[MonoDevelop] Trivializing MonoDevelop Add-In Development - need assistance on reference

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Fri Apr 15 00:43:44 EDT 2011


The documentation on our website 
(http://monodevelop.com/Developers/Articles) gives an overview about addins.
But for doing real world addins there is nothing better than 'just 
doing' an addin.
Grab an addin that does something like that what you're up to and copy 
the stuff the addin is doing and alter it to your needs
(monkey see, monkey do). The working addins are the best examples you 
can get.

If you've a more specific question we can help.

> I would like to trivialize MonoDevelop Add-In Development, so that we
> can make support for MonoDevelop in parallel to Visual Studio for T4
> abstractions library plugin.
> The example videos below describe abstracting and using abstraction to
> develop Office Add-In. It's similar to what the developer experience
> for MonoDevelop add-in will be.
> That is, the developer does not have to know anything of the details,
> but understand the architecture and what to plug in the add-in.
> http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=B3366B17004D5DB9
> The add-in trivialization would serve basis supporting MonoDevelop in
> parallel with Visual Studio for non-Windows platforms, but anyone
> could use it to develop MonoDevelop add-ins for any purpose.
> Would anyone be interested giving me a hand to understand the
> MonoDevelop add-in structure, the available documentation that I found
> did not have much examples.
> Br,
> Kalle
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