[MonoDevelop] Creating a MD project using an existing project

Thierry Lafage thierry.lafage at inria.fr
Thu Mar 25 11:46:56 EDT 2010


I'm quite new to monodevelop, and I'm trying to use it to make up 
monodevelop projects (inside a "solution") from csharp files which are 
part of an existing project. My existing projects have Makefiles which 
are generated by configure and it seems that monodevelop does not manage 
to use them to make its representation of the project...

I've seen documentation on how to make a monodevelop project from 
scratch (in http://monodevelop.com/Documentation), but I did not find 
anything on how to make a monodevelop project from existing files.

I should have missed something: could anyone help?

Thierry Lafage.

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