[MonoDevelop] Problems with implicit conversions in Mono 4.0

Sérgio Estêvão sergioestevao at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 11:47:45 EDT 2010

Hi All,

I'm having the following problem with Mono 4.0 ( 2.8.0). I have the class
called Real (check attachment)
that has an implicit cast between Real and float.
 The problem is when I try to compare a Real with a float, like in the
following example:

       Real a = 10.0;
       float b = 5.0f;
       if ( a >= b) {

 I get the following error:

 Error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or
properties: `Axiom.Math.Real.operator >=(Axiom.Math.Real, Axiom.Math.Real)'
and `float.operator >=(float, float)' (CS0121) (Axiom.2010)

This doesn't happen with Mono 3.5 and with Microsoft .Net 4.0

Any ideas?

Sérgio Estêvão

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