[MonoDevelop] Activation code

Ian Norton inb at ncipher.com
Sat Jul 23 14:34:50 EDT 2011

You might want to contact xamarin

GREGORY AGATHANGELIDIS <thedogsofpavlov at me.com> wrote:

>Dear  all,
>I have some question about monodevelop.
>The my current version has the follow data:
>Release ID: 20402005
>Git revision: b7eeb779e1134c204f22d9fd5b6ebec4d758f60d
>Build date: 2011-04-22 22:48:43+0000
>I would like  to install the update:
>But I receive  prompt window which requires  my activation code.
>However I do't know how and where  to retrieve my activation code
>Please for any help
>Many thanks
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