[MonoDevelop] Extra Nunit tests shown and failing on mono 2.8 for windows

Lluis Sanchez Gual slluis.devel at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 07:02:18 EDT 2010

Please file a bug (monodevelop.com/bugs) with a test application we can
use to reproduce the problem.

El dv 15 de 10 de 2010 a les 07:35 -0700, en/na dman1264 va escriure:
> Hello I am doing one test in NUnit GUI for windows I get the following
> results
> http://mono.1490590.n4.nabble.com/file/n2997137/nunittestswin.jpg 
> When I run this same test from monodevelop nunit interface I get the
> following
> http://mono.1490590.n4.nabble.com/file/n2997137/monotests.jpg 
> The test passes on MAc os X and Open SUSE linux
> My question is does anyone know how mono develop loads its tests and why I
> would have the extra tests listed?
> The test passes when I use .net instead of MONO 2.8 on windows platform.
> Also the test passes when I perform it from the nunit-console runner any
> ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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