefineConstants>DEBUG;</____**
>>>>> DefineConstants>
>>>>> <ErrorReport>prompt</____**ErrorReport>
>>>>> <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
>>>>> <ConsolePause>false</____**
>>>>> ConsolePause>
>>>>> </PropertyGroup>
>>>>> <PropertyGroup Condition="
>>>>> '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' ==
>>>>> 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
>>>>> <DebugType>none</DebugType>
>>>>> <Optimize>false</Optimize>
>>>>> <OutputPath>bin\Release</____**
>>>>> OutputPath>
>>>>> <ErrorReport>prompt</____**ErrorReport>
>>>>> <WarningLevel>4</WarningLevel>
>>>>> <ConsolePause>false</____**
>>>>> ConsolePause>
>>>>> </PropertyGroup>
>>>>> <ItemGroup>
>>>>> <Reference Include="System" />
>>>>> </ItemGroup>
>>>>> <ItemGroup>
>>>>> <Compile Include="MyClass.cs" />
>>>>> <Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.cs" />
>>>>> </ItemGroup>
>>>>> <Import
>>>>> Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\___**_Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
>>>>> </Project>
>>>>> 2013/1/20 Michael Hutchinson
>>>>> <m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail.**com<m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com>
>>>>> >
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail._**_com
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail.**com <m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail.
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail.>**____com
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail._**_com
>>>>> <mailto:m.j.hutchinson at gmail.**com <m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> It looks like you're using the
>>>>> experimental MSBuild
>>>>> build
>>>>> engine, try disabling it.
>>>>> I suspect this is a bug with building
>>>>> heterogeneous
>>>>> solution
>>>>> configurations (e.g. solution config
>>>>> "Debug|x86"
>>>>> mapped to the
>>>>> "Debug|AnyCPU" project configuration)
>>>>> with the
>>>>> MSBuild engine
>>>>> that was fixed in MD a while back, what
>>>>> MD
>>>>> version
>>>>> are you using?
>>>>> On Jan 17, 2013 5:21 PM, "Alberto León"
>>>>> <leontiscar at gmail.com <mailto:
>>>>> leontiscar at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>>
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:leontiscar at gmail.com>>**>__> wrote:
>>>>> I tried compile projects separately,
>>>>> and all
>>>>> builds without
>>>>> problems.
>>>>> But when I reference a project, and
>>>>> do
>>>>> build,
>>>>> MonoDevelop
>>>>> shows an error 'OutputPath' property
>>>>> is not
>>>>> set for this
>>>>> project
>>>>> Construyendo: hola (Debug)
>>>>> Realizando compilación principal...
>>>>> Build started 17/01/2013 23:17:01.
>>>>> ______________________________**
>>>>> ________________________
>>>>> Project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**__csproj"
>>>>> (Build target(s)):
>>>>> Target PrepareForBuild:
>>>>> Configuration: Debug Platform: AnyCPU
>>>>> Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
>>>>> No input files were specified for
>>>>> target
>>>>> GenerateSatelliteAssemblies,
>>>>> skipping.
>>>>> Target CoreCompile:
>>>>> Tool /usr/bin/gmcs execution started
>>>>> with
>>>>> arguments:
>>>>> /noconfig /debug:full /debug+
>>>>> /optimize-
>>>>> /out:obj/Debug/hola.dll MyClass.cs
>>>>> AssemblyInfo.cs
>>>>> /target:library /define:DEBUG
>>>>> /reference:/usr/lib/mono/2.0/_**___System.dll /warn:4
>>>>> Target DeployOutputFiles:
>>>>> Copying file from
>>>>> '/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/obj/___**
>>>>> _Debug/hola.dll.mdb'
>>>>> to
>>>>> '/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/bin/___**
>>>>> _Debug/hola.dll.mdb'
>>>>> Copying file from
>>>>> '/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/obj/___**_Debug/hola.dll'
>>>>> to
>>>>> '/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/bin/___**
>>>>> _Debug/hola.dll'
>>>>> Done building project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**
>>>>> __csproj".
>>>>> Build succeeded.
>>>>> 0 Warning(s)
>>>>> 0 Error(s)
>>>>> Time Elapsed 00:00:00.6061730
>>>>> Construcción finalizada -- 0
>>>>> errores, 0
>>>>> advertencias
>>>>> Construyendo:
>>>>> MonoSimpleInstallConsole
>>>>> (Debug|x86)
>>>>> Realizando compilación principal...
>>>>> Build started 17/01/2013 23:17:02.
>>>>> ______________________________**
>>>>> ________________________
>>>>> Project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/____**
>>>>> MonoSimpleInstallConsole/____**MonoSimpleInstallConsole.____**csproj"
>>>>> (Build target(s)):
>>>>> Target PrepareForBuild:
>>>>> Configuration: Debug Platform: x86
>>>>> Target ResolveProjectReferences:
>>>>> Project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**__csproj"
>>>>> (GetTargetPath target(s)):
>>>>> Target _ValidateEssentialProperties:
>>>>> /usr/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.__**__Common.targets:
>>>>> error :
>>>>> 'OutputPath' property is not set for
>>>>> this
>>>>> project. Usually
>>>>> this is caused by invalid
>>>>> Configuration/Platform
>>>>> combination. Original values:
>>>>> Configuration:
>>>>> Debug Platform:
>>>>> x86.
>>>>> Task "Error" execution -- FAILED
>>>>> Done building target
>>>>> "_ValidateEssentialProperties" in
>>>>> project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**__csproj".--
>>>>> FAILED
>>>>> Done building project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**__csproj".--
>>>>> FAILED
>>>>> Task "MSBuild" execution -- FAILED
>>>>> Done building target
>>>>> "ResolveProjectReferences"
>>>>> in project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/____**
>>>>> MonoSimpleInstallConsole/____**MonoSimpleInstallConsole.____**
>>>>> csproj".--
>>>>> FAILED
>>>>> Done building project
>>>>> "/home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/____**
>>>>> MonoSimpleInstallConsole/____**MonoSimpleInstallConsole.____**
>>>>> csproj".--
>>>>> FAILED
>>>>> Build FAILED.
>>>>> Errors:
>>>>> /home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/____**
>>>>> MonoSimpleInstallConsole/____**MonoSimpleInstallConsole.____**csproj
>>>>> (Build) ->
>>>>> /usr/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.__**__Common.targets
>>>>> (ResolveProjectReferences target) ->
>>>>> /home/alberto/____**MonoSimpleInstall/hola/hola.__**__csproj
>>>>> (GetTargetPath) ->
>>>>> /usr/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.__**__Common.targets
>>>>> (_ValidateEssentialProperties
>>>>> target) ->
>>>>> /usr/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.__**__Common.targets:
>>>>> error :
>>>>> 'OutputPath' property is not set for
>>>>> this
>>>>> project. Usually
>>>>> this is caused by invalid
>>>>> Configuration/Platform
>>>>> combination. Original values:
>>>>> Configuration:
>>>>> Debug Platform:
>>>>> x86.
>>>>> 0 Warning(s)
>>>>> 1 Error(s)
>>>>> Time Elapsed 00:00:00.1621860
>>>>> Construcción finalizada -- 1 error, 0
>>>>> advertencias
>>>>> ---------------------- Hecho
>>>>> ---------------------
>>>>> Construcción: 1 error, 0 advertencias
>>>>> --
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