[MonoDevelop] Move propertgrid to gtk-sharp

Federico Di Gregorio federico.digregorio at dndg.it
Tue Oct 12 03:31:09 EDT 2010

On 12/10/2010 00:35, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Tomasz Kubacki
> <tomasz.kubacki at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I've always considered propertygrid in winforms as one of the most
>> > useful controls.
>> >
>> > There is already this kind of control in Monodevelop, but it has strong
>> > dependencies on other Monodevelop components. Why not move it
>> > to gtk-sharp? This kind of component really speeds up gui development.
>> > Would it be hard to do ? What do you think ?
> GTK# is just a wrapper for GTK widgets - new widgets should go in
> another library. The MD propertygrid should be very easy to extract
> from MD, for anyone who's interested in doing so.

It would be nice to also have other generic MonoDevelop Gtk-related
stuff in an external library: I am thinking about the exception dialog,
the docking system and so on.


Federico Di Gregorio                         federico.digregorio at dndg.it
Studio Associato Di Nunzio e Di Gregorio                  http://dndg.it
              monja: che c'entra, l'importante è sapersi usare -- <dani>

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