[MonoDevelop] Why does MonoDevelop require .Net 4 on Windows?

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Thu Apr 28 23:54:22 EDT 2011

> I my group is in the middle of a research project for review mono for
> viability for porting our C, Java (on Linux and Unix) and C, C# products (on
> Windows) to Mono.  This means that Mono is important on Windows that we need
> to be able to run successfully in Mono on a Windows system, as well as on
> all our supported Linux and UNIX platforms.

It's a very uncommon use case we never considered - because .NET and 
mono are compatible. i suggest that the developer machines should just 
have a .NET4 + mono installed and that monodevelop targets the installed 
mono framework (as lluis recommended too). I don't see the drawback here.
You're right that this way (mono on windows) could be supported by the 
installer (it's nothing more) - when you've set up a mono only system 
xcopy deployment of monodevelop should run on that system with mono. 
Maybe that' s a way for you?

btw. is devleoping on linux an option ? (MonoDevelop runs best on linux 
- that's because gtk is native there)


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