[MonoDevelop] GTK# version for dotNet - MonoDevelop under Windows XP

Stefano Canepa sc at linux.it
Fri Dec 30 11:33:08 EST 2011

louarnold  at "Thu, 29 Dec 2011 09:29:57 -0800 (PST)" wrote:
 l> I should add here that I tired to installed Mono for Windows
 l> (mono-2.10.8-gtksharp-2.12.11-win32-1.exe). In the process, the installed
 l> text said that GTK# 1.0.10 and 2.12.11 would be installed. When I then tried
 l> to install MonoDevelop-2.8.5.msi. I got the error message "Gtk# v 2.12.9 or
 l> greater must be installed."

 l> I guess there is a another bug. This is repeatable. 

monodevelop on Windows is a "native" GTK# application so it depends on
GTK# for .NET and .NET framework. It does not depends on mono, you can
use monodevelop to write your Windows application using WPF if you

If you want to install mono on Windows that you need to install package
mono-2.10.8-gtksharp-2.12.11-win32-1.exe, that, as its name suggests,
installs mono (.NET compatible free implementation) and it's GTK#. GTK#
compiled for mono are different from GTK# compiled for MS .NET
framework. If you like you can write your mono application using Visual
Studio or any another IDE you like.


Stefano Canepa aka sc: sc at linux.it - http://www.stefanocanepa.it
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)

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