[MonoDevelop] XS/MD Web Services folder - browsing spport and basic file op (edit, copy paste)

Miljenko Cvjetko mcvjetko at holisticware.net
Thu Feb 21 10:35:23 UTC 2013


This was asked on forum too:

So, we are working on a small x-platform app communicationg with 
WebServices SOAP (.net 2.0), so here are few issues:

  * if Web Reference is created in VS2010 Reference.cs reads Url from
    app.config (in Project Options)
    System.Configuration is not supported on MA and MT, so we replace
    reading Url from Properties with plain string
    directly in Reference.cs.
    I can access Reference.cs in VS with "Show all files" (I have tried
    with VS extensions like VSCommands,
    Productivity Power tools, Power Commands for VS disabled).
  * MD/XS generates proxy as the host (FQHN host.domain.tld) name while
    VS generates Proxy name in reverse order (TLD.Domain.host)
  * when adding Web Reference in MD/XS we are getting exceptions
    depending on what is entered in Dialog.
    Report is being written.

So, it would be nice: * to have basic file operations support in those 
Special Folders (Web References, Service References, Properties)

I have just started compiling MonoDevelop and will try to do some changes.



Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
	Projektant rjes(enja/Solution Architect	
	Razvojni programer/Senior developer
	Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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e: mcvjetko at holisticware.net
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