[MonoDevelop] role of /MonoDevelop/ProjectModel/MSBuildItemTypes xml element?
Lluis Sanchez Gual
slluis.devel at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 07:29:01 EST 2010
El dc 10 de 03 de 2010 a les 16:01 -0600, en/na Vasili I. Galchin va
> Hello,
> What is the role of this element?
This element registers a new MSBuild project type.
> How do I generate a guid for a currently unsupported language?
If you want to be able to open F# projects created with Visual Studio,
you should use the same guid VS is using, which is
To get this guid, I created a new F# project with VS 2010. In the .sln
file, there is one line like this:
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "ConsoleApplication2", "ConsoleApplication2\ConsoleApplication2.fsproj", "{38CFFCBD-67CE-4023-8C35-15DDD8C6A3D4}"
The first guid is the id of the project type (F#). That's the one to be
registered for F# project types in MD.
> What is the role of "import" sub element?
That 'import' attribute specifies the MSBuild 'targets' file that has to
be imported in the .fsproj project file. A 'targets' file contains
commands and rules for building a project, so they are
To be compatible with Visual Studio, it should be
"$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\..\Microsoft F#\v4.0
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