[MonoDevelop] Random questions to adjust MD

Elsass Philippe philippe.elsass at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 14:55:43 EDT 2010

Fantastic, I changed the completion mode and word breaking mode and
it's now really closer than my expectations of a good code editor ;)

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 1:42 AM, Michael Hutchinson
<m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Elsass Philippe
> <philippe.elsass at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I started using MD on Mac, while being a regular VS user on PC (I hope
>> you're cool with that).
>> I'd like to adjust a few things to become really comfortable but I
>> fail to find where/how.
>> 1. I'm used to press Ctrl+Backspace to cleanup useless whitespace
>> before cursor - but in MD it will remove the whitespace AND the first
>> word found, regardless of punctuation. ie. it doesn't stop at the
>> first curly brace or semicolon. This is not right imho, and it's
>> driving me nuts :)
> Try switching the "word breaking mode" to "SharpDevelop" - this is a
> more windows-like word boundary algorithm.
>> 2. Where can I edit reformater rules?
> Depends. The "Default Policies" dialog can be used to edit the
> settings that will be used for new projects, but once projects are
> created, the settings are stored in the solution to ensure consistency
> between different users. You can edit them in the solution options (or
> even override at the project level).
> Yes, I know it's a bit unintuitive - we need to add controls for
> applying the defaults to the current solution. Not sure how else we
> could make it more usable - if you have suggestions, please file a bug
> report.
>> 3. I'd like to insert the completion list token on Enter keypress too
>> - is it possible?
> Ensure your list is in "completion mode". Like VS2010, the list has
> two modes - "suggest" and "complete". You can distinguish between them
> by whether the item in the list is selected, or merely outlined. When
> an item is outlined ("suggestion") only tab will commit it. When it's
> selected, enter, punctuation and space will all commit it.
> By default the list is in completion mode. The purpose of completion
> mode is that you should (almost) never have to explicitly complete,
> you just hit your next space or punctuation or whatever and carry on.
> However, sometimes the list might not contain what you want to type,
> in which case it becomes annoying. In these cases, you can use
> suggestion mode, and sometimes the completion engine may pop up the
> list in suggestion mode automatically because it knows it cannot
> provide a "complete" list.
> If you prefer suggestion mode by default, or you want to use
> suggestion mode temporarily (for example, using symbols before
> actually defining them) you can toggle it explicitly using
> opt-shift-space or the edit menu.
> Anyway, short answer, you probably toggled suggestion mode on
> accidentally, please toggle it off :)
>> 4. Are there plans to improve the UI to look better under Mac/Win? I
>> don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or be flamed but there is really
>> room for improvement.
> Where we see opportunities to do so relatively easily, yes. For
> example, I have recently implemented native file dialogs on Mac.
> --
> Michael Hutchinson
> http://mjhutchinson.com


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