[MonoDevelop] MacOSX Lion + MonoDevelop 2.8.2 + Mono for Android not installed
Miljenko Cvjetko
mcvjetko at holisticware.net
Wed Nov 9 14:50:17 EST 2011
On 2011.11.09 13:12, Alan wrote:
> Hi,
> That's great! I'm glad it's all working now. We have had reports that
> sometimes xcode moves the /Developer directory and when that happens
> MonoTouch and Mono for Android cannot be detected. This could've
> happened to you. As long as it's working now, it's all ok. Do let us
> know if you have any further issues!
Yes thank You very much...
Another questions:
1. just wanted to grab MonoDevelop.log and cut relevant stuff out and
send it to You.
log is 1kB and with only one timestamp in it... I could bet
yesterday it was more, but
I had to help guys out with other stuff on our project so I did not
copy/move log to
another place. Could it be that MonoDevelop or rebooting MacOSX did
with log?? This is not what I'd expect from any box to
hide/remove/wipe logs
in front of my nose....
2. I posted a question few days ago about snippet concept in MonoDevelop.
Can I reuse VS snippets and where to drop them? Are there separate
(code templates) system wide and per-user.
> Thanks,
No thank You one more time.
> Alan
> On 8 November 2011 12:04, Miljenko Cvjetko <mcvjetko at holisticware.net
> <mailto:mcvjetko at holisticware.net>> wrote:
> Hi
> see inline...
> On 2011.11.08 12:31, Alan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is actually the most bizarre issue I've ever seen. The code
>> path which throws the 'Mono for Android is not installed' error
>> is *identical* for the case where you open an existing project
>> and the case where you start a new project. The first time the
>> Mono for Android code is touched, a static constructor runs which
>> essentially verifies that the file
>> "/Developer/MonoAndroid//usr/lib/mandroid/Mono.Android.DebugRuntime-debug.apk"
>> exists, which it does.
>> However, if the file is *not* detected, then Mono for Android is
>> marked as not being installed and the information in the about
>> dialog will display "Mono for Android not installed", which yours
>> does. The code which populates the information in the about
>> dialog is https://gist.github.com/c29a1fd1aaf2bcbf2075 . The code
>> which pops up the error dialog is:
>> https://gist.github.com/b34533235d56f4382e28 . This variable is
>> only assigned to once so it is impossible for you to be unable to
>> open an existing project and yet able to create a new one unless
>> something has gone horrifically wrong in Mono.
> Our MacOSX guru took a bit time and deinstalled few things with
> AppZap... I believe only
> Mono4Android and MonoDevelop.
> Did reinstall and reboot after each install (just to be sure)...
> Now I can open ApiDemo.sln (old solution) w/o problems and it runs...
> Guru from above did fresh install of Lion, Xcode, AppleSDK and
> Monotouch.
> I have continued (with heavy fighting with kbd shortcuts, inverse
> mouse scrolling) MonoForAndroid
> installation, so it could be I did something wrong. I suspect that
> I tried to install more things
> at once so installation just went wrong.
> We'll keep You informed.
>> The log file should be found at
>> /Users/moljac/Library/Logs/MonoDevelop-2.8/MonoDevelop.log . You
>> missed the 'Logs' part of the path when you checked before. I'd
>> love a log file from immediately after you try to open an
>> existing project and it fails and also from when you create a new
>> android project and it doesn't throw an exception.
> Found it... Right now I'm on windoze box, so I'll send it tou You
>> If you can repeatedly get this issue when opening existing
>> projects I'll sort out a special debug build which contains
>> *much* more logging to try and figure out exactly what has gone
>> wrong.
> I believe this is not neccessary, because right now guys are
> testing and 4th-5th solution
> opened w/o problems.
> But log will be sent to You...
> thanks & regards
> mel
> --
> Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
> Direktor/CEO
> Projektant rješenja/Solution Architect
> Razvojni programer/Senior developer
> Voditelj projekta/Project Manager
> IX južna obala 13
> Kajzerica Zagreb
> T: 385 1 7775555
> M: 385 91 557 447 3
> F: 385 1 7779556
> e:mcvjetko at holisticware.net <mailto:mcvjetko at holisticware.net>
> w:http://www.holisticware.net
Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
Projektant rješenja/Solution Architect
Razvojni programer/Senior developer
Voditelj projekta/Project Manager
IX južna obala 13
Kajzerica Zagreb
T: 385 1 7775555
M: 385 91 557 447 3
F: 385 1 7779556
e: mcvjetko at holisticware.net
w: http://www.holisticware.net
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