[MonoDevelop] Projects that compile on Xbuild don't work in Monodevelop

Lluis Sanchez Gual slluis.devel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 13:39:04 EDT 2010

El dt 26 de 10 de 2010 a les 07:08 -0700, en/na vinay_rk va escriure:
> Hi, 
> I have certain projects that I have gotten to build successfully using
> XBuild. But when I open the csproj files on MonoDevelop, it seems to not
> recognize many of the references. What is the compiler that mondevelop uses
> to compile projects ? Is it different from XBuild ? If so what can be done
> to get the projects to compile in Monodevelop ?

MonoDevelop has its own build system, which predates xbuild. We are
moving to xbuild as build engine, but that's not yet the default. You
can enable xbuild support in Edit -> Preferences -> Build -> General.


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