[MonoDevelop] MD segfault
alan.mcgovern at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 15:48:57 UTC 2012
This is a terminating exception, one we cannot catch and ignore. Would you
be able to file a bug on http://bugzilla.xamarin.com so we can track this
properly? The trace is perfect though, we should be able to fix the issue
using just this.
On 13 January 2012 20:49, Matt Calder <mvcalder at gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently posted about MD dieing suddenly. I tried catching output by
> running it from a terminal, but it is not clear that that output is
> relevant to diagnosing the problem. However, the last two times it died, I
> got a pop-up window telling me there was an error and it has a stack trace:
> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of
> an object
> at MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.MethodResolveResult.IsCompatible
> (IReturnType baseType, IReturnType type) [0x00039] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom/ResolveResult.cs:508
> at MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.MethodResolveResult.get_MostLikelyMethod ()
> [0x000ee] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom/ResolveResult.cs:451
> at MonoDevelop.CSharp.Resolver.TextEditorResolverProvider.CreateTooltip
> (MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Parser.ProjectDom dom, ICompilationUnit unit,
> MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ResolveResult result, System.String
> errorInformations, MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Output.Ambience ambience,
> ModifierType modifierState) [0x0018d] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/addins/CSharpBinding/MonoDevelop.CSharp.Resolver/TextEditorResolverProvider.cs:331
> at MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.LanguageItemWindow..ctor
> (MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.ExtensibleTextEditor ed, ModifierType
> modifierState, MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.ResolveResult result, System.String
> errorInformations, ICompilationUnit unit) [0x00031] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor/LanguageItemWindow.cs:53
> at
> MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.LanguageItemTooltipProvider.CreateTooltipWindow
> (Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor editor, Int32 offset, ModifierType
> modifierState, Mono.TextEditor.TooltipItem item) [0x0008e] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor/LanguageItemTooltipProvider.cs:70
> at Mono.TextEditor.TextEditor.TooltipTimer () [0x00129] in
> /home/calder/tmp/monodevelop/main/src/core/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor/TextEditor.cs:2462
> at GLib.Timeout+TimeoutProxy.Handler () [0x0000c] in
> /home/calder/tmp/gtk-sharp/glib/Timeout.cs:70
> It offers me the choice to upload it to Xamarin, when I click that it dies
> so I am sending the trace here. As it happens, I rebuilt MD from master
> today between the first time the error happened and the last time (the one
> generating the trace above). I hope this helps. Having MD die three or four
> times a day is like having a cold, it won't kill me, but life is not good.
> Matt
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