[MonoDevelop] F# addin and TabsToSpaces

Mike Krüger mkrueger at xamarin.com
Thu Jul 19 15:02:28 UTC 2012


I think that's tricky to do atm - how about just saying to the users 
that they shouldn't use tabs 2 spaces for f# ?
Monodevelop can be extended to support such things, but atm I think it's 
not possible to do it cleanly.
(you can write an own text editor  extension and handle the \t key 
yourself without using the insert tab action ... but I don't think 
that's a good way doing that)


> Anyone got any suggestions on this?  Just hoping someone might know 
> something...
> At the moment we have to use the global "tab to spaces" option on all 
> text files.
> thanks
>  -- ben
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Ben <funnelweb007 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:funnelweb007 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     We've been working on the F# bindings at
>     https://github.com/fsharp/fsharpbinding.
>     Things have progressed and the F# AddIn is now quite nice. It is
>     available in the AddIn Gallery for MonoDevelop 3.0.  You'll need
>     Mono 2.10.9 on the Mac, or to build and install
>     github.com/fsharp/fsharp <http://github.com/fsharp/fsharp> on Linux.
>     However we're stuck on on small thing: how to get automatic
>     tab-to-space conversion for the text/x-fsharp mime type. I've
>     tried adding a text style policy for this mime type but it didn't
>     seem to do the trick. It seems the text/plain policy is always used.
>     Ideally we would just force TabsToSpaces to always be false for
>     all F# files - that's all we need for now. We don't really need a
>     policy, or adjustable settings, or a GUI panel to adjust the
>     settings.  Indeed, if we could just find a suitable place in the
>     addin to hack the setting using
>          policy.TabsToSpaces <- false
>     then that would be enough. Unfortunately the StyledOptions has a
>     readonly TabsToSpaces property.
>     Any suggestions on how we can fix this?
>      -- ben
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