[MonoDevelop] Trouble running unit tests

Jay DeBoer jaydeboer at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 22:54:09 EDT 2010

Hello all,
	I am brand new to Mono so if this is a total noob question I apologize in advance.  I am running Monodevelop 2.4 on on Mac OS X 10.6.4.  Just a few days ago I had managed to get a couple of unit tests written and running just fine.  Now when I come back to it today, the test list view either just gives me some "(Load Failed)" message in the Unit Tests view.  I have closed and reopened MonoDevelop, built, rebuilt, cleaned....  Some times it will actually show me the list of tests, but when I try to execute them, MonoDevelop states it is on 0 of 4 tests, but never gets beyond that point.  Then it just quits trying with no errors or anything.   To make matters worse, I am new to the Mac as well so I am struggling to find where they could be hiding any logs or anything that may help shed light on to this issue.

Thanks for the help,


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