[MonoDevelop] How could I add a <Reference /> *specifying a path*, within a MonoDevelop 2.8 project template (.xpt.xml)?

Marcos Cobeña Morián mcobena at syderis.com
Mon Jan 16 10:04:42 UTC 2012


For instance, instead of

<Reference type="Gac" refto="System, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e" />

something similar to (already tested, doesn't work)

<Reference Include="MyAssembly">

Thanks so much!

*Marcos Cobeña Morián* > Project Manager > Syderis Technologies

mcobena at syderis.com > +34 955432481 > http://syderis.com/
Calle Arquitectura 2, torre 11, planta 7, módulo 11, 41015, Sevilla, España
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