[MonoDevelop] Differences between MonoDevelop and VS iPhone projects

Miljenko Cvjetko mcvjetko at holisticware.net
Thu May 17 21:01:23 UTC 2012


I bet from Jamie Briant,

I have noticed this behavior before, but not in last few days.
For me benefits outweigh costs.

rest is inline

On 2012.05.17 18:34, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
> On 14 May 2012 15:44, Dean Cleaver<dean.cleaver at xceptionsoftware.com>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Whenever I open a project in VS or MonoDevelop, it changes it so I am
>> constantly checking in changed projects, even though nothing changed.
>> Anyone know of a way to avoid this?
> VS can't open MonoTouch projects without help, are you using some VS extension?
MD on Mac shuffles some lines but only in .userpefs (MD file):
<Node name="HolisticWare.CompositeC1.Ch1rp3r.EXE_MTch" expanded="True" 

<Option id="ShowAllFiles" value="True" />
<Option id="ShowVersionControlOverlays" value="True" />

<Node name="HolisticWare.CompositeC1.Ch1rp3r.EXE_MTch" expanded="True" 
<Option id="ShowVersionControlOverlays" value="True" />
<Option id="ShowAllFiles" value="True" />


those empty lines might be from line-endings - just an idea....



Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
	Projektant rješenja/Solution Architect	
	Razvojni programer/Senior developer
	Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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