[MonoDevelop] F# addin

Vasili I. Galchin vigalchin at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 20:41:39 EDT 2010


   I think I understand your instructions. In any case, here is what I did:

1) I started MonoDevelop 2.2.2 via "make run"

2) I selected F# console project ..... "Console1"

3) A rudimentary F# console project script was created

4) I did a "Build All" whereupon monodevelop was hung.

5) Based on LoggingService:LogInfos I added to
FSharpBindingCompilerManager.cs in particular "DoCompilation" method:

                        pinfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                        pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                        pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

LoggingService.LogInfo("KICK OFF FSC!!");  // WNH

                        MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw =
Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (pinfo, outwr, errwr, null);
LoggingService.LogInfo("Kicked off!");  // WNH     <<<<<< get this LogInfo!!!!
LoggingService.LogInfo("after wait!");  // WNH     <<<<<< never get
this LogInfo!!
                        int exitCode = pw.ExitCode;
                        pw.Dispose ();
                        return exitCode;

I can pretty conclusively infer that the "fsc" never sends "process
exit" event. Hence we are waiting indefinitively on the

I did "pid" checking at this point:

vasili at Komputer:/usr/bin$ ps -aef | grep fsc
vasili    2684  1683  0 19:25 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto fsc
vasili at Komputer:/usr/bin$ fsc    <<< RUN FSC WHILE MONODEVELOP IS
HUNG!!! MonoDevelop UNHANGS when fsc is run from kubuntu shell
Microsoft (R) F# 2.0 Compiler build
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

error FS0207: No inputs specified
vasili at Komputer:/usr/bin$ ps -aef | grep fsc
vasili    2690  1683  0 19:26 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto fsc

So Lluis this seems 1) no fsc process hanging around when monodevelop
is hung 2) only running a fsc instance from shell instance unhangs
MonoDevelop instance. Any ideas??

I think you will agree I have spent time reading MonoDevelop code
including "core" code to get where I am now.


On 3/22/10, Lluis Sanchez Gual <slluis.devel at gmail.com> wrote:
> If the fsc process is hung, there is a way of seeing where is it hung.
> Start MD from a terminal and make it compile a project. Once the fsc
> process is running, find out what's its process id, and in a terminal
> run: 'kill -QUIT id'. This will print the stack traces of the process.
> Notice that the traces will be printed in the MD terminal, not in the
> terminal where you ran 'kill'.
> El dg 21 de 03 de 2010 a les 01:42 -0500, en/na Vasili I. Galchin va
> escriure:
>> Hi Nikhil,
>>     If you want to help me at this point, you can am make suggestions
>> on why I am not getting a process exit event from fsc
>> ...MonoDevelop.Core.Execution:ProcessWrapper.cs =>
>>                 public void WaitForOutput (int milliseconds)
>>                 {
>>                         CheckDisposed ();
>>                         WaitForExit (milliseconds);   <<<< why am I
>> potentially not getting this event??
>>                         WaitHandle.WaitAll (new WaitHandle[]
>> {endEventOut});  << OR maybe this??
>>                 }
>>                 public void WaitForOutput () <<<<<
>>                 {
>>                         WaitForOutput (-1);    <<<<< no timeout!!!!!
>>                 }
>> The above method (the lower overloaded method) is called from
>> FSharpBindingCompilerManager.cs (my version of the CSharp .cs!):
>> LoggingService.LogInfo("KICK OFF FSC!!");  // WNH
>>                         MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ProcessWrapper pw =
>> Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess (pinfo, outwr, errwr, null);
>> LoggingService.LogInfo("Kicked off!");  // WNH
>>                         pw.WaitForOutput();
>> LoggingService.LogInfo("after wait!");  // WNH    <<<< I never receive
>> this
>> I am currently using:
>> MonoDevelop 2.2.2
>> Mono
>> fsc: 2.0 build
>> Vasili
>> On 3/19/10, nikhil sarda <diff.operator at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I would be really interested in collaborating with you on the F# addin.
>> > Could you pass on the code to me so I can take a look?
>> > Thanks a lot
>> > Nikhil Sarda
>> >
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