[MonoDevelop] How to remove errors messages
ibboard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 14:59:22 EDT 2010
It was one thing I wanted to look at and consider as well. I like the
fact that we get the errors now, but I found the notes a little
excessive compared to the little icons and underlines that you get in
While it could be argued either way as to whether showing the message is
good or bad (good because it is available straight away, bad because of
noise and the multi-line behaviour), I'm slightly on the bad side.
It is great that there's an innovative way to do it and that you're not
just copying other IDEs (as far as I know!) but I often quickly splice
code together, forget to match up variables and get a lot of errors for
undeclared variables that I instantly know what they are without reading
the error (a bit of a "oh yeah, I missed that" moment prompted by the
appearance of red in general). Maybe the move to using MCS is good
because a lot of those errors could be caught without a recompile, but
if not then I'd like to see a more compact option, if possible :)
On 15/09/10 16:15, Matt Calder wrote:
> Mike,
> Great, that was it. I suspected there was an obvious answer. I guess
> from an "improvement" perspective, the only thing I might ask is if
> the operation were a little more accessible (hot-key, right click menu
> (where?), or button) but really, I am happy with using the menu.
> Matt
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Mike Krüger <mkrueger at novell.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> How about the command in the main menu: View -> Message bubbles -> Hide
>> message bubbles ?
>> I for myself just recompile in that case (I recompile just the project
>> that I work on).
>> You can turn them individually off in the context menu of the icon bar
>> at the left. If you've better ideas for that I would like to hear them -
>> I always want to improve the user experience.
>> Regards
>> Mike
>>> All,
>>> Perhaps I am missing something obvious. After a build in which errors
>>> occur, the editing window has the error messages in little message
>>> windows at the point of the error. These are of course extremely
>>> helpful most of the time. However, sometimes they are in the way. That
>>> is, once the error is understood the error message visually impedes
>>> the editing process of correcting the error. Is there some way to tell
>>> the editor to stop displaying (clear) build error messages from the
>>> latest build?
>>> Matt
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