[MonoDevelop] Setting Run on External Console doesn't

Matt Calder mvcalder at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 15:33:36 EST 2011

Just to add a little color, it appears not just the external console
but even command line arguments are ignored. I am able to run with
command line arguments using the "Run With" -> "Custom Parameters".
But, that does not allow me to pass custom parameters during
debugging. I should also add: Monodevelop 2.4.1.


On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Matt Calder <mvcalder at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to run an application on an external console. I have
> checked the boxes under the project's options, yet it stubbornly
> refuses to comply. Any ideas what is blocking this option's effect?
> Thanks,
> Matt

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